The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1910, Image 7

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R W M c B R A Y E R Electrical Contractor
House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line
of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds
210 12 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341
Alaska Refrigerators
are sold in flcCook by
Weatherwax Brothers
They sing delightfully and two of
the brothers are readers of great abil
ity They are features of the
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Great quantities of advertising are
every day being received by Supt
Chas W Taylor local secretay of th
coming Chautauqua If you want to
help him take a supply of catalogs
or folders and distribute them among
your friends
o a
H P Waite and Co
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o
The Ghaufaup
Great Lectures
Inspiring Music
Refined Entertainment
Chautauqua Reading Circle
Seton Indian School for the
J Invite your friends in the East
to visit you during Chautauqua
ff Plan to spend all possible time
on the assembly ground Get
1 into the spirit of occasion Meet
f the lecturers face to face
m Read the catalog of the
bly and co operate with the
1 management to make the as
i sembly an annual affair for our
JF Get your season tickets early
for the whole family then use
A Comfortable Chautauqua Scene
Mrs Louis Longnecker has a very
sore foot caused by scratching when
something bit her By treatment
blood poison which threatened was
Two young ladies from Lincoln are
visiting in the Smith home
Mrs Hatcher and Mrs Arch Hat
cher and little son called on Mrs
Longnecker the middle of the week-
Mrs Lewis Elmer was out one day
helping at Louis Longneckers while
his wife was disabled by her sore
Mr and Mrs Smith Leon and
their young lady visitors went to Dan
bury on Sunday
Items were sent last week by a
gentleman from McCook but suppose
he forgot to mail them
Louis Longnecker has a painful
neck from having a hard bump on his
Mr Colson was around the first
or the week on insurance business
Everybody and their neighbors
is busy cutting wheat straw
Mrs Zimmer entertained MrsKoetter
and Mrs Browne a few days since in a
social way
Mrs August Droll and family visited
X E Hall and family Sunday
Jake Zimmer has a new McCormick
The Moore brothers are delivering
their 1909 crop of wheat at McCook
Notice to Creditors
In the county court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
Juliet B Hume deceased
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons having claims and demands
against the estate of Juliet B Hume
deceased that they are required to
present their claims with proper
vouchers to the county judge of said
county at his office at McCook on or
before the 30th day of January 19H
or the same shall be forever barred
All claims so filed will be heard be
fore said county judge on the 1st day
of February 1911 at one oclock p m
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county court this 27th day of
June IS 10
J C MOORE County Judge
First publication June 30 1910 4t
LXiwgSK JssJaaSg
Music Hath Charms
Some Musicians Are Charming
Three superlatively handsome and
cultured artists who are coming for
Conducted t the McCook W C T U
By United States Senator Beveridge
I never touched a drop in all my
life for any reason and never will
Early in life 1 faced the question
squarely considered its probable ef
fect on my brain character and body
saw how it effected others and then
concluded that I couldnt afford un
der any consideration to touch one
drop of the product of either distiller
or brewer I have never regretted
chat step I can tell you Later I
jegan more fully to comprehend the
icojomic and political phases of the
traffic and the result is that I now
view it as the most important issue
before the American people to day
Liquor Dealers Hard Pressed
The liquor dealers are hard
pressed From a position of open de
fiance they have come to that of
conciliation They want to make
their business respectable What a
task To make a business respect
able that incites to murder and de
bauchery that ruins the home and
makes children worse than orphans
a business that is stained with hu
man blood from its beginning unto its
end to make that respectable The
fabled tasks of Hercules pale into in
significance before it for those were
In connection with the session of
the Natoal Wholesale Liquor Deal
ers Association recently held the
president of the association declared
Lhat it was their duty absolutely to
eliminate from the business the very
small number of retail liquor dealers
who through ignorance and vicious
ness or through desire for illegiti
mate gain conduct their business in
defiance of the law Our pride as
iiood American citizens he continu
ed and as merchants as well as our
iesire for permanent prosperity
should stimulate us to refuse to sell
goods to any man who so conducts
Iiis place of business as to bring just
criticism on the business as a whole
Saloon keepers merchants Even
Satan must grin at that for a phrase
The Brewers Latest Idea
The latest idea of the prewers
press bureau is the presentation to li
braries throughout the country of the
most seductive and plausible argu
ments that they have- issued regard
ing the alleged fallacies and errors
of prohibition The liquor press stat
es that a systematic plan is being
adopted to give to every library in
the United States the current litera
ture being put out in pamphlet and
book form by the brewers editors
Open Defiance of Law
No matter what the laws may be
Bade to cripple the beverages indus
