MARION P II Kllzer of Lebanon was In town between trains Saturday Ray Davis o the firm of Frank Davis Sons of Holbrook Neb was in town last mid weeic pasting bills for their thoroughbred Poland China hog sale Ernest Dodge purchased a Buick auto of C C Hendricks south of Dan bury Friday 1 G Rollins visited his folks at Indianola Saturday night and Sun day Grandma Gockley and Pearl Angell were Cedar Bluffs visitors between trains Monday A large crowd attended the child rens day exercises here last Sunday Frank Fields is the new helper in the lumber yard Messrs Solomon and Partridge and Ernest Dodge were county capital vis itors Saturday evening going over in the hitters auto Will Rozell and wife from the Sap pa county moved in Mrs Shoreys house north of town Monday A ball game came of here Satur day between Wilsonville and our boys the score was 10 to 2 in favor of the visitors Powell Nilsson received a car of Buick automobiles one day last week B F Darnell was on the sick list a few days last week A L Weaver of Atwood Kans week Clarence Emerson of McCook vis ited his grand parents Jesse Smith and wife a few days the first of the week Ordinance No 195 An ordinance termed An An nual Appropriation Bill appropri ating such sums of money as are deemed necessary to defray all neces sary expenses and liabilities of the city of McCook in Red Willow county Nebraska as shown by the estimates heretofore made lor the current fis cal year and to levy a tax on the taxable property within said city for the payment of the same BE IT ORDAINED by the mayor and Council of the city of McCook Nebraska Seeton J That the following sums of money be and the same hereby are appropriated to defray the neces sary expenses and liabilities of the city of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska for the current fiscal year Salaries of cf fleets 1200 00 Supplies claims and elec tions 3000 00 Making and repairing alleys streets and crossings 2000 00 Firemen and supplies 1500 00 Rent on water troughs street sprinkling and for flushing sewer 3200 00 Lighting streets 2700 00 Interest on bonds and sink ing funds 2000 00 Maintenance of free library 1100 00 Maintenance of sewer 300 00 Section 2 That there be and here by is levied on the taxable property within the corporation limits of the city of McCook in the state of Ne braska for the purpose of defraying the expense aforesaid the following tax namely General fund 9 mills Water fund 5 mills Light fund 4 1 2 mills Library fund 2 mills Sewer fund 1 2 mills Interest on bonds and sinking funds 3 mills Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage approved and publi cation according to law Passed and approved this 13th day of June 191C ED HUBER Mayor Attest H W CONOVER City Clerk The national and Nebraska state holiness associations unite this year in holding a great camp meeting on the state fair grotnds Lincoln Neb Dr C J Fowler Rev C W Ruth Rev Will Huff with J M Harris and wife as song leaders have been secured as workers Excellent accom modations will be offered all who at tend and the expense will be brought to the minimum This meeting is inter denominational and people from all churches are invited to attend and feel at home A great spiritual feast is expected You cant af o d to miss it Remember the date July 15 25 Write for circulars giving full particulars to Rev W H Prescott Secy 1210 O street Lincoln Neb Principal business houses have Chautauqua season tickets for sale By buying now you will save 50c per ticket as the price will be raised when the Chautauqua opens Watch this newspaper for interest ing and pertinent information con cerning the chautauaua which will begin July 13 Why not plan on being in McCook for the big Chautauqua beginning JHly 13 - L - - r uft l jga -- Fire Commission Bulletin On July Fourth 1909 the loss by fire directly traceable to fire works amounted to 20000 If every pro perty owner and every parent could upoa the general pblic facts that will tenfi to awaken me womjn cni cli Iren to tio importance of poncly from loss through fl j In anticipation therefore of Nebraska of July Fourth the Ne braska Fire Commission respectful ly submits to the people of this state these suggestions First In the effort to preserve life and protect property the place for the authorities to begin is with the sellers of the more dangerous var iety of fire works may be enforced more readily than orders seeking to regulate or prohibit their use after they have been sold Strict supervi sion by authorities over places where fire works are being disposed of and notice to dealers that the law will be enforced to the letter will reduce the fire loss to the minimum Second Small children should not be permitted by their parents or guardians to handle fire works or matches j j Third All persons using matches punk or lighted fire crackers should be careful to see that these do not contain fire and when they are thrown away they should not be thrown in the vicinity of inflammable material Fourth Where fire works are ex ploded in the evening particular care should be taken that the place from which they are discharged is clear of any debris or inflammable material and that the locality in which the sparks or lights are likely to fall is tree from buildings that might be de stroyed Fifth The toy balloon is most dangerous so far as property is con cerned If this cannot be abolished AN OLD MANS FAD Ex Senator Clarks New Mansion the Costliest In America Fifth avenue New York noted for be