The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 14, 1910, Image 6

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I rf
Avoid Caustic and Acid
Old Dutch
This handy all round Cleans
er is entirely free from caustic
acid and alkali it is hygienic
cleans mechanicallynotchem
ically It is not only the safest
but also the easiest and quickest
cleanser ever discovered for
Gleanmg Scrubbing
Scouring Polishing
It is the only cleanser to use on milk
pails pans separators and on all cooking
utensils Use it for all cleaning through
out the house
Mow To Clean Windows The
Best Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleans
er on a cloth or sponge just dampened
sufficiently to hold the powder without
dusting and apply to the glass rubbing
briskly Then polish
with a dry cloth and
a very little Old Dutch
Cleanser If the
above directions are
followed excellent re
sults will be secured
with less work than
by ordinary methods
or with other articles
Reclamation or Irrigation
At the Inter State Fair and Exposi
tion which is to be held in Denver
September 3rd to I7th every branch
of irrigation and land improvemen
schemes imaginable will be shown
in elaborate detail by parties inter
ested in these enterprises Since the
Reclamation Service started to open
arid lands to homeseekers and make
it possible for them to obtain a live
lihood from the soil the land busi
ness in the west has grown almost
to the proportion of the railroad in
terests of the entire country Since
the exposition at Denver has been
made into a National affair and there
is no proscribed territory the dis
plays will show what has been ac
complished not only by irrigation
but in the dry or scientific
branches of agriculture The govern
ment is about to dump 20000000 into
the funds of unfinished reclamation
projects and complete the work of
opening up homes for millions The
Inter State Fair and Exposition is
the only general medium through
which the great undeveloped west
can show to the world its possibilit
Astronomical Nots
Student of astronomy I have dis
covered a new star professor Pro
fessor Whats she playing in my
tffrft t Tr ift i -
The Nebraska millers can carry
their appeal from the decision in the
bleached flour case up to the highest
court with a clear conscience The
absurdity of leaving to a jury so
technical a question as the effect of
bleaching upon the wholesomeness of
flour is so manifest that they are
justified in seeking a more scientific
method of settling the question The
entire state is interested in bringing
this litigation to a speedy and satis
factory conclusion The grain growers
are especially concerned for there is
little doubt that a depression in the
price of the wheat most easily grown
in large areas of this state will fol
low the permanent barring of bleach
ed flour from shipment across state
lines If it were plain that the pro
cess injures the quality of the flour
or renders it one partical less nutri
tions or less digestible the whole
state of Nebraska would assent to
the decision and turn to the growing
of some other crop But the ver
dict is far from conclusive In its
present status the decision represents
merely a technical legal advantage
gained over the winter wheat growers
by the spring wheat states Until
the verdict is more conclusive the
winter wheat people are justified in
continuing their fight Lincoln Jour
Harvesters are kept busy these
We had a very good rain here
Sunday night
Mrs Henry Thomas of McCook is
here visiting her cousin Mrs John
Ernest Lytle of Wymore visited F
G Lytle last Sunday and Monday
F C Tyler attended v the tent
meeting at Indianola latter part of
last week
Ben King and family visited his
parents Mr and Mrs S C King
Mrs L A Bible has gone to Cam
bridge to be treated for erysipelas
The sister of Mrs T S Draper re
turned to her home at Millard Neb
last Thursday
Mrs Wilson received word that
her daughter Mrs Earl Notley of
Denver is very sick with the typhoid
The little son of Mr and Mrs C
A Wilson is improving slowly
A Few Short Weeks
Mr J S Bartell Edwardsvjlle 111
writes A few months ago my kid
neys become congested I had se
vere backache and pain across the
kidneys and hips Foley Kidney Pills
promptly cured my backache and cor
rected the action of my kidneys
This was brought about after my us
ing them for only a few short weeks
and I can cheerfully recommend
them s
Bread in Politics
From the days of Joseph down the
only well populated country which
ad enough grain to satisfy Its own
consumers was Egypc rich beyond
the record of any other soil this side
of Paradise Ferrero in his history
of Rome shows the transcendent po
litical importance of corn in al times
