The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 21, 1910, Image 6

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M0 alb Am m
Soreness of the muscles whether
induced by violent exercise or injury
is quickly relieved by the free appli
cation of Chamberlains Linimen
This liniment is equally valuable for
muscular rheumatism and always af
fords quick relief Sold by A 11c
Millen Druggist
gH hHHQl H
A new creation in the food line The combining of
Wheat Rice Oats and Barley No breakfast food can
compare with it One trial will Drove it
Ask Your Grocer
Conducted bv the McCook W C T- U
It Was a Lightning Convention
K lightning convention at which
ae hundred lady delegates spoke at
ole rate of one speaker per minute
ntet in Glasgow Scotland June 3 10
Tro hundred and thirty women from
the United States crossed the At
Santic Ocean to attend it and other
women came from long distances
from Australia New Zealand India
Egypt Madagascar Syria South Af
rica Japan China Korea Norway
Sweden Holland Germany Switzer
land Canada England and Scotland
The great audiences completely filled
the different places of meeting The
Town Hall the John Street United
Free church and St Andrews hall
On June 5 one hundred and twenty-five
pulpits in Glasgow were filled
by the delegates Surely on that day
gospel temperance had its say
Probably the most picturesque
meeting of the convention was the
childrens demonstration Several
thousand children marched in proces
sion to the town hall flying banners
and accompanied by bands of bagpip
ers and fifers in Highland garb In
the hall there was a chorus of five
hundred children to lead in the sing
ing and when all in the hall were
The children vociferously cheered
those who addressed them All of
which recalled the saying Tremble
King Alcohol we shall grow up
Another picturesnue session of the
convention was the evening devoted
to the young peoples branch usually
spoken of as the Ys There was
a large chorus of young ladies ac
companied by twenty five or more
joung lady violinist The speeches
made by young ladies among whom
as Lady Dorothy Howard the
daughter of the Countess of Carlisle
She said she rejoiced in the fact
that her mother had from her child
hood given her a temperance train
ing A superb white satin banner
was awarded to the Ys of Japan
for having the largest proportion of
increase in membership during the
last three years
The last session of the evening wa
novel and most interesting One
hundred speeches of one minute each
were made by one hundred women
Mere are a few samples Why dont
you shut up the liquor instead of
shutting up my husband asked a
soman in New Zealand who was ac
companying a policeman taking her
hasband to jail American Saloon
was the sign I saw in large letters on
a saloon in Naples Looking in I sav
two barmaids and I said in a low
voice It is not so we do not have
6armaids in American saloons and
aiay we never have them And may
ihey soon disappear from saloons in
very pait of the vorld Another
Toman said I am here to tell you
that Scotland is going dry At
this there was a burst of vociferous
laughter and much applause
The convention stood for prohibi
tion of the manufacture and sale of
alcoholic liquor for beverage purpose
ti e enfranchisement of the women of
a nations as measure to suppress
the liquo traffic cod reform as a pre
ventive and cue or inebriety active
opposition agaiiut all forms of State
or municipal regulation of vice the
recognition of an equal standard of
morality for man and woman the
White Slave Traffic to be changed to
include colored races peace and ar
b tration instead of war campaigns o
education for temperance
A special resolution was passed
against the sale of opium and intoxi
cants to native races Also a resolu
tion was passed asking that the con
ference of nations at the Hague use
its influence to induce Great Britain
to release opium treaties with China
and thus make it possible for the
Chinese to liberate their country from
the opium curse
Another special resolution Avas pas
sed pledging loyalty to the observance
of Worlds Temperance Sunday on th
date named by the International Les
son Committee
The holding of the great conven
tion should be a decided benefit to
Glasgow for out of it should come
uplift for the drunken women who
are to be seen standing on street cor
ners in idle listless attitudes ragg
ed and forlorn and whose cries are
to be heard in the streets at all hour
of the night Some of the delegates
of the convention held meetings
among them and quite a number were
desirous of giving up drink The
W C T U of Glasgow is working
bravely for these women and the con
vention will bring them much re
The officers elected by the con
vention were president the Countess
of Carlisle vice president Mrs Lilia
M N Stevens of the United States
secretaries Miss Agnes B Stack and
Miss Anna A Gordon treasurer Mrs
Mary E Sanderson of Canada
Mrs Wilbur P Crafts
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
Hiram C Rider et ux to Mrs
