The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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- i
constant wearing
of Nettle ton
Shoes begins
with the first
Viersen Osborn
1 13 W B Repairing
Mis P S Heaton and children are
now homo
Mrs Fred W Bosworth is down
from Denver on a visit
Mrs A F Drebert returned home
first of the week from an absence in
the east of several weeks
Mrs Belle McFadden of Holyoke
Colorado is in the city visiting her
sister Mrs George Brooks
Mrs N W Rowell of Afton Iowa is
visiting in the city guest of Mrs S
A Eowell at 1002 2nd street east
Mrs R J Gunn and children who
have been spending several weeks
in Denver with her parents have re
turned home
Misses Lottie and Pearl Beatty of
Auburn Nebraska have been spend
ing the past two weeks visiting Mc
Cook relatives Will shortly return
to Auburn where they are employed
in a department store
Fatally Injured
The little 3-year-old daughter of B
W Benjamin of Grant precinct was
fatally injured last Saturday by play
mates They were swinging a rope
to the end of which was attached an
iron stake The little girl was struck
on the side of the head by the iron
stake fracturing the skull from
which the little one died on Tues
day of this week Interment was
made in Riverview cemetery this city
Wednesday afternoon The bereav
ed parents have the profoundest sym
pathy in this tragic affliction
Enjoy A November Breeze
while getting a shave hair cut sham
poo etc Such a luxury is assured all
who patronize E M Days barber
shop with its electric fan and other
up to date equipment
to have some of
those funny
country pictur
es taken but
you dont want
to give them to
your friends
When you pre
sent any make
the gift one of
our arti stic
Then it will be
given a place of
honor Then it
will be shown
to all visitors
with pride and
friendly c o m
ment Then it
will remind the
recipient of you
as you are when
you look your
best and love
E Schell Kimmtll
1st Door R Com Hotel Red 428
filmif 1 1 IMlJiawli
Vi 111 -
7 KM X M
with but a fair attendance
The cub decided to boost the corn
show and appointed F M Kimmpll
L W McConnell and H C Clapp to
collaborate with Miss Elizabeth Pet
tcher county superintendent in the
matter deciding also to givo generous
financial assistance to this commend
able o terprice of the c unty schools
In recognition of the splendid sprvices
of ephen Bolles Sr of Box Elder
and of William Hiersekorn of Lebanon
in preparing and making the county ex
hibit at Lincoln stat fair the club
voted their thanks and extended them
the c urtesies of the club
Club instru ted the house commit e
to add one Democratic and one Republi
can state daily and both local papers to
the reading table of the club room
The automobile road committee re
ported that Washington and Yuma
counties Colorado would make auto
mobile roads up the Nebraska state
line and the committeo hopod tosecuie
the cooperation of Dundy and Hitch
c ck counties in Nebraska to extend
thii road on east to Red Will w coun
ty when the work will be advanced in
this county
The sugar beet factory committee
made a favorable report Stating that
a general officer of The Great Western
Sugar Co some time since looked over
this field and stated that he believed
that that company would eventually
locate a factory in the Republican val
ley in this neighborhood
The time you recognize that you
need something from a drug store is
the time to get it no matter whether
you are able to go for it or not Just
telephone1o us and have it delivered
You cant get better goods or more
careful service than ours Those who
order by phone have precisely o
careful service as though they came
in person
L W McCONNBLL Druggist
State Guard Inspection
The annual inspection of the Ne
braska national guard as required by
law will be made by General John C
Hartigan adjutant general or Major
E H Phelps assistant adjutant gen
eral at 800 oclock p m on the fol
lowing dates
Company M First infantry McCook
Saturday October 22nd
There will be no Derby at
the Red Willow county fair this fall
and all the long races are cut out
So positively none of Plourds run
ners will be at the fair
Gathered in the Alleys
Old rags picked up anywhere and
shredded in a machine form the con 1
tents of most factory comforts Buy
homemade clean cotton filled com
G Co Utmost value
Use McMillens Cream
Lotion for chapped face and hands
