The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1910, Image 4

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Better Start
An early start and a defi
nite plan goes far toward
assuring success to tho
young man or woman
starting out in life No
need of being stingy
neither should you bo a
spender Tho sensible
and easy method of creat
ing a fund for your future
needs is to open an ac
count with this bank do
posit whatever you can
each week or month
Stick to it and in timo
your success will be as
sured Botter start now
you will never regret it
McCook Nebr
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Enterod at postollice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
What an lS carat damphool some
can become and still retain an iden
semblance to their Maker
The latest meanest man on earth
has been discovered by J Pontius
He is a doctor and is so mean that
he cant even play a social game of
cards without quarreling with his
x x
Party leaders may assume respon
sibility for loose party lines It does
not primarily rest with the rank and
filej who are usually over faithful and
for that reason imposed upon
The Western Trunk Line Associa
tion has wisely decided to withdraw
its proposed increases in freight
rates The temper of the American
people will hardly brook an increaCw
of freight rates at this time without
a satisfactory showing
The organization of the First Na
tional Bank of Imperial which bank
has just been authorized by the
comptroller of the currency adds a
political as well as a financial ele
ment to the affairs of Imperial aitd
Chase county
Jul 1 the salaries of a long list
of Nebraska postmasters will be in
creased McCook advancing from the
2200 to the 2300 class on that
date Culbertson office goes to
1200 Imperial to the same amount
as do also Stratton and Trenton
Clarence E Harmon of Holdrege
has filed his personal application to
have his name placed on the primary
ballot as a candidate for congress on
the Democratic ticket in the Fifth
district Petitions from Democrats
in Phelps Hall Franklin and Furnas
counties have also been filed for
him This would indicate that Sen
ator Ashton will not be a candidate
before the primary August 16
Mr and Mrs Frank Vahue visited
McCook friends last week
The Art Tint
just one of the beau
tiful mounts in brown
and gray tones new
spring styles which
we are showing and
our portraits have
a different quality
look that commands
a second glance You
cannot afford to pass
up the opportunity
Portrait Photographer
1st Door N Commer
cial Hotel Phone
No Red 428
A Word to Mr Pontius
McCook Neb June C 1910
Mr James Pontius
Editor Indianola Reporter
Dear Sir
Just would like to have a little
chat with you Would like to answer
some of your questions and ask a
few of my own First of all I want
to thank you sincerely for the free
nice to get so much of it fr e cf
thrt I t c3 disappointed Lcauoe I
ictee iore I was prepared for
wiius as much slush to be thrown
at me as you actually did throw
I further want to thank you for
the advertising you are giving the
article that appeared in the Bartley
Inter Ocean A lot of your read
ers would have never heard of it
but since you are circulating it a
number of them are anxious to find
out and ask to see the Inter Ocean
I also want to congratulate you for
the nice way in which you sidestep
most of the assertions made in that
article and practically admit that
your office did the printing for Harry
Wolf In that article no one charges
you with having any of the girls
that were working for you any lengtl
of time to use your own words set
the type for that stuff It simply
stated the fact that they were work
ing for you The charge which you
deny was made by a resident of
Deshler a member of your own pai
y on the streets of Indianola May
30th But it is immaterial who set
the type it makes no difference how
o v the fellow was that ordered the
cards or for what reason the peo
ple giving me the information hated
you the undisputed fact remains that
you printed the cards in your office
under your direction and anyone
doubting it can find out at the coun
position party a grafter and every
one in yours an angel Why dont
you do still more for the people and rado
tell them about the wrong doings and
errors of judgment of some of the
democratic officers Why dont you
make ten times as big a mess of
some of the MISTAKES that they
make For instance it would inter
est your readers very much to learn
that less than three weeks ago the
