The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 08, 1910, Image 2

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TcttJaj fltgbt
Oct 4
r fcfcafcru j i
All wool shower proof
Knickerbocker Suits
for Boys from 6
to 17 years
made by Daube Cohn Co of
Chicago are more than double
duty suits because they will
wear longer than two suits of
any other make regardless of
If your boy is a real boy a
live one dress him in a real
suit a Hercules Youll save
money and have less repairing
and patching to do
K km a
WtdBBSdlf HifCt
Oct 5
Tfcursday Afterccco
Oct 6
A wholesome building up food for growing children
The combined nutritive properties of Wheat Rice Oats
and Barley
Ask Your Grocer
Conducted bv the McCook W C T U
Neither Slave Nor Drunkard
And when the victory shall be com
plete when there shall be neither a
slave nor a drunkard on earth how
proud the title of that land which
may truly claim to be the birthplace
and tne cradle o both those revolu
tions that shall have ended in that
victory Abraham Lincoln
The Nations Drink Bill
Some very interesting figures have
been compiled by the American Gro
cer They show that a gratifying re
duction in the total spent for alcoh
olic beverages of all kinds durng that
period of 110185600 In 1907 the
total expended on liquors was 1CG4
191463 as against 1554005863 last
year During the same period popu
lation increased about 2750000 The
per capita consumption of spirits in
W pgp
others and others
look at those Pants
They are made as pants
for rcql boys should be
made They are lined
with Herculone the
strongest material for its
welt known Leg and
seat seams are reinforced
with Herculone tape
not the ordinary spongy
white cotton tape but a
wider and much stronger
1909 was the smallest in any year of
the decade and that of beer the
smallest in five years In 1908 there
was noted a reduction of something
like half a gallon per capita in con
sumption in 1909 there is a further
decline of 117 gallons Beer and dis
tilled spirits both shared in this de
cline Thus the whole points to the
fact that the changes are the result
of the temperance wave which has
spread over the country It has been
a successful campaign of moral edu
cation says the Christian Herald We
have a long road yet to travel how
ever for the United States Treasury
lat year derived from all liquors ap
proximately 199069684 a fabulous
amount to come in an enlightened
nation -from the one thing which
above all others is the worst foe of
health morals and good government
and the strongest ally of crime pover
ty and suffering and premature death
By and by as we grow more civilized
and sensible this strange anomaly o
a nation deriving revenue from its
own degradation will disappear We
protect our saloons although we
know that they are simply drunkard
factories where the finished article is
turned out by tens of thousands year
ly where our young men the flower
of American youth are officially sac
rificed that the public treasury may
be kept well filled
Our decreasing drink bill affords a
gleam of hope that some day we may
come to regard these young lives
our most precious asset We spend
seven millions yearly to find out the
best methods of raising and protect
ing our cattle sheep and hogs but
not one dollar to protect our youth
from the drink Moloch which thrives
and flourishes and drags down its
victims unhindered wrecking homes
breaking hearts blasting lives and
bringing crime sorrow poverty and
desolation into almost every com
munity in the land
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at S p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house basement
Catholic Order of services Mass
S00 a m Mass and sermon 1000
a m Evening service at 800 Sun
lay school 230 p m
Methodist Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a m and 815 p m Sun
day school at 10 a m Epworth
League at 715 p m
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at 10
Morning prayer and sermon at 11
Evening prayer and sermon at 8 Ser
vices conducted by Rev Alfric J R
Goldsmith of Arapahoe
Evangelical Lutheran Regular Ger
man preaching services in church
corner of E and 6th street east ev
ery Sunday mornipg at 1030 All
Germans cordially invited
Congregational Sunday school at
1000 a m Preaching at 1100 a m
Endeavor at 700 p m Preaching at
800 p m Prayer meeting at 800
p m Wednesday
Morning subject The Camel Swal
lowers Evening The Good Shep
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
Seat 2Sth to Oct 8th 19111
Friiay RgM
Oct 7
Grand Military Maneuvers Every Day by U S Regular Troops
-4 1 m 11
Governor Pattersons Campaign
Recalls Klans Activities
Captain John Watson Morton Asserts
Souths Famous Night Riders Were
Outcome of Medical School Prank
Slew Few Men Despite Charges
Defied Troops In Last Parade
The present political campaign In
Tennessee engendered largely by the
personality of Governor Malcolm It
Patterson has caused a hotter condi
tion of affairs than during the recon
struction days according to Captain
John Watscu Morton the founder and
organizer of the Kuklux Klan the
dreaded Invisible empire the very
name of which spread terror over the
south in the days following the civil
war During the war he was chief of
artillery for General Nathan Bedford
Forrest the Confederate cavalry lead
er and he was twice elected secretary
of state of Tennessee
There Isnt a man woman or child
I believe In Tennessee today who
could be called a noncombatant in the
political fight said Captain Morton
and Its all on account of Governor
Patterson Hes one of the most re
markable men certainly the most re
