The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 14, 1910, Image 2

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    i niiriimiiii --
iBk Something New In
Kitchena are
The 1892 Pure Spur Aluminum Ware is rapidly
cominc into use for cooking purposes It is takincr
the place of agate and enamel ware because v hile its a
nrsc cost is a iriue more man oruinary ware it is
really much cheaper in the long run as it is
teed tor tweniy nve years anu win last praccay
a life time
The genuine 1892 Ware made only from pure
SPUN not cast Aluminum will not crack scale peel
break scorch or burn
It looks like silver but weighs only about one
quarter as much is easily cleaned and handled and
will not rust corrode or tarnish Absolutely pure
non poisonous and wholesome saves money time and
doctors bills
Be sure you get the original and gcn
Ia it imnA9 with fllrf XfalfJ
Prass At your dculers
Irs Smith and daughter from
south of the river visited Mrs Norris
first of the week
Mrs Holton Longnecker spent Sat
urday and Sunday at the old home
Mrs F G Smith gave a party the
latter part of the week in honor of
the six young ladies who are visiting
The Misses McDonald returned to
their home in Dan bury on Friday
Mrs Norris was ill for a few days
with rheumatism around the hearL
Louis Longnecker and family joined
Xewis Elmer and family in a picnic
dinner at Mr Elmers pools the oc
casion being Mrs Alice Elmers birth
Will Barber is in from the
karee country and reports a good rain
out there
Mr and Mrs Andy Barber were
visiting in the neighborhood on Sun
Will Meyers and family and Leon
Smith and the young lady visitors
from Lincoln took dinner at Mr Wad
dells on Sunday
Teething children have more or les
diarrhoea which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy All that is
necessary is to give the prescribed
dose after operation of the bowels
more than natural and then castor
oil to cleanse the system It is safe
and sure Sold by A McMillen
Make Your Home Spick and Span
Every woman is proud of a thor
oughly clean house It means work to
keep things spick and span but it is
the results that counts Shell wel
come any easier and better way
but for lack of it has continued to
clean scrub scour and polish using
the same methods her grandmother
did In modern times why not use
modern methods Use Old Dutch
Cleanser the cleanser scrubber
scourer and polisher used in hundred
of thousands of homes It does all
the work with much less effort and
the result is immediate It scours
pots pans and kettles Avithout scrap
ing cleans all sorts of floors and
painted walls without hard rubbing
and polishes quickly and brightly
With this modern cleanser housework
is made a pleasure and done easily
Use Old Dutch Cleanser for all your
Soreness of the muscles whether
induced by violent exercise or injury
is quickly relieved by the free appli
cation of Chamberlains Linimen
This liniment is equally valuable for
muscular rheumatism and always af
fords quick relief Sold by A Mc
Millen Druggist
Ice Cream Cones Seized
New York July 11 More than
4500000 ice cream cones were seiz
ed today by United States Marshal
Henkel as a part of the campaign
being waged by the government un
der the pure food act It is alleg
ed that the cones contain boric acid
and are injurious to health
The seizure is the second within
a few days and was made on the
pier of the Southern Pacific railway
The cones were being shipped to Gal
veston Texas by the Consolidated
Wafer company of this city
Must be Above Suspicion
Kidney and bladder ailments are
so serious in the consequences and
if unchecked so often fatal that any
remedy offered for their cure must
be above suspicion Foley Kidney
Pills contain no harmful drugs and
have successfully stood a long and
thorough test
McConnell for drugs
f iRxw
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county clerks accompanied this letter
office since our last report
Charles Bailey et ux to Charles
E Picklum w d to part 13-14-15
in 20 McCook 1000
J W Dolan et ux to Emily T
Rankin w d to 11 12 in 16
Indianola 150
V Franklin to Temperance Mc-
Callum bill of sale one grain
elevator in the Village of Red
Willow Nebraska
Jonas E Molund to Geoge E
McClain wd to 9 in 24 Mc
Cook 4000 00
Arthur Shepherd to John E
Sanborn wd to 23 24 25
26 in 7 Willow Grove add 500 00
Affa C Seeley et al to James
W McClung wd to s hf ne
qr e hf se qr 14-4-27 4800 00
Geo Leland et ux to W T
March and R C Johnson
qcd to 10 11 12 in 20 2nd
McCook 370 00
Lincoln Land Co to W T
March and R C Johnson
deed to same as above 5 00
Nels Veelots to Fred and
Arthur W Nelson wd to to
n hf nw qr 21-1-30 2000 00
At State Fair
The Wright Brothers Aeroplanes
will give exhibition flights each day
of the State Fair Sept 5th to 9th
Their contract calls for two flights
