The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 23, 1910, Image 8

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Day and night auto livery Wil
sons Livery Barn Phone 34
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Quality and ptioe courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making for
success at the McCookFlour and Feed
Beware of other paints said to be
just as good as Keystona Flat Fin
ishes Keystona is the original and
only genuine product
A McMillen Druggist
The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co is
paying the highest cash price for
baled alfalfa hay on track For
Drices and particulars phone 381
C W DEWEY Manager
There i nothing that pays better re
Aims on the investment than a delevop
ing tank You can soon save the price
of it by developing your own films
which is the only daylight
Prices SI to S5
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Shoe Bargains
1 B Ih B H R
Canvas Low
Mens white gray and drab low
canvas shoes worth
up to 200 reduced 1
Ladies white gray tan brown
and cream canvas low shoes
worth up to 200
reduced to P 1 00
Boys and Youths eanvas high
shoas worth up ti50
reduced to C
Everything in drugs McConnell
122 west B street is Bumps new lo
cation Ground floor
Day and night auto livery
sons Livery Barn Phone 34
Hubers coffee cannot
Coffee from 15 cents to
Will Be Held At
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
If you have corns apply Lightning
Corn Remedy Price 10 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
-We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Christian Science brethren are now
meeting in the northeast basement
room of the court house
be beat
35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
If we can not show you that the S
W Paints are the best and that you
can save money on them do not buy
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Big crowds at our soda fountain ev
ery evening enjoy our ice cream sodas
and other fancy drinks Come join the
crowd WOODWORTH Druggist
The Wilcox Ranch
one mile west and seven miles south of Mc
iCook southeast corner of section 36
Addresses by S YjBennett and others Read
ing of Declaration of Independence by
Mrs Gertrude Hartman
Foot Races Horse Races
Base Ball Game Bowery Dance
There will be a general stand well provided with refreshments
of allldnds Everybody come with well filled baskets and enjov a
good time with us COMMITTEE
fTirJTHjirt t iJir ic fj i
Shoe Bargains
T i
Mens Low
Mens patent colt tan calf and
oxblood low shoes
worth 500 350
Mens patent colt tan calf and
gun metai low shoes
worth up to 400 pZ5U
Odds and ends in mens ladies
and childrens low shoes at
less than cost
Babies soft sole slippers
worth 50c reduced to
Shoe Repairing a Specialty
We have two expert shoe makers and are in a position to repair 3our shoes
at short order f Best Leather Best Workmanship Best Service
ur a
ay c h 4 3JT f
m tha m aIaT chAA Qi asa i m
m nit iTiuuu ouut oiuit is
85 I FISHER PERKINS 201 Main Ave Hfj
McConnell for drugs
Mary HarnsonnursePhone black 286
Kodaks and kodak supplies
Sonnell druggist
McConnell fills prescriptions
Lily Patent Flour when once used
none other will satisfy you
320 acre homesteads and relinquish
ments a specialty Dorwart Bar
Ice cream and ice cream soda ser
ved to please at McMillens Drug
Cornchops 135 per hundred at
the McCook Flour and Feed Store
Phone 20
H T Groves lost a valuable horse by
a stroke of lightning during our last
rain storm
Use on your horses and
cows It keeps the fly oil
Remember Bump the real estate
and insurance man can now be found
at 122 west B street on ground floor
The Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c ci
gar and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Buy the latest wall papers at a mini
mum price Let us show you the latest
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The next W C T U gathering
wil be a mothers meting July
1st -with Mrs Howe Smith hostess
and Mrs Allen leader
You can appreciate the dollar you
save If deposited in the First Na
tional Bank it will grow constantly
day and night and Sunday
The Nebraska Telephone Co is figur
ing on a new metallic circuit line be
tween McCook and Imperial The gen
eral manager went over the proposed
