The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1910, Image 4
T i i aw SOJJSSggggggglPWWMMMMMMWMWlMBWMBWWWWWW v - - - - A Chance of a LifeTime for You to Save Money LLTsZo This merchandise was bought by me last fall for this seasons business from the best manufacturers in the United States and is not the shelf worn goods usually found in sales Never before in the history of Red Willow county have the people had the opportunity of buying new high grade merchandise at such ruinous prices It will be the greatest upheaval of bargains within the four walls of the city since she came on earth We propose to pour out to the people in the nex eight days Commencing Saturday July 30 1910 500000 worth of new clean bright merchandise backed by the best manufacturers on earth at the lowest prices people ever saw THIS STOCK MUST GO ness and need the money Those who look read and act will profit COME Shoes for All Lot 1 All ladies 41 125 Ladies 150 175 shoes ox fords and slippers shoes oxfords and slippers Mens and ladies 350 400 shoes oxfords and slippers Mens 500 shoes oxfords and slippers ftp lltCfe fnkmt By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly It were better to have smoked out the politicians late on the temper ance question than never Alliance has decided to buy the electric light plant of that city and run it under municipal ownership J J J Arent the Republicans of Red Wil low county progressive enough for the initiative referendum and recall or was it simply overlooked in the effort to secure some less important matters Or are we just near-insurgents Better Start Now An early start and a defi nite plan goes far toward assuring success to the young man or woman starting out in life No need of being stingy neither should you be a spender The sensible and easy method of creat ing a fund for your future needs is to open an ac count with this bank de posit whatever you can each week or month Stick to it and in time your success will be as sured Better start now you will never regret it First National Bank McCook Nebr COME SATURDAY -house slippers P J O 99 Mens and ladies 250 300 lOU 250 285 Get your children ready for school and your self ready for winter while you can save 50 percent Boys and girls 250 shoes Boys and girls 200 shoes The 1 North Platte with a population of 5146 has been declared a city of the first class i i A movement is on foot to start a new party to be composed of Lincoln Republicans and Jefferson Democrats The only difficulty in the way of the movement is that all Republicans think they are Lincoln Republicans and all Democrats think they are Jefferson Democrats Chicago Rec ord Herald The railraods by voluntarily post poning the rate increases until No vember 1 in anticipation of suspen sion orders to that effect by the In terstate Commerce commission both avoid the disagreeable necessity of taking that action under compulsion and gain what credit attaches to a policy of facilitating the commissions inquiry into the reasonableness of the higher charges New York World It is said that a good many Demo crats are going to attempt to vote at the Republic primary Voters have a right to vote for whom they please at the election but not at the primary The primary is purely a party affair No Republican has a right to vote at the Democrat primary and no Demo crat has a right to help nominate the candidate for the Republican party And any man who encourages that sort of thing is encouraging the breaking of the law If challenged a Democrat who votes at the Republi can primary or a Republican who votes at the Democratic primary com mits perjury Ex Governor Hoch I The statement of the clearing house banks of New York shows that the metropolis is fast getting info an impregnable financial conditiont The banks have decreased their loans and have increased their deposits their surplus their legal tender their specie their reserves every item on the whole report shows increased strength Similar reports came from London All of this strengthening may have its effect in discouraging new business ventures It certainly does cut down speculation and helps to flatten out the stock market from day to day until there are apparently no bulls and no lambs left in the en closure But this sort of banking wards off panics and puts the country in better condition than ever to care for business expansion when natural conditions are favorable for pro ducing it Lincoln Journal COME SURE 185 150 Overalls and Jackets Union made at- prices below wholesale The 125 and ioc kinds at 69 The 65c and 50c kind at yij Small boys overalls Q lO As last year the people will re quire those seeking office to declare themselves on sucli important ques tions as county option initiative and referendum the Oregon plan etc No dodging or pussy footing will do Tho Tribune is not inspired on this question but simply a victim of auto-suggestion when