Feed your people king or demagogue
else they will overthrow you For
the masses from furthest antiquity to
most recent days there has never
been any torch of dissatisfaction re
bellion and anarchy like a shortage of
Blood Will Tell
Mrs McManus youre a lady and
your h and is a gentleman but
thot son Joike av yours be hivins he
comes from a family of robbers so he
3oes Boston Transcript
Immaculate Conception Academy
Hastings Nebraska
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and Child
ren Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic
Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New buildings
with modern improvements Conservatory of Music and Art Studio
Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and Preparatory Departments
For year books containing full information address
Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Nebraska
Hia Immense Power on the Wing and
His Lack of Voice
In Holland the nests of stories -tie
generally on the summit uf a tall post
put up on purpose for them on which
Is fixed an old cart wheel Says ait
English writer A Dutch jrein Ionian
of my acquaintance lias one sm Ii piisi
in his grounds within sight of liis li
brary window but he improves nutlit
cart wheel by having an iron ruui
work for the reception of the uesi
The first year It was put up tow ird
the end of June a solitary youii
stork used to come daily and inspect
this framework 1 saw him there my
self one day standing in the empty re
ceptaele exactly like a would be bene
dict inspecting au empty house eon
templating the view and wondering it
the drains are all right The verdict
was apparently favorable for next
season -aw the nest occupied by the
newly wedded pair Their power of
wing is very tijie and on hot days 1
have watched them ascending spiral
circles hardly moving tlieir broad
black wings till they have looked no
bigger than dies After the yoium are
hatched they appear to be suspicions
of one another and unwilling to leave
the nest unguarded
Storks have no voice The only
noise they make is klappering snap
ping their great red mandibles rapid
ly and loudly Thus they greet one
another generally by throwing back
the bead until the upper mandible
rests on the back but occasionally
klappering is performed with the
bead and bill in the natural position
Its Relation to Standard Time In This
Standard time is the time in com
mon use regulating the ordinary af
fairs of life It is derived from the
sun Leaving out of account small
irregularities of the solar motion that
are of no consequence for our present
purpose when that celestial body is on
the meridian of any place we call the
time of that place noon or 12 oclock
It follows that when it is noon at any
given place it is similarly noon at all
other places having the same meridi
au As the sun rises in the east and
sets in the west it is evident that
when it is crossing the meridian ot
any place it must have already passed
that of places to the eastward and
not yet reached that of places to the
westward In other words when it is
uoon in the given place it is forenoon
in places to the westward and after
noon in places to the eastward
Now 15 degrees of longitude corre
spond exactly to one hour of time dif
ference and therefore the local times
of the several standard meridians dif
fer from Greenwich by an even num
ber of hours In the Dnited States
the standard time meridians are those
whose longitudes are west of Green
wich GO 75 90 105 and 120 degrees
The time of these meridians is re
spectively four five six seven and
eight hours earlier than Greenwich
time because the sun in traveling
across the sky from east to west pass
es the Greenwich meridian before it
reaches the American meridians New
York American
Laugh and Grow Fat
Laugh and grow far is an old say
ing and there is more than a little
truth In It asserts a doctor The
convulsive movements which we call
laughter exert a very real effect upon
the bodily framework They cause the
arteries to dilate so that they carry
more blood to the tissues of the body
and the heart to beat more rapidly so
that the flow of the blood through the
vessels is hastened In other words
laughter promotes the very best condi
tions for an increase of the vital proc
esses The tissues take up more nu
tritive material and the waste products
are more promptly removed A good
laugh sends an increased flow of blood
to the brain This immediately causes
that instrument of thought to work
better with the result that gloomy
forebodings are sent packing
The Origin of the Mastiff
Mastiff is a term applied to a very
large and powerful species of the ca
nine family and there is considerable