Once tried always used
A McMILLEN Druggist
Subscribe for The Tribune
The Pair of Pinks Temple the
atre Sept 22
The Hunchback Temple theatre i
September 2Gth
If you feel you want to be shown
ST sagR
Had the
Bet Exhibit
tfr il
of County
School Work
County Supt Lettcher is experi
to tnis iieia ior anotner year
SW1 li1
V 1
-- -- Jk
- i
m I
advantage window shades 25c and 35c Stetson
In speaking of her performance in
Kansas City The Kansas City Star said
It was in tt e play of The Hunch
back that Miss Stewart made a de
cided hit after she had appeared per
fectly in several scenes her reception
in the third act amounted to almost an
hats 3G9 We save you from 10
to 25 The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
The Ward Yokes Show Coming
Harry Ward and his company of
votes making his majority 220 in
stead of 216
Bishop Graves Resigns
Bishop Graves of Kearney who has
held the office of bishop of the dis
trict continuously for more than twenty-three
years last Saturday at the
Holdrege convocation announced his
Select Committee Officers
The Renub ican nominees at a recent
bership and without the church and
meeting selected a chairman and a sec
they will join The Tribune in express- retary of the Republican county central
ions of regret that he will not return their choice falling on t at
Commercial Club Meets j May Stewart We Sell Obituary
There was a regular meeting of the who is com ng to the Temple theatre Fleischers German knitting yarn in Marie Isabelle Hatcher daughter
j Commercial club Tueday evening I Monday night Sept 20 in the roman- Quarter pound skeins for 25c Best of Albert and Mary Lang was born
tic comedy The Hunchback will prints iac 50 styles dress near Bartley Nebraska March 18
probably break all theatr cal records as hams at 10c Best apron ginghams 1889 and departed this life Sept 8
a drawing power in the legitimate ranks Ac Best wide bleached sheeting 1910 aged twenty one years five
this season This will be Miss Stew- 28c 100 yard wide black taffeta months and twenty one days The de
ans li st appearance here but she silk for 79c Fine black silk j ceased was married to Paul Hatcher
comes heralded with an Eastern coats 399 Cotton blankets from Aug 1 1910
tation and is playing to crowded houses 39c a pair up Best table oilcloth
in many places 15c Peerless carpet warp 25c lb
The play was first made famous in Mens good blue denim overalls with
this country by Clara Morris and Mary drill pockets 44c Boys ditto with
A derson It was afterwards used as double front and seat 44c Boys
a successful vehicle for such stars as overcoats 175 and up Ladies suits
Mina Gle Julia Marlowe and Viola 875 to 2500 Good feather pillows
Allen It has always been a favorite 65c to 125 each Sanitary hemp car-
with Mss Stewart and in the role of pet 35c yd Mens stout shoes 190
Julia she is said to shine to unusual j Womens vici shoes 185 to 275
Funeral services were conducted in
the Hatcher home west of Indianola
Friday Sept 9 at 3 oclock p mt
Rev Allen D Burress pastor of the
Indianola Methodist church officiat
ing Miss Ruth Wiehe of McCook
Nebraska sang three songs much to
the comfort of the bereaved Six
strong young men friends of the la
mented wife and her survlvlug hus
band sadly bore the remains to the
place of its interment the Indianola
The deeased was well known in
and near Indianola and was loved by
many as the beautiful flowers and
long train of carriages bearing sym-
coraedians and pretty girls will ap 1 Pathlzing friends attested She will
pear at the Temple theatre on the oe Ion5 remembered for her kindness
night of September 22 and will pre- anu affection lavished on those dear
sent the funniest of tramp comedies to ner and while she has gone into
A Pair of Pinks made famous by the world beyond there is left
Ward Vokes Harry Ward needs to those whom she loved the memory
no introduction He has promoted of al the good she did and the
encing thrills of pleasure and satis more novelties in the theatrical line Actions she bestowed
faction over the fact that first pre- than all the other comedians put to
mium has been awarded Red Willow I gether This year he is backed up
county for the best general exhibit by a chorus of pretty girls and good
of county school work m the recent they are nlavins the houses are too
Nebraska state fair
No small pains and labor were ex
