The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 25, 1910, Image 6

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city is situated on the shore of Mon
terey bay Picturesquely set on ter
raced hills ever green in that re
markable climate and having lofty
mountains for a background More
than a mile of beach extends north
to a rocky coast where the sea thun
ders incessantly on the rocks
Santa Cruz can boast of the finest
berries found any where on our trip
the Logan berry a cross between the
California wild blackberry and red
raspberry was first grown here Th
strawberries are the finest ever and
the season lasts six and eight months
The grove of Big Trees near Santa
Cruz is very accessible only six miles
distant luzi a few words about the
big trees as they are popularly call
ed found only in California Their
botanical name is sequoia There are
two varieties the sequoia sempeivir
tns or redwood and grows in exten
sive forests on the coast side of the
coast range and the sequoia gigantea
the real big tree which is found only
on the western slGpe of the Sierra
Nevada usually at an elevation of
about 5000 feet These trees when
grown are symmetrical in height and
girth The bark varies from one to
two feet in thickness and is a bright
cinnamon color
The grizzly giant Mariposa grove
is 33 feet in diameter the first
limb twenty feet around and 125 feet
from the ground There are many
others nearly as large The red
woods near Santa Cruz vary from
IS to 23 feet through and about 300
feet tall and some in the Mariposa
grove tower a little over 400 feet
Both trees are evergreens and bear
small cones the seeds of which a
flat like a parsnip seed Estimates
as to the age of these monarchs by
different authorities vary consider
ably some claim 4000 and some of
the best professors declare that the
largest trees may be even 6000 years
Regardless of these differences
the one great undisputed fact re
mains that these trees in all their j
As wholesome nourishing and palatable as any food
ever made Unlike any other food A mixture of
Wheat Rice Oats and Barley
Ask Your Grocer
A Pacific Coast Trip
Continued from last week
Turning still more to the left along
the Sierra iladre range Mount Wil
ton or Old Baldy meets our view
and turning around seemingly we can
majesty stand here today the oldest
living things in the world
The ride from Santa Cruz to San
Francisco a distance of eighty miles
is through much fine timber and
rolling country many fine ranches
and dairy farms Quite a number of
small thrifty looking towns speak wel
look over the whole world with a of this section
balloon or air ship it might be pos
sible to reach our starting point in
a few minutes but haviMg only a part
of the material we are compelled to
return as we came
Before leaving Los Angeles it is
only fair that we mention some of
the more pretentious hotels and
stores Among the fine hotels are
the Angelus Wickershim Alexandria
and at Long Beach the Virginia is
a model of grandeur and beauty each
Continued next week
They Have a Definite Purpose
Foley Kidney Pills give quick re
lief in cases of kidney and bladder
ailments Mrs Rose Glaser Terre
Haute Ind tells the result in her
case After suffering for many year
from a serious case of kidney trouble
and spending much money for so
called cures I found Foley Kidney
I Pills the only medicine that gave
of these cost from one to three mil 1 T
i me uttriuiiimiii cure j uiu uguiu uuic
lion dollars Will leave it for you
i i t
i to be up and attend to my work I
to decide which is the finest There
shall never hesitate to recommend
are many other good moderate price T
them A McMilIen
hotels with good accommodations and
rontrnllv lnfntOf1
The great department stores in
clude Hamburgers the largest west
of Chicago Bullocks and others com
pare favorably with the large stores
of Denver
Anticipating a daylight journey
along the coast from Los Angeles to
Santa Cruz we left Los Angeles in
the morning
Over the Coast Line of the South
ern Pacific Ry Passing Santa Bar
bara with its plaza ocean boulevard
and the old mission On along the
coast while the cool sea breezes
make life worth living Carmel-By-The-Sea
a quiet old Spanish town
Carmel mission in the shadow of
which now dwell artists and writers
between the shade of the pines and
the shine of the snow white sand
on the beach which is as soft as
And after awhile we reach the bay
of Monterey and that old semi-Spanish
town Monterey this was Cali
fornias first capital The first brick
and wood buildings in California were
here the first theatre and postoffice
