4 Wit lA X y Time Card AlcCook Neb mti tV MAIN LINEEABT DEIMUT No 6 Central Time J 135 r m 8 715 r m W 500 a m 2 550 a m 12 705 a m H 912 p m 10 ss i si MAIN LINK WKhT DElAET Ho I MouutninTimo lJ0 i M 3 arr8VM J3 15 Ji 7 111 2 r si 905 a M 1230 A m hl5 A M Us a si IMlKttlAt LINK No 170 arrivoH Mountain Timo 345 P si No 175loparU 515 A si Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars on through train Tickets sold and bugguRe chucked to any point in tlio Uuitod a atea or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets cull on or writ D P Hoxtetter Agent McCook NnbraKku or L W Wukeloy Qeueral Pjiesonger Agont Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engineer O G Coppon was in Lin coln last Saturday 571 an El switch engine is receiv ing repairs in the backshop Two of the striking boilermakers returned to work here this week Fireman Kay JJ Love spent hist week visiting he home folks at Pe i der ibis state Woik is being done on the brasses of the 1092 and cylinder work etc on the 318 Machinist S D Bolles has taken a layotr of two weeks and will assist in the harvest on the farm at Box Elder on the V illow Mr and Mrs Fred Tomblin and chil dren who have been guests of Dispat cher and Mrs Forbesdeparted for Den ver this morning Dispatcher and Mrs T B Camp bell visited their daughter Mrs Frank Humphries at Monrovia Kan sas over the Fourth Engineer A P Walters went up to Denver with the pile driver Tues day to be absent on that work for a couple of weeks A special ran into the work train n ar Atlanta last Friday with some dam age to the way car of the work train Conductor Hawkins is in charge of the latter General Maintenanceman Byram in a special train of six cars went over the McCook division Tuesday Wed nesday Supt Koller accompanied him over lite division A daughter was born to Master Mechanic and Mrs H E Culbert son uly 4thJ It is a delicate sug gestion but Julia is as near as we could come to a name Engineer and Mrs Walter Stokes who have been spending several weeks in the west and northwest ar rived home Monday evening on No 10 having enjoyed a great trip and vacation A draw bar pulled out on a freight train delayed No 9 about three-quarters of an hour on the west end Tuesday No 13 was also some late And it was unfortunately the day of the inspection special when we shoulc have had on our best clothes Kenneth the9 - year - old son of Agent Enlow at Orleans was drown ed in the Republican river at Orleans just below the mill dam Tuesday He and two other lads were wading in shallow water when Kenneth stepped into a deeper hole and was drowned before help arrived The body was rceovered Agent Enlow has deepest S3rmpathy in his sorrow The Paducah iKy Evening Sun of June 22 contains an elaborate account of the wedding of Miss Blanche Hills daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter J Hills formerly of our city and Mr Saunders Mann Almond of Lynchburg Va Among the guests was Mrs C B Potter also a former resident of Mc Cook The wedding was a brilliant af fair It will be remembered that Mr Hills was formerly a dispatcher at Mc Cook for several ears He is now gen eral superintendent of the Nashville Chattanooga St Louis railroad The young couple will make their home in Baltimore Md after August 1st Miss Minnie Annette Cedargreen Eminent Chicago Violinist with Nell 17 Bunnell Trio at iiiiiiSHKISSiP 28 ALBERT ARMSTRONG Actor-Artist-Lecturer CHA4TUQUA County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska July oth 1910 The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment pre sent C B Gray F S Lofton and Edward Sughroue county eommissio ers and Clias Skalla county clerk The minutes of the meetings held June 20th and 2lst were read and on motion approved On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund to C F Le hn the sum of 240 being the amount of 1907 tax on lot 1G block 10 original McCook which tax was illegal as said lot belonged to the city of McCook The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warren ts on the re spective funds levy of 1909 as fol lows Commissioner District No 2 W P Elmer Culvert in Red Willow precinct 73 55 Commissioner District No 3 W T Clark work with grader 27 00 S V Frazier work with grader 34 40 J I Lee work with grader 52 SO E Hyatt work with grader 19 GO Win Hyatt work with grader 19 60 C I Mapes work with grader 30 00 IVrrnk Creager work with o ader 12 50 Road District No 1 North Valley precinct A E Jennings road work l ID 50 Elmer Turpin 9 00 F M Jennings 20 50 Lucian Hart 6 00 Road District No 5 Perry precinct Martin Doyle road work 7 50 G Traphagan S 50 A Strawder 1 00 Road District No 7 Willow Grove precinct Ed Houlihan road work 64 63 Road District No 8 Red Willow pre cinct Lon Miller road work 15 00 Noah Sawyer John Crocker Jake Desrele W Broomfield GCSmith M J Murray J G ODea JG ODea E Canaga 3 00 12 00 3 00 6 00 2 50 b id 52 00 8 75 3 00 precinct 25 