Seton Indian School at Chautauqua Every boy and girl between the ses of G and 14 years may join the lavage band provided he or she ha3 s childs season ticket A kind and sweet voiced teacher will be in charge Read what JIanager Horner says to the children in the catalogs 41 HflHEff nfffffHil i iiV - Tne walls of Jerico fell at the blast cf the rams horn Elijah P Brown Sounded a paper called Rams Horn Mn Brown is a popular and interest tog lecturer and is to be with us at unMUiHUyui Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings Save been made in the county clerks office since our last report Isaac M Smith to Carl Park w d to e hf 7-2-30 8000 00 Effie D Allen et cons to Peter Nelson w d to block 7 Third McCook 5000 00 Peter Nelson et ux to Effie D Allen w d to se qr 5 and ne qr and e hf nw qr 3000 00 Owens Longnecker to Nellie Longnecker bill of sale to all personal property 1 00 L M Higgins Sheriff to C F Lehn s d to ne qr 32-1-26 1100 00 ffred F Cheney single to Jesse Miller d to sw qr ne qr 12-3-30 1 00 Eeorge W Predmore et ux to Otto Mayer w d to nw qr 23-3-30 1 00 Frank R Schumacker et ux to Emory Rawson w d to tracts in 7 and 2400 00 Laura I Hamilton to U Sf Investment Co w d to lot i bo2k 10 Fourth McCook 500 00 B M Frees Trustee to F A Penneil w d to lot 10 block 4 and lot 3 block 19 Second McCook 200 00 Dallas G Divine single to Emma M Easterday w d to pt lots 10 20 21 and 22 block 2S McCook 1 00 Citizens Bank to Joseph M Ivimmell m d to nw qr 1000 00 Charles F Lehn et ux to John and Henry Backus w d to nw qr 6-3-29 5600 00 HT S Coleman et ux to Bar nett Lumber Co w d to lots 5 and 6 block 1 First Marion 275 00 Middy Gillhouse to Retta Harris agr w d to lots 11 and 12 block 29 McCook 3500 00 Middy Gillhouse to Olive Ad ams agr w d to pt ne qr se qr 30-3-29 3500 00 Belle Hall to Laura Fox agr w d to pt lot 5 block 30 McCook 3000 00 Viola L Ballew to C H Har man option on pt lots 13 14 and 15 -block 20 Mc Cook 2500 00 UrSted States to Charles W Hodgkin patent to nw qr 6-2-26 George M Thomas single to James W Nutt w d to lot 13 block 13 Danbury 500 00 Edward E Smith et ux to George F Durbln and Will iam F West w d to lot 11 block 51 Bartley COO 00 vMola L Ballew widow to C II Hannan wd to pt lots 3 4 and 5 block 20 McCook 2500 00 E E Beckwith et ux to Theodore Caps w d to s hf 27 s hf sw qr 2G and e hf nw qr 35 30 COO 00 3eorge Leland et ux to Rena 1 Dewey w d to lots to 2 block C Brown Park 7000 00 els II Kronguert et ux to Louisa R Hoag wd to s hf ne qr w hf se qr 22-2-29 2000 00 Jrank Ballsingle to Frank Ball and Sherman Ball wd to 3 in 3 Central add Bart- ly 1200 00 Robert W Hume et al to Harriet L Hume wd to 5 G hit in se qr R W Hume widr to Paul H Hume and Ralph W Hume wd to se qr 30-4-27 R W Hume widr to Paul II Hume wd ne qr e hf nw qr 24-4-28 Robert W Hume widr to Ralph W Hume wd to se qr e hf sw qr 25-4-28 R W Hume widr to Char lie A Hume wd to nw qr ne qr 30-4-27 Robert W Hume widr to Harriet L Hume w d tosw qr 24-4-28 Rena I Dewey et cons to George Leland w d to lot 4 block 10 Willow Grove 1100 00 HASTINGS NEBRASKA l 00 l 00 1 00 1 00 l 00 1 00 Improvements at the Immaculate Conception Academy The sisters of St Dominic at the immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Neb are completing the building of their institution The most modern improvements in the manner of lighting heating plumbing 3tc are installed The school in both the building itself and in the methods of educating is patterned after the best schools in the coun try A modern and complete physical and chemical laboratory and a new and thoroughly equipped gymnasium are among the additions to the ed ucational departments These will oicuicoi ueixeixL uuu eujuy intuit lor the child inay be obtained There will also be similar outside classes for the mothers and young ladies from surrounding towns Of Course Dont you like that quotation from NGETONS MET JUBILEE Wild Night Waiting For Swish of Halleys Visitors Tail GREAT PARADE OF STUDENTS How They Stormed the Observatory and Carried Off Comet Chaser Zac cheus Daniel Catchy Marching Song Very Little Sleep For the Town 5ive the academy a curriculum of front of the observatorv studies that will compete with any in the state the senior singing timorous among the townsfolk into terror Well it micht for the unroar sounded like the breaking up of a boiler factory or a million cook stoves falling from the Milky way It began on the campus with the fir ing of every shotgun and revolver that could be scared up within the college precincts then to the music of four drums a bugle and two fifes the pee rade us they call it at Princeton started It was the biggest peerade ever got together in the universitys history In it were youths in bath robes pajamas and anything else that seemed appropriate costume for comet gazing Hunted Comet Hunter To the tune of Whoop er up for Halleys comet siss boom ah the parade marched round and round the campus for awhile and then somebody started a yell for Zach Dauiel Im mediately the celebration swung off toward Prospect aveuue firing roman caudles revolvers and guns The com et hunter and reporter were on their way to the campus to see what the rumpus was about when they encoun tered the parade Say Im going