The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1910, Image 8

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iooIc 3
w5ssr ra
Cut in
Wall Paper
Beginning Saturday
- 1 Ui r
July 30
we will offer for sale any pattern of
wall paper in our stock at 10 percent
Many remnant patterns at a much
less price This sale will continue
for one week only Hurry up and
get your choice
C R Woodworth
McConnell fills prescriptions
The quarantine ropes have been re
Red Willow count- assessed 38
automobiles in 1909 and the total was
increased to 5 S in 1910
The Gross hotel atHaigler will
ass to the management of Mrs Car
raway of this city about August 1st
Are you going away for your vaca
tion Wouldnt you enjoy it more if
you knew your valuables were safe
Si in a deposit box of the Fist Na
Sional Bank
Think of renewing your subscrip
tion the nest time you market a load
at wheat Dont wait until the pub
lisher has to go to the expense and
time of mailing you a statement
A cold in the summer is harder to
et rid of than one in winter We
Save the cold cures which are the
ery best 25c expended with us
sill make you feel new again
Theres no need of you having an
Ashing dandruffy scalp
xill keep it clean and free from
dandruff It also nourishes the hair
L W McCONNELL Druggist-
Attention is directed to the semi
annual statement of the McCook Co
operative Building and Savings As
ssciation appearing in another column
at this issue The association has
far aver 20 years been a safe con
rvative money making proposition
and hids fair to continue in that
class for years to come
Here is something that is worth
zcany dollars to every farmer to
icujw Sprinkle lime in your stock
Sank and not a particle of scum will
ucrm on the water When the lime
Ussus its strength scum will begin
-to form which may be twice during
Ike season wah out the tank and
repeat the dose It is cheap not
only harmless bat wholesome keeps
tfee water sweet and saves the life
of stock
MialBtBMi W II 1 iq
It a ft P U
5 WftlrtTfc H
The czly pcrf
device rcr
collars bdw
garments ct
Dei fastsninjj R
L ris -waists H
childrens S
a uzra
r j toother
c inner t epen Ecccratii v cr ptil o
xj jnJ ds cd r cf tc rncnr 13 r csd g
- f r fw rl pn1 rw rr - F5
tr icsr lis threads cr wcrfc loose cannot
be irprcd In tlc buridry will not rusr and
13 pot
Ci c
ft czzi be Endorsed by dressc
fe Try lie WHson Drccs fcook and sea
Cj Low superior it is to hooka and cycz
ti cnxps or any fastener now used
One three piece mahogany parlor
suit upholstered in silk plush
One mahogany parlor table
Ono mahogany bedstead
One mahogany parlor cabinet mirror
back and glass shelves
One mahogany rocker leather back
and seat
One Turkish easy chair
One couch Boston leather cover
One quartered oakbuffett
Onequartered oak china cabinet
One quartered oak dining table
Six quartered oak dining chairs
One quartered oak library table
Three quartered oak rockers leather
backs and seats
One quartered oak chiffonier
One quartered oak dresser
One quartered oak dressing chair
One quartered oak book case
One quartered oak ladys desk
One Vernis Martin gilt iron bed
two inch posts
Three 9x12 velvet parlor rugs
One Monarch range in good repair
Dishes and other household necessi
All the above almost new Iuquire
at TRIBUNE office
Try McCook Business College
Have your eyes fitted
H P Sutton optician
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Try Sweetness for deodoriging
preparation 25c at Woodworths
the McCook
Phone 20
hundred at
Feed Store
The Intermission In Temple theatr
building for the Judge Norris 10c ci
gar and Novum Templum 5c smoke
We can please you not only in
price on wall paper but in design
coloring and quality A McMillen
Cameras films and photographic
supplies If you dont know how to
use them we will tell you how
Are you a slave or have you made
a start towards financial indepen
dence In other words are you sav
ing your money and depositing
regularly in the First National bank
There never has been anything
wrong with the quality of McCooks
water supply It is a question of
quantity and at a time when quant
ity is paramount
A telegram to McCook relatives on
Monday morning announced the deatoj
of Mrs George Meyer whose inter
ment occurred in due time in Spok
ane Washington former home of de
Remnants and one room patterns ii
abundance can always be found in
our wall paper room When it is
paper dont question but come here
where you can get what you want
at any price you want to pay
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Corn plowing is a thing of the
have the farmers to do but persuc
past All grain is in the stack
What have the farmers to do but pe
ruse Bro Hicks literature to ascer
tain if it will rain in time to save the
corn from the hot winds or to delve
into eutomology to learn how the
grass hoppers benefit the farmer
Ed Droll is spending a week on a
business and pleasure trip near Lin
Will Hunter had the misfortune to
have a horse hurt in a cyclone at
Traer Kansas while visiting his
Miss Katie Brown from the Big
Flats spent Monday afternoon with
Mrs Jake Zimmer
Bert Hammell is helping Captain
Wasson of Driftwood with his thresh
Mrs Nelson Hall and family spent
last Tuesday with her father 7 F
Helm and family who ate enter aining
his niece and her lady friend from
Evansville Indiana
R F D No 3
Corn is burning badly
Mr and Mrs Wancburcr from Alli
ance are visiting at the home of Char es
The Nothnagels are done threshing
Frank Schamell3 had a party Friday
