The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1910, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
No rt Central TlnmJ II SO f M
8 715 p M
16 500 am
rr4l A M
12 l 705 a m
14 9M2 i u
10 SSiO v M
No 1 Mountain Tirao 1220 p m
5arr8WJ pm
7 1y
lliz P M
77 905 A M
12JI A M
o15 A M
930 A M
No 176 nrrivna Mountain Time 1545 P M
Sol75dopartB 015 am
Sleeping dining anil reclining chair cars
3oats froo on through trains Tickot9 sold
anu uukkhko clicckod to any point in tlio United
states or Canada
For information time tablos maps and tick
eta call ou or writo U i nostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Viuuj tfeiibriw
Pabsoner Annt Omaliu Nebraska
Engine 17C5 is just in for a gen
eral overhauling
Engineer C L Wiekwire is laying
off on the sick list
Fireman John T Davis Ms off duty
with an injured knee
A new smoke stack is on the
ground for the steam plant
Engineer E H Grigshy and hride
have returned from Sioux City
Engineer J E Sanhorn has heen
an Auburn Nebraska visitor this
Engineer Donald Snoke visited in
Denver part of the wek
Fireman R T Riley has been lay
ing off this week
Fireman D C Hanners was an Ox
ford visitor this week
Mrs H A Frey was aWindsor ho-
tel guest Lincoln close of last week
Little by little this shop is being
equipped with additional machinery
Agent D F Hostetter was a Lin
coln visitor on business end of last
General Supt of Motive Power
Roope was in McCook last Saturday
on business j
T J Cain has the second trick
wire chief nights and 5 J Lane is
the new traffic chief days
A new bolt lathe has been receiv
ed at the shop from Havelock where
it was recently overhauled
General -Foreman McArthur is well
pleased with the amount of work be
ing turned out of the various depart
ments here
Engineer Perkins is enjoying the
accommodations of the pest house
while suffering with an attack of
small pox
C W Fraher general line foreman
was in McCook Wednesday looking
over the local yard about some con
templated line changes
George E Bailey has been trans
ferred to Sierbng Colorado as night
wire chief He came down Tuesday
to take the family back with him
The company is maintaining a good
force at this point evidently with
the intention of keeping up the mo
tive power to the highest point of
efficiency for the summer and fall
It is announced that the railway
telegraphers are arranging to build
a sky scraper headquarters building
in St Louis to cost about a half
million dollars The site cost the
order 7500000
W L Bass C N Ferguson and
W T Lyon of the telegraph force
took a little joy jaunt to Holdrege
Saturday evening with Comrade
Tremble who was a passenger on
No 10 for Alliance
Joseph A Tremble has been trans
ferred to a promotion in the Alli
ance telegraph office He left for
there Saturday evening Mrs Trem
ble going to her old home in Ohio
before settling down in Alliance
Work on the new drop pit is being
prosecuted This pit will make it
practical to remove a set of drivers
or the front trucks from an engine
bodily and will be a vast improve
ment over the present drop pits
which will be disposed of
C W Britt has been appointed to
the position of store keeper at Mc
Cook Mr Hegeman being transferred
to Alliance Mr Hill going from Al
liance to Plattsmouth The Tribune
will voice the sentiment of many
friends in congratulating Mr Britt
A special running as second No
13 carrying delegates to the nation
al nurserymens convention at Den
ver went over the division Tuesday
Engineer Rodstrom pulled her with
one of the new S2 engines which he
describes as giving the finest per
formance he ever experienced on a
heavy passenger train
The Burlington has ordered fifty
new engines of the American Loco
motive Company These engines are
of what is styled the Mikado type
They are very much like the consol
idation engines used on the Wyom
ing division The company is pre
paring to move a heavy traffic this
fall The company now has ten new
combined freight and passenger en
gines stored at Havelock in antici
pation of a fall rush
German Aeronauts Plan to Fly
Over to America
Dr Gans Fabrice Expects to Make His
Voyage Across the Atlantic Ocean In
Five Days Hia Craft Is a Mixture
Between an Ordinary Balloon and a
Dirigible Vessel
The German aeronaut Dr Gans
Fabrice who will make the attempt
to sail across the Atlantic ocean m an
airship to the United States lias given
the following particulars of his scheme
I shall be accompanied by Ilerr
Bruckner the editor of a Frankfort
newspaper by a physician and by oni
chauffeur I intend to start about tin
middle of May My starting point will
either be Cadiz in Spain or Tenerife
Just this time of year was chosen be