it states that it sees no good result to come at this time from the dubious effort to em broil Senator Burkett and Congress man Norris in a political warfare of doubtful utility and uncertain result Senator Burkett is a candidate for reelection to the United States sen ate Congressman Norris is a candi date for reelection to the lower house Both are Republicans Both are men of good ability Both in congress have rendered a service as he has seen his duty and opportun ity They in part represent different types of Republicanism The record shows that these gentlemen have not voted alike on given questions of im portance The senator has not been as progressive doubtless as has been the congressman It will be well to remember that each and both of these gentlemen have constituents who rad ically differ from them on questions now before the country And yet all these are Republicans The publishe of The Tribune is now and has for years been a progressive in politics He is mindful however of the stand patter whom he does not emulate He is unable to decipher the doubt ful utility of such senile utterances as have fallen from the lips of one Mr Cannon in Kansas recently No more can he see advantage or pro fit to either Burkett or Norris in the effort of those who seek more to encourage this internecine strife than to promote party and progres sive measures There is nothing es sentially incompatible with Republi cans supporting both of these gentle men in their different aspirations It is perfectly clear to the writer that the important and urgent thing at hand for the Republican party in the Fifth Nebraska district is the reso lute getting together and reelecting of Congressman Norris This most desirable enterprise will engage every legitimate energy and activity of the party in the district and will leave no amunition for inter party use Superstition A strong man may be superstitious but he would be stronger if he could overcome his superstition ayteaaSfeflSafce Shirts 2 00 and 150 shirts 125 and 1 00 shirts 75c and 50c shirts Underwear The best 50c winter underwear on the market b n F S VAHUE For Representative Announcement to Voters I hereby announce myself as a candidate for renomination to the of fice of representative of the 65th district subject to the will of the Republican voters at the coming primary election If elected I will use my influence and vote for county option law and will always vote for the peoples choice for United States senator with out regard to my individual prefer ence FRANK MOORE Resistance of Special Interests Just as every effort made for the restriction of slavery was resisted by the slave power so every effort made to protect the people from the in justice of corporate greed is resist ed by the great corporations of this time The Republican part in its na tional convention declared for a revi sion of the tariff maintaining the principle of protection and further stated that duties should be based up on the difference in the cost of pro duction at home and abroad plus a reasonable profit to the home manu facturer Upon that platform the party won the fight and I believe the pledge would have been carried out had it not been for the perfidy and selfishness of certain designing legislators who were more desirous of favoring special interests than of promoting the welfare of the peo ple The great work before us is but fairly begun This year we had to fight as hard to hold what had been secured in years past as we did to get additional legislation To hold what we now have and secure these other necessary provisions is the fight for the future It cannot be won without the determined support of the people U S Senator Bristow of Kansas Hon J C Gammill was in town Saturday and called at this office to inform us that the report being cir culated by his opponents that he is a resident of Lincoln county was false He resides on his ranch in Frontier county where he has lived for about thirty five years Senator Gammill says he is unequivocally for county option and the initiative and referen dum He lives in the banner Repub lican county of the district and has done yoeman service for the party and thinks he is entitled to a renom ination and many Republicans herea bout agree with him Cambridge Clarion ta twi COME EVERY DAY IVE 99 69 35 35 We are out of the COHE Handkerchiefs Ties and Hosiery for Men ice sox and handkerchiefs 1 r 5c sox and ties 50c ties Suspenders Best 50c suspenders Remember New clean fresh goods at prices you have never seen quoted before iBBasEEiasBBiaaaa YOU LOSE MONEY WITH OLD WAGONS and loose boxes in fact enough wheat can be lost in market ing a crop to buy A NEW WAGON BOX We are making SPECIAL LOW PRICES on wagons ex tra boxes end gates and spring seats in fact we can 5AVE YOU 1000 OR 1500 Come in and get them now while this sale is going on McCook Hardware Co Phone 31 McCook Neb I s i X v r i Jx