between 10 and 12 each morning and
two flights between 4 and 6 in the af
A couple of weeks ago at Indiana
polis this machine broke the worlds
record for the highest flight ever
made and the people of Nebraska
may confidently expect to witness
some record breaking flights at the
State Fair
When the stomach fails to perform
its functions the bowels become der
anged the liver and the kidneys con
gested causing numerous diseases
The stomach and liver must be re
stored to a healthy condition and
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets can be depended upon to do
it Easy to take and most effective
Cqld by A McMillen Druggist
Quit Yourselves Like Men
Phillips Brooks
Oh do not pray for easy lives
Pray to be strong men Do not pray
for tasks equal to your powers Pray
for powers equal to your tasks
Then the doing of your work will be
no miracle Every day you shall won
der at yourself at the richness of
life which has come in you by the
grace of God
Counties Free From Scabies
State Veterinarian Juckmies receiv
ed a telegram Monday from the de
partment of Interior releasing from
quarantine the counties of Dundy
Hitchcock Hayes and Chase The
telegram said the counties would be
released upon the endorsement of
the action by the governor These
counties are among the sixty five
which were quarantined for scabies
some time ago
At State Fair
The Wright Brothers aeroplanes
will give exhibition flights each day
of the state fair Sept 5th to 9th
Their contract calls for two flights
between 10 and 12 each morning and
two flights between 4 and 6 in the
Pure iron is only a laboratory prepa
ration Cast iron the most generally
useful variety contains about five per
cent of impurities and the curlouf
thing is that it owes Its special valuo
to the presence of these Pure Iron
can be shaved with a pocket knife
Impure iron can be made almosi
bard as steal
The Purchase of Diderots Library by
Catherine II of Russia
Empress Catherine II of Russia was
a great reader and a lover of books
One of lier services to letters In Russia
condition of the bargain that her I
chase should remain with Diderot until
his death Thus Diderot without leav
ing Paris became Catherines librarian
in his own library As her librarian
he was given a yearly salary of 5000
One year this salary was not paid
Then Catherine wrote to her librarian
that she could not have him or her
library suffer through the negligence
of a treasurers clerk and that she
should send him the sum that she had
set aside for the care and Increase of
her library for fifty years At the end
of that period she would make new i
arrangements A check for 100000
The Old Soldier That Asked For and
Received Assistance
General Robert E Lee was sitting
on the veranda of bis Lexington home
one afternoon engaged in conversation
with some friends when a man ill
clothed and covered with dust appear
ed at the gate and timidly beckoned to
the general
Apologizing to his friends Lee rose
at once and went to the gate Very
soon his purse appeared and he was
seen to give the man some monev
His friends knowing the extent of
his charity in any case of suffering
real or apparent looked on with some
impatience for they knew how slender
his means were then and how many
calls of the same kind came to him
General who was that one of
them ventured when he had returned
to his place
One of our boys in trouble was
the half smiling answer for the gen
eral knew the remonstrance which his
friend was longing to make
What regiment and company did he
belong to persisted the friend anx
ious if possible to unearth the sus
pected fraud
Oh he he fought on the other
side was General Lees calm answer
Chinese Business Honesty
With due respect for others the
Chinaman is perhaps the most honor
able and upright business man in the
world today His business principles
are founded entirely upon honesty
and he adheres to the policy with the
Insistence of a leech The chase after
dollars stops if he has to resort to low
tricks to get them Of course a little
thing like telling a falsehood occasion
ally does not bother him so much but
when it comes to plotting and schem
ing to defraud some one the task be
comes distasteful The equal of the
Japanese in initiative and foresight
he is much their superior when integ
rity is concerned A Japanese does
not think twice before deciding to get
the best of you He calculates that
you are liable to change your mind or
get out of reach if he indulges in a
little mental debate as to the propriety
of cheating you Bookkeeper
Mourning Colors
Intending to symbolize the gloom of
night when all men sleep black is
the color of mourning all over Europe
In Persia pale brown materials are
worn for mourning the color of with
ered leaves Both sorrow and hope
are expressed to the south sea islander
in black and white stripes while in