32 1 52 5 00 6 00 2 00 Road District No 11 Tyrone N O Lundstrom road work J Uleman II L Eckard A Borkman T Summons Road District No 13 Eondville pre cinct C Schluetsmeier road work 9 00 Robert Stewart 4 50 Gustav Schultz 1 50 Herman Reiners 3 00 Road District No 15 Driftwood pre cinct W P Wood road work 47 00 R L Drain 6 00 N E McMurrin 9 00 D S McMurrin 3 00 Joshua Rowland 18 00 Road District No 16 Grant precinct Joshua Rowland road work 15 00 B W Benjamin 4 50 Ed Carfield 9 00 Road District No 17 Gerver precinct i Thomas Mumby road work Don Thompson A B Bagby C H Coulson Frank Schamel Bert Shields Frank Witt Bert Witt 6 00 6 75 9 75 12 00 4 50 3 00 13 50 13 50 pre 18 00 4 50 3 00 4 50 Road District No 20 Lebanon cinct F W McCashland road work Jas dimming Clare Thompson F D Helt On motion the board adjourned to meet July 26th 1910 Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk C B GRAY Chairman Parliamentary Law will be the W C T U subject July 15th Mrs J E Tirrill will be the hostess 1 rnjf mm MEN m Bind s SI COURAGE L jj Teach Self Reliance From Cra dle Says Captain Jack CORRAL BEST KINDERGARTEN But Youthful Horsemen Will Havo Harvard Educations as Did Roose velt Their Catch Em Alive Father Promises Trip to Mexico Prelimi nary Canter For Cross Country Ride Teach a boy self reliance from the moment lie tumbles out of the cradle make him keep his traces taut and work well forward in his collar and ninety nine times out of a hundred his Independence will assert itself before lie is two years old Then guide him with a tirm but tender hand instill into him the principles of right and wrong and the rest is easy If there is no taint in his blood and he doesnt possess a yellow streak he will develop into a fine man Thats my rule and II you dont think Ive taken the right tack talk io my boys for tive minutes and theyll convince jou that they are men in principles even if they are ba bies in years Ood bkvs em This the tln ory of John It Aber nathy marshal of Oklahoma and father t Louis and Temple Aber nathy ilie two kiddies aged respec tively ten unci six years who made a triumphal entrance into New York astride the cow ponies they rode across country from their fathers ranch to greet Roosevelt There are five little Aberuathys at home all girls And according to their daddy each and every one of them is just as wonder ful just as self reliant and just as grown up as Louis and Temple Is Man of Strength Marshal Abernathy might best be de scribed as a great big little man He is about tive feet six well set up and shows every inch of his height He is broad of shoulder and tapers down to the perfect V He shows power great strength and determina tion in his every gesture and move Aside from the wide brimmed tan col ored felt hat there is nothing about him to suggest the man who catches wolves with his bare hands and stran gles them to death When Mrs Abernathy died said Captain Jack I called the children around me and had a heart to heart talk with them They knew of my frequent and protracted absences from the ranch so I mapped out the work and gave each his or her task Each was made to feel that unless they lived up to their part of the work the ranch would go to the devil Wild horses couldnt have held them back then Corral Their Kindergarten Perhaps your boys would have had better educational advantages had they lived in the city was suggested No they wouldnt the captain quickly answered They have lived close to uature and they have studied it Their book learning hasnt suffered either for they are just as well ad vanced in their studies I find as the average city child of their age Their kindergarteu course was ob tained in the ranch corral Horses dogs wolf and bear cubs were their playmates from infancy and their knowledge of the traits aud habits of each of these animals is as intimate as my own and I have been studying them forty five years Each shall have a college education Harvard will be their alma mater un less they suffer a change of heart You know they fairly worship Colonel Roosevelt and he is a Harvard man Anything the colonel does or has done is perfectly all right in their eyes for next to their daddy he is the greatest man in the world Harder Trip Last Year Whereas the country at large is amazed at the feat of the boys in rid ing to New York Captain Abernathy does not think it as hazardous an un dertaking by one half as the trip to Mexico the boys took last year You see nothing was written about that trip and the boys were just as anxious to keep their present move ments as secret as they did when go ing to and from Mexico Those little chaps bunked in with Indians brig ands and outlaws all down through the alkali country and not a hair of their little heads was harmed They werent afraid for a moment They returned with more money than they started out with and they made it all by swapping horses Can you beat lhat MAL DE LAIR NEW BOGY May Be