The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 25, 1910, Image 5

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Fit out the
No 6 Central Time
1135 P M
715 P M
500 A m
550 A M
705 A M
42 p M
5 P M
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 P M
3 UCpm
905 A M
1230 A M
615 A M
930 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 345 p M
No 175 departs 645 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Storekeeper and Mrs B C Hill of
Plattsmouth greeted their many
friends in McCook Sunday last
McCook was numerously represent
ed in the Railroad Day affair in
Denver last Saturday Many of them
took advantage of the opportunity to
remain in the city over Sunday also
It was a gala day and occasion
One three piece mahogany parlor
suit upholstered in silk plush
One mahogany parlor table
Ono mahogany bedstead
One mahogany parlor cabinet mirror
back and glass shelves
One mahogany rocker leather back
and seat
One Turkish easy chair
One couch Boston leather cover
One quartered oakbuffett
Onequartered oak china cabinet
Ono quartered oak dining table
Sis quartered oak dining chairs
One quartered oak library table
Three quartered oak rockers leather
backs and seats
One quartered oak chiffonier
One quartered oak dresspr
One quartered oak dressing chair
One quartered oak book case
One quartered oak ladys desk
One Vernis Martin gilt iron bed
two inch posts
Three 9x12 velvet parlor rugs
One Monarch range in good repair
Dishes and other household necessi
All the above almost new Inquire
for school from
our large stocks
Dress Goods Ginghams Rib
bons Hose etc
Our Full Goods are now in and our assort
ment more complete than ever We are
showing in our Dress Goods Department a
full line of colors in a
Worsted Diagonal Serge at
35c per yard
These goods wash beautifully They look
like the new fjifob suitings anl are just the
thing for school dresses
New Tamoshanter Caps at 50c
75c and 100 each
Gingham Dresses Ready Made
175 200 and 225 each
will be found in our Ready-to-Wear Depart
ment Get a new Auto Scarf to wear to the
Races Next Week We have some beauties
i oo 125 and 150 each
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies
Furnishings 222 Alain Ave Phone 56
Time Card
McCook Neb
BmbJB ir JcS Ptg JTsc SrH
Miss Marcella Ryan has been en
joying a vacation in Denver the past
James Kelso of Wauneta moved to
the city last week and has entered
the employ of the Burlington company
Conductor and Mrs G L Burney
went down to Harvard close of last
week on a visit to Mr and Mrs G
H Thomas
Conductor and Mrs C B Sentance
were visited by the stork last Friday
evening and a promising nine pound
boy was his welcome gift
Engineer and Mrs C H McBride
returned to their home in Oxford last
Friday evening on 10 after spending
a day or two in headquarters on
Ralph Foe swung out the red light
and set the semaphore at the danger
point and told the boys at the depot he
guessed he was dad of the finest girl in
Red Cloud Red Cloud Commercial
It is claimed that there were over
7000 railroad people in the parade of
Railroad Men in Denver last Satur
day And the Sterling and Alliance
men at least part of them did not
arrive in the city in time to partici
pate in the parade
Mrs Charles Kailey and daughter
Miss Leta left Tuesday to make their
home at McCook Mr Kailey has
a fine position in the round house
there The Kaileys have resided in
Akron for fifteen years Mr Kailey
being boiler repairer for the Bur
lington Their many friends wish
them success in their new venture
Akron Pioneer Press
The 3urliife4 siaited tfci first of
the week on an addition to their
roundhouse and when completed this
city will become the headquarters for
thrte more train crews who are at
present stopping at Denver and Alli
ance The new addition of five stalls
will make a total of ten stalls and
with numerous additions to the ma
chine shops will make this city the
main division point between Denver
and Black Hills That the Burling
ton highline will not much longer be
the insignificant line that it has been
in the past is generally conceded as
they are making all possible haste to
jhave the line remodeled from Hold-
rege to Cheyenne so as to keep up
with the building that will join it in
Cheyenne and who are at present
rapidly rebuilding in Eastern Wyom
ing and which is to give the Big Horn
Basin in Wyoming eight or ten hours
seric to Denver Sterling Colo
r Ent nrce
The 1074 is being broken in after
an overhauling
The 1010 is receiving repairs over
the old drop pit
The boilennakers are giving the
1759 a set of new flues
No C demolished a truck at Ox
ford Wednesday of last week
F J tlolfe returned to work this
morning after a short vacation
The boys will have the 1GG2 out
by Saturday or break an eccentric
Engine 2858 is over the big new
drop pit this week having her front
drivers dropped
Backshop Foreman Adams was in
Holdrege Sunday to do tome valve