I Ethiopia the mourning color is grayish
brown which represents the earth to
which all men shall return Purple j
and violet have been tin mourning
ors for cardinals and kings of France
and white is worn to express grief in
China In Syria and Armenia sky blue
is worn at the death of a relative and
is intended to express the belief that
the deceased has gone to heaven In
Egypt and Burma yellow is worn to
symbolize the sere and yellow leaf
London Answers
Really Antique
An excellent plaster of paris cast
may be seen in one of the Egyptian
galleries of the British museum of the
famous sycamore statuette known as
the or Village
Sheikh The original dates from 3900
B C and is still in perfect condition
although it is the oldest known speci
men of woodcarving It represents an
overseer of the workmen engaged in
building the pyramids dose to Sakka
rao where it was discovered London
The Stranger Was the new candi
date much put out when they threw
the stale eggs at him Native He
was sorr He was awful decomposed
London Sketch
Vill Never Know
Seymour It Is better to be right
than president Ashley How do you
know Youve never been either and
never will be Chicago News
When the fight begins within himself
a mans worth somethiug Browning
was tne puremise or tne iiurunes or
Voltaire and Diderot She was n warm Turn ThwniH Pnmnrr fnr FH
friend and admirer of these French bGIflllg
philosophers and their work interest
ed her because she was eager to learn
new theories of politics and govern
ment Voltaires library of about 70H
volumes is now a part ot the Rus
sian imperial library In- the nermitage
palace and in the hall devoted to it
is Iloudons statue of Voltaire
The story of Catherines purchase of
Diderots library is interesting It is
creditable to her tact and her generos
ity Diderot named 75000 as the
price of his library Catherine II
offered him SO000 and named as a
tiorol Saengerfest
MEET IN mm JULY 20 23
German Singers Come Out West for
Biggest Musical Event in Two Years
Bring American and European Art
ists With Them Two Thousand
School Children in Another Chorus
Two thousand German singers
their friends and the most famous
vocalists of this country and Europe
will gather out in Nebraska July
20 23 for the twenty fourth biennial
Eaengerfest of the Saengerbund of the
For the first time in the history of
the organization a place of meeting
has been selected west of the Missouri
river the society having unanimously
selected Omaha as the meeting place
for the big musical event because of
the large Auditorium and hotel ac
commodations as well as because of
I the large number of German people in
Omaha interested in the saengerbund
j music
j It is a great thing to Nebraska to
have this national saengerfest meet
within its borders as it will bring to
the state hundreds of the most promi
nent German citizens in the United
States and give home people an op
portunity to hear them
The Saengerbund has a most thor
ough way of organizing and rehearsing
the music the director traveling from
one city to another throughout the
year and giving instructions leading
the local choruses and assisting the
leaders to insure unison when the big
i event takes place in Omaha
This director Mr Theodore Kelbe
of Milwaukee has made his last round
His 2000 singers are ready and could
doubtless sing together without a
general rehearsal But rehearse they
1 must as the leaders never rest
Such a chorus will be a musical
event in the west and with the artists
and orchestra five grand concerts will
be given each one different in char
The opening concert Wednesday
evening July 19 will be entirely by
sinqers cf Omaha and South Omaha
it being in the nature of a reception
An artists matinee will follow
Thursday afternoon at which all the
great artists will appear on one pro
gram These will include Miss
Mary Munchoff Madame Hesse
Sprotle Myrtle Moses Mrs Wagner-
Thomas Christian Hansen of the Bos
ton Opera company and Marcus Keller
man of the Royal opera house Berlin
and others
The first concert of the mass male
chorus will be given Thursday even
ing and the grandeur of such a chorus
cannot be realized until it is heard
One of the most unique arrange
ments ever made with Nebraska
school children is to train them under
the direction of the Saengerfest asso
ciation of Omaha and present 2000
childrens voices at a national saenger
fest matinee These children trained
in the schools of Omaha and South
Omaha will sing Friday afternoon
presenting American and German pat
riotic airs
The mass chorus will he the princi
pal feature of the Friday evening con
cert assisted by a sixty piece or
chestra which will have a place on all
programs and be directed by Th Rud
The memhers of the Saengerbund
will close the fest with a picnic fol
lowing the annual business meeting