Mette wd to hf 13 in 24
Riverview cemetery-
John H Hollenbeck et ux to
Lininger Implement Co wd
to ne qr 33-2-30
10 00
1 00
George- Theobald et al to M
A Matson wd to 1 to 24
incl in 69 Bartley 1300 00
Dreieinigskeits Comm L
church to Henry Conrad qcd
to pt sw qr sw qr 35-3-27
Fred Boll sr et al to Jacob
A Harsch qcd to pt se qr
sw qr 35-3-27
Jacob A Harsch et ux to
German Evan Luth Cong
church wd to pt sw qr se
Ql oOow i
Leonard Harsch widr to same
as above wd to pt se qr
se qr 35-3-27
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Dreieinigskeits Comm L
church to German Evan
Luth Cong wd to same as
above lOO
Must be Above Suspicion
Kidney and bladder ailments are
so serious in the consequences and
if unchecked so often fatal that any
remedy offered for their cure must
be above suspicion Foley Kidney
Pills contain no harmful drugs and
have successfully stood a long and
thorough test
A Satisfactory Cleanser
How would you like to do all the
housework in half the time and with
half the effort You can do it and
in a wajthat is much better and more
generally satisfactory An easy way
that gets right down and takes off
the dirt better than the ordinary and
old fashioned cleanser Old Dutch
Cleanser is the modern cleanser Use
it and see It cleans quickly scrubs
thoroughly scours and polishes bright
ly Use it in all your cleaning for
woodwork all kinds of floors and
painted walls cutlery and glassware
pot pans and kettles in the bath
room and throughout the house Con
tains neither caustics acids alkali
nor grit and its uses are unlimited
The 1910 State Fair Sept 5 to
9 offers an excellent line of attrat
offers an excellent line of at
tractions Among them arc 4 flights
each day by Wrights Aeroplane
concerts by Signor Lombards band
of 44 instruments and Grand Opera
Company of 24 singers 15 harness
speed contests and a number of run
ning races the derby a 10 mile re
lay race two miles each day the
Great Patterson Shows Night Speed
Contests Stupendous Fireworks and
Vaudeville attractions Taken with
the great exhibits in every depart
ment this indeed will make a great
Teething children have more or les
diarrhoea which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy All that is
necessary is to give the prescribed
dose after operation of the bowels
more than natural and then castor
oil to cleanse the system It is safe
and sure Sold by A McJIillen
Monday night three cows owned
by E B Nelson of Coleman precinct
got into a small patch of cane on his
farm and Tuesday morning they were
found dead on the adjoining road
Subscribe for The Tribune
Railroad Revision Measures
Creation of Commerce
Court and Postal Sav
ings Banks Among Laws
Pointed to by Taft
HE chief measures passed by
tile session of congress just
closed were the railroad bill
tlie postal savings bank bill
the hind withdrawal bill the reclama
tion bond bill the campaign publicity
bill and the statehood bill What
amounted to a tariff commission bill
was also passed for an appropriation
was voted the tariff board on an under-
on the recommendation of the presi
dent and constitute what are known
as the Taft policies
Probably never in the history of the
country did a president so completely
have his way so early in his adminis
tration True he had to abandon some
of his program Including such items
as federal license anti injunction and
ship subsidy but this abandonment
was only temporary Considering the
and short haul provision forbidding a
greater charge for a short haul than
for a longer one over the bunie line
It prevents the merger of competing
roads or of the absorptiou by a rail
road of a competiug water line It per
mits shippers to choose routes aud to
be represented by counsel in hearings
It forbids a railroad from lowering its
rates to drive out water competition
aud afterward raising them except by
permission of the interstate commerce
commission It provides for a commis
sion to inquire into the issue of railroad
securities and the watering of stocks
It contains many other features of
benefit to shippers such as those to
expedite hearings Many of the provi
sions in the railroad law were placed
there by the insurgents in the two
houses They called it giving the bill
teeth Among the most notable of
these additions are the long and short
haul clause and the inclusion of tele
graphs and telephones The progres
sives also struck out the merger and
traffic agreement sections
Postal Depositories
The postal savings bank law marks
a new departure in American finance
It provides that the president and two
members of his cabinet shall consti
tute a commission to establish postal
depositories at money order postoffices
throughout the country that these of
ficers shall receive deposits not exceed
100 per month or 500 in all from
Dne person that 2 per cent interest shall
be paid on these deposits that C per
cent of the postal funds shall be placed
So Smoke Hoise Dost or Tips
In Illinois
Run From Peoria and St Louis and
Have More Conveniences Than Arj
