ft k r f w - tv i 4 U N V1 it ir - fe f PJ K fU i 1 v f if y Old Dutch Cleanser Will Be I Welcome In Every Home i Because it keeps the house from cellar to attic in spick and span condition and sav es the housewife labor time trouble and expense Just you try it 10 Per Can K X7a 43f Washing Dishes WithoutBrudgery Place dishes in pan of warm water sprinkle a little Old Dutch Cleanser on dish cloth dont put the cleanser in water and wash each piece put in sec ond pan to drain rinse in clean water and wipe dry Easier quicker and hygienic no caus tic or acids not a soap powder Old Dutch Cleanser will re move the hardest burnt in crust from pots and pans without the old time scalding and scraping deans Scrubs Stsours Polishes Marriage Licenses The following licenses have been issued since our last report Frank Johnson 26 and Elva Dres cher 19 both of Cedar Bluffs Kansas Married by county judge Sept 14 1910 Harley E Wooldridge 23 and An na Cain 20 both of McCook John D Wright of Wauntea 45 and Mrs Susie May Obeli 43 of Greeley Colo Married by county judge Sept 13 1910 George H Richard 24 and Anna Kivlighn 20 both of Orleans Mar ried by county judge Sept 7 1910 Fay L Searl 23 and Myrtle Lu kins 19 both of Arapahoe Married by county judge Sept 7 1910 Hugh Kelly 26 and Maude Louise McBrayer 23 both of McCook When Merit Wins When the medicine you take cures your diseases tones up your system and makes you feel better stronger and more vigorous than before That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you in all cases of backache head ache nervousness loss of appetite sleeplessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder A McMillen COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday FOR BALD HEADS znr s irr j A Treatment That Costs Nothing if It Fails We want you to try three large bottles of Rexall 93 Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does not give you absolute satisfac tion Thats proof of our faith in this remedy and it should indis putably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Rexall 93 Hair Tonic will grow hair on bald heads except where baldness lias been of such long duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead the follicles closed and grown over and the scalp is glazed Remember we are basing our state ments upon what has already been accomplished by the use of Rexall 93 Hair Tonic and we have the right to assume that what it has done for thousands of others it will do for you In any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a trial on our hbci al guarantee Two sizes 50c and 100 Remember you can ob tain Rexall Remedy in this community only at our store The Rexall Store L V McComitll Advertised List The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the postoffice Letters Miss Pearl Anderson Mrs Alice Craig Eddie Cellie Mr Will Cox Mr and Mrs Hick Doans J M Ferrell Mr C C Gruer Mike Reilly Jacob Unger Cards Mr C C Ayers W M Bush Mrs Bruce Donaven Miss Ora Harris Miss Katie Hine Otto Kncuff Mrs Sim Potts Mrs Stella Raichart When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster Are You Using It Too Right now there is considerable talk about a remarkable perfect cleanser that does its work thorough ly rapidly and easily Several hun dred thousand women know of it and use it daily It is Old Dutch Cleans er If you are not using it you owe it to yourself to at least try it It lightens your work and gives imme diate results Old Dutch Cleanser will clean scrub scour and polish and theres not a room in the house in which it cant be used as a clean er for some article No acids caus tics alkali or grit Brightens the house and your disposition too One thorough trial will tell A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is interested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune The following are included in the 1911 beet contract mailed to this of fice by Mr Swan manager of the American Beet Sugar Co Beets 500 per ton Seed 10c per pound Beets siloed 50c per ton extra Seed will be furnished free for re planting if beets are killed by frost Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during September Be pre pared for it Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is prompt and effectual It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take For sale by all dealers I have a world of confidence in Chamberlains Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success writes Mrs M I Basford Poolesville Ma For sale by all dealers Not Going Out of Business But Selling Goods Right Quaker Corn Flakes 4 pack 25c Baking Powder 10 oz 8c 15 oz 12c 25 oz 20c Former 25c Coffee now 20c Laundry Soap 10 bars 25c Coal Oil gal 10c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at all times Choice Country Butter 25c Bring your cream and get cash on delivery Yours for Bus D MAGNER Prop iitlitor 1 nan mini iiwi VI -v E jl lw 1 mi rr 1 r B2Xa g 7 m m y ki j wff 4JJi II7IIWW1MH m 1 -- Till IIWH Ml mi i IMW I 1 1 1 1MBI ll I Mendacious dent Aldrich rose to tne height of hs power always on good terms with Roosevelt it was Roosevelt who in 190G wrote an open etter urging the re election of Speaker Cannon against whom mutterings had then begun to rise it was