The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 11, 1910, Image 1

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Mary Harrison nurse
You take pains
Pv 1 1 V
to m a k o t h o
children look
nieo just for a
day Why not
pr servo tho
memory of
their prittiness
by means of our
Our pictur s
either of indi
viduals or
groups are so
excellent that
they rival the
steel engraving
in softness and
far excel in
faithful por
trait u r e the
work of the
skilful artist
E Schell Kimmell
1st Door N Com Hotel Red 428
The Primary Election
The primary election will occur on
next Tuesday August 16 The ballot
for the election were distributed by
County Clerk Skalla this week This
primary is one of importance and
Republicans should make it a special
point to be out in full force The
necessity of a large Republican vote
at the primary next Tuesday cannot
be too urgently noted
A discharged employe named Jas
J Gallagher attempted to assassinate
Mayor Gaynor of New York City
Tuesday The mayors condition is
still precarious
Dance by Company M
Company M will resume its regular
dances in the armory hall next Sat
urday evening at the usual hour
Pythian orchestra Tickets 75c You
are most cordially invited and guar
anteed a good time
We Are for Men
buying our mens oxfords at the
slaughter sale for cash All usable
good stuff at cut-to-the-heart prices
At a Bargain
My residence at 60S west 2nd st
is for sale at a bargain if taken
soon Call at residence or phone red
And youll see why we sell so many
A McMILLEN Druggist
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1
for tbe unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
per pound
All the good kinds
A McMILLEN Druggist
Piano Tuning
I can tune pianos up until Sept 1
Phone S9 or black 344
Farm Loans
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska
John Cashen Aus oncer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked
McCook National Bank
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Phone blacS
McConnell fills prescriptions
Subscribe for the Tribune
Refer to leading men whom I have con
ducted sales of all kinds for
An Uncommon Situation
In the case of Laura Hughes whose
house of ill fame was raided by the
officers some weeks ago and ninety
eight quart bottles of Blue Ribbon
beer was seized and brought before
County Judge J C Moore and by
his order deestroyed the defendant
Laura Hughes was bound over to the
district court and in default of bail
was placed in jail The mittimus is
sued by the county judge to Sheriff
Higgins required him to keep the
the defendant in jail until discharged
by due course of law
For failure of the sheriff to carry
out this order of the court Judge
Moore on the 4th Inst made applica
tion to have an action brought imme
diately in the district court against
Sheriff Higgins and the sureties on
his bond The judges application
in part says And whereas there
after to wit on the afternoon of said
7th day of July 1910 said L M
Higgins sheriff as aforesaid unlaw
fully permitted said defendant to
leave said county jail contrary to the
order of the court to return to her
home in said city without order or
permission of any court and without
giving bail in any sum for her ap
pearance before the district court
and she is still absent from said
county jail and said sheriff having
been by me strictly charged and or
dered to return said defendant into
said jail which charge and order he
has deliberately disobeyed
A good drug store is the place to
procure toilet soaps and the better
the store is the better the soaps are
apt to be because the principle of
Cj ality extends throughout the stock
The people of McCook and vicinity
will find at McConnells drug store a
rare array of the best toilet soaps
Not only toilet soaps but all the
special variteies repuired for complex
ion medicinal and surgical uses He
has the right soap for any purpose
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Violent Reductions
Prices on summer goods violently
reduced at The Thompson D G Cos
See their large display advertisement
in this paper and consider yourself
For Sale
One second hand Reo auto in good
condition Five houses and lots for
sale or trade Also 120 acres bot
tom land for sale or trat e Phone
red 3S1 C W Dewey
Violent Reductions
Prices on summer goods violently
reduced at The Thompson D G Cos
See their large display advertisement
in this paper and consider yourself
Light Rain and Cooler