Found on Pullmans Nine Foot
Blankets and Sheets a Comfortable
Feature of Service
Smokeless dustless noiseless sleep
ing cars with tipless porters are now
in operation through the corn belt of
Illinois running from Peoria where
they make whisky to St Louis which
-- 1
sianuing unit it snouiu investigate cost produces beer These cars are owned
ot production at home and abroad and operated by the biggest electric
All of these measures were enacted railwav svstem in the world
Besides the above inducements this
road serves its sleeper passengers with
hot coffee and rolls in the morning
and this service carries with It no ex
tra charges
It is the intention of this electric
road to safeguard its passengers from
monetary loss while on the sleepers
A feature of the cars is a burglar proof
plush lined steel locker built in the
wall at the head of each berth The
driving power he displayed he should conductor holds one key and the pas
be able to force through those items senger the other
and others during the short session Illinois System Leads
He will also probably attempt to ob- Illinois now boasts the greatest In
taiu federal regulation of railroad stock terurbau system in the United States
and bond issues at some future session nneritinr over nnn mHoc nf
He recommended it strongly this time
and his idea was ingrafted In the
Wickersham draft of the railroad bill
but was stricken out in the senate
I O -- www UMU W
ballasted track doing a general ex
press and freight business and build
ing a 3000000 double track two mile
bridge across the Mississippi river at
Later tue conference committee gave st Louis This when completed will
him a commission to inquire into rail- be the heaviest and finest bridge to
way securities and it will doubtless span the river
be on the report of this commission However this is not a tale of the in
that he will renew his recommendation terurban but of what is asserted to be
for federal regulation The chief ob- the finest sleeping cars in the world
ject of such a law would be to prevent Two of these have recently been com
the watering of stock pleted by the American Car and
A Rill CCNT Tootln company at oc uuanes xuo
The new railroad law provides
among other things for a commerce
court to which all appeals from the in
terstate commerce commission shall be
made It gives the commission power
to initiate an inquiry although uo
formal complaint has been made It
confers on the commission the power
to suspend for ten months a proposed
advance in rates and to prohibit such
advance permanently if found to be
unreasonable and unjust This provi
sion went into effect at once in order
that it might apply to the proposed in
crease in freight rates recently halted
by the famous Taft Wickersham in
junction The law places telegraphs
telephones cables and wireless under
the control of the commission but pro
vides for special rates such as those
given to the press It contains a long
These cars are trailers and are
drawn by a regular motorcar This
does away with motor and air brake
compressor vibration and insures a
quiet ride As the power is noiseless
and there is no ringing of bells or toot
ing of whistles a more comfortable
ride is given than on the steam roads
The cars are fifty six feet over all
twelve feet nine Inches high and nine
feet three inches wide Instead of the
old familiar deck roof a survival of
the horse car days these cars have
what is known as the turtle back mon
itor roof The side walls go flush to
the roof line and the roof is rounded
The outside of the car seems peculiar
owing to the roof and the windows in
the upper berths There are two of
these in each berth These windows
are double and are equipped with
screens At the head and foot of each
berth in the roof there is a ventilator
which can be opened and closed by
the passenger These features make
the upper berths as attractive as the
lower and obviate that suffocating ef
fect so noticeable in ordinary cars
At one end of the car are a smoking
room and toilet facilities for the men
aud at the other are the womens toilet
room a heat compartment and linen
lockers The two end compartments
are equipped with the National sleeper
sections which in the daytime make
up into seats similar to those in use on
the Pullmans
Long Sheets and Blankets
Besides the regulation berth curtains
there are separate curtains for each
upper and lower berth There is a call
bell in each berth and the deck lights
in the top of the car are arranged so
that the light will not shine into the
upper berths The sheets and blankets
adhere to the Kansas law and are all
nine feet in length The cars through-
out are furnished in solid mahogany
3ach berth is supplied with berth
lights current for which is supplied
from storage batteries This insures
a steady light for reading
The present service is between Peo
ria and St Louis a distance of 193
miles The cars leave each terminal
at 1130 p in arriving at G30 a m
Regular Pullman rates are charged
with the exception that a reduction of