persuaded to pay some attention ts magnificent residences now has the suesi nnsion in America xms is to this important mater giving to tlje new home of ex Senator W lam their employees their tenants their Clark of Montana which has just been neighbors or their children timely completcd at u cost of uoooooo warning as to the protection ofFrom the standpoint of beauty how property from July Fourth loss the ever It has come in for much adverse loss of 1910 would undergo noticeable criticism decrease monarch has such a home as this It is the special business oZ th built entirely of stone steel mar iimoi nnmmCrin i l d bronze and by the mosj J UtlliU k i VVlilllilMMlUll J wwfc altogether it should not be permitted to be sent up after the general public has retired for the night Sixth All cellar ways fence cor ners and places where waste paper o old accumulates should be given a cleaning up before July Fourth Where it is impossible to clean up en tirely the premises should be given a thorough drenching so there will be no danger of any lighted article care lessly thrown starting a blaze Seventh The mayors of several j cities have already commenced a sys tematic campaign looking to the prevention of fire loss 01 July Fourth Their good example ought to be followed by the authorities of ev ery city and village in the state Prompt action should be taken by these authorities and they should vig orously push their efforts to enforce the common sense rule that property and lives must be protected during our Fourth of July celebration There are probably weak spots and fire boxes in the vicinity of many buildings in every city and village in the state From this date until July Fourth the Nebraska cry should be Clean up Clean up Jul artists and workmen to bo found in EX SENATOIC CLANKS NEW HOME the world The house has been called an old mans fad and so it is Every piece that went into its construction the work of every laborer every art object and every purchase and contract has had the personal attention of the owner VERSATILE YOUTHS Tasks of tho Berlin Messenger Boy Are Varied and Amusing The lot of some messenger boys in this country is hard indeed Just as one strikes the most thrilling chapter of Alkali Ike the Terror of the Gulch and is having the time of his NEW DUTIES OF IJEULIN ilESSEKGKRS life along comes an order to uo out And one may just have dined and wined and with feet on the managers desk be enjoying his after dinner sniolce when some one somewhere is mean enough to die and the poor boy is called on to deliver the message an nouncing the demise It is abroad however that the mes sengers have no easy time of it espe cially in Berlin where a new company has recently been formed that hires out the bovs for almost everv service Clean up jmasriunble It emnlovs over 000 Then see to it that a little common Igengers for this work and the scheme sense is used by those who explode has found much favor with the public rire works and a little wholesome I They are not used as much as in authority is exercised by parents and ica for errands but are employed to municipal authorities The result will probably be that lives will be saved personal injuries avoided and valuable property spared A V JOHNSON Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner take care of small children to escort ladies who are strangers in Berlin to take out pet dogs and in fact for al most any purpose where their help is needed BANK ON WHEELS Local Secretary Taylor says that Brighton Institution Goes to the Farm- the McCook Chautauqua is attracting a great deal of attention From all tendance will greet the long and at tractive list of entertainers and lee turers who are billed to appear 2D FIDDLING BOB TAYLOR The silver tongued onator of the Southland His purpose inHfe is to make the world happier The man agement can get no better because there are no better lecturers than Senator Taylor 1 cr For Deposits In several countries of late the bank appearances a record breaking at- whees idea uas been taken up and in liiQgianu uas proveu most success ful The Farrow bauk at Brighton in that country has a long list of farm ers for customers among its itors but during the busy season it - was noticed that few of them came in UNI ED STATES SENATOR AT with their savings O HI J U T J U U J I This was bad for the institution and bad for the farmers who not only lost - vfev - - - 4 s - s I - V THE BANK ON WHEELS considerable interest but sometimes got reckless with their accumulated wealth If they could uot come to the bank It was decided that the bank should go to them and now wagons equipped with steel safes call on them regularly and credit their deposits as If in the institution itself Frequently I the business is transacted right in the I Gelds during nlnwinf operations BROWNS PARTNER The All Around Genius That Would Just Fill the Bill The following Is quoted from the American Magazine and is signed by H Lee Heres the whole thing In a nut shell said Brown to me I am now twenty eight years old have my own business and have brought It to sucb a state that I have decided to take a partner Take one answered I Theres the rub l gave back My partner nniM lie uch au all around knowing one 1u1i Im afraid Ill have hard woik w till the posi tion My partner must be able to make laws and to enforce them must be able to carry out complicated chemical work must be a skilled mechanic must know something of economics must be able to buy wares of all kinds with due consideration