to get out of here said the astronomer nervously and slipped behind a bush and so escaped for the time being The parade deployed on the lawn in yelling Zach Zach We want Zach and then seeing no lights about the place Miss Marguerite Higgins a ifc was decided to take It by storm uate of Dr Sargentss Normal School Three students formed a human ladder of Physical Education at Harvard f wf anId several uSbt nmlM m uiweiSuts shinned up them to the plat- x a xx o xU xxcxxfaC Ui - form leading to the dome physical department at the academy Besides the Swedish and German Find Zach and bring him out were the orders but no Zach being found American systems of gymnastics j they amused themselves by squinting there will be taught athletics indoor j tnrougii tne telescope and working the and outdoor basket ball baseball i dome machinery Suddenly Zach who I had ventured out of hiding to make captain ball indoor and outdoor etc sure no damage was done to his be- social aesthetic and folk dancing iT1 I loved T instruments was spied Instant- rencmg club swinging etc lv the mob fell on him and holstcd him There will also be a special shoulder high rective department for children with j CarrJed HFm Away spinal curvature round shoulders J Speech speech speech they yelled drooping head etc wiiiie roman candles flared and the The work for boys and girls will be band played furiously conducted separately and many con- Boys I cant speak pleaded the tests and competitions in the comet hunter from his perch lous games will be held between the You must sPeecu speech Whoop er up for Zach different classes - elI we are now In tue tol1 of the The department is planned so that COmet each child may get a certain per cent Oh get out of individual attention also that the Quit your kidding Its lost Its tail Oh you Zach Oh you comet Despite his pleadings the astrono mer was borne off amid a meteor show er of romnrks liko tlio No pains will be spared to make straight across the campus they took this an ideal convent boarding school him to President Wilsons house This for girls time the niarchinrr soncr was Comet comet youve got no tall What the Halley do we care What the Halley do we care In front of President Wilsons house Shakespeare The friends thou hast tuat dignitary not appearing in re and their adoption tried grapple them i sPnse t0 insistent demands the stu to thy soul with hoops of steel he dents aaiu forced Zacu t0 mabe a asked smilfiillv T think tinnncj of il gold would be better said the girl shyly - - w rJ v ti ri - Grand Opera Soprano Coming to CHAUTAUQUA Why arent we dead yelled one Because we are alive replied the astronomer and with that they let him j escape The peerade kept on till nearly midnight when it broke up 1 from sheer exhaustion Town Was Comet Crazy Princeton went comet crazy at night and there was no sleep for the just even had the latter felt inclined for it which incidentally they did not From S in the evening when the senior class a senior singer to be Prince tonian gathered on benches in front of Nassau hall and made the campus ring with college songs till long after midnight Princeton celebrated the comet Nassau street held its throngs of bareheaded sophs juuiors and pretty girls If you have never been at a senior singing you dont know what youve missed The juniors and townies stand or lie on the grass of the campus I while the moon when there is one as there was the other night plays peek- aboo with the old green elms and makes a black and white shadow crazy quilt on tue camp xne senior class massed on benches sit in the dark shadow of Nassau hall the group illu minated only from time to time when somebody lights a pipe or a cigarette There must be no applause except for solos or angry senior whistles con found the offender THE DEAN OF THE The State of Nebraska Red WH AM ERICAN PLATFORM low county ss To all persons interested In the Frank Dixon Coming to Chautauqua estate oC E RnIph Earle deceased j with Eloquent -Message Whereas Ella M Earle of said J county has filed In my office an in- I It is interesting to know something strument purporting to be the last of the personal life of the notable men m and testainent of R Ralph Earle wuu m appear upon ue ate Qf saW CQ deceased and program and to whom we shall listen f said Ella M Earle has f led her pe lf we may know the conditions of - titlon herem Praying to have the birth of education and the steps whereby they have come to hold the same admitted to probate and for the prominent places that they occupy in issuance of letters testamentary the public eye it adds spice to the which will relates to both real and thoughts that they leave with us personal estate Dr Frank Dixon is without a doubt I have therefore appointed Thurs the most finished and logical speaker daVf July u mo at UlQ hour of on the American platform today He will be on our program Who is he and why Dixon was born in North Carolina the youngest of three sons born to Rev Thomas Dixon By every right he was destined for a typical southern Eight hundred comet crazed students gentleman to the manor born The stormed the observatory in Princeton eldest brother of the family is now a K X at uanUt o May 18 Hri J j SSTiSi Zaccheus Daniel the astronomer and and the noted