county attorney Sidney Dodge filed
the district court charing her
iti insanity This resulted In a
you have
As to myself you can dig away
and print anything imaginable and
call me all the nice names you can
think of You dont have to go far
to get my record Dont have to go
outside of this county To help you
get started I will tell you confiden
tially that I stole a democratic
county central committeeman from
North Valley precinct last fall the
day of the Bartley committee meet
ing and the statutory limitation has
not run out on it either Besides
that I would not hide myself behind
it if it had run out
And now Mr Pontius I am done
lic any more for a while at least
and I apologize to the public not to
you for the length of this letter
YOU can fuss and cuss you can bray
and kick and lie until your tongue
gets black it wont bother me I
was elected by the people of this
county not by you and I am re
sponsible to them for my record net
Advertised List
The following letters cards and
packages remain uncalled for at the
McCook postoffice June 3 1910
Ellis Mr George t2
Fitzgerald Herbert
Munger Mr Bay
Rye Mrs Anna
Anderson Mr Jeff
Bent Mr J A
Gibson Mr Iiobt
Mattes John K
Perkins Mary
Farber Miss Gusta
Martin Mr J L
Nye Mr Will
Thomas Mr Harry E
Burchett Mr Frank
Eaust Mr S K
Long Miss Alice
Newell Mrs Roy
Watson Mr Leslie
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
LON CONE Postmaster
Why not plan on being in McCook
for the big Chautauqua beginning
July 13
Get that season ticket now and
save 50c per ticket See Supt Chas
W Taylor secretary
Mrs T B Campbell went down to
Lincoln Sunday morning to be with
her daughter Mrs E J Kates who
is just out of a hospital after an op
eration and three weeks treatment
John Cordeal returned Sunday
from a 400 mile auto trip to eastern
Colorado the neighborhood south of
Wray He states that that country
was a revelation in productiveness
to him
The commencement exercises of
the Lincoln academy will be held to
night in the First Congregational
church Miss Clara Rankin of our
city will be one of the members of
the class
Misses Alma and Laura Walker
from Wisconsin cousins of Mrs
Frank Dudek arrived on Saturday
for a visit of a week or two They
will continue their journey to Denver
and on to the Pacific coast
M L Rishel is visiting in
Mr and Mrs A T Walker of Red
Cloud spent last week in McCook
F L Wolff has been attending to
some legal business in Lincoln this
O E Carmichael the Cambridge
jeweler and oculist was a visitor in
the city Friday
Mrs J S Stansberry has bn
advertising you have given me in a complaint against a farmers wifejittllg iu Wyoming sul Golora
your paper 1 am used to paring hard - Driftwood precinct with the clerk nas two or three wet j
cash for my advertising cud it is
j the
Captain B M Trcct s out from
Chicago looking e- U large inter-
chmrgo foni jou But I nu t x mit rearing before the insanity board ests in tljs cjtv r otvci0n
ty attorneys office at Hebron where
the duplicates of the cards and a
list of witnesses are kept and it
was the county attorney Baldwin
that frankly admitted to me that
political reasons kept him from
prosecuting you he being a member
of your party
You kindly ask why I am flutter
ing around Indianola so much Now
let me tell you Mr Pontius that I
have been fluttering around Indian
ola for 21 years coming and going
when 1 pleased it being my home
town up to a few years ago and I
intend to keep coming there for 21
years or more yet to come without
asking your permission or any of
your fellow howlers In fact I in
tend to come there long after you
are gone and forgotten
You state that I made a special
trip to Deshler That is a LIE I
stopped at Deshler on my way home
from Omaha where I was on busi
ness which is none of yours It
wasnt much out of the way and I
tell you I dont regret that I did stop
there Mighty fine and prosperous
country around Deshler and it is a
mystery to me why any one in busi
ness there should leave and come
out west to live among us grafting
savages I met some of the finest
people there- for instance Dr Her
ney a very fine old gentleman a
good democrat who is respected by
everybody Also Frank Lowe the
present editor of your old paper a
mighty nice fellow and Frank is not
a republican either It is not the
republicans that are jumping on your
back there the democrats are doing
it for them THEY call you an infi
del and an anarchist Now dont tell
your readers that I called you that
As to your taxes how do you know
that I was not in the treasurers of