cause there is an easterly wind which
blows from the European to the Amer
icjin continent continuously and wirii
a force of nearly thirty miles per hour
It was to this wind that Columbus
owed his success in discovering Amer
ica I desire to he an aerial Coluin
blus and starting from approximately
the same point to be tho lirst to reach
Amerk n thriiiih tin ail
To Fly Over 4000 Miles
My course will lie a cross the Atlaxi
tic ocean to Porto Rico passing Cuba
and then across the gulf to New Or
leans The distance of my course
would be just over 4000 miles I
estimate that I should cover this dis
tance in live days My airship is a
sort of mixture between an ordinary
balloon and a dirigible airship Tin
length of thp balloon part of it is 17ft
feet and the diameter of the balloou
whicl is cigar shaped is 50 feet My
motor is 40 horsepower
Owing to the favorable wind which
I shall utilize I only intend to use the
motor in case of necessity because it
is not possible to fake sufficient ben
zine to keep the motor going for five
days The cubic contents of the bal
loon 0200 centimeters of hydrogen
are quite sufficient to keep the airship
afloat for 14i hours That would be
six days or one day more than I re
quire for the passage
Novel Feature of His Craft
Perhaps the most interesting fea
ture of my airship is a cage forty feet
long and ten feet wide In case of
necessity this can be sailed on the
ocean is a inotorboat and if I run
short of benzine it can be sailed as a
sailing boat because I shall take n
portable mast with me
So far as human foresight can pro
vide my enterprise must succepd To
prevent every danger a number of
ships will be on the lookout for us be
tween European coasts and the West
Proposed to Perpetuate Authors Boy
hood Home at Hannibal Mo
Answering a telegram from W J
Hill of Hannibal Mo requesting his
indorsement of a plan to get Mark
Twains boyhood home in Hannibal
and make it a state memorial Gov
ernor Hadley recently said
1 heartily favor the plan suggested
The people of Missouri will honor
themselves by a proper memorial In
Mark Twain Missouri gave to the coun
try our most typical American writer
By this I mean Mark Twains writings
are more expressive of the life of the
American people west of the Alle
ghenies than those of any other Aim r
lean writer liudyurd Kipliuu onrt
said he would rattier lie able in
he had written Tmn Sawyer man all
the writings he had pmCu d
An Automobile Sures J
A monster petitiiHi will lie presenter
to congress in tin- iniun diatf tutur
urginn the creation nt t hun nii 111 ii
department of commcive anil lalmr lis
deal with nutoiunliilr which may 1
employed fir ir n n rn tatt
Hues It is desi a innvar
have authority t iimiuuliile
and provide suitable regulations and
proper means it idfiitiiii ntiou Then
is of course no probability of earl
action of U charactei by conuress
but in view of the general riisHisitior
to secure federal n dilation of every
thing formerly nperx j iil by the
states sneh action may be taken ul
tima ti ly
Swift French Dirlnibia Army Balloon
Jt was aunnuneu tin- utliti Uay at
Paris thai had been i tmiructed
under the direction f the wat depart
ment -- th trict secrecy a dirigi
ble halloo f tho i n type ca
pable of a speed of eighty kilometers
approximately fifty milesi an hour
and that the machine would be ready
to take part in the approaching sum
mer army maneuvers The new craft
has been named the Fregate It meas
ures 3200 cubic meters and has two
nacelles or ears within which are con
tained motors designed to develop 240
Museum For Fish Canning Machinery
The Norwegian town of Stavanger
purposes to have a permanent museum
for exhibiting all machinery used in
the fish canning and preserving indus
try from the lncipleacy of the business
until the present
P7 HOUSe DrCSSCS best quality percales ginghams etc 100 Up JfL
WniStS while Ligene finest sheer
materials beautifully lace and
embroidery trimmed elegantly finished
and correct styles
Prices from 1 UU DV
Tailored Vaists the pretty plain styles
in white
natural linens colors P I 00300
Sllk TlTf iJongees and new changeable -silks
with lace yokes and pleated skirts
models finest materials qualityP i 5UUi
Wash Dresses nade of French and
Anderson iringhams
lawns bastiste in white and colors ele
gantly finished and latest designs for
street and evening
wear 30 1400
Tlie TireSSeS at tnese Prces aie con
siderably cheaper than
you can make them
W Itf
Second Annua
June 18th
Parade from train to picnic grounds under Marshal Howell
900 Band
Song America picnicers lead by bands
Invocation Rev Bryant Howe
Address of welcome Cash D Fuller