pended by Miss Bettcher in preparing
and arranging this exhibit and of
course the result is gratifying to her
and complimentary to the county
schools of Red Willow county
A 10 check accompanied the noti
We congratulate
Tenders His Resignation
Last Sunday morning Rev Bryant
Howe who has been pastor of the
Methodist church of our city for the
past year tendered his resignation
to the official board of the church
and to the congregation During his
pastorate Rev Howe has formed man
strong friendships among the
Card of Thanks
To the friends who so kindly as
sisted us during the sickness and
comedy artists and at the prices death of my beloved wife I wish to
tender my sincere thanks
PAUL HATCHER Indianola Neb
Shallenberger Gained Four
At a recount of the ballots cast at
the last primary election on tke Dem
ocratic candidates for governor which
recount was made by the canvassing
board C E Eldred and Francis
determmation to resign on account of fer anu tne county clerk on Thurs-
ill health His intention of submit- day and Friday of this week upon
ting his resignation to the triennial tne request of James C Dahlman one
gathering of bishops which meets atiof the candidates and the advice of
Howe is absent from the city this ier 0 McCook for chairman and W a- Evening prayer and address
week attending annual conference for Reynolds of Indianola as secretary at S0
West Nebraska in session in North goto excellent men who will conducta Alfric J R Goldsmith
rlatte clean square aud effective camraign
Ice Deal Closed
the Blackwood Hitchcock county
The Hamiltons will not take posses
sion until the close of the present
ice season when the Lees will vacate
and come into the city to live
New Auto Scarfs
The new ombree shaded soft silk
forts for 200 from The Thompson Dscarfs in every good shade The long than w
sewing silk veil scarfs The beauti 1
ful crepe de chine scarfs in Persian
effects These and many others just
received at Thompsons
Implement Bargains
One Big Four McCormick mower
slightly used but good as new 83000
One slightly used 11 16 disc S2000
Lily Patent Flour when once usee
none other will satisfy you
in the matter of quality go to the gar and Novum Templum 5c smoke
McCook Flour and Feed Store
You are marked as a man of good
taste when you wear Nettletons Shoes
Viersen Osborn
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
Dont swoon gentle reader when we
inform you there is corn growing in tho
bottom sonth of McCook which will
produce 100 bushels to the acre
Good intentions are like motor cars
to be efficient they must be put in
action Resolve to save a little and
start an account today with The First
National bank Thats the action
Big prints from little negatives
without a dark room and at slight
expense with Velox paper and a
Brownie enlarging camera
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The Intermission in Temple theatr
building for the Judge Norris 10c
TKis Weerl
Alanufactured by F1SHEL NESSLER CO NA
sensation of the year a strictly Dia
mond Platinum design patented
Sterling Silver Mounting set with two
small French brilliants SPECIAL
50c and 100
LAVALLTER with genuine Baroque
Pearls set with Amethyst Topaz Tur
quoise Malachite etc Finest quality
plate in RoseJAntique Gold and Oxi
dived finish SPECIAL S150
feature in our exclusive line of Novelty
Jewelry much in vogue at present time
Same stones as belt pins SPECIAL
Paris advices to the effect that Souitors
necklaces are now being worn We
have them in beautiful creations from
SG50 up
Enjoyed the Merry-Go-Round
You Must Have It
must have qualitj
in your t
if you expect correct re- J
suits You get it in prescriptions put
e use
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Home Made Bed Comforts
6 ft x 7 ft filled with extra quality
cotton well tacked and hemmed for
200 to 325 The good old kind
your mother used to make The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
Into New Quarters
The McCook Business College this
week moved into its new quarters
in the new Morris building where
the school has the entire second story
for its use
New White Tailored Waists
A beautiful line of splendid quality
hand embroidered linene waists just
received in six or eight styles 175
each The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Subscribe for the Tribune
Dr Warrick the specialist will
meet eye ear nose and throat pa
