County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nob August 3rd 1910 Tho board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment pres ent C B Gray F S Lofton and Edward Sughroue commissioners and Chas Skalla county cleric Tbo board commenced thi examina tion of tho accounts of CNnden county treasurer and continued tho sanii throughout tho day On mot on tho board adjoun ed to meet August 4th 1910 C B GRAY Chairman Attest C1IAS SKALLA County Clerk McCook Nob August 4th 1910 The board o county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment pres ent C B Gray P S Lofton and Ed ward Sughroue commissioners and Chas Skalla county clerk Tho board continued the examination of tho accounts of C Naden county treasurrr and after a ca cful examina tion find tho following to be a true and correct statement of all moais received and disbursed by him as such treasurer from January Gth 1910 to June 30th 1910 both inclusivein the several funds and tho amount on hand in tho sovenl funds at the close of business on June 30th 1910 See statement published July 7th Tho board commenced the examina tion of tho accounts of J C Moore county judge and continuo1 tho same throughout tho day On motion the board adjourned to meet August nth 1910 C B GRAY Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk McCook Neb Aug nth 1910 The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment -present C B Gray F S Lofton and Edward Sughroue county commission ers and Chas Skalla county clerk The board commenced tho examina tion of tho accounts of C A Rodgers clerk of the district couit ard after a caeful exatninat on find that he has earned and received as fees from Janu ary lst190to Juno 30th 1910 both in clusive the sum of S113 70 Tho quarter annual reports of C A Rodgers clerk of the district court for tho 1st and 2nd quarter of 1910 were ex amined found correct and were on mo tion approved and ordered placed c n fie The board commenced th examina tion of the accounts of L M Higgins sheriff The board decided to continue the ex amina ion of the accounts of L M Higgins sheriff nnd of J C Moore county judge at their next meeting The following ofiici d reports were ex amined found correct and weieon mo tion approved and ordered placed on file W B Wh tinker justice of the peace Willow Grove precinct 2nd quarter 1910 James E Ryan justice of the ieacr lndianola precinct 1st half 1910 Butler A Jones juctice of the peace Ind anola precinct 1st half 1910 E J DeArmond justice of the peace East Valley precinct 1st half 1910 Ed Hethcote ju tice of the ieace Bea ver precinct 1st half 1910 F C Tyler justice of the peae Box Elder precinct 1st half 1910 Elizabeth Bettcher count superinten dent institute reports for 1910 The claim of Mrs S J Martin for 8155 for refund of 1907 peroonal taxes claiming that she had no building and loan stock at that time Wos on motion rejected The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was instruct ed to draw warrants on the respec ive funds as follows Road district No 7 Willow grove precinct W T Clark road work 1350 G V Korrell road work 1300 Road district No 11 Tyrone precinct N O Lundstrom road work 2675 Alfred Lundstnm road work 1872 On motion the board adjurned to meet August 11th 1910 C B GRAY Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk Acute or Chronic Which No matter if your kidney trouble is acute or chronic Foleys Kidney Remedy will reach your case Mr Claude Brown Reynoldsville 111 writes us that he suffered many months -with kidney complaint which baffled all treatment At last he tried Foleys Kidney Remedy and a feAV large bottles effected a complete cure He says It has been of inestimable value to me A McMillen To keep your health sound to avoid the ills of advancing years to conserve your physical forces for a ripe and healthful old age guard your kidneys by taking Foleys Kid ney Remedy A McMillen If your liver is sluggish and out of tone and you feel dull bilious con stipated take a dose of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning Sold by A McMILLEN Druggist TIME FREIGHT CARS Traced by Hourly Reports the Whol Length of Tkoir Run A freight car is essentially common property It has to go from one yne to another in the course of its business It has to carry loads from Jackson ville Fla to Spokane Wash from Phoenix Ariz to Augusta Me If all the freight cars in the United States were owned by oue big company and If that company charged the railroads for the exact amount of use which they made of each car the situation would theoretically be more reaMiuabh than it is today Its Power to Resist Its Own Gastric Juices Is a Puzzle One of the greatest questions dis turbing the minds of physiologists both past and present is that of the stomachs digesting powers It is asked why the stomach does uot digest itself It is well known that gastric juices have the power to digest the tis sue of which the stomach Is made One of the things actually manufac tured by the body secreted iu the glands near the stomach and poured into it is hydrochloric acid a power ful ageut that will eat up almost any thing Why it docs uot eat the stomach up is problematical It is known that a stomach from a dead animal or man can be digested by a living man It has been found out also that when a man is killed accidentally and his stomach is