line this week
The C W Way Co Hastings Ne
braska will furnish you with plans
and specifications for any class of
buildings you wish to erect Ask
them for information
Did you get sunburned or tanned at
the Wauneta picnic If so try a bottle
of cucumber cream The first applica
tion gives relief and a cure is effected
I in a short time For sale by
The Fifth Annual Graduating Ex
ercises of the Red Willow County
Public Schools Friday Afternoon
June 17 1910 Were Replete With
litierect and Full of Promise
The McCook high school assembly
room was the scene of an interesting
event last Friday afternoon when
therein occurred the eighth grade
graduating exercises of the Red Wil
low county public schools
The exercises were quite largely at
tended especially by the members of
the Junior Normal school -There
were those present however from
the various parts of the county rep
resented among the forty two gradu
ates of the eighth grade
The invocation was offered by Rev
Bryant Howe of the Methodist church
Dorothy Dungan followed with a
piano solo Polish Dance which
was acceptably done
Miss Kate L Williams the salu
tatorian then briefly introduced Mr
G A Gregory director of normal
training Lincoln who delivered the
class address earnestly and in ap
propriate terms congratulating the
children upon the opportunity they
enjoyed in the excellent schools of
Red Willow county and upon the
progress they had so far made
He closed with the ardent hope that
they might continue on through the
higli school work into the still higher
opportunities of college and
ity endeavor 4
Miss Florence Rosebushs vocal
offering Good Night Little Girl
was plainly appreciated
The cornet solo by Joseph 3ocre
met with prompt appro jpk ifsk -
Ben Stahl was the vaicloTua
It was a simple but plain AssB oarneet
expression of their apneaation i
the benefits and opportunities of the
public schools
Leta Monks sang effectively Sing
The presentation of diplonwfis fol
lowed by -Miss Elizabeth Bettcher
county superintendent Of the forty
two in the class just one half were
present to receive tne diplomas lp
person the others for various rea
sons not being able to be present
The song Morning Invitation
by nine girls of the McCook High
School Girls Glee club made a de
cided hit and they responded to the
enthusiastic encore
Rev Reed Taft Bayne of the Con
gregational church delivered the bene
diction which ended the formal ex
ercises of an event which cannot fail
to appeal strongly to all who were
The Tribune has a congratulatory
word for all interested teachers and
pupils as well as for the heads of
the state and county educational de
Below is the list of the graduates
Annie Baker
Claude Blair
Ben Boyer
Gilbert Carver
Harlow Daffer
Frank Farrell
Earnest Ginther
Mary Green
Leona Hellesen
Hazel Jennings
Laura Kleesick
Jo eph Kuhlman
Margie Lincoln
Chester McCashland
Susie Randal
Veltna Robinson
Belie Ruby
Beu Stahl
Neta A Stilgebouer
Leonard Waterman
Olive G Zimmerman
Mabel Barnhart
Rea Bodwell
Myrtle Boyer
Tamson Childers
Lowell Devoe
Eflie Frimel
Odessa Grafton
Francis Haag
Bertha Hess
Albert King
Anna Kleesick
Lylia Lehn
Montie Lockenour
Florence Mecham
Lester H Randel
Irene Ruby
Joe Smith
Lawrence Stephens
Will Teter
Kate L Williams
Lee Bonham
Fireworks at Woodworths
Have your eyes fitted
H P Sutton optician
Day and night auto livery
sons Livery Barn Phone 34
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Bumps new real estate and insur
ance office is now located at 122 wes
B street on the ground floor
Buy a hammock and take life easy
We have the good ones at attractive
prices WOODWORTH Druggist
Mr J G Schobel and Mr Herman
Schobel have the genuine sympathy of
friends in the death of their invalid sis
ter Miss Lena in Denver this morning
Keystona is being used by the
United States army postoffice de
partment and navy It must be good
A McMillen Dru
We know it to be a positive fact
that Lily Patent flour is the best
high patent flour in McCook Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Miss Margaret Garrard left Wednes
day for her home in Fresno Calif
She was accompanied to Denver by
Mrs E O Scott Miss Jessie Pope al
so returned with her
Fon Sale All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit faini Call or inquire WM
Morrisey Phone black 29 2
