The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 08, 1910, Image 8

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ij -
DeGroff Co Building
for Cream
have appointed Mr D B Doyle of the
li e Hive Store MeCouk sis our agent at
that plice He will receive weigh sam
ple ttst md isue checks in payment for thecieam
rijrht in McCook so that you can deliver your
rream to him at the Fee Hive Store Main avenue
and get your check right in hand the same day you
deliver your cream
We guarantee honest weights and correct
tests and you know you will always receive cour
tcou -treatment If you are not already selling us
our cream we solicit your cream deliveries
through Mr Doyle
and be happy At Hubers only
Good time to have a camera for
little money 20 worth of our cash
checks gets you one for nothing
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The death last week was the first
that has occurred in this city from
typhoid fever in seven years And
the case came in from the country
adjacent not originating in this city
If you want ycur walls artistically
papered papers from our sup
erb stock Our line surpasses an3
thing in this part of the state
L W AlcCGNNBLL Druggist
Young man a plan is necessary tor
your ultimate success Put 25 of
your salary on pay day in the First
National Bank Do this every month
and with the 4 interest it will earn
you will scon be surprised with the
McConnell fills prescriptions
JicConnell for drugs
Subscribe for The Tribune
Try McCook Business College
A McMillcn prescription druggist
Kodaks and kodak supplies Mc
Connell Druggist
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
Special prices on wall paper rem
nauts at
We never hesitate to guarantee
uily Patent flour At the McCook
lour and Feed Store
Easily seen through our clear win
dow glass All sizes
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
For sun hurn and wind burn so
hard to escape in September theres
nothing equal to McCoonnells Fra
grant Lotion
All gifts are good some are better
than others the best of all for your
kiddies is a bank book from the
First National Bank
Any girl who is in trouble and de
sires to leave a lif of sin may see
or communicate with Rev or Mrs
J B Fayne at the gospel tent cor
ner B and 1st street west who rep
resent the Rocky Mountain Rescue
and Protective League for the as
sistance and rescue of erring women
There is hope for you sister Adv
You are cordially invited to
attend the
Friday September 16th
ifsfriuft flLlfBl a
To ladies there is nothing more alluring than beautiful
At this opening I am displaHng an elaborate showing of
hats in the newest styles and shapes absolutely charming
creations in a wealth of variety of colors and materials
Some of the newest shapes may look odd because you
are not accustomed to them but try them you will be fas
cinated by their chic appearance
To make the day more enjoyable music will be furn
Do not forget the date
Friday Sept i6th
McCook Nebr
PE Pi t B
Dry Goods
The Haughty Planters Were Fierce
Foes of Royal Tyranny
In no part of the world wereXUrla
distinctions more rigidly defined than
in colonial Virginia The founders 01
that colony stepped from the brilliatH
conn of Elizabeth into the forests 01
Virginia The loid proprietor jra us
ported to Ins estate a little army
gentlemen and indentured servant-
and afterward came the negio slave
Each formed a class apart from- the
others and almost at ourep t here wa
created a quasi system of aristocracy
The proprietor obligated himself t
protect his tenants from the Indians
They in turn agreed to follow Ifim to
battle preciely the system luuiignra
ed by William the Conqueror for the
military defense of his realm His en
vironment naturally bred certain hab
its of command fostered a capacity tor
directing the efforts of others and im
posed a sense of responsibility upon
the planter for the lives that were In
bis keeping i
Above all else the planter jeajously
guarded his rights as an English free
man When liberty languished in Eng
land the Virginian sturdily resisted ev
ery aggression of royal tyrantSj One
husband one wife one home one king
one God this was the planters creed
But be reserved the right to cenonhre
a monarch who violated the ancient
compact between king aud people No
other people numerically as unimpor
tant as that group of Virginia settlers
has given to humanity so many states
men soldiers orators patriots aridphi
losopbers Everybodys Magazine
Baring the Feet at Worship
In India DindooN and Mussulman5
alike wear both sandals and shoes tslip
persi and the latter boots also but the
invariable rule is to remove them after
entering a private house just when
stepping on to the mat or carpet ou
which rhe visitor takes his seat They
must be cast off the right boot or shoe
first before the worshiper euters a
temple or mosque and it is still re
garded as an absolute profanation to
attempt to enter either fully shod But
the domestic habit arose out of its ob
vious propriety and the religious rit
ual of the shoes of the faithful
now and for centuries past observed
throughout Islam can be demonstrat
ed to have been dictated by if indeed
it be not derived directly from the uni
versal social etiquette of the east