It was just after dark that we
reached Santa Cruz and were met at
the station by Mrs Georgia Waite
and escorted directly to her home
where her mother also awaited our
coming both of them friends of ours
formerly in Green Eay Wis and now
living in Santa Cruz California En
joyed a splendid visit with them
making oar stay in Santa Cruz dou
bly pleasant ail we did laf a fie
time in Santa C The lathing as
fine The casion natatorium and pier GAEKWAR CAN AFFORD GIFTS
are the scene of merry making The
The state fair this year is offering
premiums in cash to the amount of
3265000 for county exhibits in agri
cultural farm products The state
has been divided into three sections
western central and eastern for the
amount of premiums offered is an in
ducement for any county to make a
display of their agricultural products
Additional premiums are offered for
individual exhibits The state fair
this year will be held Sept 5 to 9
and counties contemplating an ex
hibit should begin to get ready Pre
mium lists may be had from W R
Mellor Secretary Lincoln
For Quick Relief From Hay Fever
Asthma and summer bronchitis
take Foleys Honey and Tar It
quickly relieves the discomfort and
suffering and the annoying symptoms
disappear It soothes and heals the
inflamed air passages of the head
throat and bronchial tubes It con
tains no opiates and no harmful drug
Refuse substitutes A McMilIen
Dysentery is a dangerous disease
but can be cured Chamberlains Col
ic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy has
been successfully used in nine epi
demics of dysentery It has never
been known to fail It is equally val
uable for children and adults and
when reduced with water and sweet
ened it is pleasant to take Sold by
A McMILLEN Druggist
Tributes to King George Cannot Dent
Enormous Fortune
The gaekwar of Baroda is now in
the United States on his way to Eng
land and has with him gifts for the
new king which are reported to be of
extraordinary splendor and value The
maharajah can well afford to be lib
eral for he is one of the worlds rich
est men
His collection of jewels is said to be
the finest in the world He possesses
a diamond uecklace that is surpassed
nowhere It is composed of 200 bril
liants of marvelous purity and would
easily sell for more than a million dol
Another of his treasures is a carpet
four yards square in which are woven
rubies diamonds and pearls to the
value of 4000000 It represents three
years work by skilled artists and jew
Novelty In Equine Headgear
A new style of horses hat has ap
peared on the east side of New York
city The inventor a driver says that
it is more sightly than the old straw
slot eared protector and satisfies those
comfort requirements which the other
did not In shape the new headpiece
resembles a tennis racket The flap
is meant to extend far enough down
ward between the eyes to protect the
brain which the designer says lies
beneath a horses forehead and not
between his ears as the old hat would
seem to indicate The smaller end is
fashioned to extend backward aud
fasten to the top of the bridle The
inventor hopes to make his creation
the fashion
Telltale Envelope
Luther W Charlton of Washington
has invented an envelope that cannot
be opened without detection A spoon
shaped tongue is cut In the flap of the
ordinary envelope to which it remains
attached by a slender stem The un
der flap of the envelope has two folds
on the Inside under which the shoul
ders of the spoon shaped tongue rest
when the envelope is cIormI and sealed
Help from the Outside
Was it hard work for you to quit
smoking No when my wife once
made up her mind to it Boston Her-
Rev B M Tipple Head of Methodists
in Rome Figures in Fairbanks
New York The man who was a
most directly responsible for the situ-
atlon In Rome when the pope denied
an audience to a former vice-president
of the United States Charles W
Fairbanks went to the Italian capital
from New York He is Rev Bertrand
Martin Tipple in charge of the
lean Methodist Episcopal church in
Dr Tipple Is a forceful man the em
bodiment of tremendous energy Be
cause of his great patriotism it is
said he rejoiced In the opportunity to
Rev B W Tipple
welcome Mr Fairbanks and Inas
much as Mr Fairbanks is a Method
ist Dr Tipple expected the event
would prove a notable one in the his
tory of the American church
Friends of the minister assert there
was no thought during all the prelim
inary arrangements of an affront to
the Vatican and that when the clash
became apparent he offered to release
the former vice president from his en