conflict of opinion regarding the origin
of the word Some claim that it is de
rived from the Italian mastino or the
French mastin both of which signify
large limbed This word they say
was gradually corrupted into masty a
Lincolnshire expression meaning very
large muscular or big until it grad
ually assumed its present form Oth
ers again say its true origin is the old
German masten to fatten because the
mastiff is a large dog and so seems
better fed than any other London
Good Scheme
Its a shame commented the friend
of the restaurant proprietor
Whats a shame asked the res
taurant proprietor
Why that you have to give that
pretty waitress all the tough steaks
for the patrons at her tables
Oh I pay her extra for that You
see she is so pretty not one man
would kick if the steaks were so tough
they pulled his teeth out Chicago
The Eternal Feminine
Myrtle has gone upon the vaude
ville stage and has made an instant
big hit because of her daring
What is her act
She sings in a cage of mice Lip
Adversity Is the flrst path to truth-
Did as the Judge Told Him and Was
Well Paid For It
A gentleman had a head gardener
who never thought of liavum a holiday
or mis ing a day from work and so
somewhat surprised his employer by
asking him if he could have nixt
Friday off
His request was Immediately graut
ed but on the Saturday he did noi
show up and a week went past and
then a fortnight and still no sign ol
Mike The gentleman reluctantly em
ployed auot her man in Mikes place
About three months afterward he
was surprised on going into the
grounds to Hud Mike at work just as
if nothing had happened
Where have you been Michael be
Well sorr its lolke this You re
raimber the day yon let me off 1
had to appear at the coort as a wit
ness When I gets there I sees the
mild gint with the wig on is ead and
is specs on the tip of Ms nose
Michael Dooley sez e
YIs sorr sez 1
Jo into that box says e
-Right sorr sez 1
Swear sez e
1 did as e told me though I dont
use bad language as a rule
Three months for contimpt ot
coort sez e
And theyve only just let me out
sorr Pea rsous
Tried For Conversing With the Devil
In the Form of a Cat
Jane Weuham was indicted at the
Hertfordshire assizes on March 4 1712
for conversing with the devil In the
form of a cat under the provisions of
the act of 1G04 repealed in 1730 Her
prosecutors wished to have her also
indicted for practicing witchcraft to
the harm of Ann Thorn a servant girl
sixteen years old but this was not
allowed although evidence was pro
duced at the trial to show what injury
had been done the victim by means of
crooked pins and by placing cakes and
cats hairs in Ann Thorns pillow and
how the prisoner had caused the death
of some cattle simply by walking
through a turnip field
The jury brought her in guilty
and Mr Justice Powell passed sen
tence of death but took steps to quash
the verdict Wenharas prosecutors
published an account of the case but
their arguments were pulverized by
scientific men Jane Wenham herself
was liberated and taken under the
protection of Colonel Plummet who
gave her a cottage and we are told
by Dr Hutchinson that in 1720 the
whole country was fully convinced of
her innocence London Spectator
Do You Know This Flower
Among the guests at a summer ho
tel in Vermont was a scientist from
Boston noted for his botanical re
searches and a woman desirous of im
pressing him with her stores of gen
eral knowledge also she affected a
deep interest in all matters pertaining
to botany
1 suppose said the woman one
day that you find almost all the
mountain flowers around here
I find a great many said the sci
Theres one species of flower she
continued of which Ive read as al
ways being on the hills and Ive al
ways wanted to see it Perhaps you
can pick me some
And what is this flower madam
The purple gloaming you know 1
should dearly love to possess some
Minneapolis Journal
Watch Your Shoulders
When standing before a looking glass
notice if your shoulders are the same
height Generally the right is higher
than the left The reason for this un
evenness nes in ine way one sits icsn
get into a comfortable chair atyoui
desk and at once you rest yojur right
elbow ou the arm of youJr chair oi
your desk thus throwing one shoulder
higher thau the otbetvThis is especial
ly the case where vine writes a great
deal When you notice that one shoul
der is higher tham the other the thing
to do is to cbaiyge your way of sitting
at your desk Two simple exercises
will be beneficial The arm of the low
er shoulder should be extended up
ward the Jhand grasping a dumbbell
That of the higher shoulder should be
lowered amd made to support a heavy
The Sleep of Seeds
Oats clorn remiol and some flower