fice It was your PERSONAL tax
es I was looking up not your real
estate and especially not your sis
ters I had nothing to do with her
You ask whether I am afraid of my
record also I make you the follow
ing offer
I will turn every record book and
paper of my office over to an inves
tigating committee to consist of three
to be either yourself or a man ap
pointed by you one to be selected
by myself and the third to be select
ed by the other two your paper to
publish free of charge the report of
that committee This offer holds
good from today on until the end of
my term and twenty five years af
ter that The only condition I make
is that you can not appoint on that
committee any of your McCook cor
respondents Now come on or shut
Now Pontius in all seriousness
you are doing a good thing the way
you are exposing the grafters and
wrong doers in this county The peo
ple of this county have been wait
ing for 35 years for you to come
along and tell them whats what
And I tell you and the people of this
county know it that there is no one
in this county more opposed to
graft regardless of individual or par
ty than I am and I helped dig up
more of it than you will ever uncov
er Where you make the mistake is
when you call every officer in the op-
Said board could not find a trace ot v B Mnis left on No c Thurs-
sanity in the woman and dismissed day njgnt on receipt cf a telegram
jr It turned out later that shesLtjng tlKlt his motiier is dying
was trying to have her husband ar
rested for assault and battery and
this was the justice she got from the
county attorney The fe and wit
ness bill in the case is 3350 and
the tax payers of this county will
have to pay it but of course you do
not care for that as you are not a
tax payer not even having the watch
you carry assessed in your name
Now dont say that I am attack
ing Dodge for I am not I am sim
ply stating cold facts from the rec
ords and I can show you a few more
of similar things right from the rec
ords if you are man enough to come
up here instead of getting your in
formation from hear say and at tho
street corners
And further WHY should the re
publican officers be the only ones
that should have their records pub
lished WHY should net the demo
crats have the same privilege WHY
should you object to having the truth
published about yourself DONT
YOU ADMIT that the people of In
dianola and this county have a right
to know who you are
And say you overlooked Ethertons
request to publish the article which
appeared in your Deshler paper June
IS 1909 Dont you think you ought
to publish it and supply the missing
words which were too foul to be
printed in his paper You published
them once WHY NOT AGAIN I
have in my possession a copy of
Mrs D Y Dorwart entertained a
sister-in-law Mrs R B Lamphere of
Lincoln closing days of last week
Lon Cone is attending grand lodge
of Nebraska Masonry in Omaha this
Aveek representing McCook lodge No
Mrs J A Toren departed Sunday
evening on No 10 for Chicago on a
visit of several weeks to her par
Mrs Gary Dole came down from
Denver close of last week on a vis
it to the folks on the Willow and in
this city
Mrs Stella Redfield formerly of
Stratton is seriously ill at her home
in McCook Stratton cor Trenton
Miss Lenor Fitzgerald has returned
to Kearney State Normal to do some
post graduate work during the sum
mer vacation
Dan Cashen returned Monday night
from a business visit in Omaha Lin
coln and other points in the eastern
part of the state
Miss Ada Converse of Hendley is
atteiiding the McCook Junior Normal
school and a guest of her brother
Ira E Converse j
Mrs Emerson Hanson and Martha
Suess departed last Thursday even-
ing on train 10 for Illinois on a
it of a month or so j
Mrs F M Kimmell returned from
Aurora Nebraska last Saturday night
your issue of June IS 1909 but Justjon No 5 bringins Master Bruce and
wouiu HKe to see now goou a memory
Baby Magee with her
Arthur Randel who has been at
Benkelman for some time is now lo
cated in Lincoln in the employ of
the Advance Thresher Co
Mrs Chauncey Dixon accompanied
Mr and Mrs R B Carlton on their
return to California last week to
visit her son Roy and wife i
Mrs J S McBrayer and daughter
Tnilfi rornvnpfl linmp pnrl nf last
year with such satisfaction as to re
Mr and Mrs R B Carlton arxd
son departed last Friday morning j
for their home in Sacramento Cali
fornia after a brief visit with j
atives here and in Missouri
Mrs W E Hart and Miss Wilhel
mine are home from Hastings the