About a half inch of rain fell at
this point last Friday evening set
tling the dust and giving us a few
cooler days
The Nicest Souvenir
you can give is a sterling silver spoon
with the picture of your home
ed in the bowl We make them
L C STOLL CO Jewelers
For Sale or Trade
25 pure bred Herefords for sale or
trade for other cattle Inquire of
Roy Newell Box Elder Neb 11 2
Grade Your Seed Vheat
Come in and getany one of our
three graders You are welcome
New City Views
Just received a lot of new photo post
card views of McCook Call and see
On Mens Oxfords
you save 150 and 200 during the
big cash sale at Viersen Osborns
Shoe Parlor
Another advantage in dealing with
the First National bank is that you
are not too small for the bank nor
the bank too large for you
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
The milk famine will be somewhat
relieved by M E Hartmans entering
the dairy business this week -
McCook races Aug 31 Sept 1 2
T M Wimberly of University Place
was a city visitor Wednesday
Mrs Herman Schobel went up to
Denver this morning on a visit
Steve Wilson arrived home first
of the week from his Indiana visit
Mrs R M Osborn was a guest of
her uncle E E Lee of Oxford last
Mrs Johnson of our city has been
visiting her daughttr Mrs Ed Stewart
in Huntley
Mrs Lambert Rodstrom and Miss
Rodstrora are just back from their
Colorado outing
Dr J D Hare is in the northwest
looking after his business interests
and enjoying a short vacation
W B Whittaker arrived home
end of week from his Wisconsin vis
it of a few weeks duration
Miss Lottie Nichols resumed her
desk in Morlans law office Monday
after a vacation of a few weeks
Miss Fay Hostetter came down
from Colorado close of last week
and has been visiting the homefolks
Mr and Mrs W S Morlan return
ed home Saturday night from their
trip of several weeks in the north
T B Stewart superintendent of
schools at Bellevue Iowa is a guest
at the home of his brother B H
Mrs Floyd M Berry and children
were passengers on No 10 Thursday
evening for Wilcox on a visit to the
Herman Hamilton took an examina
tion at McCook and is now a full
fledged brakeman says the Oxford
Deputy Postmaster Gaarde reurned
mome Sunday night from his vaca
tion He spent some time in Salt
Lake City
Mrs Will Hegenberger returned
home Saturday night from spending
a month with the homefolks in At-
wood Kansas
Frank Brady of the Warren lum
ber yard force came down from Ft
Morgan Saturday to spend his va
cation at home
C D Fisher living four miles north
of Oxford has traded his three quarters
of land south of McCcok for 162 acres
ne r Glenwood Iowa
Dr S C Beach resigned Sunday
as inspector for the municipal board
of health Dr R R Reed took up
work temporarily
Charles P Norman recently arrived
from Oklahoma city and is employed
in L C Stoll Cos jewelry store
Mrs Norman accompanied him
E C Goehring came up from Ad
ams county close of last week and
has been visiting relatives and friend
for a few days He reports crops
pretty good in his neighborhood
south of Hastings
Mrs T B Campbell departed Sun
day night on 3 for Long Beach Calif
where Mr Campbell was recently
called by the serious illness of his
brother Joseph whose condition is by
the attending physicians regarded as
E W Houser and wife came up from
McCook Monday morning and accomp
anied by her sisters Misses Merle and
Vida Haegen left Tuesday morning for
Denver Colorado Springs and other
points in the mountains f r a few weeks
outing Trenton Register
Carl Axelson departed this morn
ing on his return to his home in
Sweden where he will remain Cari
during his residence in McCook has
formed a wide circlee of warm
friends and geeneral good wishes ac
company him on his return to tho
s fete
Can best be supplied from our stock
Here you find all the latest and best
kodaks and Premo cameras one of
the largest stocks of supplies in the
state and all necessary material for
daylight work all the way A fund of
information for any one who ever has
photographic trouble Ours is a gen
eral supply department where every
want in this line can be supplied
L W McCONNELL Druggist
McCook at Denver
It is expected that upwards of five
thousand railroad employes will march
In the big railroad day parade in
Denver on August 20th Alliance
and Sterling are both arranging to
send good sized delegations to Den
ver to take part in the celebration
and as the famous McCook band is
going with the party from this point
there is no doubt but that McCook