and a street parade Saturday July 23
Former President Will Visit Omaha
on Scptmber 2
Senator Burkett has made the defi
nite announcement that Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt will be in Omaha on
Friday Sept 2
Secretary Mellor of the state board
of agriculture has decided not to ry
to get ex President Roosevelt for che
Nebraska state fair He will do noth
ing that might lessen the chances of
Omaha securing the colonel
Colonel Roosevelt is going through
Omaha Sept 2 for Cheyenne said
Mr Mellor and that would be a week
before the fair so it would do us no
good to secure him for the fair crowd
If he stops over in Omaha more peo
ple would get to see him and it would
not interfere with the crowds which
are coming to the state fair
Huse Gets Honor
W N Huse publisher of the Nor
folk News appears on the program
of the sixth annual convention Asso
ciated Advertising Clubs of America
which meets in Omaha July 18 20
and Mr Huse will speak on The
Country Newspaper as an Advertising
This is not only the first time a
Nebraska speaker has been placed on
the national program but also the
first time a speaker has been selected
to advocate the country newspaper o
an advertising medium The Omaha
committee made the arrangement njt
only insisting that a Nebraskan be
placed on the program but a country
paper publi lier who could bring these
papers before the Uis Uuv cs -
American Women and the Shopping
Game Mania
More money is wasted every year by
women buying needless things under
the excitement of the bargain limit
than is spent in all the gambling
houses and nice tracks put together
says Mary neatoti Vorse In Success
Magazine When you say that I have
no statistics to prove this I answer
that I have common sense and have
spent much time In city shops I
know too what I am capable of and
1 am but a half hearted hunter I
1 know what my friends do It Isnt for
uothlngthat I have seeu earnest young
students of economics succumb to this
hunting instinct and fare forth to buy
ninety eight cent undergarments
It is not only in the stores frequent
ed by poor or uneducated women that
I have seen the more brutal Instincts
of the human race come to the sur
face I have seen a charming looking
elderly woman In a high class store
snatch a dress length of gray voile
from the hands of another elderly wo
man and the reason I happened to see
these sights was because I myself was
at the sale looking at garments I didnt
want and didnt need and buying them
The bargain chase the shopping
game passion or sport life work or
recreation for it may be any one of
these according to the temperament
or the woman has American women
well in its grip Hardly one of us es
capes some one of the psychological
deviations from the normal which 1
have mentioned
The Youthful Amateurs Were Sure He
Was a Philanthropist
They were youthful enthusiasts In
physiognomy On the seat opposite in
the train was a man of commanding
figure massive brow and serious ex
pression Splendid face one of them
explained What do you suppose uis
life work has been
A lawyer suggested the other
No o theres too much benevolence
In that face for a lawyer
Maybe a bankerV
Oh no A man with an expression
like that couldnt have spent his life in
merely turning over money
He might be an editor
An editor Cutting and slashing his
enemies at every turn and even his
friends occasionally for the sake of a
smart paragraph You cant read
faces That maus a philanthropist or
engaged in some surt of public spirit
ed work Why there Isnt a line that
doesnt indicate strength of purpose
and nohility Look at that curve there
u the hitl
At next station an old country
man took his seat beside the man with
massive brow and soon entered into a
conversation with him in the course of
which he asked the latter what was
his line
The two opposite held their breath
In the iutensity of their interest
b Ive got a little tavern and
butcher shop back in the country a
bit was the proud reply My wife
tends to the meals and 1 do my own
killing Youths Companion
Picture Forgeries
There are three or four times as
niany Corots in existence as the French
painter produced in his lifetime He
lived to be nearly eighty but at Mont
martie his posthumous canvases are
still being turned out to meet the de
mands of the market The old mas
ters never die They are still working
overtime in the back rooms of Flor
ence and Rome At Cologne the man
ufacture of genuine mediaeval metal
work and antique carving is a thriving
Industry These foreign forgers may
be scamps but tbeir tireless energy
also testifies to the reverence in which
posterity holds the great names of by
gone periods If they are not so high
ly piized what inducements would
there be for anjbody to waste time
paint and muscle in creating fraiidu
lent copies and imitations and pass
