The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1910, Image 8

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m The Sale Youve Been Waiting for
emi Annual
Off Sale
1 Starts Tuxs July 5th and
Closes Mon Night Julyl 11
One solid week of seasonable bargains
Think of it Right here in the very height of the season you can buy everything in Dry
Goods at 20 per cent discount and many sensational offerings will be on sale at this time
at even greater reductions
1 5 Off on Dress Goods Means
roo suitings per yard 80c
50c batistes wool or cotton per yd 40c
25c lawns or batistes per yd 20c
20c 16c
15c t - 12c
ioc 8c
5c 4c
Others Drice atAc
Susine Silks ofe price 42C
One fifth off price 34c
1 5 Off on Dress Skirts Waists
or Wash Suits leans
1500 Garments for 1200
1 2 50
1 00
Final and Decisive Drive on Silk Dresses
Stop Consider Think of these reductions During this one week we will clean up
our Silk Dresses in these Bargain Lots
Lot 1
Contains Dresses which
sold regularly for 1250
1500 1750 and 2000
Price 750
Lot 2
Contains Dresses which
sold regularly for 1575
1800 2500 and 2800
Price 950
Lot 3
Contains Dresses which
sold for 2300 2750
3000 and 3500
Price 1250
You can readily see that the cost of these dresses has been absolutely forgotten in
the making up of these three lots and you should not fail to secure one of these excep
tional bargains at less than actual cost of the bare materials
All Wool Jacket Suits just half price
All Trimmed Millinery one third
All Lingerie and Linen Dresses at
20 per cent discount
Anything and everything 3 011 may
want in Dry Goods Notions Millinery
and Ladies Furnishings you can buy at
our store during this one week at just
one fifth less than the regular price
All Table Oil Clothes 15c per yard
Coats Thread this week is 4c per
A Heavy Pure Linen Toweling
worth 15c per yard now 9c
Large Bath Towels extra large and
extra heavy 1 5c and 20c values go at
ioc each
72 inch Embroidery Flouncings
which sold regularly as high as 125 go
now at 79c per yard
A Special Lot of Pure Linen Laces
1 inch to 3 inches wide 5c per yard
25 Pes Fancy Ribbons worth from
25c to 50c per yard now 19c per yard
All the best prints are 5c per yard
Lace curtains curtain nets madras draperies table linens nap
kins bed spreads hosiery underwear gloves collars hand bags
belts muslin underwear and everything else throughout our entire
store goes into this sale Be on hand
Tuesday Morning July 5th
and secure your share of the bargains Bear in mind that every day during this entire
week you can supply your wants in Dry Goods from this store at from 20 to 50 per cent
discount Remember this important event and remind your friends of it They will
thank you and appreciate these bargains
L rx
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
222 Main Ave Phone 56 McCook
Try McCook Business College
Everything In drugs McConnell
Kodaks and kodak supplies Mc
Connell druggist
Have your eyes fitted correctly
H P Sutton optician
Lily Patent Flour when once used
none other will satisfy you
Day and night auto livery Wil
sons Livery Barn Phone 34
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
For removing sunburn and tan Mc
Connells Fragrant Lotion 25cts
Ice cream and ice cream soda ser
ved to please at McMillens Drug
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
Cornchops 135 per hundred at
the McCook Flour and Feed Store
Phone 20
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Purify your blood with McCoimells
Sarsaparilla and have rugged health
the rest of your life Price 100
The Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c ci
gar and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
Robert Gore of Marion neighbor
hood has been allowed an increase
of 1500 to his present pension of
1200 per month
Tomorrows W C T U meeting
will be a Mothers Meeting with
Mrs Allen as leader and Mrs Howe
Smith as hostess
Supt Chas W Taylor is very in
dustrious these days making ar
rangements for the big Chautauqua
which will open July 13
We know it to be a positive fact
that Lily Patent flour is the best
high patent flour in McCook Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Our prescription department gives
modern service at the most reason
able prices
L W McCONNELL Druggist
We handle the S W mixed paints
because in all the world there are
none better
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Keystona is being used by the
United States army postoffice de
partment and navy It must be good
A McMillen Druggist
If you lack something in bath sup
plies get it here Our stock is
large assortment complete
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Whether the depositor has one dol
lar or one thousand in The First Na
tional Bank the interest rate is the
same 4 six months or 12 months
The C W Way Co Hastings Ne
braska will furnish you with plans
and specifications for any class of
buildings you wish to erect Ask
them for information
Beware of other paints said to be
just as good as Keystona Flat Fin
ishes Keystona is the original and
only genuine product
A McMillen Druggist
About 400 relatives and friends as
sembled in the grove west of Cedar
Bluffs Kansas June 17th and par
