The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 11, 1910, Image 6

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By the blending of Wheat Rice Oats and Barley it
makes a food of great worth Nourishing palatable
and wholesome Try it You will eat it with relish
Ask your Grocer
Conducted bv the McCook W C T 0
The Drunkards Heart
It I could draw back the veil of
ife and let you look into the drunk
aruTs heart the vision of corrupted
morals vicious desires dead man
hood lost self respect shattered in
tellect and hopeless despair would
ttoi you body and soul to the cause
at temperance
I would not have you look upon
this gruesome picture of sin and
shame and woe and depravity out
of idle curiosity or with the
thought that it might help you to
live a more righteous life But I fear
that the Christian people the moral
loving people the God fearing people
-at this great nation will not be aroused
Jo the full significance of the issue
and made to feel their full personal
responsibility until they have been
made to see and to know the real
true character of this monstrous evil
of intemperance
And let us remember that our de
liverance is not to be accomplished
by a hero like Theseus of old who
will destroy this monster and free
his people from its power But this
is also work to be accomplished in
the vineyard of Christ It depends
uoon the heroic action of the Chris
tian citizenship of the nation
We hear much in political circles
about the great needs of the country
Cut our greatest national need is the
-whole Christian worlds greatest need
And that is a great religious revival
that would stir the hearts of men
and women who in the mad rush for
gold have indifferently passed by the
vital issues of life and that would
awaken them to their own needs and
to the needs of the world around
them and that would constrain them
also to enter into the Lords vineyard
and labor for the moral and spiritual
victory of the truth
With such a vision of need before
our eyes and so many pleading voices
ringing in our ears how dare we
stand all the day idle as if there were
nothing to do Is it because we have
no more interest in ourselves and
families than the temporal things of
life Does life mean no more to us
than eating and drinking and keeping
warm Life means that much to the
flocks and herds grazing upon the
hills around us But to every one
who enters as a laborer i o he v ne
yard of Christ fe meanb the attain
ment to the infinitude of soul possib
For Quick Relief From Hay Fever
Asthma and summer bronchitis
take Foleys Honey and Tar It
quickly relieves the discomfort and
Buffering and the annoying symptoms
disappear It soothes and heals the
inflamed air passages of the head
throat and bronchial tubes It con
tains no opiates and no harmful drug
Refuse substitutes A McMillen
Dysentery is a dangerous disease
but can be cuied Chamberlains Col
ic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy has
been successfully used in nine epi
demics of dysentery It has never
been known to fail It is equally val
uable for children and adults and
when reduced with water and sweet
ened it is pleasant to take Sold by
A AIcMILLEN Druggist
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Everything In drugs McConnell
it Was the Chance of a Lifetime and
She Mad the Most of It
The burglar liesitated Back of him
was a sheer drop of twemy tive feet
to the ground In front of him was a
determined woman grasping iu her
hand a huge revolver She covered
him steadily
1 wont shoot she said if you
will remain still
She advanced upon him and poking
the muzzle of the gun in his face
reached Into his pocket and pulled out
his revolver
Come in
The burglar obediently stepped in
side the room AH his courage was
Sit down said the woman
He sat down
She got a huge ball of heavy cord
from her bureau and spent the next
twenty minutes in tying him up
Then she pointed out of the window
Is that your wagon out there behiud
the barnV
Yes maam
Thought you would carry away my
silver in it
Yes maam
The woman called her husband who
had been hiding behind the babys
crib in the nest room
Here John she said take some
of this furniture out
John came in and got to work The
burglar watched with curious eyes
Suddenly his face blanched He looked
out of the window and saw in the
light of the moon what John was car
What are you doing to me he
The woman began cutting bis cords
Im going to load you up with all
of the old eyesores that we have had
in the house for these many years
she said merrily all the furniture
presented to us at Christmas by kind
hearted relatives all the prizes we