as Bad as Seasickness For Some Travelers Aviators are disposed to regard jok ingly the question advanced in the Lancet a London medical journal as to whether the human organization is able to withstand aviation It says that airsickness may be worse than seasickness for many peo ple owing to the giddy heights the swoops down and dashes upward The paper points out that many persons experience an unpleasant feeling in a descent in an elevator or in a swing and holds that aviation is subject to all such conditions wherefore travel ling by airship is far yet from coming within the scope of affairs of every day life L i fr w i VFSWt 4 K 255Tv yr c TfetorEfc i I - k r 3a six t - iM k dHBI 14 MME RENO Empress of Magic CHAUTAUQUA BARTLEY This vicinity was favored with a nice little riin Tuesday evening Floyd Cochran rami1 in from Omaha Sun lay evening where h Ikij been at work Mrs O S VanDoren is visitinu her daughter at Land Colo this week W K Slovens is siirerinj considera bly from a sunstroke siit ined about two weeks ago S H Stilgobouer anci faniilv of Mar ion Nebraska spent the Fourth with his brother F G and family Mrs I J Ritchie came down from Wauneta to sp nd the Fourth with home folks Mrs Ritchie says Bart ley hasnt changed any since she left John M Watson mad a business trip to Imperial and othi r western points this week Mr Pennington of Wauneta and Mr Bartholomew of Lebanon were in town Wednesday Mr Pennington handles the delivery busness for the Sta dard Oil Co at Wauneta W F Wests mother and sister from Red Cloud are spending the w ek with Win and family The jiatriotic program given at t he Christian church Sunday evening was attended by a full house and all repor -ed it a first class entertainment About twensj s of the oung folks decorated a vv gon and went out to the Baily trove south of town to enjoy their Fourth of July dinner and n the late afternoon went on to Indi nola o spend the evening Judging from the decora tions on the wagon the must of been a terribly info ted bunch The basket ball gam at 1ndianoIaa the Fourth between Bar ley and Tren ton resulted in a ictorx for the Bart ley girls by a score of uenty eght to six Barlley has a basket ball team to be proud or this year ami would gladly match a game with any team in south west Nebraska DELIGHTFUL MUSICAL This celebrated harp cost 1500 and is used at every performance O 27 The Dutch Boys With Mrs Brown at fJAUTAlJ QUA Mid Summer Reduct of On Mens and Young leus Ready-to-Wear Clothing An exceptional oppoi tunny to secure at an eeMhnly low cost latest style suit of best mateiaLs and well iiaile and one that will hold its shape to the last The time to wear them has verv little more than beiruti All mixed and fancy pattern and blue serge suits include 515 00 Suits for J 200 iSco Suits for 1440 2000 Suits for 16OO 22 50 Suits for 100 2500 Suits for 2000 3000 Suits for 24 OO To piece boys suits 350 800 Wash Tks 15c two for 25c Regular 25 ami 50c vain iti String and Four - In - Han Ties fancy and plain colors at 50 Per Cent Off An exceptionally good of shirts including those with the om fortable soft collar for th hot weather priced as low as Three Button Novelty 4OC Each Sack No 642 j LJ9 JLVvJ Main Ave 223 R F D No 3 Joe Downs has returned from his trip up northern part of the state William Sigwing has a good binder It cuts the wheat and leaves the smut standing The Klein p boys have returned from the west to harvest their crop John Randal has about finished cut ting grain C MLofton and family spent the 4th at Marion Most of the fanners celebrated the Jth at Dry creek and had a big time The writer was there with the rest of the bo s They had all kinds of amuse ments They had a good rain south from ih river to the divide last night C K Shears cut grain on the 4th ia I f McCook w m i 7 irsr irrm Phone 22 R F D No rood rain on the bottom last mghi Baker Picklum and Burtless ane their families celebrated tfeeiihon tbf dry branch and went home singinjfVr wont go home till morning so thej mun have enjoyed day F Schwartz has a new bindoj th kind that goes ahead of the horses The west end celebrated the 4th at the Stone ranch and report a fine time George Wallen is on the sick list Lots of grain to cut yet notwithstan ding you hear the click of the biadr and header evervwhere John Casnen Auctioneer Inriiaroia Neor Dates oooiuti at Mc Cook National bank Mary Harneon nurse Phon black 23C Now is the time to fill Your Coal Bins by so doing you save 50c i er Ion and are in sured of fuel next winter when the coal shortage comes During jlne and julv we will sell coal at 50c pr p ton 5 less than the regular price Place ycur orders now and avoid 6 being disappointed next winter BULLARD LUMBER CO Phone no Come to the M Market For Fresh Groceries Salt and Fresh Fish Choice Fruits Choice Hams and Bacon Bring along your Poultry and Eggs and get the price in cash highest Highest Cash Price for Cream MAGNER Prop