k Noted Writer to Lecture i at Chautauqua i Harold Morton Kramer knocked about as a cowboy a lumber jack and a miner His friends discovered that 3e had genius as a writer so he went to school secured an education and 9ecame a newspaper man later a suc cessful novelist His platform work is highly success ful and his time is much in demand at summer assemblies all over the land I Wess Egery Musicians The leader is the most sensational nd sympathetic violinist in America rand Is as well known in the European music scnools as in this country The Shautauqua management can get no greater artist Miss Tucker is a cellist of renown and Miss Dora Weiss is a dJvin pianist At 32 Prizes for Nebraska Flyers The aero club of Nebraska an nounces an amateur aviation contest u connection ttith the mid west avia tion meet to be held on a site near Omaha July 9 to 14 There are a good many people in Nebraska interested in aviation but it was not known anyone pretended to fly until the aero club announced enough amateur aviators had been found in Nebraska and western Iowa fa have an amateur i ieet in eonnec imi with a big demonstration Nine plications are now in for entries to this contest Professionals who will compete in clude Glenn II Curtis who recent ly made the record breaking flight 2rom Albany to New York City Chas K Willard and C J Mars 5oth professionals in the heavier than lir machines are under contract to tome What Everybody Ought to Know That Foley Kidney Pills contain JiBt the ingredients necessary to vv strengthen and legulate the aruou of the kidneys and bladder JS ile Milieu Sunt Chas YV Taylor reports a growing interest in the coming chau nuqua A limited uumber of season fuckets have been placed on sale When these are exhausted the price Till he 50c higher Seven great musical companies a fozen lecturers and entertainers be sides manj attractive and education al features comprise the intellectual nenu pf the coming Chautauqua which opens at McCook on the 13th if July There are so many great attraction stilled for the Chautauqua which be gins July 13 that it is hard to pick out which is the most popular The safest way to do is to arrange to at tend the entire season J OTI CHICAGO Pure in the can- Pure in the baking Neve Fails Try it COMPLAIN AGAINST RATES Lumber Dealers Appeal to Com merce Commision Cambridge Nebr June 11 The Krotter Lumber Co Barnett Lumber Co J S Hatcher Co Chicago Lumber Co Perry Bee Co E G Caine Co Barr Lumber Co De May Lumber Ca A W Schroeder Co E A Pettygrove Bullard Lurc her Co and Palisade Lumber Co representing the lumber dealers of southwest Nebraska have filed a complaint by Perry Lambe But ler their attorneys before the in to Venango Nebraska the main line of the C B Q from Holdrege to Haigler including the branch and the Orleans Saint Francis branch from Orlenns to Dan bury Neb The petition alleges tlxat the rate on yellow pine lumber to Marion Nebraska is 42 5 10 cents per hundred-weight in carload lots- while the same shipment over the same road when carried to Cedar Bluffs J sas under the same and Uentical conditions is hauled for 36 5 10 cents and from there on the scale of rates increases until Saint Francis Kansas where the rate is 37 cents and this point is 78 miles farther on the same line and must pass through Mar ion Neb to reach its destination or that the Kansas dealers get their i iaul for a 1 2 cents per hundredweight less The same is true to Haigler Neb where the rate is 43 5 10 cents and the rate over the same road with J the same and identical conditions to Laird Colorado ten miles farther to haul is 37 cents also the rate to Venango Neb is 45 2 10 cents and the same line under the necessity of running upgrade 160 miles to Camp stool Wyo makes the Wyoming town a rate of 40 cents per hun Iredweight Glad to Recommend Them Mr E Weakley Kokomo Ind says After taking Foley Kidney Pills the severe backache left me my kidneys became stronger the se cretions natural and my bladder no longer pained me I am glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills a yellow package A McMillen In The Nebraska aero club has put up 15000 to secure these men and they will give a five days demonstra tion on some site to be selected by Mr Mars within a few days Both Florence and Benson are bidders for the meet and it will be held some place about Omaha Clarke Powell of Omaha is the secretary of the Nebraska club vOCOeHH Rise to Fame of Clara Morris o 6 O WWWOWWWOw LTIIODGn It bad been known for some time rhnl Mrs F C Harriott better known as Clara Morris was ill the re- terstate commerce commission agahut mirer t lit country over Unexcelled the Chicago Burlingon Quincy Railroad Company Atchison Topeka Santa Fe Railroad Company Chi cago Rock Island Pacific Rail way Missouri Kansas Texas Rail way Missouri Pacific Railway St Louis Iron Mountain Southern Railway Kansas City Southern Rail way Company Kansas City Fort Scott Memphis Railway St Louis San Francisco Texas Railway and the Chicago Rock Island Gulf Rail way alleging that these railroads are charging lumber dealers in Nebraska o O A ceut sudden turn in her condition came as a great shuck to her friends and in her time and in her field among American actresses when she retired from the stage and took up literary work she showed the same fertile im agination versatility of execution and industry of application that won her such hi n imiie honors Few if any great actresses have