tries of our present time they can
not and will not be observed by those
managing these industries This is
the latest ultimatum which is editori
ally voiced by a leading organ of the
liquor trade the Brewers Journal
New York It is surprising simply in
its frankness Thats all
R F D No 4
Miss Nellie Wilson Avas married
Sunday to William Wersig of Long
mont Colo
Clarence Baker is helping John
Burtless make fence
Milton Clark and C F Evans
have started their binders
There will be eight months of
school in district S beginning Sep
tember 12
John Burtless has the finest water
melon patch in the county Keep an
eye on the carrier
The Schwartzes are running two
binders Frank and George Dack are
each running a binder
Mrs Wallen shopped in the city
fore part of the week
The Young brothers have a fine
field of corn
Joe Dack has a large force in his
The Conservation of Natures Re
applies as well to our physical state
as to material things C J Budlong
Washington R L realized his con
dition 2nd took warning before it was
too late He says I suffered se
verely from kidney trouble the dis
ease being hereditary in our family
I have taken four bottles of Foleys
Kidney Remedy and now consider
myself thoroughly cured This shoul
be a warning to all not to neglect
taking Foleys Kidney Remedy until
it is too late A McMillen
What a Summer Cold May Do
A summer cold if neglected is just
as apt to develop into bronchitis or
pneumonia as at any other season
Do not neglect it Take Foleys Hon
ey and Tar promptly It loosens the
cough soothes and heals the inflam
ed air passages and expels the cold
from the system A McMillen
From Infidel Lecturer to Christian
Because there was no love and lot
of poverty in his fathers dingy cabin
a little boy ran away from his Ohio
home He went out into the world
and became a successful publisher
Riches fell into his lap He had a stu
dious mind and he read much He
was hard and his mind worked over
time until he forgot that he had a
soul He became an associate of Rob
ert Ingersoll and followed In his foot
steps He lectured upon the same
platform and he preached the heresy
of agnosticism and infidelity with a
silvery tongue He wrote books where
in he denied his God and defied the
Infinite Once when in Chicago he
heard that the great Moody was tc
preach to a vast audience Curiosity
prompted him to go The sermon was
about love and the beautiful story was
told as only Moody could tell it
On that night a new soul was born
and a new heart beat in the body oi
Elijah P Brown
He who went to scoff returned to
Mr Brown became as ardent an
evangelist of the religion of Christ as
he had been an ardent enemy He de
voted his life and consecrated his mil
lions to the spread of the gospel All
this happened several years ago but
Brown has never faltered in his pur
The subject of this sketch is best
known perhaps as being the founder
of the Rams Horn a non sectarian
religious paper that gave to the world
a new literature and viewed the
church in an aspect that was differ
ent The paper did not pay and the
publisher lost his fortune
Four Brothers Who Sing Play Trump-
ets and Do Excellent Mono
logue Stunts
A well balanf ed male quartette is
the most universally popular of all
musical organizations There is some
thing about the character of their pro
grams that is different from the rest
People like the spirit the dash and
virility in good male quartette work
In this lin of popular musical offer
ings the Weatherwax Brothers Quar
tette are making the hit of the sea
son Who ever heard of four brothers
doing professional singing together
Talk about harmony blending and
balance here is a combination thai
gives even the harmony of family re
semblance There is harmony of blood
in the Weatherwax Quartette
Wherever they have appeared thej
have been received with enthusiasir
and have had to respond liberally tc
repeated encores Their programs are
varied carrying classical veered and
popular numbers in abundance Tlu
catchy responses they have preparer
never fail to reach the hearts of all
One of the very popular feature
with this organization is the Trunipei
Quartette Everyone likes this style
of music The Weatherwax boys art
artists on this instrument and never
fail to make good Then two of then
are accomplished readers and with
every program there are presented
several rare selections that are a de
light to all Taken all around the
Weatherwax Brothers Male Quartette
is just the kind of musical organization
that the Chautauqua needs and we
are glad to announce that they will
appear here this summer under the
management of the Western Re dpath
Indian Maiden at Chautauqua
I have paid 5 for a seat at grand
opera and did not enjoy it nearly so
much as McXutts address Newell
Dewight Hillis
Vondorful Collection In tho Postoffico
Department Museum
The fact that nearly all men at some
ime were stamp collectors Is said to
itTuiinl tor tin popularity of the olll
iil stamp collection of the United
Slates postotlice department iiinintjuu
icl in connection with the postal inu
ieum in Washington Postotlico de
partment otlicials say 100000 men call
every year to see the museum stamp
The postofllce department museum
is full of interesting objects Jt con
tains almost everything from a lock
of Charles Guiteaus hair to models of
the big battleships of the navy but
by far its most interesting feature ac
cording to the otlicials in charge is
the stamp collection Few visitors
miss that sight and many hobbyists
spend hours poring over it
Uncle Sam as a stamp collector Is a
most signal success He not only has
a complete set of his own stamps but
a complete collection from every other
