The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 25, 1910, Image 1

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Mens Shoes 200 up
Mens Oxfords 200 up
Ladies Shoes and Ox
fords 150 up
Best of Childrens Slip-
pers 1 3 off
Come in and see them
Yiersen Osborn
I 113 W B Repairing
Electrical Effects in Faust
Mr Sanford Dodge has spared nei
ther expense nor work in his efforts
o give a first class production of
The following are some of the elec
trical effects shown in this wonderful
jday The Vision of Marguerite
The Signing of the Bond The Trans
formation of Faust The Winecup of
Fire The Illuminated Cross The
Electrical Garden The Invocation of
the Demons by Fire The Electrical
Sword Fight The Fireflies The Il
luminating Skulls The Rain of Fire
TheApotKeosik and -many-other
ginal and startling effects Dont
3b1ss seeing this great play at the
Temple theatre McCook Thursday
ere og Sept 1 second day of the
3tfc ok races
the Nominee
J F Cordeal will be the Republi
can jiominee for state senator in the
29th district His plurality over J
C Gammill in the late primary elec
tion Is 227
Plur Plur
Gammill Cordeal
Chse 80 96 16
JDuady 55 S6 23
lroatipr 72
Furnas 161 2i5 61
Gosper 62 11 18
JUayes 59 1 55
Hitchcock 71 132 61
Sedwillow 1S5 363 183
120 317 227
Subscribe for the Tribune
A F and A M Meeting
Special meeting of McCook Lodpo No
235 A F A M Tuesday Aug 30 at
S p m Work in F C degree
By Order of the M W
C L FahnestoCk Secy
i f -
I HXj Nil h
i flj h
to have some of
those funny
country pictur
es taken but
you dont want
to give them to
your friends
When you pre
sent any make
the gift one of
our artistic
Then it will be
given a place of
honor Then it
will be shown
to all visitors
with pride and
friendly c o m
nient Then it
will remind the
recipient of you
as you are when
you look your
best and love
j jiest
E Schell Kimmdl
1st Door N Com Hotel Red 42
Practically Destroyed
The old James G Hamilton dwell-
ing on 2nd street west occupied by
J E F Brunswick was practically de
stroyed by fire last Friday afternoon
entailing a loss of perhaps 500 The
building was an old one No insur
ance was carried by Mr Hamilton
who has for many years lived in
Pass Christian Miss Mr Brunswick
carried 400 insurance on his house
hold goods hence his practically com
plete loss is doubtless well covered
We understand that the interior of
the dwelling was being cleaned and
that gasoline was used in part in the
process The gasoline caught fire
and quickly enveloped the interior
and the house and contents were
well along to destruction by the time
the department could get a stream of
water on the structure
Wir Immer Verkauf
the best apron ginghams for 6i
best calicoes for oc good muslin
bleached or unbleached for 5c
mosquito nett 5c Am A 2 bu bags
25c best table oil cloth 15c 1 J
quality of yard wide silk for 79c
childs gingham dresses 29c rompers
23 c best table oil colth 15c 100
bocker suits 39c 55c 69c boys dou
ble front and seat overalls 44c mens
stout blue denim overalls and jackets
44c each others at 74c and 99c men
stout and good looking shoes 190
others 275 and 300 Stetson hats
369 feather pillows 65c to 125 and
165 each sheets 60c to 85c pillow
cases 135 doz white quilts 79c to
375 each Scores of equally inter
esting prices The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
School Days
At the beginning of the term there
are so many items needed by pupils
that it is next to impossible to start
out on the first day of school fully
equipped each day seems to demand
something new We are car xng a
stock of school supplies in- suchnvar
iety that we can supply your needs
at all times
You will find here all the school
books that are used in our public
schools as well as such necessary
articles as
Pencils Composition papers
Pens Writing pads
Pen holders Drawing papers
Erasers Rulers
Inks Paste
Crayons Mucilage etc
L W McCONNELL Druggist
A Crook Arrested
A small hump back man was pass
ing a well known place of busi
ness on Tuesday morning when his
eye caught sight of a suit of over
clothes hung outside and marked 88
cents for the suit He paused ex
amined the garments smiled passed
into the store and purchased two
suits He said himself it was a clear
case of arrest One price plain fig
ures cash only
Sells His Ice Business
Negotiations are about closed foi