markable politician that Tennessee
has known since Bob Taylor now a
senator fiddled his way Into the guber
natorial chair and beat his Republican
brother Alf Some northern editor the
other day called Patterson the Ten
nessee gamecock and 1 tell you sir
he surely hit it right
Kuklux Starts in Jest
IIow did you happen to start the
Kuklux Captain Morton was asked
Oh thats an old story he said
I went to a medical college after the
surrender and it was started as an as
sociation of college boys for playing
mysterious pranks down In Pulaski
That way in May 1SGG and pretty
soon because of our scary costumes
we wore long white robes and tall
peaked caps with holes for our eyes
the rumor started that we had organ
ized to check Republican domination
Well of course the bad blacks and
the carpetbaggers and scalawags were
giving us a iot of trouble in those days
and the idea of the klan appeared so
plausible to the disfranchised Confed
erates that It crystallized In Nashville
in 1SG7 Our sole idea was to sup
press the plundering blacks and law
less whites
We called the whole the invisible i
empire The states were realms the
congressional districts dominions
counties provinces and cities dens
The supreme ruler was the grand wiz
ard and there were grand dragons
titans giants and Cyclops
I was1 made the grand cyelops of
Nashville and one day I met General
Forrest on Church street near the
Maxwell House John he says Ive
heard of this Kuklux and Ive come
here to join it We had to keep pretty
quiet about it so I hitched up my bug
gy took him a long way out of town
and said General hold up your right
hand and he did and I gave him the
John he said when he was
through that was the worst swearing
Ive ever done and believe me that
was a compliment coming from him
Well general I said you come to
room 10 in the Maxwell House tonight
and youll get some more and he did
and we soon after elected him grand
Slayings Were Few
In spite of all that was said of us
the federal government offered all
sorts of rewards for our capture we
didnt do much killing Of course if
a black deserved hanging he got it
But we mostly whipped em or run
em away out of the locality or scared J
em good and that was enough
Most of em believed we were the
hants of dead Confederates Well
wed call on one late at night and
when hed come to the door wed ask
for a drink of water Sometimes hed
try to run but we generally got his
cabin surrounded Hed bring a
bucket of water and wed stick out a
skeleton hand and make him tilt the
bucket for us to drink We had a
trick of pouring the whole bucketful
down a tube and when we were
through wed say Thats the best
drink Ive had since I was shot at
Shiloh That would come near being
enough for him
Well sir we did about all we set
out to do and in February 1SG9 we
got the order to disband But Gen
eral Forrest told us we must make a
demonstration So the word got
round that on a certain night the Ku
klux would march through the town
and there was a lot of excitement and
curiosity There were 300 recon
struction police and 300 metropolitan
police in Nashville then and they
swore to kill or capture every clans
man But we put on our sheets and
saddled our horses and that night six
teen of us paraded through Nashville
by the sileat crowds that lined the
streets The metropolitan police didnt
even try to stop us They lined up in
one place but they parted and let as
ride through
i -it
iiia T1 tm
The Little Play by Which She Won
Attentive Service
Chicago people certainly have the
knack of getting on a shopper niI
In the suit department of a big store
I met a Chicago woman who hud beeu
In New York less than a week Sin
said she wasnt buying anything had
just come to get the lay of the I mid
In the process of getting It she stopped
a casbgirl and said
ls that Miss Blake selling white lin
en skirts to that fat woman I under
stand you have a Miss Blake In the
No that Is Miss Barton said rhe
The Chicago woman wrote the name
In her address book Then she show
ed me the names of saleswomen In
several other stores
This Is only a preliminary to real
shopping she said It pays to take
the extra trouble If I expect to liu
more than worth of anything at n
strange store I learn beforehand the
name of the saleswoman whose looks
I like best Then when I go back to
buy I can say its I shall do here to
morrow I would like Miss Barton to
wait on me and although Miss Bar
ton hns never set eyes on me the fact
that I can call her name gives her the
Impression that she must have sold
me a S100 dress at some time and I
get twice as good service as I would
get if I knew nobody by name
New York Sun
It Helps One In Striving to Realize
His Ambition
There is a tremendous power In the
habit of expectancy the convictiou
that we shall realize our ambition that
our dreams shall come true says Ori
son Swett Marden In Success Maga
zine There is no uplifting habit like
that of carrying an expectant hopeful
attitude of expecting that our heart
yearnings will he matched with real
ities that things are going to turn out
well and uot ill that we are going to
succeed that no matter what may or
may uot happen we are going to be
There is nothing else so helpful as
the carrying of this optimistic expect
ant attitude the attitude which al
ways looks for and expects the best
the highest the happiest and never
allowing oneself to get into the pes
simistic discouraged mood
Believe with all your heart that you
will do what you were made to do
Never for an instant harbor a doubt of
this Drive it out ot your mind if it
seeks an entrance Entertain only the
friend thoughts or ideals of the thing