ticipated in the celebration of the
golden wedding anniversary of Mr
and Mrs William Kennedy
William McHenry formerly of Dan
bury fell from a scaffold recently
while painting a barn in Winfield
Kansas and was killed He was the
father of Mrs John DeLong of Dan
bury and was about 77 years old
Seven great musical companies a
dozen lecturers and entertainers be
sides many attractive and education
al features comprise the intellectual
menu of the coining chautauqua
which opens at McCook on the 13th
of July
V V-
- r is-
Fori Salk All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit in Call or inquiro W M
Morrisoy Phono black 292
FOR SALE i room house at 104
east 2nd street Good improve
ments E M Stimmell 30 tf
FOR SALE Small diamond ring
left as security will be sold at two
thirds its real value
STOLL CO Jewelers
FOR SALE Two new and one
used bicycle for sale cheap
STOLL CO Jewelers
FOR SALE 6 room house nearly
new on easy terms Enquire at 307
E 6th street or see DORWART
FOR SALE Residence at 302 2nd
street E 7 rooms and bath Base
ment bricked up and floor cemented
Furnace heat Large barn buggy
shed and coal house Inquire at res
idence or phone 356 9 4t
FOR SALE Residence of 5 rooms
Price and terms see owner 6-9-4 1
FOR SALE Dwelling of 5 rooms
in South McCook 3 lots barn coal
house outside cellar Cheap Earl
Spencer phone red 294 16 3ts
FOR TRADE I have a nice clean
stock of shoes worth 250000 at
wholesale price which I will trade
for western land free of incumbrance
J P A Black Hastings Neb 6-23-3
NOTICE I am buying cream and
am in a position to mak you money
M Walsh Phone 183
WANTED To buy young calves
Phone spruee 4382 Hartman 6-2-6
WANTED Girl for general house
work Call at house 409 1st st W
or phone black 345 16
WANTED Two lady ironers who
have had experience McCook Steam
WANTED To rent a furnished
house by the 1st of July Phone
blnck 333
WANTED Two or three furnished
or unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping Mrs Bruhn Palmer hotel
WANTED Girl for general house
work Call at 212 west 1st St
Mrs C A McConnell
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
Hiram C Rdier et ux to Chas
Dietrick wd to 2 in 6 Mc
00k cemetery 25 00
Lincoln Land Co to John Seer
wd to 1 in S 7th McCook 250 00
Fnuikii 10 h r hards i Hen
ry H Roth wd to 5 in 8
7th McCook
Hiram C Rider et ux to The
resa Rebecca Kennedy w d
to lot 13 block 24 Riverview
215 00
cemetery 10 Cj
McCook Irr Water Power
Co to W G Dutton w d 100 00
H P Sutton Co to the Public
Cert of partnership jewel
ry business
Watch this newspaper for interest
ing and pertinent information con
cerning the chautauqua which will
begin July 13
Notice of Suit
The unknown heirs and unknown de
visees of William H Dolan deceased
and the unknown heirs and unknown
devisees of William Dolan deceased
James W Dolan Michael J Dolan
John T Dolan and Bridget Dolan de
fendants will take notice that Char
les F Lehn plaintiff herein has filed
his petition in the district court of
Red Willow county Nebraska against
the above defendants the object and
prayer of which are to quiet the
title of the plaintiff in the north
half of the northeast quarter of
section thirty one township four
north of range twenty nine west of
the 6th p m in said county and for
decree that the said W H Dolan
and William H Dolan mentioned in
plaintiffs petition were one and the
same person that William Dolan was
the sole heir of William H Dolan
deceased that Bridget Dolan James
W Dolan Mary E Thomas John
T Dolan and Michael J Dolan were
the sole heirs of William Dolan de
ceased and for decree that the de
fendants and each of them be de
creed to have no interest in or any
claim right or title to said premises
or any part thereof and that they
inay be barred and enjoined from
making any claim thereto or claiming
any right of possession thereof
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday the Sth
day of August 1910
Dated this 29th day of June 1910
Charles F Lehn Plaintiff
C E Eldred his Attorney
First publication June 30 4ts
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Oilico Rooms 5 0 Temple bldg
Oflico phono 103 Ros black 124
Office 212 Main Ave Phone 195
Res 1012 Main Ave Phone Red 334
Oflico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
McCook Nebraska
fipAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCoo
Wate rWorks Oflico in Postoffice buildin
Indianola Nebr Phone 105
Phone 34
Commercial Barn
McCook Nebr
CW DEWEY Auctioneer
McCook Nebraska
Will cry sales anywhere any time
at reasonable prices Dates made at
First Natl Bank or phone Red 381
Jennings Hughes Co
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Estimates furnished free
Suceessors to
Uuruess Sou
Phono 33
Basement P O
Hail Fire and Wind
Written in First Class Companies
Sam Omaha
No 65543
This splendid Jersey bull
sired by Omahas Prince
Pogis No 51G37 dam Snow
flakes Best No 1GS334 will
be found at my place in
East McCook during the
season This animal was
bred at the Nebraska Uni
versity farm and is regis
tered in the American Jer
sey Cattle Club New York
He is solid color black ton
gue and switch
C W DEWEY Keeper
LM mmr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
i i i f T