The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1910, Image 5

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BCWgtWrtT Vj l
Time Card jlTrr
McCook Neb
No 6 CoutralTimo 11 SB p m
8 y 715 p m
UJ j I
3U A M
II Ill A If
14 9U2 P M
10 n p m
No 1 Mountain Timo 1 220 v m
3 1142 p m
13 005 a m
15 1230 A ii
9 rtl5 a m
7 910 a M
No 170 arrives Mountain Time 345 p m
No 175dopart8 013 am
Sleeping lining and rocliniriK chair cars
3oittsfrco on through trains Tickots sold
and baKKice chucked to any point iu tho United
fetatos or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostottor Agent
McCook Nohraska or L W Wakoley General
Paesener Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer Fred Westland is laying
off this week
New flues are being given the
1950 this week
Storekeeper C W Britt visited in
Denver over Sunday
Keith Jacobs went to work in the
freight office Monday
Several new tool closets have been
provided in the round house
Fireman Fred Monks is laid up
with an attack of scarlet fever
Engines 1092 and 1248 are receiving
driving brass repairs this week
Henry Moers and Abner Clark left
today for Hendley to do some car re
Engineers Eckman Cotner and
Paulson are all off duty and on the
sick list
Several car loads of cord wood are
being unloaded at this place It is
used in firing engines
Engineer Gates engine the 280
from the Republican City line is in
the round house for repairs
Ed Purdy and wife are visiting his
folks in Chcago thisiweek Mrs B
F Powell is also a Chicago visitor
T Roope general supt of motive
power was at McCook hearquarters
Tuesday on business of his posi
Engineer Charlie Starr will leave in
a few dajs for his old home in
Lockridge Iowa on a visit of a few
Max is kicking with as much vigor
as she can command for a depot
building and better transportation
Agent and Mrs Geo S Scott were
down from Brush Colorado to the
joint public installation of St
Johns day
The word concerning Charles Lang
ston is that he is now general fore
man for the Union Pacific at Bakers
field Calif
Engineers W H Radcliffe and W
A Wentz together with their wives
are enjoying a trip over the Moffat
road this week
Engines 1331 and 1124 are out of
the back shop after a general over
hauling and engines 1074 and 571
are in for the same treatment
Mr and Mrs Fred Tomblin and
family arrived last Sunday on No
10 from Denver and have been the
guests of Dispatcher and Mrs J F
Alma insists upon having a new
brick depot built on the K C O
track and the main line changed to
run all trains through the town on
that track
Engineer George Campbell has the
goal in the Red Cloud yard and is
so happy over the matter that the
boys at motive headquarters are con
sidering making the sentence for
In deference to the wishes of the
municipal authorities the athletic
events which were to have been
pulled off in the city park Tuesday
evening were cancelled on account
of the scarlet fever scare
Strong lectures on live topics
Entertainers the very best ever
First class music in varieties to
euit every taste
Indian school new features
The Cleveland Ladles Orchestra
A Superb Mueioaj Attraction
1 p
15 Lady Monologist
Kriebel Trlmpey
On last Wednesday evening at the
homo of the brides parents Mr and
Mrs George W Trimpey in Culbertson
Neb MrD vid M Kriebel of Palisade
and Miss Maggie 1 E Trimpey of Cul
bertson were united in holy matrimony
Rev H A Silkmann pastor of German
M E church of that place officiating
Miss Trimpej bas lived in Hitchcock
county since 1889 and is highly esteem
ed by many fr ends Mr Kriebol is
manager for the Palisade entral phone
ffice and is wi ely known for his up
right life and high bi siness principes
The young couple will make their fut
ure home in Palisade May much joy
and happiness ever be with them is tho
sincere wish of all
Marriage Licenses Issued
Henry Brumgart 23 and Anna Die
ter 20 both of McCook Neb
William Wirzig 26 of Champion
Neb and Nellie B Wilson 17 of Mc
Cook Neb Consent of brides father
Amos A Wood 34 of Stratton Neb
and Mrs Mary Andrews 42 of Wray
Colo Married on June 28th by county
Frank H Moore 20 and Ida H Chil
ders 18 both of Stratton Neb Con
sent of grooms parents given
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook
today Thursday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn S 58
Wheat 82
Oats 40
Rye CO
Barley 40
Hogs - 850
Butter good 20
Eggs 14
Postoffice Hours July 4th
There will be no delivery by city or
rural carriers but office will be open
for delivery of mail by chirks and car
riers from S to 9 a m and from 12 to 1
p m All outgoing mails will be dis
patched at the usual hours
Lon Cone Postmaster
The electric display in colored globes
in the Temple St Johns daywas both
pretty and effective
Quality and ptice courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making for
success at the McCook Flour and Feed
The unfavorable weather conditions
will probably delay the building of a
farmers elevator in McCook for this
Apropos of the prevalence of scarlet
fever in the city the mayor has issued
orders to tho moving picture men not to
allow children under 15 years in their
places of amusement for the present
8 0 0
A Pure Aluminum
I5c Sauce
Try one and see how you can
cook without scorching or burning
food It is light in weight and looks
like silver It doesnt tarnish No
enamel to chip off into the food
Cooks in one fourth of the time
ordinarily required
The genuine 1892 Pure Alumi
num can always be told by the
Maltese Cross Every piece guar
anteed or your money back
Be sure and buy one from your dealer
today fop Sale by
H P Waite Co
L iam iwattgjiBag5J
H CURTISS the aviator
SLENN lecentli broke all records by
flyinj from Albany to New York
City has signed a contract with
the Aero club of Nebraska to make a
number of nights from some point
near Omaha and the club has put up
15000 as a guarantee
The first thing the Aero club of Ne