you are bound to achieve Reject all
thought enemies all discouraging
moods everything which would even
suggest failure or unhappiness
You remember dat guy Jim Rurke
asked an irate Bowery denizen Hes
dat stiff dats doin time up der river
Sing Sing boiglary ten years Well
you know all I done fer dat stiff
When lie was pinched didnt I put up
der coin fer der lawyers Didnt I pa
der witnesses Sure I did De odet
day I tinks Ill just go an see dat
mutt just t leave bim kuow Dis friens
aint tied de can on im So I drive
out to de jail an goes into de wardens
office an he says I gotter send me
card in Me card Dye get dat
Well anyway I writes me name on a
piece o paper an a guy takes it in to
Jim Burke an what d you tink dat
stiff tells dat guy to tell me
Ive no idea said the listener
He tells him concluded the angry
one t tell me dat be aiut
Women In a Sailboat
There is just one place on a sailboat
for women That is the cockpit Re
member that and keep them there
even if it takes a somewhat pointed
request The average woman on a
boat is not happy unless she is taking
risks by sitting out on deck or on top
of the cabin or going forward of the
mast Warn her and she laughs at
you She does not know that she is
endangering herself Less than a year
ago I saw two women knocked over
board in a heavy sea because they in
sisted on sitting on top of the cabin
despite the protests of the man who
was sailing the boat He himself was
a greenhorn and let his boat jibe the
boom clearing the top of the cabin be
fore any one could say Jack Robinson
Had a Better Story
Did you see the account of that
flash of lightning that burned the hair
from a boys head without otherwise
hurting him
1 did answered the cheerful liar
and I was pained to note the incom
pleteness of the story Now I happen
to know of a case that is really re
markable The lightning entered a
barbers shop and not only undertook
the task of singeing a mans hair but
it rung up the proper amount on the
cash register
Fear of Revenge
Why are you crying my little
Cos I dont want to go to school
But why not
Cos sister jilted the schoolmaster
last night London Opinion
Adversity has been the means of
making many men famous but adver
tising is still in the lead Pittsburg
The jest loses Its point when he who
makes It Is the first to laugh Schiller
A L Cochran returned from Miss
ouri Sunday evening much improved
in health
Mrs Flint went to Stratton Satur
day for a visit with her brother C
E Cammack
Dr and Mrs J F Premer are
spending a few days with homefolks
this week
Mrs J F Burton came In from
Clatonla Neb Tuesday evening for
a few weeks visit with relatives and
Our schools opened up for business
Monday morning with twelve grades
six proficient teachers and one hun
dred and fifty five scholars enrolled
Among those who are In attend
ance at the state fair this week are
Dr J W Hathorn Win Parrish O
VanDoren the Burton boys and quite
a number of others from this vicinity
Mr and Mrs J A Winters who
for a number of years have lived on
a farm north of here have sold their
personal property and will travel in
the west for Mr Winters health
They will go to Colorado Springs
Leadville and then to California
Z S Vosburg the new proprietor
of the Citizens hotel is now ready
for business and is worthy of good
patronage We bespeak for them
success in their line
Your kidney trouble may be of long
standing it may be either acute or
chronic but whatever it is Foleys
Kidney Remedy will aid you to get
rid of it quickly and restore your na
tural health and vigor One bottle
of Foleys Kidney Remedy made me
well said J Sibbull of Grand View
Wis Commence taking it now A
As usually treated a sprained an
kle will disable a man for three or
four weeks but by applying Cham
berlains Liniment freely as soon as
injury is received and observing the
directions with each bottle a cure
can be effected in from two to four
days For sale by all dealers
No Snow on Highest Peaks
Snow does not fall at a ereater
night t i 16000 feet above the sea
level there being no moisture In the
atmosphere Therefore the hfehest i
We now bundle the best
rndeH of Colo and Penrm
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give U9 n trial order
Phono 2G2
Real Easterday
Fire and Wind
Thats All
Written In First Class
Flour Feed Main av
being disappointed next winter
in fix
J niliLS
it b MLmW
I J I 5
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or In your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 McCook Nebl
mountains are not capped with snow -
To Soften Water
Dissolve a small quantity of pipe
clay in the water This will make it
on soft as rain water
Notice to Delinquents
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contracts to
the following described school lands
in Red Wiilow county Nebraska as
set opposite the names of the holders
thereof is delinquent and if the
amount Avhich is due is not paid with
in 60 days from the date of this
notice said contracts will be declared
forfeited by the board of education
al lands and funds and said forfeiture
will be entered of record in the man
ner provided by law
Ne qr sec 36 tp 4 r 28 O C
N hf se qr ne qr n hf nw qr se
qr nw qr n hf se qr sec 1G tp J
r 30 John B Colling
August 23 1010
Commissioner Public Lands Build
First publication Aug 25 1910 3ts
ft h JL
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
BTv mw i v t t
Now is the time tcfill Your Coal Bins by
so doing you save 50c Per Ton and are in
sured of fuel next winter when the coal shortage comes
During juke and july we will sell coal at qoc per ton
9 less than the regular price Place your orders now and avoid