stamp issuing country in the civilized
world as well His collection Is val
ued by the department at 5200000
but stamp dealers say it would de
mand a figure many times that sum If
placed on the open market for sale
The fact that Uncle Sams stamp
collation Is absolutely complete Is a
stiiiut ditlicult to comprehend even
tn Miose who have been collectors
ti tuselves Must of those who were
collectors in yf us gone by will re
member many empty places there
were in their albums when they glo
ried in the possession or ll0 and
2000 specimens They will recall Mow
many new varieties above the 2UH0
mark cost from 5 to i0 each also
the small fortunes placed on some ot
tlip specially rare specimens the kind
which the dealers catalogues related
had been printed only to the number
ot 100 or so and but six or seven were
known to be in existence
Well Uncle Sams stamp collection
possesses all ot these besides the thou
sands ot common kinds Although it
has taken hard work many years and
a tidy fortune to do it the collection
today stands absolutely complete The
only varieties jet to be added are
those yet to be issued Baltimore
Clever Feat of Illusion Performed by
an East Indian
A retired naval oliicial who served
Ion in the east says the feats of the
East Indian jugglers are wonderful
fie cites one -
While he was an oilicer on board a
P and O steamship two natives came
aboard at Madras be says They were
a juggler and his assistant After they
had performed a number of minor
feats and had gathered quite a crowd
around them they called for a sack
and a piece of sailcloth
These having been provided the
chief juggler made a small tentlike
structure with the canvas and some
stools He then placed his assistant
in the sack and allowed a sailor to tie
the knot which bound him a fast pris
oner This done the chief carried the
u k into iu open space warning the
people to stand back some distance
and then carried on an auimated con-
versation with his assistant whose re
plies could be distinctly heard coming
from the sack Suddenly the chiei
rushed forward picked up the sack
and dumped it overboard where to
the horror of the passengers and crew
it sank out ot sight
Immediately the captain rushed for
ward and seized the man under the
full belief that he had murdered his
companion but the juggler only smiled
and pointing to the canvas asked that
it be raised This was done and the
supposed drowned man was discov
ered squatting on the deck So real
istic had been thp throwing overboard
nowever that it was some time before
the surprised passengers could realize
a murder had not been committed
How a Bird Dresses
As bird lashions do not change two
suits a year are quite enough for most
birds but they need to take great care
of them Each separate feather must
be cleaned and looked over and the
useless ones pulled out These feath
ers are not packed close together you
know but lie loose and have places
between filled with air When a bird
wants to get warmer he lifts his feath
ers so that these air spaces may be
larcrer But if his feathers are tan
gled or wet and dirty he could not
raise them and soon he could not
keep the head in his little body and
would of course die
Cutting It Short
How lony can you stay asked a
hostess who bad received an unexpect
ed visitor coolly
No longer than I can help was the
crisp reply 1 have telephoned to
have rny trunk stay at the depot and
Jo notify me of the first train 1 can
rake home So sorry I cant stay
longer Chicago Record Herald
Dangerous Reproductions
An artist said Mr Teechum
should strive to reproduce what is
nearest to his thought and deepest in
lis affection
Yes replied the mercenary genius
but the laws against counterfeiting
urreney are so severe I Washington
His Request
Judge Have you anything to say
before 1 pass sentence Prisouer who
knows human naturei Yes my lord
I should like you to have your dinner
before you pass sentence upon me
London Scraps
Nugget of Truth
A person who very set In hlg way
has to stumble over himself to get
anywhere Puck
ytTVlrt fVFffr rr m i rrr vyywg
i Dr J O Bruce
TeScpfcone 55
McCook Neb
Office over GlecrtcTheatre on iMaln A e
Dr J A Colter
Room Postokkicx Building
XWrWfl1 1 l ITf trviP tfy
R H Gatewood
U id N T I S T
Ollico Room 1 Masonic temnlu
r Phono 103 McCook Nebraska
frftUtri t ifirt iliiV i rf ilifttt i if iii i aW tliAt
Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Ollicc 2124 Main tivoer MrCwinolls
j Driiu Store McCook Nub
Telephones OSlIce HM
i Itebidencc Much 131
iVIidclletou Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Real Estate
and Insurance
Ollice 1 22 West II street ground
floor McCVok Neb
3 Storage Coal
I at Right Prices
We are now making a rr
tliirtion on storage coal
orders It will pay you to
tafceadvantaKLMf the ro
lucriou Conn ami
us aliout it Phono MA
Updike Grain Co 1
S S UARVEY Manager
E Whitney
Walter Hosier
Prompt Services Courteous
Treatment Kcacnible Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phones 13 and
Black 244
Iffike Walsh I
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
1 Kijrhest Market Price Paid in Cask
f Now Jra or ui HcCOOlC
i street u t e - i f i r a
5M R5 aCS2
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anfone endlnc a sketch and description tbiit
iviy aa 2 ifro ii tu
i vc trnupr i 7V C nmuTva
f onsnrcMyc JL HVDBQOK on Pateou
e it free Ics jiieiicy Jor prjrlng patents
take J throush Mar n Co recelrg
tvecxal notice without cbarce la the
cientaiie ncan
A handsomely Illustrated wsoklr Tjireest cir
culation f nnrnciertjLC J nrr Te n JJ 3
Tear fourmnia3tL aoiabyull newelcv
MUNN Go36Breatiwa Mew York
Urauct 02
j 1 L -v