Ik gun their careers in the fac ot sm h misfortune as darkened th irl lite of Clara Morris Horn in obeuiny without friends or intluence her 1 ther dead while she was yet a mere child and her mother eking nut a pre carious livelihood as an humble labor er Clara Morris entered upon her ea- unjust unfair unreasonable repr witu no otuer cpi than a trust tant discriminatory and confiscatory jn Providence a strong will aud a de rates as compared with rates charged termination to be constant in every for the same kind of shipments yel 1 kind of effort Even as a young girl low pine lumber from the south to she was not one of those who entertain lhe that real success points in Colorado Kansas and Wy supposition any in great things or small ever was or oming The territory covered is that wI m along the high line from Holdrege rQm fortune by flts or starts amI M she waited and watched aud plodded on conscious that some time -and some- f7i K2TLXW7is5 If vty mm imz r Ss53hiiMi5to4s yZ t - - v 1 y I o x V N CtiAR MORUIS IN 1880 where the walled up power within her 1 would break through its harriers and brinir its great reward The birthplace of Clara Morris was Toronto but at an ej rly age she was The complaint prays that an order taken to Cleveland and her earliest re be made commanding the defend- membrances ol home and childhood ants to desist from these unjust and are remembrances of the drying up ot unfair rates to restore rates in force every spring and fountain in her young and effect on and prior to January I 1908 when a more equitable rate was in force and that the defend ant carriers be ordered to restore all jxcessive freights and charges col ected from the lumber dealers dur ng that period Lincoln Journal K of P Memorial Day Memorial Day for the 46th period Df Pythianism was duly and appro priately observed last Sunday by he members of McCook lodge No 12 At two oclock the members as sembled at their castle hall and from hence marched to the Methodist church where they listened with ap preciative attention to an excellent sermon by Sir Knight Rev Bryant Howe whose thought was along the line of encouragement as an expres sion of the passion of love Solos by Lewis Ludwick and Joseph Moore and selections by the church choir were other features of the service After the church services the knights repaired to the cemeteries of the city and decorated the graves of deceased members of the order with floral emblems with appropriate rit ualistic expression The members of the McCook tem ple No 24 Pythian Sisters attend ed the services at both church and cemeteries in organization adding materially to the occasion by then presence There were no new graves to dec orate this year heart Povertv was her handmaid and if she now and then enjoyed the cheap delights of life even they were bought and paid for by distressing toil Her mother being employed in a subordi nate position in John Ellslers Acade my of Music in Cleveland Clara also sought and found employment there beginning her career as a ballet girl She was at this time less than four teen years of age It did not rake long however for the old manager to discover that the little girl possessed precocious ralent and occasionally be gave her small speak inc parts They were so well perform ed that rhey grew iu importance and promotion followed Conscious that a larger Geld was open before her and inspired by a laudable ambition ro explore its possi bilities she now determined to go to New York but there encountered ob stacles disappointments and setbacks All rhis was disheartening and well calculated to appall an ordinary na ture but hers was of that india rubber quality which most repressed grows firmer with the opposing weight At last Augustin Daly who was then man aging the Fifth Avenue theater and gathering around him a galaxy of tal ont consented to irive her a small posi tion in his company The first half of the season was nearly closed when she was cast for a minor part iu Man and Wife but one night the leading ac tress was suddenly taken ill and Clara Morris was called upon to play the role of Anne Sylvester Her confreres in the company smiled contemptuously at the idea that this plain western girl could do more than walk through tin part and as it were temporarily lili the gap and even Daly himself was nervous at the prospect of an experi ment that might result in disaster Predictions of the failure were heard ou all sides but to Clara Morris it was a golden opportunity blie knew it i instinctively and marshaled all Jig forces within her for the ordeal She i rehearsed carefully analyzed the char acter until every phase of it seemed like an open book and then prepared to throw into it all the intensity of her emotional nature As she swept with her peculiar grac from point to point through the seen not an eye in the great audience but followed every motion not a face but was tuned to catch every accent that fell from her lips When the curtain rang down that night Clara Morris had won her victory and Augustin Daly had discovered a phenomenon The hitherto repressed and neglected genius went home crowned with rels and from that hour wore them an- challenged during her stage career j s N ome iNew Inventions Talked About 0M HKTILLON Is a name known and feared by lawbreakers the world over His wonderful system of Identifying criminals by means of measurements proved to be so successful iu Paris that all other continental