of my finances and must be able to do tailoring of a kind if uecessary Hold on Brown said 1 Are you dippy as the vulgarians sayV No replied lie I want a wife Look around among your friends and see if any one man among them could do all that a good housewife should be able to do She must make just laws for the family and enforce them She must understand the complicated proc esses of cooking Making mending washing ironing and otherwise car ing for the clothing of a family re quire mechanical skill Bringing up a child properly requires far more knowledge and wisdom than selling dry goods of standard makes and prices year after year Where are more science and skill required than in the sickroom And if the wife does not know how to do all of these things how can she direct the work of her paid help especially if the help knows less than she does My dear boy said I do the way 90 per cent of us do marry and trust to luck SAVAGE ATHLETICS Canary Islanders Who Would Have Made Good Ball Players In this age of athletics one might think that no people ever showed so much interest in feats of muscular might and skill as those who have per fected football but modem games and even the games of the Greeks at Olympia may have been more than matched by the sports of peoples now held in light esteem We have the ac counts of excellent authorities for the contention that the athletic training of Canary islanders makes even the col lege giants of today seem weak and effeminate These islands came into subjection to Spain about the time Columbus dis covered America The conquest was due solely to the superiority of Euro pean weapons and not to better skill and prowess Native soldiers were trained athletes developed under a sys tem that held athletic sports to be an important business like military drill Spanish chronicles have left accounts of sports of the islanders From bahv hood they were trained to be brKk in self defense As soon as they could toddle the children were pelted with mud balls that they might learn how to protect themselves When they were boys stones and wooden darts were substituted for bits of clay In this rough school they acquired the rudiments of warfare which en abled them during their wars to catch in their hands the arrows shot from their enemies crossbows After the conquest of the Canaries a native of the islands was seen at Se ville who for a silver piece let a man throw at him as many stones as he pleased from a distance of eight paces Without moving his left foot he avoid ed every stone Another native used to defy any one to hurl an orange at him with so great rapidity that he could not catch it Three men tried this each with a dozen oranges and the islander caught every orange As a further test he hit his antagonists with each of the oranges St Louis Republic Stopping Hiccough Hiccough is a distressing and some times a dangerous complaint Many times a swallow of water will stop it If simple measures fail the following has been found very efficacious The nerves that produce hiccough are near the surface of the neck They may be reached and compressed by placing two fingers right in the center of the top of the breastbone between the two cords that run up either side of the neck and pressing inward downward and outward A few minutes pressure of this kind will stop the most obsti nate hiccough Dr Charles S Moody in Outing A Gentleman and Boots The Gi st gentleman in Europe got the very worst definition of a gentle man from his valet when driving down to Brighton The prince regent was arguing about the gentleman and final ly turned to his valet And the valet replied that a gentleman was one who did not clean his own boots It was a flunkys reply One likes better the demand of the Duke of Wellington Give me men who can sleep in their boots Loudon Graphic Snubbed Hamm Do you recognize the profes sion Ticket Man Yes but if youll stand out of the line quietly I wont give you away Cleveland Leader A Friendly Greeting How did you enjoy your vacation Fine It made a new man of me I congratulate your wife Ex change SPORT ON ROLLERS Most Popular Pastime Abroad Is the Koop Game The roller skating eraze has tnken a firm hold on the people abroad espe cially in Germany A number of clubs have been formed In Berlin and oth er cities which cultivate all kinds of sport on roller skates They arrange gymkhanas at which the agility of the participant is put to a severe test All kinds of games are played on skates one of the most ppti2ir being the hoop game Every player has a long stick and thin hoops covered with colored rib -- K1 - N xlIE HOOP GAME OS ROLLERS bons are thrown rapidly from one play er to the other The point is not only to catch the hoop but to do it in such a way that it can immediately He thrown to the next player and thus complete the circle without stop UTILITY OF AUTO Itinerant Fruit Vender Now Dec Business in a Car The automobile has been utilized in almost every conceivable way of late We have the auto ire engine and hook and ladder truck the auto ambulance the auto hearse the auto moving van the auto sightseeing vehicle and in scores of other ways has the machine been brought into use for mans con venience ami business The latest however is the auto fruit car Recently a New York itinerant fruit vender decided that the pushcart was out of date and not the proper vehicle m which to display his wares Be sides it was almost impossible to push sr SSI aagB3Fyw3i fZissi V47xAi VW 2si SSft XAyiiW 4 fmrrj3F V 3JzZZx m LATEST