author of Leopard compelled him to make two speeches Spots and other southern stories The The comet hunter was carried in subject of this sketch was educated in umph through the campus to the lawn the university of his home state and in front of President Woodrow later took a 0UTSe in theolo and be sons house I came a Baptist clergyman He was a successful preacher and was pastor It wa great night for Princeton o one of the largest churcnes at Hart- Xhe demonstration started right after ford Connecticut when he resigned to uuu piuiigeu tne RO upon the platform as a popular lec turer As a preacher Dr Dixon was differ ent He was a mans preacher and his later charges had become noted for the originality of his pulpit addresses In his Hartford church he had a large proportion of the influen tial men of the city interested in the social and civic work that was organ ized by the church and executed through active committees As a young man in college he had given especial attention to sociologic research and his intellect overrode every tradition of his birth and sta tion as an aistocrat The first lecture prepared was Tho Man Against the Mass It took from the start He beheaded special privi lege and pleaded for a square deal for the common folks Mr Dixon is pre eminently an ora tor a deep thinker a logical reasoner an eloquent and dramatic speaker Added to these accomplishments he has a rare ajid refined sense of humor that he uses as the vehicle to carry some of his weightiest arguments home to his hearers His personal ap pearance tall slender and graceful is an additional asset that Nature has bestowed upon this worthy son of the Southland It is worthy of note tiat Mr Dixon is devoutly fond of his family and zfiey spend as muck as pcssihle ol sgir time togesr at ffieir Dixondale 5 uV s33 from a roil ay s the nanfcs of Chesapeake Say where they have some of the best Jersey csrs and some of the purest bred chicsena that are raised in the United States A GREAT ORCHESTRA Here is a musical organization of lady artists led by the talented vio linist and director Alfred Metzdorf that outshines them all in real ability to play to the varied tastes of a mixed audience In the first place they are women That fact assures the qual ity of sympathy that has made music the one universally loved class of en tertainment They are artists of first grade They carry a brass quartette always popular Their instrumenta tion is balanced and capable of the volume needed in large auditoriums Their soloists are delightful They are equaMy at home in the heaviest and more popular numbers Their programs are varied to all musical tastes The leader Alfred Metzdorf is a violinist of fame He is a crank on the question of rehearsals He allows no number on the program until it is thoroughly mastered in every detail Rohearsals are held daily that noth ing may be lost He has brought this orchestra to a point of perfection that has made standing room asss m 3SyyKiMaPglimfTtEgtilLatrSfI l t3lIs WiyHSKIuJESaa S3 rS2 1 A 7 w v SV if I I3ljil v53C5 wVJlSJSSA38K e3s5Sbwm V tzi - 7 SfeSfJ J - U able wherever it has appeared Our people will be glad to learn that the Redpath Chautauqua System will bring this splendid organization to our Chautauqua this season The Scottish Kilties will do the Highland fling at Chautauqua nine oclock in the forenoon at the county court room in said county as the time and place for the hear ing of said will at which time and place you and all concerned may ap pear and contest the allowance of the same It is further ordered that said pe titioner give notice to all persons in terested in said estate of the pen dency of this petition and the time and place set for the hearing of the same by causing a copy of this or der to be published in the McCook Tribune a newspaper printed and published in said county for three weeks successively previous to the day set for the hearing In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 21st day of June 1910 J C MOORE County Judge Seal CORDEAL McCARL Attorneys In the county court or Red Wil low county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Winifred Glynn deceased To all persons interested in the estate of Winifred Glynn deceased You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of June 110 P F McKenna administrator of the estate of said Winifred Glynndeceased filed in said court his final account as said administrator and his petition for a determination of the heirs of said deceased and the distribution of said estate and for his discharge as such administrator that said fi nal account and petition will be hear on the 9th day of July 1910 at the hour of ten oclock a in at the count court room in McCook in said county at which time you may appear and show cause if such ex ist why said account and petition should not be allowed It is hereby ordered that notice to all persons interested in said estate shall be given by publication of this order in the McCook Tribune a news paper printed and published in said county for three successive weeks prior to the day set for said hear ing Dated this 20th day of June 1910 J C MOORE County Judge Seal Dont Wast Time and Effort Old ways of housecleaning are tire some and take much unnecessary ef fort