work on a locomotive
Mrs George Martin and her guest
went to Hastings on a visit on No
10 last Friday night
Engine 1046 is over the new drop
pit and her pony wheels have been
dropped for usual repairs
Work is light just now and the re
pair force has been placed on a sche
dule of 8 hours and f days a week
Mr and Mrs S D Hughes and
daughter are up in Wjoming on a
short vacation Also briefly visiting
in Scotts Bluff
Foreman Earl Spencer of the boiler
department is ctf catt tnjojing an
earned vacation in Illinois where the
family peceded him
J M Smith was in Orleans Tues
day doing some airbrake work and
C G Orman and Peter Schneider to
do some carpenter work
Dispatcher and Mrs H D Stewart
and Conductor and Mrs G L Burn
ey returned home mid weeR from
an outing in Belmont Colorado
William Poh Art Dinnell Henry
Moers and A W Wilson were in Or
leans Wednesday night to place
three pairs of wheels under a coach
Mr and Mrs John Y Jones do
parted today for California to spend
several months there especially if
the climate shall prove favorable for
Mr Jones
As an indication of the number of
McCook railroad people in Denver
Saturday No 15 carried some 575 em
ployes on passes Not to mention
the paid fares
Two big new Moffat engines Nos
118 and 119 went over the division
Wednesday They were built up in
the atmosphere high enough to make
a good model of a dirigible balloon
The foundation is finished for the
boilers which will shortly be moved
east a few feet and a fourth boiler
added to the battery Other improve
ments will add to the efficiency of
the steam and heat plant
Engine ol train 176 was derailed at
the turn table at this place Saturday
The company sent an engine to take
the train to McCook and also a force
of men to place the derailed engine
on the track which was accomplish
ed at abrut S oclock Imperial Re
One of the leading features of the
Railroad Mens parade in Denver
last Saturday was the McCook band
They numbered some thirty men
quite all of them finished musicians
and under the direction of Mr Sut
ton made the city fellows sit up and
take immediate notice
Calvin who was formerly a tele
graph operator at this place blew
into town last Sunday night on No
15 He is a most confirmed fiend
to the dope habit and is a physical
wreck Anything that has opium in
it in the way of patent medicines is
eagerly devoured While here he was
using Chamberlains Colic Cure A
man in his condition is certainly to
be pitied Bloomington Advocate
Ah dAllemand commenced work
on B M waterworks Monday He
is putting down a well east of the
Farmers elevator on the north side
of the tracks A 50000 gallon tank
similar to the one in use by the city
will be erected and arrangements
made for engines to take water from
the switch or main line In connect
ion with this improvement it is stated
upon good authority that the depot
will be moved in the near future to
the foot of Nebraska Ave Arapa
hoe Mirror
New Styles of Locomotive
The worlds first steam turbine
electric locomotive has just been
completed at the works of a British
locomotive company at Glasgow In
its operation the electricity which act
uates the motors is generated by a
dynamo driven by a turbine engine
deriving the steam which is super
heated from a boiler in the rear The
turbine makes three thousand revolu
tions per minute developing one
thousand normal horsepower
Increased efficiency and economy in
fuel are secured it is declared in the
innovation This is accomplished by
the adding of a condenser and substi
tuting the continuous rotary motion
of the turbine and dynamo for the re
ciprocating action of the present loco
motive The new engine already has
R F D No 3
Will Sigwing is threshing
A few friends and neighbors and
reaties gathered at the Lome o
Grandpa Rowland the other day to
help him remember his 77th birt
day 0
Bert GooJenbcrscr and Miss Grace
Nelson were Sunday evening guests j S
of Mr and Mrs C H Coulson
C II Coulson has been on the cielc
Sam Ilockctt Is threshing thh
Sudden change of veathsr Wcdnc -day
night Lets of wind and much
R F D No 4
C F Evans and II Schmidt are
plowing for wheat
Miss Lucy Furguson left Monday
evening for her home in Hastings
Miss Margaret Evans is enjoying a
brand new runabout
The Baker twins are taking music
lessons of Miss Mav Wasson
o Clint Hamilton is iome fcm
her visit anl Clint smiles and is
C II Hegeman was out to Youngs
Saturday night
The Dacks and EJ Jacques have
finished threshing
Passenger Dies on Train
Mrs Adaline McKeen sixty years
of age died suddenly on train 14 just
as it wio pulling into the Red Cloud
station Wednesday morning The
body was taken to Amacks under
taking rooms and prepared for ship
ment to her home in Denver Val
vular disease of the heart was given
as the cause of death She was ac
companied on the train by her
daughter and they were on their way
to the latters home in Virginia where
it was hoped to benefit the mothers