gagement to address the Methodist
congregation Mr Fairbanks how
over insisted on fulfilling his appoint
ment exercising care to avoid saying
anything which might offend the Ro
man church even praising the work
of that organization in his address be
fore the Protestant body
Dr Tipple has been in Rome only
four months He was educated at the
Cazenovia seminary in this state at
Syracuse university and at the Drew
Theological seminary He was a mem
ber of the New York East conference
from 1S87 to 1909 serving three
churches in New Haven Brooklyn and
Stamford Conn
As an example of his energy he
raised the money in two years while
stationed in Brooklyn to burn a 40
000 mortgage At Stamford he se
cured the gift of 50000 with which to
establish an old peoples home and he
opened a home for self supporting
Statue of John C Calhoun to Be Ac
cepted by Senate on
March 10
Washington The senate on motion
of Senator Tillman has set aside
March 12 for the exercises at which
the statue of John C Calhoun con
temporary of Clay and Webster vice-
JHajV -Statue orJoHH C Calhoun jffrtji
president and secretary of state will
be accepted
The statue has been placed in stat
uary hall in the capitol and Senator
Tillman will deliver the chief ad
dress The statue is the gift of the
state of South Carolina where Cal
houn was born
Ticket Speculators Victorious
The ticket speculators in front of
the theaters In Berlin against whom
the directors have made war will re
main active in their business The au
thorities have decided that the specu
lators cannot be driven away from
their haunts but that they must not
block traffic The manager agreed to
keep In reserve a certain number of
tickets for every performance for
those people who came late and inas
much as the police cannot break up
tho business they Intend to petition
for a law making the vending of tick
ets on the sidewalks a misdemeanor
fir nn or nswfiiinr
Arrived In America TWriy iivs
Years Ago From Tyrol
Oklahoman Believes His Careor Typi
fies Progress of Man In Last 400
Years and Is Proud of Fortunes He
Has Won and Lost During His Life
In the United States
John Golobie of Guthrie Okla who
Is proprietor of the Oklahoma State
Register came to New York not only
to see Colonel Roosevelt but- to see
Castle Garden again after thirty live
years Mr Golobie was just ten years
old when he saw It the first and last
time and he has mostly forgotten
what language he spoke then Ills
English Is perfect
Mr Golobie said that his life epito
mizes the history of civilization and
progress in the world the last four
I dont know said Mr Golobie
whether I was born a Dalmatian a
Croatian an Istrian or what but I do
know that I came from a little district
in the Austrian Tyrol and I was only
ten years old when I left They had
just heard of this country in that part
of the world I know the idea there
about was that the earth was flat and
square and on wheels and they used
to say in our village whenever we
would feel the jar of an earthquake of
which the full force was being felt in
Italy Oh that is one of the earths
wheels jolting over a stone
They did not have locomotives in
that part of the world then There
was talk of a railroad being built but
the people of our village opposed it on
the ground that anything driven by
fire and smoke must perforce be by
the machination of tho devil I was a
victim of primogeniture and my moth
er had saved up ro give me a chance
in the world When she heard of
America she determined to send me
here and I came alone except that a
German woman who spoke a little of
my language took me in charge on the
I know that in Castle Garden they
shot us up the wrong chute and put
us in with a bunch of people whose
language we did not speak In fact
I never found anybody that did I
was a year and a half learning enough
English to get along with and I was
by turns a dry nurse a woodchopper
and as I got a little older a shoemaker
When the Wichita boom came along
I who had gone first into insurance
and then into real estate in Kansas
made 1S000 in about six months I
reinvested it again and lost it all Then
I took to writing Considering that I
sprang from darkness like that of the
middle ages I claim that my career
about typifies the progress of man in
the last 400 years
Congressmen Fear Sibley Will Cause
National Publicity Bill
Congressmen in Washington espe
cially those who do not want to pass
a publicity bill for campaign receipts
and expenditures were talking in dark
corners about the expenditure of 40
000 by ex Representative Joseph C
Sibley hero of the An hbold letter epi