latter having been graduated with
distinction from the Hastings high
school last week
Mr and Mrs C W Hamilton ar
rived from Rantoul Illinois last Fri
day on No 1 and will spend the
summer here guests cf Clint Hamil
ton on the farm near McCook
Frank Real and bride arrived in
the city close of last week and are
receiving the vocal congratulations
of many friends among whom The
Tribune desires to be numbered
Dan Cashen returned first of the
week from visiting in eastern Ne
braska He reports western Nebras
ka crop prospects now superior to
the promise in eastern Nebraska
Mis Augusta Anton left Tuesday
for Grand Island to attend the D of
H convention Returning she will
visit lodges in Minden Axtell and
Holdrege arriving here on the loth
Mabel will visit the Deabenderfers
in Holdrege meanwhile
Miss Margaret Murphy returned to
her home in Seward after a few
days visit with Mrs Clyde Ridnour
Sunday Miss Murphy has been em
ployed as head milliner in one of the
large stores at McCook this season
and is on her way to spend her vaca
tion Holdrege Citizen
Craig McDonald book keeper for
the Citizens National bank has re
signed and left today for Elberta
Utah where he goes onto an irri
gated farm to renew his physical
strength which has become some
what impaired by years of office
work Vaughn Clearman of Minden
succeeds him in the bank
Mr and Mrs Fowler S Wilcox and
son Harry departed Sunday on No
13 for their new home in Denver
They have been residents of McCook
for more than twenty five years and
carry with them the best wishes of
a large circle of the friends of the
olden times He still retains very
large interests in this vicinity landed
and stock
VJVy11 1 I yrirSfcW
a a
1 Th
All Woiresi Want
- TTTT re
f Patent
FIocr Tipped
is extended to
tg r7T jjjp
Phone Black 271
UZ371 n
McConnell fills prescriptions
The meeting of the W C T U
June 17 will be a social gathering
June 11 to IS the dates for The
Models big bargain shoe sale Get
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co is
paying the highest cash price for
baled alfalfa hay on track For
prices and particulars phone 3S1
C W DEWEY Manager
The C W Way Co Hastings Ne
braska will furnish you with plans
and specifications for any class of
buildings you wish to erect Ask
them for information
Ladles of
Every woman sechs the genuine
Kayscr They hnvc done no for 25
years Look out for yloves that
dont fit and dont wear which are
sold at the Kayser price Ours have
Kayscr in the hem
the Junior Norma
- iu r ixBarfrr rfcrnrtre tourer rare T
week from their sojourn at Excel- - t
sior Springs Mo for their health
m - rr -
Miss Audrey Jones returned close
of last week from Grand Island uuAtiAAfi ftiftftAAk4ttt t j
where she has been teaching the past
with you I shall not bore the pub- j ceive a re election
to call and inspect our large and com
plete stock of
Summer Dress Goods White Goods Waist
ings Embroideries Laces Hosiery Under
wear Corsets Ribbons Coats Suits Skirts
Waists Petticoats Huslin Underwear and
Trimmed flillinery anything you may need in Dry
Goods or Ladies Furnishings while in our city We will
furnish you at the very lowest prices Call and see us
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and LadiesFurnishings
222 Main Ave Phone 56 McCook
Color Combination
is one of the effective
points about our new
Like a discord in music
poor color combinations
are disturbing
We really feel that we have exceptionally well selected
Carpets and Rugs
Do not fail to drop in when in our vicinity and see our
fresh and elaborate stock of Superlative Carpets and Rugs
Linoleums 6 and 1 2 ft wide Imported China Mattings
Portieres aud Lace Curtains
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Leaders in Low Prices
You can get Avail paper at McMil
lens drug store
Lily Patent Flour when once used
none other will satisfy you
214 WestB St
For Sale
My residence on iith street E 8 room
bouse furnace heat two lots Thirty
shade and fruit trees Good barn and
hen house Fine cement walks In
quire of E II Doan at McCook Mills
or at residence Phone black AQo
For Sale
All or part of my alfalfa and fruit
farm Call or phone black 292 W M
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 23 tf
Money To Loan On Farms
See Eozell Sons at clothing store
Seed oats for sale by Updike Grain Co
Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 28G
Seed oats for sale by Upkike Grain Co
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Office Rooms 5 6 Temple bldg
Office phone 163 Ees black 124