IN FKOn STANDS company ug illu tratiou HOW doe business in his machine I As tliix 1111 in diti t liMri -iii it i 1 BARTLEY Little more rain plenso Prospects for a wheat crop in this vicinity aro very good and with another rain or two nothing but a hail storm will pre von t a good harvest E E Smith and others aro putting up tho first crop of alfalfa which owing to tho continued cold weather this spring is not as heavy as usual Some of our prosperous farmers from the north divide had a bunch of fino pirkors on tho market Tuosday at 77 per Durbiu West aro installing1 tho shelving in their now building this week which means that it will soon bo ready for occupancy Miss Stella Enlow of Cambridge is visiting with her sister Mrs H J Ar bogast a few days this week The basket ball game Bartley vs Danbury played hero Friday evening was one of the best games of tho season and resulted in a victory for tho homb team by a score of sixteen to twenty three The A O U W held tho regular Floral Day services at the opera houso Sunday the 12th and tho address by Rev C A Norlin of tho M E church was one of the best over delivered on that occassion T E McDonald came over from Dan bury Friday bringing a load of the basket ball girls with him in his auto A fair - sized crowd attended tho Backwoods social at the M E cluucb Friday night and reported a good time Fred Bepo is nursing a broken col lar bone this week bettor cut out tho wrestling Fred Quite a few of the young folks aro making preparations to go to Wauneta with the basket ball girls Saturday the 18th to attend the R II picnic Our girls pi y the McCook team that day Heres good luck to you Bartloy W A Dolan and family were down from Indianola Friday to see the has ket ball game A II MoKlroy was in attendanco at the grand lodge A F it A M at Om aha last week C M Babbitt has jjono west foralew j weeks vacation accompanied by Kobt Mousel of Cambridge The new proprietors of the Bartley mill re now located and aro going after business for keep it aim smoKO a cigarette at tne same Incorporation Notice - - III1MIIUHII I ULIIl Ullll - imjuuu is neieuy tjiveu liil tue McCook Irrigation Water Power Company a corporation heretofore incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska has changed and mended its Articles has changed and amended its Arti cles of Incorporation as hereinafter stated Article V of said Articles of Incor poration is amended to read as 1 lows to wit The capital stock of said Company shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars 000000 and shall be divided in- having saved a few hundred dollars he J to Five Hundred oOO shares of One purchased a small car rebuilt it to Hundred Dollars 10000 each suit himself and as shown in the Certificates of such stock when is sued shall be signed by the Presi dent and Secretary and shall be the ground iniitli imiro hk ini transferable only on the books of ness Iihn great lv reesed and his on- tho corporation and at all meetings terprise has attra led much attention SMALLEST ATHLETE Remarkable Midget Who Amazed Em peror William by His Cleverness Prince Atom at present in Jermanv of the stock holders each share shall be entitled to one vote which vote may be cast either in person or by proxy The capital stock may be increas ed or diminished by vote of three- fourths of the issued shares thereof but soon to visit this country is the 1 at any regular meeting of the stock smallest midget in the world and in holders np at nnv nnti m yvM s v v vat - yr iS 5r h tiSSLjJ vvj jirA v Cks WW3 tftr - 1 j tm eii ifrfSjSiyT j KiS iKrie1sSSCI THE VVOKLDS SMALLEST ArHtT many wajs the most remark n While the t tilld of normal parent just a little over two feel it and is a- intolligent as the tei person and speaks several langu fluently The prince is extremely fond of a outdoor and indoor sports and is quire an acrobat In Berlin recently he pei formed before the children of the Ger man crown prince and delighted them I by his feats a j well as his wit duly called and held for that purpose Article XI of said Articles of In corporation is amended to read as follows This corporation may incur an in debtedness of Thirty Thousand Dol lars 3000000 and shall not at any one time permit its indebtedness of all characters to exceed this amount Provided that such indebtedness in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars 1000000 must be authorized by a vote of three fourths of the issued stock of the Company These amended articles were filed in the office of the County Clerk Gf Red Willow County Nebraska on the 3rd day of June 1910 Dated this 3rd day of June 1910 W H FERGUSON President JOHN E KELLKV Sec and Treas Seal First publication June 9 4t NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Mike Sullivan Harney J Fees and to all wiion it niaj concern The rommis Miner appointed to locate a road commencing at the omlH at corner of Section n hPl KneS i Genrer recinrt lied Willow ountj Nebraska running 1 uct one mile on the section line betwei and li and terminatinc at theoi mnrnfciJ C HVV thpnee een sec- o cryuiIMHlg ha reported in favor of the location thereof and all oojectiocsthereto claim- or f damaiK must be filed in the County Clerk- office on beroro noon of the lt day of AuBuat 1010 or thererto eStabKbed withut t Cha Skll Tountv Clerk Fir t published June 2 4ts Jennings Hughes Co Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting estimates lurnished free Phono I successors 10 Kamint P n IJurie s d Son building X f y n