FOR SALE 5 roonx cottage at 211
Cth st E Phone red 91 C H Mc
FOR SALE Lot 2 block 17 a
choice location See Mrs Imogeno
Rowell C12 2nd street east
FOR SALE Residence at 302 2nd
street E 7 rooms and bath Base
ment bricked up and floor cemented
Furnace heat Large barn buggy
shed and coal house Inquire at res
idence or phone 356 9 4 1
FOR SALE Residence of 5 rooms
Price and terms see owner
FOR SALE 3-year-old bay mare
Broke so lady can drive her Phone
red 302 M S Jimerson
FOR SALE Dwelling of 5 rooms
in South McCook 3 lots barn coal
house outside cellar Cheap Earl
Spencer phone red 294 16 3ts
FOR SALE A Mason second hand
bicyle in good condition Inquire of
Commercial hotel
FOP- RENT Furnished rooms 507
Main avenue Phone red 366
FOR RENT Five desirable rooms
with garden and lawn to a sntall
faHMly 901 find street West 1G
F OX TptADISI have a nice cloaa
shfts worth 250000 at
wltotesffle price lyliich I will trade
for western land free of incumbrance
J P A Black Hastings Neb 6-23-3
LOST A pair of gold rimmed speo
tacles last Sunday Finder will be
suitably rewarded by returning the
same to the Tribune office
LOST Two dinnor baskets from
the first picnic train from Wauneta
June ISth Check Nos 222 and 224
Return to Tribune office
LOST Pointer bird dog S months
old has yellow ears and white body
Any information will be thankfully
received H P SUTTON
FOUND On the picnic grounds
at Wauneta Nebr June the ISth
a ladys purse with small amount of
money Owner may have same by
proving property and paying for this
NOTICE I am buying cream and
am in a position to make you money
M Walsh Phone 1S3
WANTED To buy young calves
Phone spruce 4382 Hartman G-2-6
WANTED Girl for general house
work Call at house 409 1st st W
or phone black 345 1G
WANTED Two lady ironers who
have had experience McCook Steam
WANTED To rent a furnished
house by the 1st of July Phone
black 333
WANTED Two or three furnished
or unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping Mrs Bruhn Palmer hotel
The Morris brick on Main ave
nue is already looming up toward the
second story point in construction
There are a dozen or more dwell
ing houses now in course of construc
tion in various parts of the city
Supt Chas W Taylor is very in
dustrious these days making ar
rangements for the big Chautauqua
which -will open July 13
By a recent readjustment of their
city council Indianola has finally set
tled the wet or dry question for
this year in favor of the dry side
Seven great musical companies a
dozen lecturers and entertainers be
sides many attractive and education
al features comprise the intellectual
menu of the coming Chautauqua
which opens at McCook on the 13th
of July
R F D No 4
The farmers are still putting up
Late barley and spring wheat are
burned some fall wheat is getting
ripe too fast on account of the drv
weather and winds
Mrs Hoyts son returned from
school on the 22nd
Lightning struck Young Bros gran
ary last week and damaged it some
They are still cutting alfalfa it is
a good crop
The water is getting low in the
George Wallen and others went to
the river the other day and caught
some forty fish with their hands
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Oflico Rooms f U Tomplo bldg
Oilico phono 133 Res black 121
Office 212 Main Ave Phone 195
Res 1012 Main Ave Phone Red 334
Ofllca Rooms 3 and R Walsh Blk McCook
McCook Nebraska
C36 Agen of Lincoln Land Co and of McCoo
Wate rWorks Oflics in Poatofflce building
Indianola Nebr Phone 105
Phone 34
Commercial Barn
HCook Nebr
CW DEWEY Auctioneer
McCook Nebraska
Will cry sales anywhere any time
at reasonable prices Dates matte at
First Natl Bank or phone Red 381
Jennings Hughes Co
Plumbing Heatinj
and Gas Fitting
Estimates furnished free Phono SJ
Successors to Basemont P O
Burgess Son building
I Hail Fire and Wind I
I Insurance
Written In First Class Companies
Sam Omaha
No 65543
This splendid Jersey bull
sired by Omahas Prince
Pogis No 5137 dam Snow
flakes Best No lGSSH will
be found at my place in
East McCook during the
season This animal was
bred at the Nebraska Uni
versity farm and is regis
tered in the American Jer
sey Cattle Club New York
He is solid color black ton
gue and switch
C W DEWEY Keeper
gu i r - - t
Thats AH
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone s
1 i i i i i T
f j