in the process of digesting if the body be kept warm his whole stomach will be digested and possibly too adjacent organs as liver pancreas etc From this it was argued that the principle of life kept the process from going on in a living being Subsequently however this was proved to be untrue A living frog was put in an uncon scious condition and his leg inserted through a small hole in a dogs stomach the dog being alive aud well It was found that the frogs leg was wholly digested in the process al though living So the last reason con ceivable was proved incapable of ex plaining the phenomenon About the only conclusion left is that the stomach does gradually actually eat itself up but that it is being con stantly rebuilt However as this ex periment is hard to perform and as no results have so far heen announced in this directum we are left In a state of absolute ignorance and all we can do is to be devoutly thankful to Provi dence that our stomachs do not digest themselves except in the ordinary course of human events Lawrence Hodges in New York Trihuue In Doubt Editor Look here what sort of writ ing is this Iu your story Reporter Whats wroug with it sir Editor You say in your account of this party where they had fuu with a bashful guest As his intended part ner swept past gracefully the others brushed by to scour the place for the timid victim of the game who had lost courage and dusted Say are you writing about a social party or a housecieaniug exhibition New York Journal A Lesson In Anatomy A professor at one of our universities is very witty upou occasion A medical student once asked if there were not some works on anatomy more receut than those In the college library Young man said the professor there have not been many new bones added to the humau body duriug the last ten years Loudon Standard Blows His Own Horn What kind of a fellow is Griggs Hes one of those chaps who can do anythine Dow deliuhtfuir Yes hut he like 0 tell of It Oh Biton rierald OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o What the Inventors Are Accomplishing ooooooooooooooooooc Ss II let George do it is usual ly the remark when a long row on river or lake is sug gested aud It comes t choosing the person who will handh the oars ami while tin others have it Hut in any cmm the wanderings r j most lleIIghtfu time loor frelgit cars will always intail an euur inous amount of labor with pen and pencil and telegraph key and typewrit er and long distance telephone writes William Hard in the Technical World Magazine The modern hunter of freight cars is not satisfied with knowing where all the cars on his own lines are at the end of each days run Modern busi ness life has become so rapid that In the case of certain kinds of freight it is necessary to know just where each car is every few hours This kind of freight Is called time freight Ordinary freight is dead freight Time freight consists only of certain materials These materials run alpha betically all the way from asbestus through cranberries egg case fillers ink peanuts and varnish down to zinc AH cars in time freight trains are reported by telegraph from all di vision points You can stand in front of a big board on the wall it Is like the board in a stockbrokers otlice except that it lias little holes in It aud watch the prog ress of the curs in a time freight train from point to point As the telegrams come In the pegs are moved from hole to hole If you started a carload of varnish from Chicago to Omaha last night you can come in today and see just wheie that car is You can watch it ail the way to Omaha on the board It is a cruel humiliation for the freight car It used to be a wild stray animal but now it is tamed and do mesticated Just as we now have mu nicipal lodging houses for tramps so we have telegraph record boards for freight cars Pretty soon nobody will be able to escape from the authorities It Is only occasionally under modern methods a freight car tracer has to go out and bring it home by force THE STOMACH comes back after his day on the watei and goes gunning for tin- man who in vented rowboats Whether through Wffi W - r v 5V f r KPTzjTiK jtwv swiwiiv vs - ms e - 5ra2Sfftf v rt v rat v W wsmasmsmmem AN INGlSnOUS OBAFT sympathy for the much overworked George or for financial gains a Danish inventor has just devised and placed on the market a craft that will save the Georges much physical ex ertion in that direction This is a two man power paddle boat which is driven forward by means of pedals that turn paddles and while of course it hasnt tho speed of the motorboat fast time can be made with every little effort This ingenious craft is attracting much at tention and many have been ordered for summer resorts all over the world a number having been purchased in America The inventor is said to be reaping a harvest from his new boat That marvelous invention the tele writer which was invented a short time ago Is now giving such remark able results that it is becoming more and more indispensable This won derful instrument transmits in exact facsimile written messages and in business transactions particularly the advantage of a written over a spoken message is obvious Moreover the message is recorded whether the sub scriber rung up is in or not yet an other advantage which it has over the telephone to which it can be added if