will have one of the largest outside
companies in the parade
T he Burlington officials have an
nounced that all employes who wish
to go will be granted free transporta
tion and also that very low rates will
be in effect for the benefit of the
general public
After the street parade in the morn
ing the crowd -will adjourn to Lake
side the big amusement park where
a basket picnic will be enjoyed A
program of field sports including a
base ball game and tug of war has
been arranged for the afternoon and
in the evening Mr Morrissey former
ly head of the Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen will deliver an address
in the theatre at Lakeside together
with Hon John F Shafroth governor
of Colorado and Mayor Speer of
From the amount of interest dis
played by both the officials and men
of the different railroads running in
to Denver and from the fact that
all shops general offices and freight
houses will be closed on that day
Railroad Day promises to be the great
est gathering of railroad men ever
held in the entire west
Mrs C C Brown is visiting in Har
lan Iowa
Max Hare went up to Denvor Wed
nesday on an outing
Mr and Mrs S R Smith of Indian-
ola are city visitors today
Rev and Mrs Goldsmith of Arapa
hoe were in town Wednesday
- Mrs J W Ridenour spent Sunday
with her husband in Hastings
Mr and Mrs H C Clapp will ba
home1 from the east end of week
W M Lewis is taking treatments
for rheumatism in the Lincoln sanitar
Mrs C A Fisher and Miss Leila en
joyed Sundays chautauqua at Hast
Jesse Baker has been holding a chair
in Bruns during Snf es absence on a
Misses Grace and Mabel Mo s weie
east bound passengers on 10 Thursday
last on a visit
Miss Loretto Donavon of Lincoln is a
guest of Miss Marcella Ryan on her
way home from Colorado
C W Barnes is in Pennsylvania at
tending a home comers gathering
Is expected home Monday
R A Wylie district commercial
manager Nebraska Telephone Co is in
the city today on company affairs
C A Ready the political maharajah
of the state of Hayes went over the
situation with the faithful Monday
Dr R R Reed was called down to
Lincoln Tuesday evening on business
returning home on 3 following night
Miss Ada Heskett went down to Blue
Hill Nebraska last Thursday evening
to be absent two or three weeks on a
Mr and Mrs J S Modrell of north
of town went up to Imperial last week
on a visit to their daughter Mrs Fred
Mr Blanchard late manager of the
gas conif any and family departed on
No 6 last Saturday for his future
home in Illinois
M II Prall county clerk of Chase
came down the branch Monday eve
ning on business with eastern parties
he had arranged to meet here
Mrs James Harris was down from
Haigler early in the week to see the
new grandson born to her son Tom and
wife She returned home Tuesday
Miss Bertha Brown of the state trea
surers office Lincoln has been the
guest of Mr and Mrs Heber this week
on her return homeward from a vaca
tion in Colorado
P Walsh arrived hotre Wednesday
morning from his Colorado outing in
the Springboat Springs neighborhood
He intimates that the boys will bring j
back with them a stock of iishing and
hunting stories which will eclipse j
Mrs J P Nies is just home from the
east where she has purchased a stock i
of Millinery which she will open to
the public in the DeGrotT building
second floor in due time Her trim
mer will arrive in the city next week
Her announcement will appear in these
columns later i
Scarlet Fever Is Being Gradually
Stamped Out by the Authorities
The board of health at a called
meeting this week found the scarlet
fever situation so greatly improved
that they decided to release the re
strictions heretofore imposed on pub
lic meetings and to permit churches
and public places to be opened as
fast as they are thoroughly fumi
The churches and other public
places are responding to the action of
the authorities and are being fumi
gated The churches expect to be
open next Sunday as usual
The authorities have thought it
best however to retain the restric
tion requiring children under the age
of fifteen years to remain off the
street and to remain on their home
premises This action is taken with
special reference to the fact that the
public schools should open in a few
weeks and it is considered the part
of wisdom to take every precaution
so far as the children are concerned
It is hoped that this restriction can
be released in the near future
Won Husband Lost Diploma
Miss Nell Andrews of Lebanon who