have taken at card parties all the fam
ily portraits everything that we have
been simply dying to get rid of
Case of an American Woman Married
Abroad and an Accent
Nothing disgusts me more said a
woman who goes abroad every sum
mer thau to meet iu Europe Amer
icans who seem to be ashnnied of their
own language 1 have often come
across them but a woman 1 met in
Carlsbad last year took the palm
She was introduced to me as the
Countess Komoffsky or some name that
sounded like that She married a Kus
sau or a Pole about three year- ln
fon and mi far as I can gather she
li 1 usirdl bei i ri rer Europe
than a Xew Yoiic laule u bote licfore
that time She looked American but
her English was all broken into bits
she did not even say the but pro
nounced it ze She had great diffi
culty iu recollecting phrases and the
result at times was a lot of French
Next morning 1 was breakfasting in
the Kaiserpark with a party of shawl
wrapped Americans who had drunk
the requisite number of glasses from
the Sprudel or the Marktbrunnen and
had walked out according to prescrip
tion One of those at the table was a
New York physician who is none the
less popular because he is frank in
speech almost to brutality and will not
stand for affectation The countess
came along and was invited to join
the party The doctor it turned out
had known her since she was a child
Somebody asked her a question and
she started to reply with that accent
of hers I saw the doctor fidget Then
she made another remark in half
French The doctor said something
that sounded like a swear Then he
blurted out
For heavens sake Maria Smith
you dont mean to say that three years
iu Europe have made you forget your
native tongue
There was a hush and then some
of the women in the party smiled but
when the countess next spoke it was
iu purest United States New York
Hard to Check
It was the young hubbys first tour
tnrough the big department store
What room is that he asked in
nocently when they reached the second
Why that is where they check ba
bies elucidated his wife
And then young hubby looked at the
struggling infant in his arms and the
buttons and pins it had dislocated and
said simply
I wish theyd try to check this one
Chicago News
A Scientific Classification
Now children says the dear teach
er I have explained to you how yeast
grows until it is full of cells Which
little boy orygirl will tell me the king
dom to whicu yeast belongs
The little whe boy lifted his hand
You may tell Johnny
The criminal kingdom teacher
Chicago Tribune
The Fruit Grows Small End Up and Is
Cut Whilo Unripe
Contrary to popular belief bananas
do not grow on ihr tree as they hang
In the grocery but with the small end
of the fruit pointing upward to all
appearances upside down
There Is probably no other fruit of
such universal consumption about
which so little is known to the average
person as the banana Scarcely one
man in a thousand not connected with
the business knows what a banana
tree looks like
The fruit is never allowed to ripen
on the tree but is cut half or three
quarters full that is half to three-
quarters developed according to the
distance it is to be shipped and comes
to maturity by feeding from the stalk
which contains a large amount of sap
Bananas cut in this way attain prac
tically the same size as if allowed to
remain on the tree in which case the
bunch becomes too much of a burden
for Its support and either falls or
breaks the tree and ripens on the
After the cutting the plantation Is
cleaned which merely consists of
severing the standing trunks within a
few feet of the ground and a new tree
comes forth from the remains of its
predecessor so that the fruit in all
stages of growth is to be found at the
same time and the yield is continuous
The Man Who Smashed Glasses In a
London Tavern
One day a bulky tall pale faced gen
tleman with bushy restless eyebrows
entered a London tavern The waiter
did not ask him for his order but im
mediately brought him a plate of bread
and cheese and a glass of ale Having
consumed his lunch the guest sat up
right in his chair for uwhile leaning
his hands on a heavy walking cane
and staring blankly at the opposite
wall as if in a dream Of a sudden
he gave a start He seized the empty
glass and dashed it to the floor with
all his might smashing it to atoms
He then reflected for a moment laid
a coin on the table got up and left
the inn without a word to any one
After his departure another guest had
the curiosity to ask the waiter wheth
er the gentleman who had just gone
out was not wrong in his head Quoth
the waiter
Oh no sir Thats nothink un
usual with im sir Es broke maybe