the sale of iii Lee -re business t
W S Hamilton aid sons Henry and
Thomas of the Blackwood Hitih
cock county their land on the Black
wood being traced for the business
here The Lee lonuly will move 1c
the city and occupy one of their pro
perties in the city
How is the Baby
If you are nursing it on the bottle
you have probably had difficulty in
finding just the right kind of food
for it We carry a large supply of
all the best baby foods and no doubt
have just what you are looking for
100 Black Taffeta For 79c
If you have not yourself bough
any of this wonderful dress silk
we will be glad to show it to you
Perfect weave luster and finish and
one yard wide The Thompson D
G Co Utmost value
Farm Loans
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 2 5tf
Are you tired run down exhausted
by a little or no exertion If so take
Peptonized Beef Iron and Wine the
food for run down people 100 per
bottle 3 for 250
j A good talcum powder is more than
a comfort it is a necessity We
have all the best ones 25 and 35
cent cans
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Good Company and Elegant Scenery
Play Arranged by Mr Dodge
Sanford Dodge with his splendid
company gave the play The Three
Musketeers at the Keith theatre
last evening and the audience en
joyed an evening of rare entertain
ment Every actor in Mr Dodges
company showed an intelligent and
masterful appreciation of the part
he played
It is safe to say that most people
know little of The Three Musket
eers Scarcely anyone knows the
subject matter of this classic so to
most people the attendance at the
play furnishes an intellectual treat
This play is arranged by Mr Dodge
himself and reflects great credit up
on his talent and ability DailjTel
egraph North Platte Neb
Temple theatre Friday Sept 2
Fined for Assault
Mrs Pearl Perkins was fined in
Judge Heatens court Tuesday morn
ing for an assault on Floyd Barritt
The judge made the fine 300 and
costs which brought the total up to
There was a small livery bill of
300 due the Barritt barn Barritt
thought the Perkins were going to
leave town Monday night per train
He met the husband at the train and
sought to get the amount due There
was a wordy interview and the de
fendant smote Floyd one or so The
husband became involved Subse
quently arrests were made and the
judge did the rest The fihe and
costs were duly paid It would have
It would have been cheaper to have
paid the account
Easy Dusting
Dust gets into the house so easily
these days of open windows that one
wants to be able to remove it easily
from furniture etc We have just re
ceived a lot of soft well made
TURKEY DUSTERS that are the best
and most satisfactory dust removers
we have ever seen Theres no
scratch to them and they are so
strongly put together that long ser
vice is insured Several sizes and
various prices
Li W McCONNELL Druggist
If you are not provided with them
be sure and see ours We are offer
ing special inducements on the high
est grades made Be sure and see
our new Hoosier and Van Brunt
drills whether you need one now or
Your Neighbor Knows
the satisfaction and saving to be got
ten in the clearing sale of dress
skirts at the Thompson D G Cos
3200 skins for 119 300 ones for
XLS J 400 ones for Sj 500 ones
for 369 600 ones for 439 800
ones for 5v and iGi ones foi
639 Alterations free Utmost val
Old Settlers Meeting
The Old Settlers Association of
Red Willow county will hold their
eighth annual picnic on Brookside
farm near Red Willow Sept 15 1910
Mrs W S Fitch Pres
Mrs Kate Thomas Sec
At a Bargain
My residence at 60S west 2nd St
is for sale at a bargain if taken
soon Call at residence or phone red
More Help Wanted
Apply at once if you wish to work
as apprentice under a very fine
trimmer in our millinery dept
How is this A full box 100 sheets
of Superior brand typewriter carbon
paper for 150 Sample sheet upon
Guard against the suffering and
dangers of acute bowel troubles by
keeping a bottle of McConnells Black
berry Balsam in the house Price
25 cents
Prescriptions filled accurately cor
rectly promptly and last but not
least NEATLY
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Next Governor Will Speak
Next Wednesday afternoon August
31 Hon C II Aldrich the Republi
can nominee for governor of the state
of Nebraska will deliver an address