Response Mr E S Roller 4
1000 Base ball game Mechanical Dept vs Transporta
tion Dept Prize box of cigars by W Sullivan
1200 Noon Dinner
1230 Band concert McCook band
115 Address J D Morrissey ex grand chief of B of R T
i55ljH E Culbertson
158 A G Smart
201 J F Forbes
204 E S Howell
207V F Pate
210 Physical Culture Exhibition
220 Flour contest Prizes what you get out of the
230 Shot put 1st prize gold medal 2nd silver medal
240 Womens baseball throwing contest 1st prize gold
medal 2nd prize silver medal
250 Band
300 Boys costume race 1st prize gold medal 2nd
prize silver medal
310 Wheel barrow race blindfolded 1st gold mdl2nd silver
320 Womens nail driving contest 1st prize gold medal
2nd prize silver medal
3 25a Tub race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize silver
335 Sack race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize silver
345 r Womens board sawing contest 1st prize gold med
al 2nd prize silver medal
350 Basket ball game McCook vs Bartley Box of can
dy to each one of the winning team
425 Swimming race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize
silver medal
435 Three legged race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize
silver medal
440 Obstacle race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize sil
ver medal
450 Pie eating contest Prizes 50c 40c 30c 20c 10c
455 Band
505 Boat race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize silver
510 Boys egg race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize
silver medal
520 Fat mens race Prize pair of shoes by Drebert
525 Girls Potato race 1st prize gold medal 2nd prize
silver medal
535 Tug of war A necktie for each on the winning team
and winning team draws for suit of clothes by
545 Band
Skiffs ight wool including the ser
ges brilliantines and panamas
in light colors grays tans etc hand
s mely finished wide variety of styles
but all this years
models 5001000
TnrSetS dd sizes perhaps yours
in best grade
lar ioo and 150 values t
uxilujulji hujb naaBijitia
Deurofi Co
Alain Street McCook Nebr
FOB SALE White Pekin duck egs
by the setting Phone red 292 MrsP
J Morricey
For Sale All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit farm Call or inquire W M
Morrisev Phone black 292
For Sale Alfalfa hay Int and 2nd
cuttings Phone ash 3832 J A
FOR SALE 5 room cottage at 211
6th st E Phone red 91 C H Mc
FOR SALE Lot 2 block 17 a
choice location See Mrs Imogene
Rowell 612 2nd street east
FOR SALE Some full blood Po
land China brood sows W H Fass
ler Culbertson Neb Phone cedar
FOR RENT The Armory hall for
dances For terms see L W Jen
nings 1 4
FOR RENT 2 rooms opposite Tem
pie theatre Also a 5 room cottage
with lawn and shade Mrs J I Lee
phone 43
mm wwvw
V F Pate was in Omaha Wednes J FOR RENT Furnished rooms
day arranging for passenger equip- with light and bath for gentlemen
ment for the employes picnic June Phone red o4i
18 Calhoon was acting chief during J
his absence I FOR RENT C ioom house at 810
The Conservation of Natures Re
applies as well to our physical state
as to material things C J Budlong
Washington R I realized his con
dition and took warning before it was
too late He says I suffered se
verely from kidney trouble the dis
ease being hereditary in our family
I have taken four bottles of Foleys
Kidney Remedy and now consider
myself thoroughly cured This shoul
be a warning to all not to neglect
taking Foleys Kidney Remedy until
it is too late A McMillen
Principal business houses have
Chautauqua season tickets for sale
By buying now you will save 50c per
ticket as the price will be raised
when the Chautauqua opens
D C Marsh is in Yuma Colorado
on stock business
2ivl street E J Henderson 0 1
FOR SALE KeiKl nee at 302 2al
street E 7 rcoms and bath Base
ment bricked up and floor cemented
Furuace heat Large barn buggy
shed and coal house Inquire at res
idence or phone
LOST Locket and chain initial
V on locket Finder rewarded
Phone red SOU
FOR SALE Residence of r rooms
Price and terms see owner
FOR SALE bay mare
Croke so lady can drive her Phone
red 302 M S limerson
NOTICE I am buying cream and
am in a position to make you money
M Walsh Phone 183
WANTED To buy young calves
Phone spruce 43S2 Hartman
Arthur Drew
Builder and Contractor
All kind of cement and brick
vork at re is onnhe irici
Figure with me before build
ing Wull wurk 1 specialty
216 W B St Phone Blk 2T 1
Draying of All Kinds
Prompt Service
Phone Black 271 McCook Neb
Come to the BM Market
For Fresh Groceries Salt and Fresh
Fish Choice Fruits Choice Hams and
Bacon Bring along your Poultry
and Eggs and get the highest
price in cash
Highest Cash Price for Cream