seeds were exposed during US days
to a temperature of 40 degrees F be
low zertf Afterward when placed in
suitable surroundings nearly all of the
fennel -oat and corn seeds and many
f the others -Terminated It is con
cluded that the protoplasm or the
principle of life in a resting seed is
in a state ot inaction not comparable
to that ot a smoldering Are but rather
like that of a chemical mixture which
is capable of forming a combination
whenever the required conditions of
temperature and illumination are pres
She Vas Born Yesterday
She La t niiiht was the first time 1
ever heard you talk in your sleep and
you kept saying Four kings and
once in awhile Full house He
Well you see I was down to the club
last night playing checkers with a
i rack player and there was a full
house watching us
A Slasher
The ppn may be mightier than the
sword but any editor will tell you
that It isnt a marker to the blue pen
cil Philadelphia Record
Come to Hundreds of McCook Peo
There are days of dizziness
Spells of headache sideache back
Sometimes rheumatic pains
Often urinary disorders
All tell you plainly the kidneys are
Doans Kidney Pills cure all kidney
Here is proff in McCook
Mrs D C Knowles 30G E Fiftli
St McCook Neb says I know
Doans Kidney Pills to bo an effectiv
kidney medicine A member of my
family suffered from kidney com
plaint This person had backaches
headaches and dizzy spells and on
getting up in the morning felt all
tired out Doans Kidney Pills ef
fected a cure in a short time and
gave convincing proof of their merit
You have been a good fellow
to your friends and were never called
close or tight What have you to
show for it Why not be a good
fellow to your self Open an ac
count with the First National bank
and turn your generosity to your owr
credit for a while
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Music in the Air
Which would you prefer your wife
to do play the violin or piano Vio
lin It would be easier to chuck out j
of the window lion Vivant
n tt iir ii
w VtiiKina
Ll -I L litt i jjjii
The following mall matter remains
uncalled for at the McCook postofflce
Advertised July 8th
Mrs Geo Beck Mrs Lizzie Brown
Frank Craighill Mr John R Green
Win Hitch Mr J H Johnson 2
Mary H Kent Mrs Maggie J Leach
Mr Lonnie Mise W H McComb Mr
D L Robords L W Saunders Mr
Ora Sickels Mr Earl Stiner Miss
Agnes Taylor Mrs Jennie Utter
Mrs Martha Corey Vena Dodgo
Mr John Lathrop Mr Press Raver
Miss Florence Williams Mr Joseph
Watkins John Walker Mr Frank H
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
LON CONE Postmaster
Is Life Worth Saving
Mrs Mollie McRaney Prentiss
Miss writes that she had a severe
case of kidney and bladder trouble
land that four bottles of Foleys Kid
ney Remedy cured her sound and
well She closes her letter by say
ing I heartily recommend Foleys
Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of
kidney disease It saved my life
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney and bladder trou
ble not beyond the reach of medi
cine No medicine can do more
Icelands Food Output
The statement that Iceland will be
able to provide for 1000000 popula
tion as against 79000 now there la
interesting enough but there Is no
danger of a rush of emigrants
- Jewell
Gasoline Stoves
are sold in McCook by
H P Waite and Co
Watch The Progress Of
Farm Development in Wyoming
The Richest Undeveloped State in the West
GO WITH ME on one of our personally conducted landseekers excursions to
The Big Horn Basin
the first and third Tuesdays of each month and see what the farmers are
doing on these new lands where the Burlington Railroad is buildiDg new
lines where new towns offer splendid business openings in all lines of trade
and profession
EXAMINE THESE LANDS PERSONALLY with me I will help you to pick
out the best I am employed by the Burlington Railroad for this very pur
OURIIOM ESEEKERS TICKET allows you 25 days with stop oversverat5e
in homeseekc rs territory ample time to examine the lands amj a few
days fishing in the mountain streams if you like Satho irrigated lands
where the ditches are built by the governnj fJso bv the prvate com
panies and the Mondell 320 acres all on one trip
Write for it today J
J CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Landseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb
- antyuaar j a i r
150 Value
for 100
fe Hr ii v vvyyrTrvT Vivitpvvvwiwirv r tiyin h v tVYfr
V Franklin Pres G 11 Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000
V Franklin
Surplus 25000
McMillen R A Green j
Lrti4ajttltMji nt
Vernice Franklin
are sold in McCook by
IfcHM A H 1 f
1 1 milium i ng3gzammca3imELLJUjj
Hughes Crescent-
Cottage Paints