health Red Cloud Argus
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook
today Thursday are paying the fol
lowing prices for the articles listed
Corn S 53
Wheat Si
I nta l
wttio JJ
Rye 60
Barley 40
I los 7 40
Butter good 20 to 21
Eggd 13
Christian Science
Morning topic for August 28th
EPISCOPAL Sunday School at ten
oclock Jldy Communion at 11 Eve
ning prayer and sermon at 8 Rv A
R J Goldsmith of Arapahoe will con
duct the services
Catholic Order of services Mass
730 a m Mass and sermon 1030
a m Evening service at 800 Sun
day school 230 p m
Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday
at 8 p m Reading room open all
the time Science literature on sale
Meets now in the northeast corner
of courthouse basement
All services at the usual hours
Sunday Preaching by pastor at 11
a m and 815 p m Morning sub
ject What Is Christianity This
will be the second part of the subject
used last Sunday morning Evening
subject A Sermon Story of a Church
Morning service at 11 Evening
service at 8 The Sabbath school wil
be resumed next Sunday as usual
Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
A short business meeting of the
church will follow the Sunday school
The following mail matter remains
uncalled for at the McCook postoffice
McCook Neb Aug 26 1910
Miss Lucile Billings Mrs Fred B
Burbank Mr J M Crawford Mr
Geo Cain V A Fitzer Earl Foster
Mary Hill Mrs Marie Jones Mrs
Alice Meyers Mr Joseph Mansfield
Mrs Arlie Stults
Miss Jessie Brown Mr Harley
Bradley Mr Cordie Brown A B
Currie Co Mr George Cain Miss
Nellie Foster Miss Grace Gillespie
J B Ginney Mr C T Higgins 4
Mr Nick Holton Mr H B Heimann
Mr Oscar L Jones Mr Walter Lin
coln Mr Henry Lutz Mr Joseph
Mansfield Mrs Mary Marshall Mr
Walter Qosgriff Mrs Geo Snyder
Mr S B Seal 2 Mrs Carrie Shep
herd Mr Willie Taylor Miss Anna
LO CME rc tmastsr
Each day now brings new fall goods air they arc beiny
placed on display as rapidly as they arrive
Through careful buying we have made a selection of
widest variety of appael that is strictly fashionable and de
pendable and at prices within reach of all
Your particular attention is called to the following and
you are especially invited to call and inspect theni
III m Ml alsSiEtt
HI ill ssl iSiwUPW
111 lBixVk
Hiil iff ilj 61 S
SKIRTS 3 to 20
Within tins range ol prices J
i r l - r I
cin uc luijiui Mviii nun mi
beauty cannot be duplicated
New braided effects in Voiles
Panamas etc all colors and
An endless variety of iiatiste
French Flannels etc beauti
fully trimmed and twtremel
Persian patterns in flannelettes yd ioc
Newest patterns in Crepes yd i Sc
Ginghams with big plaids exceptionally desirable
for childrens dresses fyl 12 1
Mens Youngmens and Bbys Clothing now being open
ed up Our hand tailored mens ready-to-wear apparel is
better this year than ever The styles are absolutely correct
and they are guaranteed to hold their chape
Everything for Man Woman or Child
117 Main Ave HcCook Neb Phone 22
Bread in Politics
From the days of Joseph down the
only vell populated countrj which
ad enough grain to satisfy its own
eonsuiters was Egypc rich beyond
the record of any other soil this side
of Paradise Ferrero In his history
of Rome shows the transcendent po
litical importance of corn in all times
Feed your people king or demagogue
else they will overthrow you For
the masses from furthest antiquity to
most recent days there has never
been any torch of dissatisfaction re
bellion and anarchy like a shortage of
Truth In Jest
When the French Revolution broke
out a number of scientists lost their
lives but Lalande the astronomer
only paid the more attention to the
skies and its constellations When he
found after the Reign of Terror that
he had escaped the fury of the mob
he exclaimed gratefully I may thank
my stars for it would any apparent
jest possess more genuine truth
The AV C T U will meet at the
home of Mrs Belle Inglis Friday
August 26th A good attendence is
Did you lose something Let a
Tribune want ad help you find it
It has helped others why not you
The W C T U subject for Aug
ust 27th is Medal Contest Hostess
Mr- Lewis loader Mrs Beye
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
I carry a complete line of
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L M CLYDE
DONT invest in irrigated or non
irrigated lands until you have
read The Western Word the
Standard American pub for land
buyers home eekers and invest
ors 8100 a year Subscriptions
taken bv It IIOFER 215 Main av
Del Wa has cured thous
ands Why not you
Trial treatment 100
Del Wa Herb Company
P 0 BOX 1008
Denver Colo
Not Going Out of Business
But Selling Goods Right
Quaker Corn Flakes 4 pack 25c
Baking Powder 10 oz Sc 15 oz 12c 25 oz 20c
Former 25c Coffee now
Laundry Soap 10 bars
Coal Oil gal
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at all times
Choice Country Butter
Bring your cream and get cash on delivery
Yours for Bus