at the driving park Hon G W Nor
ris will also be present and will in
troduce the next governor of the
state Take in the races program
elsewhere in this issue and hear a
rattling good speech on the side
Public Schools Open September 5
McCook public schools will open
September 5 It is requested that
all pupils report to the same rooms
they were enrolled in last spring and
promotions will be made from the
several rooms The boundary lines
between the several buildings will be
the same as in the past
Owing to sickness last spring a
number of pupils did not get to take
final examinations A special exam
ination will be held in the high schoo
building second floor for all such
as well as for those who wish to enter
from other schools on September 2
Vginning at 9 oclock in the morning
A number of boys from out of town
are wanting to get places to work for
board and room or part of such Any
one wanting help of this nature or
knowing of those who do will confer
a mutual favor by calling up Supt
Parents of children who are to en
ter school for the first time should
have them started before October 1
All parents should start pupils at
once The school work is so planned
that every day represents so much
of a definite progress toward a spe
cific end and that pupil who starts
to school late or attends irregularly
is handicapped just that much
A Great Production
Owing to the magnitude of the pro
ductions of The Gladiator Faust
and The Three Musketeers soon
to be presented by Mr Sanford Dodge
and a talented company it will be
necessary for the curtain to rise
promptly at S30 All who are intend
ing to witness these great plays
should be in their seats at that time
in order to get the full benefit of
the performances Each and every
act is set with special scenery the
costumes are beautiful and every fea
ture is presented with strict attention
to detail and dramatic perfection At
the Temple theatre McCook during
the race meet Dont forget the
dates Aug 31 Sept 1 and 2 and re
member this is one of the few real
dramatic treats of the entire season
Prices 25c to 75c
Any food taken in suitable quant
ities will be properly digested when
the functions of the stomach are ac
tive Most cases of indigestion or
so called dyspepsia are mere dis
orders of digestion The stomach is
all right but just needs aid Use
for a time and the trouble will dis
appear We guarantee the remedy
Money back if it fails
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Plourd Will Be Here
The famous Plourd bunch of run
ning horses from Indianola will be at
the McCook driving park races next
week These horses come here from
Norton Kansas and go from here
to the Denver races
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone Is 97
Subscribe for the Tribune
ri b tine
Report of County Convention Held
by the Womens Christian Tem-
perence Union in the M E
Church McCook Aug 22
Convention was called to Order by
Mrs Birdie Dodge county president
The morning was given over to exe
cutive business and election of of
The following officers were elected
President Mrs Birdie Dodge of
Marion vice president Mrs Carrie
Hoppe of Bartley corresponding sec
retary E Alice Pepper of Murion
recording secretary Dora B Callen
McCook treasurer Mrs Lavina
Moore of McCook superintendent
parliamentary work Mrs Stilgebouer
of Bartley
There were present six local officers
and seventeen delegates
In the afternoon the different de
partments were represented by papei3
read by the following ladies The
papers showed thought study and
care in their preparation and were
presented in a very acceptable man
Evangelistic Mrs Wimer Mc
Cook Franchise Mrs Niisson Mar
ion Sunday School Work Mrs
Olmstead Bartley Health and He
redity Mrs Dimmitt Marlon Jail
and Prison Mrs Inglis McCook
Flower Mission Ella King Bartley
Law Enforcement Clara Rodabaugh
Marion Mothers Meetings Mrs
Hoppe Bartley Domestic Science
Mrs Callen McCook
After the papers were read they
were discussed by the members of
the convention and words of help and
cheer were given the members by
Mrs Daily state vice reident
The convention decided to hold an
institute in the spring in Marion and
the next convention will be held in
McCook a year from this date
In the evening an informal recept
ion was held for Mrs Daily giving
all an opportunity to meet her All
