imnMw rinfflRBm I von ins UNOFFICIAL RETURNS NOMINATE JAMES C DAHLMAN SHALLENBERGER ASKS RECOUNT Files Affidavits With County Clerks Believes Marking a Cross or Writing in Name of Opponent Has Been Common THE COMPLETE VOTE Dahlman 27344 Shallenberger 27273 Dahlmans lead 61 Aldrich 18978 Cady 14723 Aldrichs lead 4255 Seven counties omitted in repub lican table IHfiSjttJ yxw iter ifrtfit 1 ISBSiKiiiliBili C H ALDRICH Of David City Republican Nominee for Governor THE LINEUP Unofficial Returns Indicate the Follow ing Ticket For U S Senator Elmer J Burkett Republican Gilbert M Hitchcock Democrat For Governor Chester H Aldrich Republican James C Dahlman Democrat For Lieutenant Governor M R Hopewell Republican R A Clark Democrat For Secretary of State Wait or Rider Republican C W Pool Democrat For Auditor S R Barton Republican Hewitt or Bernecker Democrat For Treasurer W A George Republican George F Hall Democrat For State Superintendent James W Crabtree Republican W R Jackson Democrat For Attorney General Grant G Martin Republican C H Whitney Democrat For Commissioner Edward B Cowles Republican Wm B Eastham Democrat For Railroad Commissioner Henry T Clarke Jr Republican Ben H Hayden Democrat FOR CONGRESS First District William Hayward Republican John A Maguire Democrat Second District A L Sutton Republican C A Lobeck Democrat Third District J F Boyd Republican J P Latta Democrat Fourth District Chas H Sloan Republican B P Good Democrat Fifth District G W Xorris Republican R D Sutherland Democrat Sixth District C M Kinkaid Republican Taylor or Dean Democrat Lincoln Aug 24 Never in the his tory o fthe state has so much interest been manifested in a candidate on any ticket and indeed few elections state or national have created the concern Ji iSlllf JAMES C DAHLMAN Mayor of Omaha Democratic Nominee for Governor expressed regarding the democratic gubernatorial contest In the cafes at the clubs on the street cars and in the hotel lobbies the all absorbing topic is the late primary election JVhat will Dahlmans lead be Wjll F f r the c ns of p that Burlcctt no Sites sea- by lh u - ard Hitchcock thf c rt - iPd that Aldrich h mMfV ft W MWAim Why mwMz4 k lifefe GOV A C SHALLENBERGfcR Defeated for Renomination on Demo cratic Ticket a safe lead over Cady for governor ibut each hour thereafter for one solid week the pendulum swung from Shal lenberger to Dahlman and back again with reports slightly favoring the Omaha mayor until the situation be came Intensely exasperating The balance of the state ticket both democratic and republican was al most forgotten no one but the candi dates themselves a few intimato friends and the newspaper reporters taking any interest in any offices be tween governor and congressmen It all focused on Shallenberger and Dahl man until at this writing the Omaha mayor seems to have a safe lead of less than 100 votes Governor Shallenberger is behind Mayor Dahlman just sixty one votes This comes after several corrections have been made Sheridan county was found to be for the governor by thirty votes instead of 175 as report ed Rock county gave Shallenberger put seventy three majority instead of eighty three Thurston county gave Dahlman 153 votes instead of 103 as reported Some slight gains have been made in Douglas county for Shal JenTaerger as the count progresses but these fail by far to make up the dif ference Governor Shallenberger practically concedes that on the face of the re turns he is beaten by Mayor Dahlman Private Secretary urse says the fig ure will not be far irom seventy votes That the governor does not believe this can be made up in the official canvass by the state board is indicated by his decision to ask for several re counts He has wired out to the coun ty clerks of fourteen counties that he expects to file affidavits demanding a recount in those counties and has fol lowed this wire information by the affidavits themselves The counties in ELMER E BURKETT Senior U S Senator Renominated on Republican Ticket nuestion are Adams Cuming Douglas pancaster Otoe Hall Cedar Howard Dodge Gage Saline Butler Seward and Cass Governor Shallenberger has issued a lengthy statement in which he charges repulicans with nominating candidates for both parties and con demns the open primary law which he approved He says that there were a little more than 83000 votes cast for the democratic and republican can didates for governor At the primary held last week as near as can be as certained without the official canvass about 84000 votes were cast for the candidates for governor on the demo cratic and republican tickets Practi cally the same number of votes being cast for these offices at each primary But in the 190S primary the three democratic candidates received 32577 votes in the democratic primary and Governor Sheldon without any contest whatever in his party received 52282 in the republican primary This shows that in the 1910 primary the total of votes cast is practically the same as for that of 1908 but a great body of republican voters moved over into the I democratic column in order to deter mine who the democratic candidate should be Democrats May Reject Amendment Returns from twenty five counties