ing them nil under fa e pretenses
Our millionaire collectors are not con
stantly exposed to the risk of buying
high priced forgeries where rhe origi
nals have no value New York World
Mourning In Japan
The Japanese rode of mourning is
very elaborate and complicated As
followed by the well to do classes it
Involves the wearing of special gar
ments and abstinence from animal
foGd At the death of a husband or
real or adopted parents the rustoni de
mands thirteen months of mourning
apparel and ifty day abstinence
from meat Craudpareut are honored
Ajy lo day- if they an mi the paternal
side if rcy rommun insignificant
maternal j rtidpiretts they have to
put up with ninety The same rule
applies to maternal unrles and aunts
It is one way of introducing the orien
tal contempt for women
Superior Wisdom
Why do you consider women supe
rior to men in intelligence
A bald headed man buys hair re
storer by the quart doesnt he
Er yes
Well a woman doesnt waste time
on a hair restorer She buys hair
Houston Post
A Natural Cause
Do you notice that most dog stories
are funny ones
Why not A dog story ought natu
rally to be something of a waggish
tale New York Journal
Few things are necessary for the
wants of this life but it takes an In
finite number to satisfy the demands
of opinion
Lincoln Sanitarium
fcjs v
Suipho SailnG Springs
Located on our own promlsos nnd used
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart Stomacb Kidney nnd Llvar
ModcrJte Charges AJdrtis
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Xeb
Martin Nilsson purchased a new
2 eylin lu wU at km hi- own
use recently
Mrs Darnell suffered severely with
an abscess on her light thumb last
Arthur Eddy of Lenkelman Nebv
arrived first of last week to help
his Uncle Fred Furman with his
Jas Craig an electrician from Hol
drege installed an up-to-date light
ing system in the new alfalfa mill
Geo Godown and family were shak
ing hands with old friends in town om
July 4th having returned from Wei
ser Idaho the Saturday before
L D Gockley and wife spent Sat
urday and Sunday with their son T
F and family of Fairview
Ernest Galusha did some plaster
ing in Cedar Bluffs a few days last
R S Sanders was a Cedar Bluffs
busines visitor between trains last
R E Bacon and wife left first of
last week for an extended visit at dif
ferent points in this state and South
Dakota R N Rhoades and wife
are occupying their home and run
ning a boarding house a much need
ed acquisition to our town
S C Lyons has given up his west
ern trip for the present and will work
for W II Eifert
S II Stilgebour and family spent
the Fourth at the home of his
brother Foster at Bartley driving
over Sunday and returning Tuesday
Rogers Watkins from south oC
town with their crew are heading
wheat for Powell Nilsson
L D Newberry purchased a mare
and colt from a Mr Davidson south
of town last week
Fred Furman began his seasons
threshing at Clint Pews Monday
Clint Pew had the misfortune to
lose a fine mare last Friday by get
ting entangled in a swing rope
Last Fridays west bound freight set
fire and burned up 7 stakes of head
ed wheat for Ernest Wevenerli nf
Fairview west of town -
L D Gockley and wife were Cedar
Bluffs business visitors Friday morning-
The Junior basket ball team were
defeated in a game with the Lebanon
team at that place on the Fourth
Lily Patent Flour when once used
none other will satisfy you
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Notice of Suit
The unknown heirs and unknown de
visees of William H Dolan deceased
and the unknown heirs and unknown
devisees of William Dolan deceased
James W Dolan Michael J Dolan
John T Dolan and Bridget Dolan de
fendants will take notice that Char
les F Lehn plaintiff herein has filed
his petition in the district court of
Red Willow county Nebraska against
the above defendants the object and
prayer of which are to ouiet th
title of the plaintiff in the north
half of the northeast quarter of
section thirty one township four
north of range twenty nine west of
the 6th p m in said county and for
decree that the said W H Dolan
and William H Dolan mentioned in
plaintiffs petition were one and the
same person that William Dolan was
the sole heir of William H Dolan
deceased that Bridget Dolan James
W Dolan Mary E Thomas John
T Dolan and Michael J Dolan -were
the sole heirs of William Dolan de
ceased and for decree that the de
fendants and each of them be de
creed to have no interest in or any
claim right or title to said premises
or any part thereof and that they
may be barred and enjoined from
making any claim thereto or claiming
any right of possession thereof
i You are required to answer said
tition on or before Monday the 3th
day of August 1910
Dated this 29th day of June 1910
Charles F Lehn Plaintiff
1 E hlrwl Hjt iunrney
lvtn oiihHcatloi 0 4is