Your time and strength are worth a good deal Save time and look into this more satisfactory way Forget that old ancient methods exist- Get the all round handy cleanser that has saved hours of work and lots of worry for the women of to day Old Dutch Cleanser is the short and easy route to simplified housekeeping See how much eas ier it makes your work Old Dutch Cleanser scrubs all kinds of floors and painted walls scours all sorts of metal and enameled surfaces and pol ishes them too it cleanes everything thoroughly and quickly No acids caustics alkali or grit in it It means relief from hard work and lots of satisfaction He Met It on the Road He didnt wait for prosperity to come The very minute they told him it was on the road he said Maybe the horsesll get stalled and the driver all froze up so Ill just meet it halfway and help get the wheels out the mire and give It a fresh start then when it looks like smooth sailing Ill hop on and take a seat by the driver and well go whistling into town -Atlanta Constitution jfl eiAim Coming U -- If you ADVERTISE in THIS PAPER It will LOOK GOOD to you Try it out NOW Jfr Ordinance No 195 An ordinance termed An An nual Appropriation Bill appropri ating such sums of money as aro deemed necessary to defray all neces sary expenses and liabilities of tho city of McCook In Red Willow county Nebraska as shown by tho estimates heretofore made for the current fis cal year and to levy a tax on the taxable property within said city for the payment of the samo BE IT ORDAINED by the mayor and Council of the city of McCook Nebraska Secton J That the following sums of money be and the same hereby are appropriated to defray the neces sary expenses and liabilities of the city of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska for the current fiscal year Salaries of officers 1200 00 Supplies claims and elec tions 3000 00 Making and repairing alleys streets and crossings 2000 00 Firemen and supplies 1H00 00 Rent on water troughs street sprinkling and for flushing sewer 3200 00 Lighting streets 2700 00 Interest on bonds and sink ing funds 2000 00 Maintenance of free library 1100 00 Maintenance of sewer 300 00 Section 2 That there be and here by is levied on the taxable property within the corporation limits of the city of McCook in the state of Ne braska for the purpose of defraying the expense aforesaid the following tax namely General fund 9 mills Water fund 5 mills Light fund 4 1 2 mills Library fund 2 mills Sewer fund 1 2 mills Interest on bonds and sinking funds 3 mills Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage approved and publi cation according to law Passed and approved this 13th day of June 1910 Seal ED HUBER Mayor Attest H W CONOVER City Clerk Incorporation Notice Notice is hereby given that the McCook Irrigation Water Power Company a corporation heretofore incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska has changed and mended its Articles has changed and amended its Arti cles of Incorporation as hereinafter stated Article V of said Articles of Incor poration is amended to read as fol lows to wit The capital stock of said Company shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars 5000000 and shall be divided in to Five Hundred 500 shares of One Hundred Dollars 10000 each Certificates of such stock when is sued shall be signed by the Presi dent and Secretary and shall be transferable only on the books of the corporation and at all meetings of the stock holders each share shall be entitled to one vote which vote may be cast either in person or by proxy The capital stock may be increas ed or diminished by vote of three fourths of the issued shares thereof at any regular meeting of the stock holders or at any special meeting duly called and held for that purpose Article XI of said Articles of In corporation is amended to read as follows This corporation may incur an in debtedness of Thirty Thousand Dol lars 3000000 and shall not at any one time permit its indebtedness of all characters to exceed this amount Provided that such indebtedness in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars 1000000 must be authorized by a vote of three fourths of the issued stock of the Company These amended articles were filed in the office of the County Clerk of Red Willow County Nebraska on the 3rd day of June 1910 Dated this 3rd day of June 1910 W H FERGUSON President JOHN E KELLEV Sec and Treas Seal First publication June 9 4t NOTICE TO LAND OWNEKS To Mike bullivan Harvey J Fees and to all iiou it may couceru The Coimiiis iouer appointed to locate a road coimnencimr at the soutJieast comer of Section Red Willow County Nebraska runuiuK thence corner of s d Section 8 TowTthiplf SI hn reported m favor of the location ttereof aml aLWMS there or claim for damwk Kx fiftKl KtLe Coum v Cls office before noon of the 1st day of AtiKut M thert W1 estaWish1 witW referek Tirlt published CKBty Local Secretary Taylor says that the Ale Cook chautauqua is attracting a great deal of attention From all appearances a record breaking at tendance will greet the long and at tractive list of entertainers and lec turers who are billed to appear Received on Account Paid Out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 50c y W 7 S