Roosevelt who asked Har riman to come to the White House secretly who took hts money to buy votes in New York and who after wards wrote to My Tfcar Sherman yes the same Sherman reviling the capitalist to whom he bad previously written saying You and I are prac tical men The Evening Pont Is not in itself suf ficiently important to warrant an an swer but as rerreo anting a class with whose hostility it is necessary to reck on in any genuin e movement for de cent government It is worth while to cpeak of it TWre are plenty of wealthy people In this country and of Intellectual hangers on of wealthy peo rle who are delighted to engage in an movement for reform which does not touch the wickedness of certain great corporations and of certain men of great wealth People of this class will b in favor of any aesthetic move ment they will favor any movement against the amall grafting politician against the grafting labor leader or any man of that stamp but they can not be trusted the minute that the re form assumeB sufficient dimensions to Jeopardize so much of the established order of things aa gives an unfair and Improper advantage to the great cor poration and to those directly and In directly responsive to its wishes and dopendent upon it The Evening Post and papers of the same kind and the people whose views they represent would favor attacking a gang of small bosees who wish to control the Re publican party but they would as the Evening Post has shown far rather see these small bosses win than see a movement triumph which aims not merely at the overthrow of the small political boss but xt depriving the corporation of its Improper Influence over politics depriving the man of wealth of any advantage beyond that whioh belongs to him as a simple American citizen They would be against corporations only after such corporations had been caught In the crudest kind of criminality I have never for one moment count ed upon the support of the Evening Post or of those whom it represents in the effort for cleanliness and de cency within the Republican party be cause the Evening Post would support such a movement only on condition that It was not part of a larger move ment for the bettermont of social con ditions But thiB Is not all In the struggle for honest politics there Is no more a place for a liar than there is for the thief and In a movement de signed to put an end to the dominion of the thief but HtUe good can be de rived from the assistance of the liar Of course objection will be made to my use of this language My answer is that I am using it merely scientifi cally and descriptively and because no other terms express the facts with the necessary precision In the ar ticle In which the Evening Post comes Journalism Keprlntcd from an article liy Theodore Roosevelt In The Outlook bv special irrungeBieiU with The Outlook of which Theodore Roosevelt Is Conflbutin Copyright 1310 by lue Outlook Company All Riirhta ReaorvecL In the New York Evenirjj Post of Friday August 26 there appeared In an editorial article the following state ments I will make the corporations come to time shouted Roosevelt to the mob But did he not really mean that he would make them come down with the cash to elect him a3 he did before For a man with Mr Roose velts proved record It is simply dis gusting humbug for him to rant about the co-T-orations upon whose treasur ers he wned when he was president and wa rd their money for his cam paign Dpcs be think that nobody has a merory which goes back to the life Insurance investigations and that everybody has forgotten the 50000 taken from widows and orphans and added to Theodore Roosevelts polit ical corruption fund Did he not take a big check from the Beef trust and glad to get it And now he is going to make the corporations come to time One can have res - n s cere radical for an hone -- fr an agitator or levelor n that he is doing Gods M ft -hard to be patient wit -1 v talks big but acts mean - -- 0 aways to the main ov and who lets no friends - - - eroslty no principle no prn i stand for a moment hptv - - and the goal upon which in pr his overmastering ambitfor This champion of purit - for political virtue is the - was for years when in hand in glove with the worst poili -al corruptionists of his day who toau to Piatt who praisec Quay who paid court to Hanna unver him as presi to the defense of those In present con trol of the Republican party in New York state whom it has afcctrd to oppose in the past the Evening Post throurh whatever editor personally I wrote the article practised every known form of mendacity Probably the Evening Po3t regards the doealociift as ontwnrnr hnt If It oct pud bacst Me wpn be i t for he vo tlo come let - oh I Md Ty n o Up -- c qIJqv t t irve fr I rif Q e41 tn VOIJ Jig X i 1 I cr c i as hjere Vit T i lfVn to see you some time before T rfloeqTjrQ j am quoting without the letter before me but tho qaozto i tp ctibstintialy If not ver bally accurate That statement in this letter to Harriman is of course on its face absolutely incompatiblo with any thorrht that I was asking hini for campaign funds for It Is of course out of the onestion that I coud tell him enually well what I had to say after election if it referred in any j nosclhle