necessary Many countries are inter ested in the invention A telewriter exchange will soon he an accomplished fact in London tho postmaster general having granted a twenty one years lease enabling such exchanges to be formed The K V Wv -V VV A i - X Km fvif v- f aft XMi N xCT If t Jap is A - TETCWiirrEit KEcrrviNG a message writer in the illustration is seen writ ing a message to go to another town begging for a pamphlet containing particulars of this extraordinary in vention which in reality is the out come of a vast amount of patience nnd ingenuity and a considerable sum of money has been expended to perfect it By its aid we can send our own par ticular handwriting over an indefinite length of wire as easily as a telegraph clerk transmits messages in the Morse alphabet In fact -whatever the hu man hand does at one end of the wiro that will be faithfully reproduced by a similar machine at the other end even though it be many hundreds of miles away Telegrams of the future may thus play an important part in breach of promise cases Army circles the world over are keenly interested in the experiments now being made with a new invention for use on battlefields This is an oil fuel traction engine designed for drag ging the heaviest artillery over rough country and is a most novel machine Rm a - - v rr ipy3L LxzraoM y A x k SBciK - svV4fcrtKXii3 Amm SEW ENGINE FOR DKUGGING AXriZiJiEliT Instead of traveling In the ordinary way it rolls along on an endless track like a great chain of steel links which It lays for Itself The engine can thus safely negotiate ditches rocky areas and the steepest gradients MANY KINDS OF FLEAS About 400 Different Species Are Known to Naturalists One of the tirst naturalists who de voted themselves to watching fleas with such microscopes as were then available was Leeuwenhoek a Dutch man who lived at the end of theseven teenth century Leeiiwenhoo 1im h ered that a small mite fed on the tlen and it was this discovery which in spired Swifts familiar lines So naturalists observe i Hen Hath smaller tleas thai on him prey Ann these nave smaller Mill to bite em And so proceed ad infinitum The Ileas parasite however to be uccurate is not anuther flea or even another Insect but is a mile classed among the sarcoptidae IJn naeus writing In 171S described onlv two species of flea The tirst which was the human flea he rightly named Pules irritans The second was the chigoe of hot countries To this on account of its burrowing habit he gave the name of Pulex penetrans At the present day about 400 different species of fleas have been described and named by the small band of scien tilie men who have devoted themselves to their study Most of these have been discovered within quite recent years so it is probable that many new forms and varieties will be collected and observed Elarold Russell in Lou don National Review OLD TIME HAT STAMPS Death Used to Be the Penalty In Eng land For Forging Them Hats have iu England been subject to very severe protective enactments The blocked beaver hat for instance imported by Sir Walter Raleigh from the Low Countries won its way so rapidly that In 1371 Queen Elizabeth passed an act to protect the making of thrummed caps made from wool for the advantage of the larded pro prietors whose sheep furnished the material The statute provided that every male person shall ou Sundays and holidays wear on his head a cap of velvet wool made in England pen alty 3s Gd per day About a century later the law for which there is nothing too high or too low having taxed mens shoes turued its attention once more to their hats and soon put a check on all improve ments in the trade by requiring every vender of hats to take out a license under a heavy penalty Subsequentlj a stamp duty was imposed on all hats which were officially marked inside where the makers name now appears The penalty for selling a hat without a stamp was 10 and the penalty for forcing a hat stamp was death whence no doubt the modern custom of the man who goes to church sits down looks into his hat to read bK makers name Loudon Chronicle An English Sanctuary Beverley miuMcr ISO miles north of Loudon is the shrine of St John of Beverley who died in the year T21 In D3S Athelstan kiug of Euglaud gave several privileges to the monastery one being the privilege of sanctuary This was not merely for man slaying I it was open to all wrongdoers except those who had been guilty of treason For ordinary offenses such as horse stealiug cattle stealing being back ward in accounts or being in receipt of suspected goods a man came into sanctuary about a mile from the mon astery or church There used to be four crosses on the main roads leading to Beverley marking the limit of the area In cases of manslaughter and murder it was uot sufiicieut to be with in one of these crosses Before the fugitive could claim sanctuary he must enter the church and seat himself in a stone chair known as the frid stool or freed chair To this place many fled for refuge from all parts of the country Appropriate The worshipers in a certain chapel had some trouble to keep their faces straight a short time ago During the service some commotion was caused by a gentleman who accidentally ig nited a box of wax matches in his pocket and was trying to put them out while his alarmed neighbors strug gled equally hard to help him