countries adopted it and now he has invented a dynamometric apparatus intended for the detection of burglaries The apparatus will reg ister the expenditure of muscular ef fort during a burglary and will thus he claims make it possible for the po lice to reconstitute with sullic ient ex actitude the m em during the burglary 1 1 is ted that the invention is so delicately adjusted that it will he pos sible to discover whether a robbery has been committed by a man a m - 8 --ft-- liKirniiuUH fe NLW INVENilOJ man or a child M Iiertillon is alsn the inventor ot criminal detection b finger prints which has been tlu means of bringing manj ofTonders to justice He is chief ot the anthropo metric bureau at the prefecture Tf po lice of Paris No longer will I lie deep sea diver gc below the water to be at the mercy of the first hungry shark or dangerous swordtish that comes along nereto fore they have carried only a knifc with which to protect themselves from the denizens of the deep hut now a real weapon has been invented for them This is a submarine rifle that can put a ball through a heavy armor plate Captain Groble the well known Ger man diver who has had inanv hair raising experiences under the water with sharks has been working many years to perfect some weapon for those in his dangerous profession and the result is the new submarine gun It has a very thick barrel and the car tridge is inclosed in rubber It has im i Hill iFTTSj1ii iTT v T Vk CAPTAIN GROBLES GUN FOK DIVEltS meuse power of penetration and woe betide the fish that comes looking for trouble with the diver thus armed The new invention was recently test ed in a large tank in Loudon where a captured shark bad been placed It attacked the diver as soon as he ap peared under the water but one shot lrom the guu killed the huge fish in stantly Municipal authorities ibe world over are much interested in the uoel street cleaning machine just invented bj a civil engineer of Vienna which does away with all the disagreeable effects of sweeping etc and saves labor The -v 2 3SSirfMapiSSyiS s si VW3S4 h VSlsi XsZ A STKEET CIiEAM2a AUTOMOBILE machine contaius a revolving brush which sweeps up the dust This how ever is not left on the street in order lo be collected by human sweepers It is caught in a large funnel and suck ed up and finally deposited in large boxes by a ventilator The wagon con tains two such boxes which can be re moved and emptied easily by means of simple contrivances Only one man the driver is neces sary to do all the work except the un loading The wagon is an ordinary 2S 32 horsepower auto truck It cleans easily eleven miles of street per hour Each dust box has a capacity of fif teen cubic feet By having empty boxes stationed at certain points along the route of the wagon to be exchang ed for the filled ones which can be collected later the work can proceed uninterniDtedl XSMB Xh 23 Will lecture at Chautauqua I tm i ijtngrggir - Advertised List The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice June 10 1910 Letters Honr K II Houcl iu 31 r Roy Oltricn C J Stmw Mr A H Walters Mias Katherino Cards Kmberly Ed Fooler Dr J J loluiboii Mr Wnrd Lafrnntz Mr Henry HohuiiK Mr Herman Misliler Mr Sam 2 Millfr Mr Jen II MacDoiiald Mrs Bruce Smith Mr It H When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster What a Summer Cold May Do a summer cold if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season Do not neglect it Take Foleys Hon ey and Tar promptly It loosens the cough soothes and heals the Inflam ed air passages and expels the cold from the system A McMillen The Tribune for office supplies Jewell Gasoline Stoves are sold in McCookby H P Waite and Co Keep Your Eye On The Burlingtons New Main Line Through Central Wyoming The Big Horn Basin is now so well started on its great wealth producing era that it not only appeals to farmers looking for new lands upon which to establish new bonus under most favorable conditions but appeals to the Husiness Man Profo sional Man Mine Operator and Manufacturer in new towns that are springing up and where raw material in plenty can lie handled at a profit The business opportunities consist of locations for new banks general stores creameries blacksmith shops butcher shops barber shops bakeries harness shops hotels and restaurants farm implement dealers lumber dealers flouring mills canning factories furniture factories lawyers doctors and dentists Workmen Nekdkij All kinds of libor is in great demand and the high est possible wages are paid carpenters get from SLOG to u00 per day farm labor ers from 33000 to S000 a month there is not an idle man in the Basin Chku ItTFs Landseekers excursions to look over this new country June 7th and 21st and Julv 1th Ii1raHl3t4i ItlimillEBHHIH D CLEM DEAVER General Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau Room 6 Q Building Omaha Neb nsFamrrmr yrm xa THE TRIBUNE 150 Value for 100 HHMTflT lliiriIMrilff InIIH I I I I I l l I i I i I ii i i T lTg V Franklin Pres G II Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska f f I Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G II Watkins Vernice Franklin y1 iJ th l iV1 11 J I11 lJ fcl llAtl Tfr fc1 fcfl i tt iAh1 J iltfrV1 jf tVi1 frfWWArflfcl ltl L Hughes Crescent Cottage Paints are sold in McCook by P WAETE and CO DIW COLSON FIRE INSURANCE AGENT I have Residence and Business Properties for Rent Office Phone 16 Residence Back333 McCook Nebraska l