wav to getting money bofo o election This is so ceir that any I prepense of misunderstanding is proof j positive of the basest dishonesty in whoever wrot the artiee In qupton As a matter of fact when Mr sought to inflame the mob and make mischief In those speeches tho prime stand I took was against mob violence as shown by tho labor people who are engaged In controversy with a corporation My statement was In effect that the firat duty of the state and the first duty of the ofilclali was to put down disorder and to put down mob violence and that after iuch action had been taken then It wan the duty of officials to Investigate the cor poration and if It had done wrong to make It pay the penalty of its wrongs and to provide against the wrongdo ing in the future It is but another Instance of the peculiar baseness the peculiar moral obliquity of the Dro ning Post that it should pervert tho truth In so shameless a fashion THEODORE R008EVELT Cheyenne Wyo August 27 1310 The Only Way Why did he leave all his money to the black sheep of the1 family He said the other children were too good to go to Ja41 Well VAnd he wanted to fix lt so tha black sheep would be too rich Little i i Pas Idea of It Willie Say pa what 13 pride Pa Pride my son is walking with a gold headed cane irhcn you are -not lame GREAT SALT LAKE An Immense Fresh Vater Sea Some Thousands of Years Ago Ill glachit fiims Great Salt hike was a lnagniliccnt fresh water lake the size of Lake Huron that is about 18000 square miles and had its outlet into the Port Neuf the Snake and the Co lumbia rivers This was at least 10000 years ago but since that time the cli mate has licoine arid and not enough water lias fallen over the Great basin to supply that lost by evaporation Consequently the lake has ceased to now from Its outlet and gradually dried up from over a thousand teet deep to lifteon foot and from 1SHM square miles in area to less than 1700 It is now seventy miles long and about tliirtv wide but is beautiful still and is the home of inriuls of sea birds and other waterfowl It is the reat resort of the people of Utah for from Hli to visit its shores daily in the summer and many bathe in its waters The lake contains about 70COOIHUHIO tons r salt When the lake is high the salt is so diluted that it lias gone down to 1 1 ier cent When it is low as it was not many years ago it reached satura tion which for the mixed ingredients of the water is 50 per cent There is nothing mysterious about it any more than there would be about a r up with a teasioonful of salt in the bottom If a tablespoonful of water were put in the cup on the salt lt wId but if the rste Vlr V I will turn to it and read the eighth and ninth CUP were tic1 to tie l1im win WJler commandments It will see that bearing false witness is condemned t 5t would uot as strongly as theft Itself To take but The salt llls comp from tle utpr of one instance out of the many in this j the rivers Mowing into lt since it article the Evening Post says It ceased to flow from its outlet All was Roosevelt who asked Ha rlman to river water contains salt ami the au come to the White House sacretly nual evaporation of from two to five who took his money to buy votes in j cubic miles of this water leaves large New York and who afterwards wrote i quantities of salt behind and so it bar to My Dear Sherman yes the same accumulated for thousands of years Sherman reviling the capitaMst to whom he had previously written say ing You and I are practical men Not only is every important statement in this sentence false but the writer who wrote it knew it was false As -- t was concerned every man - - ife House openly and Tr T r the others I took ro -- Harriman o o - or for v n T wrot9 o arti - t in ourFon -it - A DREAM JOURNEY It Was a Very Long One but It Teak Only a Few Minutes Dreams are curious tilings re marked the amateur psychologist Time does not seem to enter into their composition at all For instance the other day I was sitting on the porch of a hotel with a friend of mine smoking after lunch It was a o sy day and conversation lagged Pres ne tiD ently I saw my friend nodding in his chair He had dozed off holding his lighted cigar in his left hand which was foded over his right His left hand relaxed aud the end of the cigar came in gentle contact with the right hand inflicting u slight burn The devil it wont exclaimed my friend waking with a start The sentence sounded so incongru ous that I burst out laughing Wont what I asked How long have I been asleep he asked Not more than a couple of min utes 1 replied It doesnt seem possible he said During that time 1 had a dream that pretty nearly took me around the world I sailed for Southamptou did England France Switzerland and a part of Italy then through the orient to India It was in India that 1 he- mn caIed it was to complain that the i came much interested in one of the national committee would not turn over for the use of the state cam pa en in which be was interested funds to run that campaign and to ak me to tell Cortelyou to give him atd for the state campaign Mr Cor telyou is familiar with the facta In other words the statement of the Eve ning Post is not only false and mali cious is not only in direot contradic tion of