sode who has just defeated his suc
cessor Representative Wheeler for the
Republican nomination for congress in
the Twenty eighth Pennsylvania dis
Inasmuch as Mr Sibleys total re
muneration counting all perquisites to
his office if re lected to congress will
be only about 1S500 in two years it
is difficult to understand why he wants
to go back to Washington when his
primary nomination alone stands him
a dead loss of 22000 and he has yet
to be elected wait more than a year
before taking his seat and then live
two years after that One answer is
contained in Mr Sibleys complaint
about the criticism leveled against his
extravagance The gist of his argu
ment is
I have plenty of money and 1 want
to go back to congress Why shouldnt
Prince Atom Is Two Feet In Height
but Smart
What is alleged to be the smallest
midget ever exhibited is now filling
an engagement at a vaudeville theater
in Berlin under the name of Prince
Atom He is just over two feet tall
his height beimr about the sam as the
diameter of a phonograph horn His
parents were of normal size He is
normal in his proportions and his
mind is well developed He is also
good narured and he loves to chat
with the children who flock to see him
perform athletic feats and swing the
America Heads Philippine Exports
Manila Iloilo and Cebu are tbv chief
importing and exporting Philippine
ports Manila leading followed b
Cebu The United States lerds all
other countries in both imports nd ex
ports In imports the order is prin
cipally United States Great Itrltain
French East Indies rice China Aus
tralasia Germany Japan Spain
France Eritish East Indies and Hong
Real EtUv f Hry
The following real ebtutu filup
have been made in Uie couiu i iu
office since our last report
First National Bank McCook
to William F Everist qcd
to w hf nw qr 29 e hf ne
qr 30 n hf ne qr 31-4-29 1 CO
William F Everist et ux to
Charles F Lehn wd to the
same as above 6500 00
Lincoln Land Co to Charles F
Lehn wd to 1 2 3 in 7
7th McCook 450 00
Henry L Loshbaugh et ux to
Maggie Kriezer wd to 5 in
4 Gth McCook 1450 00
John E Sanborn et ux to
Samuel Hornback wd to pt
8 9 10 in McCook 3000 00
V L Ballew wid to Bessie
Anna Peterson wd to 10
in 2 1st McCook 2S00 00
C F Gund et ux to Lawrence
J Houlton wd to sw qr
23-2-30 3050 00
United States to John Dun
ning pat to 2-3-4 in
The following mail matter remains
uncalled for at the McCook postoffice
McCook Neb Aug 19th 1910
Mr J E Acker t Miss Beaula Arm
strong Mr R S Cox W S Clark
J W Carrwll E Downing Mr A L
Svans Mr H B Heiinann Shepherd
Ryam Mr J II Stuckey
Mrs Grace Brmdt Mrs E Brown
A I Beck Miss Corrine Baker Mr
Slsie Bartin Mr Charles Hill 2
Mr W C Hill Mr John Lymer Miss
ida Maiman Mrs Henry Mustapha
Mr Ray Porter Sam Powell 2
Mr Fred Perkins 2 Namiee V
Stevens Grace Wood
LON CONE Postmaster
Subscribe for the Tribune
Notice to Delinquents
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contracts to
the following described school lands
in Red Willow county Nebraska as
set opposite the names of the holders
thereof is delinquent and if the
amount which is due is not paid with-
in 60 days from the date of this
notice said contracts will be declared
forfeited by the board of education
al lands and funds and said forfeiture
will be entered of record in the man
ner provided by law
Ne qr sec 3C tp 4 r 2S O C
N hf se qr ne qr n hf nw qr se
qr nw qr n hf se qr sec 16 tp 3
r 30 John B Colling
August 23 1910
Commissioner Public Lands Build
First publication Aug 25 1910 3ts
Application for License
Indianola Nebraska August 18 1910
No ice is hereby given that C H
Hyatt has filed in the city clerks of
fice of the city of Indianola Nebras
ka his petition and bond for a licens
sell malt spirituous and vinous J
liquors in the building on lots num
bered 21 and 22 in block numbered
59 second ward of the city of In-
lianola in Red Willow county
raska for the municipal year end-
ng April 30 1911
C II HYATT Applicant
We now handle tho best
prudes of Colo and Petinu
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial ordor
Phono 26i
Real Easterday
J J J1 3
I Fire and Wind
I Insurance
Written in First Class X
Flour Feed Main av
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after Wo
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Now is the time tcfill Your Coal Bins by
so doing you save 50c Per Ton and are in
sured of fuel next winter when the coal shortage comes
During june and july we will sell coal at 50c per ton
less than the regular price Place your orders now and avoid
being disappointed next winter
SEPT D T0 9- l9lo v
es o
5S 1