indicate that on the constitutional amendment relating to the right of suffrage the republicans will accept it as party dictum by a considerable majority but that the democrats will turn it down The populists will also accept it The vote of the democrats L will r that i Ma self to with U preparr ln lit to file reiU count c he ballots it r the state Dan V rigan secretr man can naign committ I have reliable information list votes were counted tr era tic totals for Shallenr ter Holt Pumas Fran and Greeley re tw i -hi s u r s ale Who will finally win This question is the topic of conversation every where at present and opinion Is di vided as to whether Shallenberger will finally be able to come up from behind and pass his opponent The chances are against him Starting out from Douglas and Lancaster counties with a handicap of almost C000 votes the governor has slowly forged ahead largely by the aid of the counties in the Fifth district and in the short grass country and has finished neck-and-neck with Dahlman Bryan to Support Hitchcock Lincoln Neb W J Bryan will do everything in his power to assist in the election of Congressman Hitch cock to the United States senate This is the gist of an authorized GILBERT M HITCHCOCK Congressman Third District Nomi nated for U S Senator on the Democratic Ticket statement given out by C W Bryan today Mr Bryan said Mr Hitchcock has made an excel lent record in congress and I shall do all in my power to secure his election to the senate He ought to have every democratic vote and enough insurgent votes to elect him In the Big Sixth In the Sixth district with about two thirds of the reports at hand Kin kaid has won over Beeman about three to one The latest totals are Kin kaid 4235 Beeman 1599 The latter did not carry his home county On the democratic side it is still any bodys race with Taylor of Custer and Dean of Custer in the lead far enough to insure that the race will be be tween them Following are their totals Taylor 1313 Dean 1385 Shumway 911 Ross and Wendt are away in the rear WHAT CANDIDATES SAY Mayor Dahlman I will make the greatest fight for election that has ever been staged in Nebraska Governor Shallenberger I am con fident that I will be nominated though by a small majority C O Whedon My personal feel ings sustained no disappointment Congressman Hitchcock The size of my majority has surprised me 9w ftest immszv - j Wj ros t x sv VNSr rJ CHARLES W POOL Editor Tecumseh Journal Tribunal Speaker of the House Democratic Nominee for Secretary of State Not only is the majority which the voters hae given me surprisingly large but it was very evenly distrib uted R L Metcalfe I find no room in my heart for vain regrets over de feat Metcalfe Carried Omaha Ward Although R L Metcalfe was de feated in the race for United States senator he had the satisfaction of carrying the Ninth ward in Omaha his old home over G M Hitchcock who lives in that city Metcalfe in fact had a majority over both his op ponents there The vote resulted Metcalfe 522j Hitchcock 4S5 Reed 17 i fc i EIUNCE COLUMN Coniitctci b the McCcok W C T U Four Battles Royal Battles royal are about to be fought in four of the states of the Union tti connection with the liquor traffic Florida Missouri New Mexico and rizona are in the thick of mighty rruggles Florida and Missouri are to de ide at the November election on state wide prohibition New Mexico and Arizona our two now states are making strenuous elforts to put pro hibition in their constitution As was to be expected the liquor interests of the country are concen trating their forces on these four stat es They will do everything that is possible fair or unfair to win out Our representatives and by that we mean the forces of righteousness of decency and of law and order must not be left to themselves Help will be needed from the outside Right ly understood these four battles roy al are ours wherever we live if only we are among those who believe in temperance and in all those virtues that make for the protection of the American home and nation In so far as the new states are concerned they are in reality just now facing an epochal crisis The statehood enabling act passed by Cor gress provides for prohibition for the Indians But about one half of the population of these states is Spanish-American which needs protection about as much as do the Indians R F D No 1 John Leibbrandt and Mike Esch went to Des Moines Iowa where -Mr Leibbrandt was operated upon for re lief from rupture Rev and Mrs Bryant Howe were visitors at Shadeland last Thursday afternoon Frank Johnston went up to Denver last Thursday visiting at Wray and other points en route Edna Breitling fell last Thursday and broke an arm The fracture was promptly reduced and she is getting along nicely Frank Hammell was a Shadeland visitor latter part of last week J M Phillips went up to Denve close of last week visiting there and reliatives in Elizabeth Colorado until fore part of present week J V Roberson returned Sunday night from a trip covering parts of Colorado Idaho Nevada and New Mexico A D Johnston is away on a trip out west enjoying a deserved va cation Charles Roper has been working for past few days painting