Mrs G Clamp left last Saturdayfor
Clay Center to visit her daughter Mrs
Sunday we had a fine showei but
need another to save the corn
Church services at the Dodge school
house were wel attended
C M Lofton has bought him a new
disc plow
Don Thompson and Henry Pads are
both done stacking
W S Frch reporis it 114 in shade
R F D No 4
Corn is burning Some farmers are
irrigating as fast as they can
Clint Hamiltons wheal made 15 bu
to the acre his c ats the same Mrs II
id away on a visit
F Schwartz is plowing for wheat
Wallen is done stacking
Youngs wheat made bushels to
the a re
Uncle Joe Dack Ed Jacques and Joe
Schmitz are all threshing The wheat
is not turning out at all they have to
thresh it out
Monday evening at the home of his
parentswho live just over the state line
Perry Macy was struck by lightning
the bolt striking his shoulder and pass
ing around his body coming out at the
hip on the opposite side rendering him
unconscious and setting his clothes on
fire His father who was near him at
the time with the assistance of his
mother and a neighbor carried him in
the h -use thinking he was dying Res
toratives were applied and he soon re
vived and is now able to be around as
usual and says he feels as well as ever
It was a narrow escape and just how or
why he escaped is one of the freaks of
electricity that may never be known
G W Justices new barn which was
just completed was badly wrecried by a
severe wind storm last Thursday
itev w fc loungs new nouse was
also blown down by the same storm
Many of the grain stacks were blown
down and shock grain more or less scat
tered A heavy rain fell in the vicinity
No services at the church Sunday
morning on recount of the afternoon
Eev Howe of McCook had charge of
the baptismal services Sunday after
noon There were four sprinkled and
seven immersed
J L Campbell and family and Mr
and Mrs Ray Peterson of Osborn were
down Sunday to attend services
Mrs Jennie Cooper visited Mrs A T
Wilson Tuesday
Mrs Martha Johnson and Mrs G A
Shields met Mrs Jennie Cooper at home J
of Mrs T M Campbell Wednesday of
last week I
Mrs Maude Notley of Denver visited
her parents Mr and Mrs A T Wilson
a few days last week
Frank Wilson returned home last
Saturday from his Colorado claim
Mrs Jennie Cooper and children of
Dis are visiting acquaintances in this
vicinity Mrs Cooper was formerly
Jennie Turner and left here when a
small girl and mado her home for a
number of years in Louisiana but now
lives with her husband on a homestead
in Kimball county this state
The proceeds of the ico cream supper
given at the church last Friday even
ing and which will ba applied on the
new organ for the church were 811
Prescriptions filled at our store are
filled correctly Our reputation for
accuracy accompanies every bottle
Tans 2 oo
Gun Metals 200
Patents 2 oo
Vicis 150
John TJ Smith and family will leave
for their Colorado claim before long
Peter Schneider met with a serious
accident while mowing He was work
ing a colt on the mower and it became
frightened and threw him off before the
sickle one of the guards piercing his
eg which was also broken between the
ankle and the knee
Mrs Ella Shepherd killed a large rat
tlesnake Monday The snake had bit
ten a young chicken which died in a
few minutes thereafter
Charles Bargers visited Sunday at
B E Wilsons
Mike Schneider is busy threshing
these days
John B Smiths horses ran away with
him while hitched to the header They
broke the reel and did some other dam
Mr Ebert is staying at ChasSquires
and looking after his land interests
R F D No 1
Saturday was little Roy Schlagels
birthday and the mail carrier was
aware of the fact by the number of
post cards which he carried
Ernest Markwad has just put in a
dam and gate in the creek which goes
through his place and will irrigate
when it rains
Mr Ivorns of Indianola visited Shade
land Park farm one evening last week
Grasshoppers and hot wind are gett
ing the best of the corn
W N Rogers made a hopper dozer
Tuesday and Wednesday harvested
over 10 bushels
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
The rain of Thursday
netted this neighborhood
inch of water
15 of an
Not the ONLY but the newest and
best furnished four chair barber shop i
in the city Brans Barber Shop and
Baths 112 Main street
We know it to be a positive fact
that Lily Patent flour is the best
high patent flour in McCook Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
aturday July 30th
Runs 20 Days
For Cash Only
Tans 2 to 250
Gun Metals 250
Patents 3 00
The Chance of Your Life Time
We Are the Losers
Must Have the Money
Subscribe for The Tribune
Everything in drugs McConnell
The C W Way Co Hastings Ne
braska will furnish you with plans
and specifications for any class of
buildings you wish to erect Ask
them for information
Ankle Strap Pumps and Ox
fords patent and gun metal
reds and tans boys and
misses all at off
112 WB street - Phone 369 - McCook Neb
The modern pocket drinking cups
Take one with you on your vacation
15 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Be sure to take
extra bargains we
I 1
i I it
f kfl If Si
J l 5MB
En j m mil
l Ill I fiw
i I
advantage of the
are now offering
in wall papers
Now is the Time
to get ono of our cool light weight peg top trousers that will make you
forget the heat of summer We have just received a number of the
best colors and styles that have been shown this season Let us
show vou -
L and SONS
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers
West B St McCook Phone 280