tients and those needing glasses prop
erly fitted at Commercial hotel in
McCook Friday September 30th
Morning subject What made Paul
J I Lee has closed his deal with i Rav McCarl and Jack Shirev attend- Great Evening
the Hamiltons whereby the latter ed the eg at Benkelman close of Decision
oecome owners ot tne ice plant anu iast week The McCook horse fell t
business and the former comes into down on the hoys but Jack insists J
possession of the Hamilton lands onthat they nad a peach of a time on
the merry-go-round and drinking red
lemonade etc
The Immediate
Discs and Drills
Special Low Prices
If you are going to need anything in
this line soon it will pay you to take
J advantage of this sale
New Dress Goods
Largest line of single suit patterns
UP here There are no better drugs at 750 No two alike Largest line
of suitings for school wear at 18c
to 35c The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo
for the unexcelled Barriugton Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
per pound
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
oohn Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates hooked at
McCook National Bank
The Hunchback
by Miss May
Try on both kinds Nettletons Shoes
and the other kind Viersen Odborn
McMillen druggist sells pure mix
ed paints varnishes and oils at the
right prices
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
jand caps also and a full line of
other makes
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Received on Account Paid
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c i
One Dollar
does not make a fortune anymoro
than one swallow makes a spring
But ono rollar debited as a start
on h bank account
may mean a
fortune in time
just the snmo as
tho one bird indicates that spring
is coming
After you have made the start
it is only necessary to adopt a rule
of saving a co tain prt of your
income REGULARLY to lay by
a substantial sum Suppose you
decide io save one fourth or one
fifth of every dollar that comes
into your bnds wouldnt that
give you an oxcellont start in a
year or less
We would courteously ask
you to consider this bank when
selecting a depository for your
monoy Wo will bo glad to seo
you ac any time and explain any
points that you do not understand
P Walsh President
C F Lehv V Pres
C J OBrikm Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Cincinnati next month brought forth County Attorney Dodge and also Attor best- There will be economy and sat
much regret from the clergymen pre- ney General W T Thompson Gov isfaction in procuring the right mater-
Shallenberger gained a total of four i lal for any Ju of painting you have
votes makintr his maioritv 220 iisfnA in mind Use S W P
of 216
To paint right the right paint is
needed Once there was no opportun
ity for proper selection but with a
stock like ours that time is past
No matter what sort of a covering
finish or preservative for wood or
metal is needed we have it Many
of these things are new and their
value is not widely known we there
fore can supply definite information
Tell us what you wish to have done
and we can tell you what will do it
L W McCONNELL Drjirclst
Episcopal Holy Communion at 730 Murice V daughter of Ira Ken
a m Sunday school at 1000 a m Inedy died on Tuesday of this week
Rev- season d old Republican W B Morning prayer and sermon at 1100 after an acute illness with stomach
trouble since last Saturday The re
mains were interred in the United
Brethren cemetery in the Kennedy
neighborhood southeast of the city
Wednesday Very tender sympathy
is theirs in this new sorrow
Mens Fall Suits
We save you from 200 to 500
on a suit Our cash method is work
ing every day as it has for twelve
years in McCook Our 1350 and
1500 are way up
Thompson D G Co
figures cash only
in value The
One price plain
Childrens Caps
See us for the new the neat the
nobby in small caps for children
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Horses for Sale
Two mares and some two-year-olds
Will sell right R M OSBORN
The Hunchback
Temple Theatre Sept 26th
tjT Ti rr
j fii a -
Nothing will give the children more
good wholesome home fun ttoan a
Little cost good pictures No dark
room necessary Brownie cameras
from 1 to 12
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Refer to leading men whom I have con
ducted sales of all kinds for
- - -