and other wise repairing and putting the school house in district 31 in shape for the fall term of school Miss Lena Neumann of Collegeview was a visitor at Schlutsmeiers last week but has gone to Lyons Colo on a visit to her brother Using the plow shares of riding plows as brakes does not improve the roads brethren but on the contrary makes pretty rough roads in places for travel Dont do it Keep your shares up if you travel the public highway Keep the Laugh On Your Lips If the clothes line breaks if the cat tips over the milk and the dog elopes with the roast if the children fall into the mud simultaneously with the advent of clean aprons if the new girl quits in the middle of house cleaning and though you search the earth with candles you find none to take her place if the neighbor you have trusted goes back on you and decides to keep chickens if the char iot wheels of the uninvited guest draw near when you are out of pro vender and the gaping of your empty purse is like the unfilled mouth of a young robin take courage if you have enough sunshine in your heart to keep the laugh on your lips Be fore good nature half the cares of daily living will fly away like midges before the wind Try it Water mans The Girl Wanted From Sickness to Excellent Health So says Mrs Chas Lyon Peoria 111 I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backache and kidney trouble which bothered me for many months I am now enjoying excellent health which I owe to Foley Kidney Pills A McMillen When the digestion is all right the action of the bowels regular there is a natural craving for food When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlains Stom ach and Liver tablets They strength en the digestive organs improve the appetite and regulate the bowels Sol by A McMillen Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound SIGNALS OF DISTRESS McCook People Should Know How to Read and Heed Them Sick kidneys give many signals of distress The secretions are dark contain a sediment Passages are frequent scanty pain ful Bachache is constant day and night Headaches and dizzy spells are fre quent The weakened kidneys need quick help Dont delay Use a special kidney lomedy Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys backache and urinary disorders McCook evidence proves this state ment Mrs Elizabeth Kunimer 208 1th street E McCook Neb says I was subject to backaches and head aches and I knew that my kidneys were weak as the secretions from these organs were badly disordered Upon taking Doans Kidney Pills I found immediate relief and continued use made my health much better I heartily recommend Doans Kidney Pills and advise their use in all cases of kidney complaint For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other Foley Kidney Pills Tonic in quality and action quick in results For backache headache dizziness nervousness urinary irregu larities and rheumatism A Mc Millon Subscribe for The Tribune 100 the year w Lincoln Sanitarium Suipho Saline Springs Locatod on our own promlHos and uued in the Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsnrpatified in the treatment of Rheumatism Heart Stoinuch Kidnoy nd Liver Diseases Moderate Chargci Addrcjj DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Kob 5XsSsXj3X2X Storage Coal at Right Prices Wo nre now innkiiiKn re duction on MoruKo coat orders It will pay ou to take advantage of tno re duction Come and see us about it llioiui Uj Updike Grain Co S S GAUVEY Manager Shampooing Hair Dressing Scalp and Facial Treatment L W CLYDE Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs R W fll c B R A Y E R Electrical Contractor House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds 2 1 0 y2 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341 WWfi ril Wfil ealth in Irrigation Congress has just appropriated Twenty Million Dol lars to hasten the work of Government irrigation The Government Shoeshone Project in THE BIG HORN BASIN will receive its share and be pushed to completion at once Contracts for a twelve mile extension of the main canal were let June 27th More than 150 farms now ready for settlers and a large number of farms are now be ing surveyed which will be opened to entry within a few weeks Tese rich lands irrigated by the Government can be homesteaded by simply repaying the Government ac- tual cost 4 per acre in ten year ly payments without in terest 15000 acres of Carey Act Lands just opened to entry only J0 days residence required Under this law settlers buy water from the irrigat tion company at 50 per acre and the land from the State at 50c per acre paying 10 per acre cash the remainder running over a period of ten years at six per cent liffHIWa lnmmygir D CLEM DEAVER General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb wgcaaraaBagpaw THE TRIBUNE 150 Value for 100 vwvtw Trrwt IrivMWi ii iiftiwiriirtiii v vv vvWWi v v ifr riHTir5f V Fkaxklix Pres G II Watkixs Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G II Watkins Yornice Franklin h JLi J sLtt lJiM11 Jlji ii iiiiii jii 1 fctititil il 1 ijilil liiJS STANSBERRY LUflBER CO Everything- in Lumber At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o ii McCOOK NEB