union workers were well pleased to
have her presence at the convention
She gave a very pleasing and in
structive talk at the Baptist church
on Sunday night and gave a talk in
the M E church Monday night
which was the closing feature of the
While the convention did not mea
sure up in attendence as well as the
workers had fondly hoped it was a
good convention full of interest and
helpful suggestions and filling the
workers with a determination to go
home and endeavor to do better and
more effective work in their unions
The following resolutions were
Resolved that we the members of
the Womans Christian Temperance
Union are everlastingly opposed to
the open saloon and that we declare
our allegiance to our principles for
the prohibition of the sale manufac
ture exportation and importation of
alcoholic liquors as a beverage and
the utter extinction of the drink ha
Resolved that we as members of
the McCook W C T U have re
ceived great benefit and inspiration
from their convention
Resolved that we extend our heart
felt thanks and appreciation to our
state vice president Mrs S K Dailey
for her presence and helpful and en
couraging words
Resolved that the McCook union
have greatly enjoyed the visiting dele
gates their papers especially being
very helpful
Resolved that we extend a vote
of thanks to trustees of the M E
church for use of the building
Mrs Belle Inglis
Mrs Lavina Moore
Mrs Dora Callen
Committee on Resolution
Enjoy A November Breeze
while getting a shave hair cut sham
poo etc Such a luxury is assured all
who patronize E M Days barber
shop with its electric fan and other
up to date equipment
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
It Pays to Plow
and a good plow is a necessity
Piano Tuning
us show you plows
One Dollar
does not make a fortune anymore
than one swallow makes a spring
Hut one dollar deposited as a start
on n bank account may mean a
fortune in time just the same as
the ono bird indicates that spring
is coming
After you have made thestart
it is only necessary to adopt a rulo
of saving a co- tain pnrt of your
income REGULARLY to lay by
a substantial sum Supioso you
decide to save ono fourth or one
fifth of every dollar that comes
into your bunds wouldnt that
give you an excellent start in a
year or loss
Wo would courteously ask
you to consider this bank when
selecting a dojository for your
money We will bo glad to see
you at any time and explain any
points that you do not understand
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OKicibx Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
The Mantle of Mephisto
Faust and Mr Louis Morrison as
Mephisto have been for years the
synonyms of excellence Mr Morri
son however has been called to that
other and better world and it is gen
erally conceded that the mantle of
Mephisto which he can wear no long
er has fallen on the shoulders of
Mr Sanford Dodge This young actor
has an entirely new conception of
the great role making the character
more humorous and likeable than any
other actor has ever succeeded in do
ing Dont miss seeing this splendid
production of Faust at the Temple
theatre McCook Sept 1 second day
of race meet
Stomach Pump Saved
Little Louise Wood daughter of
Mr and Mrs A B Wood indulged
by her own hand in ten worm pow
ders toonct last Friday and the doc
tor and his stomach pump were call
ed into requisition to relieve the
little one of her embarrassing condi
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
have been made in the county clerk3
office since our last report
Livonia Drew et cons to D Y
Dorwart E F Newlon wd
to n hf 19-1-30 300 00
R S Justice to Al Ludwig
lien on 1 colt 10 00
For Sale
One second hand Reo auto in good
condition Five iiouses and lots for
sale or trade Also 120 acres bot
tom land for sale or trade Phono
red 3S1 C W Dewey
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
Refer to leading im n whom I hae con
ducted al of all kind- for
W v - W
we have everything worth keeping
There are so many worthless and even
harmful preparations on the market
that it will be well for you to buy where
is kept only
We invite vou to nay us a visit and
inspect what we have in that line If
I can tune pianos up until Sept 10 you know the best preparations youll
them here
Phone 89 or black 344
LEWIS B LUDWICK A McMILLEN Druggist -Stationed