a undred glasses since es been a-com-in
to this ouse E dont seem to
know it when e does it E just gits
a thinkin and seems to git hangry at
somethink es thinkin about Its the
great Lord Macaulay sir St James
The Name Cuba
Cuba is the name by which the is
land was originally known to the Lu
cayan Indians who were with Colum
bus when he discovered it One of its
villages or cities was called by them
Cubanacan and it is reported that
from the similarity of sounds Colum
bus still supposing himself to be on
the coast of Asia imagined that this
must be a city of Kublai Khan the
Tartar sovereign celebrated by Marco
Polo The survival of the original
name for Cuba is a remarkable iu
stance of persistence as the island has
been baptized and rebaptized many
times since its European discovery
Columbus first called itluana iu honor
of Prince John the son of Ferdinand
and Isabella After Ferdinands death
it was called in his memory Fernan
dina Subsequently this name was
changed to Santiago after St James
the patron saint of Spain Still later
it was named Ave Maria in honor of
the Virgin Mary But none of these
names held and the Indian name is
still preserved
Rice In the Orient
Rice is kept for use iu the orient in
its busk just like horse oats or uu
thrashed wheat It is called paddy
and is beaten or thrashed for daily use
But pure husked rice is too rough and
unattractive looking for world mar
kets so it is polished in revolving cyl
inders with French chalk to make it
pretty pearly and smooth But this
robs It of its outer layer and most val
uable food qualities Polished rice is
regarded as poison in Japan and is
known to produce the dreadful epidem
ic disease beriberi iu Japanese who
live too exclusively on a rice diet and
eating little or no meat Exchange
Well Supplied
An inveterate wit and punster asked
the captain of a craft loaded with
boards how he managed to get dinner
on the passage Why replied the
skipper we always cook aboard
Cook a board do you rejoined the
wag Then 1 see you have been well
provided with provisions this trip at
all events Loudon Tit Bits
Getting Even
Howard When Dr Incision operat
ed on me he left a pair of surgical scis
sors in my anatomy Can I sue 5am
for damages Lawyer Better just
send him a large bill for storage Life
Youngleigh Which is the better way
to propose orally or by letter Cyui
cus By letter certainly Theres a
chance that you might forget to mail
it Exchange
Why Indeed
She Why does woman take a mans
name when she marries him He
Why does she take evervthing else hes
When death comes It is never our
tenderness that we repent of but our
severity Eliot
Unofficial Choice For Senate of
Illinois Women
Insist That With Equal Suffrage
Charges of Corruption Like Those
Against Lorimer Would Not Be
Possible Find Voters Receptive Dur
ing Auto Tour of State
Jane Addams for United States
This is the plea of the representa
tives of the Illinois Equal Suffrage
itague during their recent automobile
tour of that state and their solution
of Illinois political chaos in auswer
to the daily queries put to them in
regard to the legislative bribery sit
uatiou brought to a climax in Chicago
in the trial of Lee ONeil Browne
Miss Helen M Todd who has been a
member of the vote seeking party of
tourists sounded the Addams slogan
Found Public Anxious
Throughout Illinois on our trip
said Miss Todd we found the peo
pie In a most overwhelming state
of agitation over the recent alleged
bribery disclosures in connection with
the election of United States Senator
Lorimer Everywhere the people on
learning that we wore from Chicago
where the big bribery trial of a state
representative was going on were
Photo by American Association
clamoring for the latest news of the
situation And our answer has al
ways been the same
Our argument has been and is
she continued that If we were al
lowed the right of suffrage and the
attendant privileges of electing women
as representatives of the people our
politics would be purified immediately
There never would have been cast on
the history of our state such a blem
ish as the recent disclosures of official
corruption reaching to the very roots
of our legislative system have ef
Senator Addams Beyond Corruption
Could you ever imagine United
States Senator Jane Addams involved
in an accusation of buying votes for
her election to the countrys highest
legislative body Never If the
states best women could have taken
the places which men like Lee ONeil
Browne Charles A White and all the
others who are involved in the big
graft disclosures are accused of dis
gracing this awful state of corruption