23 cents is made for the uppers
Users Write Message Instead of Talk
ing Into Phone
London has beaten New York in one
feature of It has the
first telewriter exchange in the
world which was recently opened
The telewriter is a device for writ
ing by wire One subscriber to the
service calls the number of another
through a telephone attachment on
the new machine and then sits down
and writes what he wants to say the
message appearing on a roll of paper
at the other end of the line
So far London has only forty sub
scribers to the new system confined
to a small section of the business ceu
ter but before long it is hoped to ex
tend the wires all over the city and to
make the service as general as the
Sparrow Hawks Kill Sparrows
With a pair of sparrow hawks at
tached to Ion cords so that they
cant get away Thomas Champ of
Salisbury Lancaster county Pa is
clearing his place of the pesky spar- j
Credits Congressman Mann
For Passage of Railway
Rill - Insurgents Work
Material Aid to Adminis
tration In Battles
In nearby banks on proper security 5
per cent shall constitute a reserve fund
and 30 per cent may be invested in
government bonds In cases of ex
traordinary emergency however the
president may invest all the funds in
government bonds Western senators
protested against the bond buying fea
ture of the act and against the security
required from local banks on the claim
that these provisions would operate to
throw the postal funds Into Wall
Statehood and Conservation
The act admitting Arizona aud New
Mexico as separate states provides that
the people of these territories shall
proceed to the formation of constitu
tions which shall go into effect when
ratified by the voters and approved by
congress and the president There was
some hitch as to voting qualifications
in Arizona but this was fixed by a
broader suffrage than that now recog
nized i the territory It is probable
that the two new states will be in the
Union by 1111 making forty eight in
all and using up all the territory in
the United States available for state
hood purposes This of course is ex
clusive of Alaska and our Island pos
sessions It is time to put two more
stars on the flag
Originally President Taft recom
mended nine conservation measures
Two of these passed The land with
drawal act empowers the president -to
withdraw from entry temporarily any
lauds now in the possession of the
United States but provides that land
containing metalliferous minerals shall
be subject to entry under the mineral
land law The act was criticised by
such conservationists as Gifford Pin
chot because it failed to validate the
withdrawals of President Roosevelt
and by implication at least threw a
doubt on their legality and because
the provision as to the mineral land
law and that concerning homestead
entry left a loophole for the private
acquirement of water power sites and
other natural resources
The other measure enacted which
was not strictly a conservation act but
was related thereto was the reclama
tion bond bill This was originally put
at 30000000 but was cut to 20000
000 A fight was made on the provi
sion requiring army engineers to pass
on irrigation projects which was
thought to reflect on the reclamation
service and possibly to mean the sup
planting of Director Newell who had
testified against Secretary Iiallinger
It was finally compromised by provid
ing that the president must approve
such projects and it is presumed that
he will use army engineer- to investi
gate them The purpose of the recla
mation bond measure is to raise money
to complete irrigation projects already
undertaken by the government
Campaign Fund Publicity
The campaign publicity law which
the president advocated although it
was not usually classed as one of the
Taft policies requires that candidates
for congress shall file a statement of
election icceipts and expenditures aft
er election The Democrats made a
fight to compel publication before elec
tion and a provision to this effect was
included in the house bill but was aft
erward stricken out in the senate
The president also succeeded in get
ting an appropriation of S2 O0j0 for
the tariff board witi avowed in
tention of having it iiMTtc th -
of production at houii il rlrd and
if the inform itiin ii i v d
it to use this as a ha f r fur hi r tar
iff revision
Of the Taft policies ft do a 1 license
ship subsidies a nli in junction and sev
eral conservation measures iare tem
porarily sidetracked with tin prcsi
dents consent Ily a lost virt in the
senate the -hi sub hly v v
made the uni i dicl Ira iif t 1 tak
en up in th short session Other mea
ures which -re left over trs fho ant
option bill protiihitins gambling in cot
ton futures mid the Apjvhit hiaii forest
reserve Posh f tt c piiuivn pass
vd th htjtiM hut von Ui f r I sck of
time in iw its
A Charter of Inquiries
tin lertsok rnrrns invs
tigati -is the im st inH rnr of which
was the Rallimrtir - The rep it on
this it is utlersti T II oe jiven
out before cj 1I rj w
investigation by the L dee cnnirifToe