braska did was to secure the Mid
West aviation meet and it is for this
event that Curtiss has been secured to
make flights five days July 23 to 27
At a number of aviation meets held
In the west men trained by Curtiss
will be seen but as far as known the
Nebraska club is the only one which
This celebrated harp cost 1500
and is used at every performance
The Dutch Boys With Mrs Brown at
Local Secretary Tajior says that
the McCook Chautauqua is attracting
a great deal of attention From all
appearances a record breaking at
tendance will greet the long and at
tractive list of entertainers and lec
turers who are billed to appear
lli -- II I III I KJ M -- JiaAlc7ifii
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IH TtbL TsJB s3iMaCXaB i WWS c J t v Z
itAl N i vOStnnSrwf Jtf
1 ii i inn IVv4
Ti 8 5yc
XiSsSi2r V J
rxiSMr uroivijcxoJAlKCcoir
has secured the real Curtiss between
Chicago and the Pacific coast Ee
sides Mr Curtiss the club has secured
C J Mars and Charles K Willard
who will also make flights at the
Mr Mars is to select the site with
in a few days but it is certain to be
within easy reach of Omaha by street
cars as it would be impossible to
handle the crowds without them and
convey people back and forth tosome
great open place where a safe start
can he made within sight of thousands
of people Both Benson and Florence
are after the meet and both are near
r - tffll Wk
Miss Lillian Moore has been a city
visitor part of the week
E Oxley was up from the Bartley
neighborhood yesterday on business
Mr and Mrs Charles Knowles are
very proud of their fine eight- ound boy
Frank Everist was down enrly in the
week from the San Luis valley on land
b is ness
Mr and Mrs Beardslee left Wednes
day for Colorado to spend the summer
with a daughter
Weller DeGrofT of Oberlin Ohio is
visi ing in the city for a while guest of
L Suess and family
Mr and Mrs A F Drebert will en
tertain July4th to meet their niece
Mi s Clifford
Frank Wells of Dreberts is away on
vacation visiting in Auburn and other
prints in Eastern Nebraska
Conductor Solliday and family leave
today for the old home in Indiana to be
absent on vacation for a few weeks
George and Margaret Lichtenberger
lfton Wednesday morning for a visit
in Sioux City Iowa and Freeport 111
D E Eikenberry and Miss Fay came
in from Colorado this morning on a
visit They will also visit relatives in
Long Island Kansas while here
Conductor and Mrs Harvey Miler
are occupying the cosy and pretty cot
tige on east 2nd street just recently
overhauled and modernized by Dr C
L Fahnestock
Dr B B Davis of Omaha who first
practiced medicine in McCook 25 years
sinceiis a city visitor today greeting
friends of the olden times and attending
the sessions of the Republican Valley
Medical association
A H Peacock of the Fairmont
Creamery Co had an experience with
a savage dog in the White Line barn
recently which he has no desire to re
peat soon The dog is chained but be
fore Mr Peacock got entirely out of
range the dog left his teeth marks in
his finger
J M OConnell of Bisbee Arizona
arrived here yesterday on a visit to his
mother Mrs McConnell and his sister
Mrs Lichtenberger He stopped off at
Ida Grove Iowa and his niece Miss
Anna Mem accompanied him here Miss
Mein is a June graduate of Mt St Jos
ephs college of Dubuque Iowa She
will spend her vacation in McCook
Jaggrst m
r V i
fTr ji 1 f
C L DeGroff Co
Great Special Sale
Beginning Saturday there will
be pSaced on sale on the main
floor all our 100 125
and 150 Shirt Waists at
lingerie tailor made and blouse
THESE come in a wide variety of patents
made of finest material and all are hand
somely finished Included in this ale
will be all over embroidered dotted swiss trim
med with climny cltantioltr blouse with bi
sailor collar and mattv others
Ribbon Special
All sizes and all colors originally sold at from 5 to 25 cents
per yard now reduced to
15 12 10 6 and 3 cents
Only a few of the summc suits advertised last week are left
while they last they go at
One Half Price
Ask to be shown our line of wsh suits prices 500 to 800
1 I I 1 1 1 -v Im I m r AT I 1
Main Ave
King Dodo
The production of Kin Dodo by
local talent is promised for a date early
in August This is one of the sprightly
c mic light operas with handsome
costumes music with go a plenty and
an abundance of comedy and action
Add to this the purpose ts secure addi
tional furnishings for the Temple stage
and a record breaking audience may be
reasonably expected
Beers Kelley Wedding
Charles B Beers of DeGroffs grocery
department and Miss Margaret Kelley
stenographer for the Jackson Grain Co
were united in marriage Wednesday
evening at 730 oclock in Oberlin Kas
After a short wedding trip they will
return to McCook and he will resume
his position in DeGroffs Heres loDg
life and happiness to them
Phone 22
Looking For Help
JohnJF Helm was up from Wil
low Widncsdaymorning rustling up
help for harvest fields He says that
omo of his fall wheat will yield him 50
bushels pur acre and that his spring
wheat will not go less thaD 10 bushels
to the acre
For Sale
My residence on th street E 8 rooni
bouse furnice heat two lots Thirty
bade and fruit trees Good barn and
ben house Fine cement walks In
quire of E II Donn at McCook Mills
or at residence Phone black 403
John Cashen Auctioneer
fndianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Mary Harrison nursePhone black 23
Now is the time tofill Your Coal Bins by
so aomg you save 50c rer 1 on ana are in
sured of fuel next winter when the coal shortage comes
During june and julv we will sell coal at 50c per ton
less than the regular price Place your orders now and avoid t
being disappointed next winter
Come to the B M Market
For Fresh Groceries Salt and Fresh
Fish Choice Fruits Choice Hams and
Bacon Bring along your Poultry
and Eggs and get the highest
price in cash
Highest Cash Price for Cream