the facts but is such that it could only have been made by a man who knowing the facts deliberately intended to pervert them Such an set stands on a level of Infamy with the worst act ever performed by a corrupt member of the legislature or city official and stamps the writer with the same moral brand that stamps the bribe taker I have seen only a telegraphic ab stract of the article apparently con taining qnof tions from It Practical ly every statement made In these quotations is n falsehood To but one more shall I allude Tha article speaks of my having attacked corporations and referring directly to my Ohio speeches of my having native snake charmers He had the snakes crawling ail over him and of fered me one to fondle I told him 1 was afraid it would bite me He as sured me that it wouldnt and I took the reptile in my hand It promptly fastened its fangs in me I said The devil it wont and dropped it aud then I woke up I explained the episode of the light ed cigar concluded the amateur psy chologist and we both laughed Sew York Suu Southeys Industry Southey probably deserves to rank as the most industrious of authors In the greater part of his life be spent fourteen hours a daj in composition He had six tables in his library He wrote poetry at one history at anoth er criticism at a third and so on with the other subjects upon which he was engaged He once described to Mme de Stael the division of his time two hours before breakfast for history two hours for reading after two hours for the composition of poetry two boun for criticism and so on through all bis working day And pray Mr South ey asked madam when do you think London Chronicle Come Across Do these Englishmen understand American slang Some of them do Why My daughter is to be married iu London and the duke has just cabled me to come across Well Does he want mo or my wad Philadelphia Bulletin Two Tales In One Six-year-old Georges father had tak en him to a circus and that night the mother asked her little son what he had seen Mamma said George all excite ment I saw a great big Mphant with two tails and he was eatin with one of em St Louis Times Sarahs Request Doctor to his cook who is just leav ing Sarah I am very sorry but I can only give you a very indifferent character Sarah Well sir never mind Just write it like you do your prescriptions Stray Stories Justice discards party friendship and kindred and is therefore represent ed as blind AddNnu SSSfigg Americas Greatest Weekly The TOLEDO BLADE Toledo Ohio The Best Known Newspaper in the United States CIRCULATION 240000 Popular in Every State No Whiskey Advertising The seventrr year of its isteiic Iiras the Toledo Blade raoro pojular t ai at an period of its re markable career It is now read each week by more than a million yeopli its field is not circumscribed by siata boundries but involves die length and breadth of the United States giving it an unqaestionabl5 risht of claiming to be the greatest national weekly newspaper in the country The Weekly Blade is distinctly a family newspaper The one object of its publishers has always been to make it fit for the American home for the fireside and of interest to every member of the family To fulfil this purpose it is kept clean and whole some The news of the world is handled in a comprehensive maimer and the various departments of the Blade are edited with painstaking care The household page is a de light to the women and children current affairs are treated editor ially witt out prejudice the serial stories are selected with the idea of pleasing the greatest number of fiction lovers the Question Bureau is a scrapbook of information tin Farmstead columns are conducted with the purpese of giving the patrons a medium for the exchange of ideas and information on farm topics No department is neglected but every feature is taken care of with the idea of making The Blade worth many times the price of subscription one dollar a year Sample copies mailed free Ad dress THE BLADE Toledo Ohio Mrs Jacob Wilmert Lincoln 111 found her way back to perfect health She writes I suffered with kidney trouble and backache and my appetite was very poor at times A few weeks ago I got Foleys Kidney Pills and gave them a fair trial They gave me great relief so continued till now I am again in perfect health A McMillen Subscribe the year F E Whitney Office First Door South of DeGrofts JjleL for The Tribute 100 Walter Hosier WHITNEY HOSIER Draymen Prompt Services Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Phones I3and Black 244 1 2 S jKe waisjii DEALER IH POULTRY EGGS 9 Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash 1 New location just across rl r Crtntr strootin P Walsh building 1UUK fjd r MH - - OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijjmrra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Communica tions strictly coulldentlal HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest acency for securing patents Patents taken throuch SInnn Co receive tpeeial notice without charge lathe Scientific Biies scnti A handsomely Illustrated weekly Jjirsrest cir culation of any scientific journal Terms 3 a year four months L Sold by all newsdealers ryUNNCo3G1BfoaPl3wYcr Branch Ottice 623 F SU Washington D U