Facetious Nomenclature
The people of Wales escaped much
when It was decided to call them
Welshmen instead of Whalers
Yes but it would have been still
worse if they had called them Welsh
ers Baltimore American
He who brings ridicule to bear
against truth finds in bis bands a blade
without a hilt Landor
of our
nrk j j
uunery department
will be
September 16th and I7th
jBt kff MERj
At which time there will be shown Trimmed Hats
of extraordinary beauty and distinctive attractiveness
Our fall shovin will be attended with unusual inter
est this season because of the extensive variety we
will have on display at that time We gave very
special attention to the se ection of our stock while in
the East and to make our assortment most complete
we have brought to McCook
tf m
w wLri a
Did His Best
The young politician was as obliging
as possible but there was a limit to
his possibilities When the reporter
i asked him what his wife would wear
at the mayors receptiou he assumed a
confidential air
Ill tell you just as much as I know
myself be said Last night she told
me she should wear white This
morning at breakfast she said shed
decided on her rose colored gown and
when I said goodby to her she bad
spread a gray one beside the rose col
ored on one chair and her black lace
beside the white on another and was
taking something else out of the closet
If her hair hadnt caught on a hook as
she turned round I might have been
able to tell you more Youths Com
The Perfect Figure
John- dear queried the young
wife glancing up from the physical
culture magazine she was perusing
what Is your idea of a perfect fig
Well replied her husband 100
000 may not be perfection but its
near enough to satisfy a man of my
simple tastes Chicago News
Three telephone operators not under
1G years of age No experience requir
ed Call up G7j
Subscribe for the Tribune
Everything in drugs McConnell
McMillen druggist sells pure mix
ed paints varnishes and oils at the
right prices
Work on the Updike elevator is now
under way It will will be one of the
best in this section of Nebraska
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
s I
w pi
Models from Paris Many Copies of
Parisian Hats Exclusive New York Designs
and Popular Gage Patterns
which together with the handsome creations from
Our Own Work Room
will make a display never before equalled in our city You are cordially
invited to attend and bring your friends
Special Evening Receptions Friday and Saturday to which gentle
men are welcome
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
wigs ajd beards
Bordered on the Grotesque In England
In Queen Annes Time
At the rcMoratiuii wigs began to In
more geiierall wnru and 111 lancet
Annes reign the became the nnr
costly item of entlenieii s wardrobes
Sii Richard Steeles full buttoin i
black wig guineas laimu
SliVn anil the fashion became so
br his rhat Colley Jibber when piny
ing The Fool of Fashion to Ninnzc
the styles introduced a wig of lla s
large that it was brought on the siae
in a sedan chair As a matter of tact
the stagecoach linos were compelled to
restrict the length of wig boxes tt
three feel
John Taylor one of the English iii
nor poets thus depicts the beards t
his day
Some seem as they were starched anf
Like to the bristles or an angry swine
And some to set their loves desire on
Are cut and pruned like a quick sc
Some like a spade some like a fork some
Some round some mowed like stubble
some quite bare
Some sharp stiletto fashioned dagger
That may in whispering a mans eye out-
Some tike a hammer cut or Roman T
These beards extravagant reformed must
Some with the quadrate some triangle
Some circular some oval In translation
Some perpendicular in longitude
Some like a thicket for their crassitude
Thus height depth breadth triform
square oval round
And rules geometrical in beards abound
National Magazine
Swastikas Shower
Last Saturday evening at the home
of Miss Alice McKenna a miscellaneous
shower was tendered Miss Maude L
MeBniver and on Tuesday evening of
this week a tin shower was given in
Miss Maudes honor at the homo of
Miss Agnes Elbert On both oci asions
the social features and gifts were up to
highest traditions of the tribe
For Sale
r room house S E cornertrees
lawn walks stable For quick sale
under price See Dorwart Barger
Horses for Sale
Two mares and some
Will sell right R M OSBORN
Promotion for McCook Teacher
The friends of Miss Julia Rednarwill
be pleased to learn that she has accept
ed a position as teacher in the depart
ment of history in the South Omaha
hiih school This makes the third one
of the ok high school t auhurs of
la t year who have received marked
promotions in the educational wrk
Only a Short Wait
Our modern facilities for modern
prescription compounding afford you
quick service No tedious waiting
when you bring prescriptions to us
Accuracy is insured by our careful
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Received on Account Paid
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
Subscribe for The Tribune
Millinery Opening
September 16 and 17
3 latest and best in Fall Millinery on my
opening occasion and but crave your careful in
spection You are courteously invited
Miss Allie J Peck
West B Street
McCook Nebraska