broui forth a prrtiil report which
exonera Kl the tariff and ascribed
fifteen or twenty causes to the increas
ed cot of living among which were
the larger production of gold conges
tion in cities abandonment of farms
and food trusts The investigation of
the election of Senator Lorimer of Il
linois was left to a subcommittee
which will hold hearings during the
recess In the closing days of the ses
sion Senator Gore of Oklahoma made
sweeping charges of attempted bribery
in relation to Indian claims and an in
quiry was ordered by both houses
One of the most notable develop
ments of the session was known as
the insurgent movement It consisted
of about thirty Republican members
of the hoiLSf and perhaps a dozen in
Some Facts About the State Thatr
Nebraskans Should Scatter Broad
cast Over the World
Issued by the Nebraska Bureau of
Labor and Industrial Statistics
From 64772S2 acres planted to con
in 1909 Nebraska gathered a crop ot
169179137 bushels worth 98123871
That crop if loaded into standard
freight cars 1200 bushels to the car
would have made a freight train long
enough to reach from Chicago to Den
ver 1040 miles with 175 miles of corn
filled cars left over to adorn the side
There are millions of acres of corn
land in Nebraska that have never been
touched by the plow
In 1909 Nebraska harvested 50313
COO bushels of wheat from 2564379
acres an average of practically 20
bushels to the acre This wheat crop
was worth nearly 46000000 If that
wheat crop had been loaded into stand
ard freight cars it would have made
a train long enough to reach from
Omaha to McCook on the Burlington
or from Omaha to North Platte on
the Union Pacific
There are millions of acres ot
wheat land in Nebraska that have
never been touched by the plow
The duty of Nebraskans who de
sire to assist in the work of develop
ing the state is to call the atten
tion of home seekers to the oppor
tunities that are offered by this great
young state
There are 100010 quarter sections
of unoccupied land in Nebraska that
may be made into profitable farms
The soil is fertile the rainfall quite
equal to that of other sections that
have become agriculturally rich and
the transportation facilities far su
perior to what the more favored sec
tions had a dozen years ago
There is room and opportunity for
the accumulation of a competence
for 250000 more farm owners in Ne
braska The hardships of the early
pioneers need no longer be endured
by new comers They will have the
advantage of schools and churches
and railroads and markets right from
the start Their only capital needs
to be industry frugality and honesty
Some of Nebraskas most prosper
ous farmers today were renters ten
or fifteen years ago What they have
done a hundred thousand more men
may do within the next ten or fif
teen years
The same capital the same soil
and the same frugality necessary to
acquire a competence in the Canadian
northwest would mean ample riches
after an equal length of time upon a
Nebraska farm For years the Argon
ants traveled across the plains of
Nebraska in search of the gold and
silver of the mountains unmindful of
the fact that at the grass roots in
Nebraska lay a greater store of gold
and silver than were hidden in the
mountains in all the ages of the past
eternal mines of riches that grew
more fruitful as the days went by
From the grass roots in Nebraska in
any one of the last ten years has
been mined more wealth than the
famed gold fields of Alaska have
yielded in a decade and the men
who mined their wealth from the
soil of Nebraska endured no hard
ships compared to the hardships of
the Alaskas
Other thousands are being lured to
the bonanzas of the northwest un
mindful of the fact that greater rich
es and greater opportunities lie in
bthe soil of the great state of Ne
There are millions of acres of gov
ernment land in Nebraska all of it
good for something most of it good
for general purposes and much of it
good for anything in the line of
agriculture suited to the temperate
zone -
The hundreds of growing cities
and towns offer inducements for mer
chandising and manufacturing The
mechanic may find employment in
the smaller cities where the cost of
living is comparatively small and
where the opportunity to become a
home owner is greater
By and large from east to west
and from north to south Nebraska
offers more inducements to the in
dustrious frugal and honest home
seeker than any other similar ex
panse of territory on the North Ameri
can continent This truth should be
spread to the four corners of the earth
by Nebraskans who want to have a
part in the great work of developing
Mark this copy of the paper and
send it to a friend in the east whom
you may be able to interest in the
possibilities of Nebraska The Bur
eau of Labor and Industrial Statis
tics will cheerfully sendits bulletins
of crops and manufactures to anyone
whom you may designate
Let us all join together in the
boosting of Nebraska
Lily Patent Flour when once used
none other will satisfy you
Subscribe for The Tribune
the year