attended school in McCook a few years
since and who was to have received a
diploma with honor from St Lukes
hospital Denver after sorving a three
years course as a nurse is due to havo
trouble in getting her shipskin after
having been graduated and standing
among the first three or four in her
Miss Andrews fractured a rule of the
hospital about two months since by
becoming Mrs Charles E- Morse wife
of the Denver field agent of tho Travel
ers Aid Insurance Co The hospital is
now withholding tho diploma on the
ground that Miss Noll agreed not to as
sume home responsibilities during
her three years probation aa a student
to be a trained nurse
Mrs Morse has invoked the law to
secure the coveted sheepskin and The
Tribune and her numerous friends in
McCook and Red Willow county will
wish her success
Our perfume stock is by far the
largest and best in this part of the
state It includes both foreign and
domestic goods in bulk and packages
We have so many fine odors not to
be found elsewhere that it is well
worth while to come here for any
thing needed in the perfume line
Sample some of our odors Azurea
Flower Drops Thelma and Marcisse
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Death Again Invades Family
Little joseph the 2 -year-old son
of Mrs C C Lichtenberger died on
lat Saturday morning at three
oclocK cf scarlit fever and other
complications The little fellow had
been ailing smce babyhood The re
mains were buried privately in Cal
vary cemetery Saturday afternoon
f lip widowed mother and family have
tenderest sympathy in this latest sor
On our sticky or poison fly paper
where they belong
A McMILLEN Druggist
Enjoy A November Breeze
while getting a shave hair cut sham
poo etc Such a luxury is assured all
who patronize E M Days barber
shop with its electric fan and other
up to date equipment
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
I seek look no further than Hubers
Brownies Brownies
A number of them at McConnells
drug store
Osborn 2300 Ohio 2500
Rock Island 2900 Columbia
82900 John Daere Model II
3000 Model B 3100
This will save you from 100
to 600 on these high grade discs
Come in and get one while the
stock lasts
Heres Your Chance
Dame Fortune is likely
to say that any day to tho
man with a good bank ac
count She seldom says
it to tho man who has
nothing saved up Our
bank is glad to turn good
investments in tho direc
tion of our friends and
will wolcomo your account
whenever you can give it
to us
P Walsh President
C F Lehjj V Pres
C J OBuien Cshr
J J Loughran
P F McKonna
Improving The Pastime
Mr Harmon has been utilizing the
closed season in making improve
ments at the Pastime The interior
has been redecorated Advertising
panels on the walls alternating with
scenes of various sorts all of them
attractive and tasteful in conception
and executed by Mike Ilogan with an
artistic brush An additional electric
fan has been installed this time on
the ceiling so the improvements con
template both increased comfort and
The Pastime will open tomorrow
Friday evening in one of their best
programs and The Tribune promises
all who go not only a moving picture
treat but a surprise the re decorated
Pastime looks like an art gallery
They will have the usual Saturday
matinee and evening program
Wets Have Petition Out
The Tribune is advised that
wets will have a candidate on the
regular ballot at the November elec
tion by petition A petition in blank
is now in circulation the detail of
filling in the name or the candidate
to be attended to later
will promptly relieve that congested
condition of your kidneys that causes
your back to ache Guaranteed to
give satisfaction
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Violent Reductions
Prices on summer goods violently
reduced at The Thompson D G Cos
See their large display advertisement
in this paper and consider yourself
Extra Good Stuff
Some extra good mens oxfords at
5200 at Viersen Osborns during
the big cash sale Suitable for work
Checking accounts or certificates of
deposits Which will you place your
money in at the First National bank
The Carnegie library will open to the
public on Saturday morning
we have everything worth keeping
1 mere urt so maiiv uriuiU3s u cteu
j harmful preparations on the market
that it will le wel for vou to buv where
i t i
We invite you to pay us a visit and
inspect what we Imve in that line If
you know the best preparations youll
recognize them here
A McMILLEN Drcggist Station t