in politics would never have resulted
Long Island Scheme Has Spread Over
the World
The system of school savings banks
started twenty five years ago by J H
Thiry of Long Island City N Y has
prospered amazingly In 11 GS schools
In US cities of this country over 3
000000 has been deposited The New
York city school children have saved
fully 1300000 The system has spread
to twenty three states and also to
Porto Rico Hawaii and the Philip
It has also been adopted in other
lands having been cordially welcomed
in Canada In nine years 270000 has
been deposited in the schools of To
ronto alone In France there are banks
hi 11000 schools with more than 1
HOOOOO francs deposited Algeria has
also taken up the plan In South and
Western Australia it has been made a
part of the postal savings system
More than 10000000 children have
participated iu this good work
Drives Buffalo to Mexico
Captain Charles Goodnight will drive
his herd of 500 buffaloes from his ranch
at Goodnicht Okla to his ranch in the
state of Coahuila Mexico where there
will be a larger range and better cli
mate Captain Goodnight is the lar
gest breeder of Americnu bison in the
United States
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
have been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
Laura I IIousol to 0 E
Elliott wd to e hf sj qr 21-
2 30 100
CE Elliott et us to Gordon
llollis wd to samo as above 1 00
John Backus to Henry Backus
wd to hf int ui s hf nw qr 5-
3 29 2900 00
Henry Backus et ux to John
i Backus wd to same ad above
Clinton Gardner et ux to Aar
on G King wd to 11 12 in
8lstMcCook 100
E J Lakin et ux to George T
Taylor wd to e hf so qr -1-7
w hf sw qr 3300 00
Churlos S Bush et ux to Sam
uel S Garvey wd to 2 in 27
2nd MoCook 530 03
Louis Meyers et ux to Elwin
J Ludwig wd to w hf 25-1-29
9C00 00
T II Grovert et ux to Samuel
O Hoagland wd to 21 22
23 24 in 21 Indianola 1073 00
Lee Watson et ux to Delmer
and Howard Sexton wd to
lie qr 27-2-30 3200 00
Lincoln Land Co to Geor
geana S Talbott wd to 5
in 5 7th McCook 175 00
J P Beach et ux to Howard
Saxton qcd to no qr 27-2-30 1 00
Louis Longnecker threshed the firs
of the week
Mrs Frank Collins visited Mrs
Norris one day last week
Mrs Jackson Loomis of Blooming
dale Mich came in time for her
fathers funeral and remained for a
visit of a week or so with her moth
Mrs Alice Elmer came out to
help cook for threshers at Louis
Mr Elmer brought one of his gas
oline engines out to Louis Longneck
ers to pump water for the threshing
Yellow Fever
Every one knows that when a man
has oiice had yellow fever and recov
ers he ui ver contracts the dieae
again no matter how much he exposes
himself to infection said Dr Fred S
Williams of Havana This ability to
resist the minute organisms which
cause the malady is called immunity
and in tropical countries where yellow
jack is always present it is turned to
profit in various ways
Thus during the Spauish American
war regiments of imniunes were en
listed iu the south for service in the
fever ridden country about Santiago
Again during an epidemic in New Or
leans many persons purposely exposed
themselves to infection because the
disease prevailed in a very mild form
and they concluded that if they were
infected they would quickly recover
and would be immune during severe
epidemics in the future Washington
Generally the man who tries by
acting in an eccentric manner to
uear to be a genius is merely imitat 1
ing anothers faults
Another Fling at the Poet
Im a toiler in lifes vineyard
wrote a Buffalo poet and the linotype
man made it tailor Still this isnt
so bad Most poets would be glad if
they could make their own dus Ex
They Have a Definite Purpose
give quick relief
Foley Kidney Pills
of kidney mid bladder
lief in cases
ailments Mrs Rose Glaser Terre
Haute Ind tells the result in her
case After suffering for many year
from a serious case of kidney trouble
and spending much money for so
called cures I found Foley Kidney
Pills the only medicine that gave
me permanent cure I am again able
to be up and attend to my work I
shall never hesitate to recommend
them A McMUlen
I Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
Flour Feed Main av
Now is the time tcfill Your Coal Bins by
so doing you save 50c Per Ton and are in
sured of fuel next winter when the coal shortage comes
During june and july we will sell coal at 50c per ton
less than the regular price Place your orders now and avoid
being disappointed next winter
W 1910 n
w Mr
s yriwnw
Ml Ms
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after Wo
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
w i