The minister being shortsighted could not make out the reason of the disturb ance and thinking to diplomatically cover the incident he innocently said Brethren there is a little noise go ing on Until it is over let us sing Sometimes a Light Surprises Lon don Answers A New Reason Annette aged three has two very talkative little sisters and sometimes she finds it difficult to make herself heard at the table One day when the others had been monopolizing the con versation longer than she liked An nette raised her finger with a warning gesture and whispered half aloud Everybody keep still My foots asleep Delineator True Charges She Did you see where some man declares that women are not honest He Well hes riuht in saying so She fiercely When did you ever know me to do a dishonest thing He tenderly When you robbed nil of my peace of mind and stole my heart you dear lit tle thief New York World The Language This is a pretty state ot affairs isnt it Yes it is a very ugly matter but somebody will have to pay handsomely for it New York Journal A good way to be happy is to try to be useful and helpful NOBODY SPARED Kidney Troubles Attack McCook Men and Women Old and Yong Kidney ills seize young and old Come quickly with little warning Children suffer in their early years Cant ccrtrcl tho kidney secre tions Girls are languid nervous suffer pain Women worry cant do daily work Men have lame and aching hacks The cure for man woman or child Is to cure the cause the kidneys Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys Cure all forms of kidney suffering McCook testimony proves it AIi s Thomas Cronghan 412 B ave McCook Neb says A member of our family suffered from backache caused by disordered kidneys This person also had headaches and got up in the morning feeling till tired out Doans Kidney Pills were finally used and they brought splendid results 1 have observed the good work that Doans Kidney Pills have done in many cases of kidney trouble and therefore I do not hesitate to recom mend them For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo Now York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other Foley Kidney Pills Tonic in quality and action quick in results For backache headache dizziness nervousness urinary irregu larities and rheumatism A McMillen Subscribe for The Tribune the year 100 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB HcCook Co operative Building Savings Assn of McCook NVhrmkii tho MU hiy Cash TRIBUNE ot June 1010 ASlKTS First MirtiniKw Loans S 1SjP CO Slock Umlis on r7 Dilincjuent ititorost UxiKjusesaud taxos ml Delinquent s cdniinti Total LIAIULITIHS Canitnl t tock pnid m Hosorvo fund Undivided prnflU Other liabilitioi Total 2tf 25 Sll 51 21 00 1510TJ 43 1WO0C It 1057 2ft 117 50 10107 U Receipts aud oxputiditurus for tlioioar eudinff Juno JO 1U10 KKOEIPTS Halauco ou hand July 1 1S09 Dues Interest premiums and Hues Loans repaid Tax Sale Redemptions 20 Oft 2S8 oo 14SI1 22 2431X X 105 03 Total S7UW9 31 EXIMSSDITUUES Loans Stock redeemed Cash in hand Tax Sale Certificates Int ou matured tock Total 33425 00 627 21 31982 2ft 3S05 67 4SI 7S 551 36 70909 31 State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss I F A Iuiinull n crotary of the abovo named as sociatioudo solemnly siwoar that the forego ing statement ol tho condition of said Associn tiouis true and correct to tho bobtof my knowl edco and belief F A 1knnbll Secretary Suhcrileil and suorn to before me this 22nd daj of July 1010 S Cokdeal seal Notary Public Approved II I Waitk F M K I MM KM W 11 Mills Directors In buying a cough medicine dont be afraid to get Chamberlains Cough Remedy There is no danger from it and relief is sure to follow Especial ly recommended for coughs colds and whooping cough Sold by A McMil len Lily Patent Flour when once uset none ether will satisfy you Subscribe for The Tribune R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds 2 1 0 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341 W ealth in Irrigation Congress has just appropriated Twenty Million Dol lars to hasten the work of Government irrigation The Government Shoeshone Project in THE BIG HORN BASIN will receive its share and be pushed to completion at once Contracts for a twelve mile extension of the main canal were let June 27th More than 150 farms now ready for settlers and a large number of farms are now be ing surveyed which will be opened to entry within a few weeks Tese rich lands irrigated by the Government can be homesteaded by simply repaying the Government ac- tual cost 45 per acre in ten year ly pajments without in terest l000 acres of Carey Act Lands just opened to entry only 30 days residence required Under this law settlers buy water from the irrigat ion company at 0 per acre and the land from the State at HOc per acre paying 10 per acre cash the remainder running over a period of ten years at six per cent Mill HlfUlill D CLEA1 DEAVER General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb EmPWTrwrutaaaayiMBBEgi 150 Value for 100 yrtMnrr ryvrWrvTfrrVTfvifrPifltrii nvvwv jtii ti i 1 V Franklin Pres G H Watkkns Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vera ice Franklin 1 11111111111 111 1J1li I ll 11 11 111 Ml ijj1 ilUAtif STANSBERRY LUflBER CO Everything in Lumber At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o McCOOK NEB y 4 r H