IGSySjr Years tho Standard tne day last mid week DrPRICES CREAM II MARION F M McFadden and Sylvester Jury from Saturday until Tuesday Emmett Irwin of Danbury is help iig Grandpa Gockley with the car jenter work on E Galushas new louse Qur school closed Friday with a 5ne program in the forenoon and dinner at noon A large crowd was jresent The Lebanon ball team crossed 9ats with the home team here Fri fay and were defeated In the evening the Danbury basket ball team defeated the home team on our grounds Miss Huff left Friday evening for rler home at Peru Nebraska Milton Greer took a car ride down tie line Friday evening returning Saturday Bernard Miller was a McCook visit or Monday J II Wicks was in Cmalia on bus siess the first of the week Roy Rodabaugh and family from sear Cedar Bluffs visited his brother lfel and family Sunday Several from town attended the AKING POWDE Mado from drapes High est award Chicago Worlds Fair Jasper S Phillips Jasper S Phillips was born in Mar- The deceased was united in matri mony May 10 1877 to Miss Louisa Connelly of Manchester Ohio To I this union there was born seven chil There survive his wife Louisa A J Greer arrived home Saturday three children Mrs Hazel Deffer waiing from a ten days pleasure trip in the northwestern part of the Glen and Marjorie a brother Wil tt I ber and a sister Mrs Amanda Drake Mrs L D Gockley visited in Dan- o Muncie Indiana In the spring of 1879 Mr Phillips moved to lndianola Nebraska where he has resided permanently except ing one years residence in Missouri He was one of Indianolas pioneer business men alert and enterprising While in the beginning of his career in lndianola as a contractor and builder associated in partnership with his constant friend Robert H Thom as he constructed the first dwelling house in lndianola and the first court house and first bank building in Red Willow county Since then his avocations have been diverse dealing in hardware and furniture practicing law and editing the ln dianola Courier and the lndianola Re porter At the time of his death he was proprietor of the Peoples store in connection with which he conduct ed an undertaking business Mr Phillips was an earnest faith ful worker in the church and Sunday j school and will be missed by those who were associated with him in the work lndianola Reporter uoy exercises in uanDury June 7-8-9 the Dates I Hcnday Xot the least important part of a The oil man from McCook was in successful convention is the music awn Monday supplying the and the state Sunday school conven 1 thaiits with oil I tj0n at Beatrice June- 7-8-9 is to be Hazel Furman eldest daughter of particularly fortunate in this respect die editor arrived here from Fort Prof L D Eichorn of Denver ffonins Colorado via McCook Mon orado will have charge of the fay handling hogs Saturday evening Mr Simes and family visited at George Lewis west of town Sunday A Prosperous Dry City Hoopeston Illinois is a city of -tame G000 people the most import vit corn canning city of the world has never had a saloon It is one it the most prosperous and wealth tiwns in the country according to ts population It has brick paved streets fite church buildings a city iialL that oulJ do credit to a city of itfuuO city wjvt r wcrks and lights ami a mayor who receives a salary jf fifty cents per year and aldermen Tho receive twenty five cents annu ally The Sunday Chicago Tribune de motes a full page to a description of diis little city which employs some 2500 men in the canning and Sives work to 1000 corn pickers in 5ie fall of each year There has never been a charge of graft or lishonesty in the management of its livic affairs ilst This One Cleanser Take the Place of Several It is needless to use several differ ent cleaning compounds when the same and even better results can Be more quickly obtained from one perfect cleanser Old Dutch Cleanser is a sure safe and easy aid to the irome maker It makes pots pans Settles and cutlery look like new without a lot of scraping and scour ing it cleans wood tile and cement floors painted walls woodwork til mg windows and bathroom furniture arithout hard rubbing it polishes ev erything that needs it quickly and easily Youll know how well it does 33 of this with but one trial sic end will be ably assisted by a lfel Rodabaugh is under the doctors iarge chorus choir from all the are from getting overheated while churches of the city The local com- lmttee already has this matter in preparation and rehearsals arranged Prof Eichorn has for several years been tLe leader of the music at the Epworth assembly in Lincoln and will need little recommendation to a Nebraska audience his presence as sures everyone that the convention music will be all that can be de sired 1500 special books have been provided for the convention selected by Prof Eichorn The convention music will be one of the great fea tures ot the program Scared into Sound Health Mr l F Kelley Springfield 111 writes A year ago I bean to be troubled Kith my kidneys and blad der which grew worse and worse un til I became alarmed at my condition I suffered also with dull heavy head aches and the action of my bladder was annoying and painful I read of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the headaches left me the action of bladder became normal and I Avas free of all dis tress A McMillen RED WILL OW Owens Longhecker was laid away in the lndianola cemetery on Satur day morning Funeral sermon by L B Cox Mrs Roush and little John Longnecker came down to the fu neral Mr and Mrs John Burtless Annie and Mrs L J Burtless attended the funeral of Owens Longnecker and called to see Mrs Longnecker Mrs Cox and Mrs Thomas called on Mrs Longnecker on Friday Easier It Is just about a thousand times easier to call a man a liar than to prove it New York Times mm l v B v J J - J l - wi Big Rally for Temperance Dublin May 28 Special Dispatch The clergy were assisted by Revs J Stuart LL D and J McGrana ham M A who read the lessons and the sermon was preached by the lord bishop of Derry and Raphoe It was an impressive sight a visible union of the churches for the time being the men being led by some of erale the local ministers while others fol lowed in their ranks Presby What a Summer Cold May Do ey cough soothes and heals the inflam ed air passages and expels the cold from the system A McMillen Wabbly and Weak Versus Solid and Strong Water cant rise above its level Nor can a community rise above the level of its citizenship If the citizens are lukewarm limp and lazy the town will be wishy washy wabbly and weak If the citizens have VERTEBRA VIM AND VIGOR the town will be substantial solid and strong Lets all brace up and make this town of ours a place of energy ambi tion and enterprise EidBBKillvSRBHBffRK 12 BOYS AND GIRLS If you have a Season Ticket you may Join the Indian Band at CHAUTAUQUA - iff r x7gl sarfj The wwiahiu Sorrow That Consumed ing one winter M - HOW IT HAPPENED Tho Explanation of tho Automobile Driver and a Climax Af tei hx victim of the accident was carried to the sidewalk the automobile driver turned his machine aud came oacl and explained how It happened with considerable warmth This woman he volubly remarked to the policeman was entirely to blame She ran around from ahead of the street car and deliberately put her self In my way After she had dodged the coal cart it was too late for me to stop I couldnt tell which way she was going and when 1 saw that she was dazed and foolish 1 jammed on the brakes and tried to pass to the left but of course she had to run the same way and the consequence was that in endeavoring to avoid a baby carriage with twins in it and an old man who was walking with a crutch I suppose I must have hit her But I wasnt going iihhv than two miles an hour and any woman who would dodge around in that foolish way and lose her head shouldnt be permitted to go on the streets without a bunch of guardians The policeman nodded Come over to the sidewalk he said and take a look at her So thy driver went to the curb with T - x i - the oflicer and looked at the ion muiana id to me nee a most remurKuuie visitors fhp line county ueuruary nn nnp is were Mbitors up cue une one uate creature who had so actively con- last week 1 1854 and departed tins life at his temperance demonstration was held ay trlbuted to her own disaster A Barnett of McCook was in home in lndianola May 19 1910 aged m Derry when about l4Uu men or Sawn a few days last week looking 5G years 3 months and C days business interests I neral services were conducted at the Powell Nilsson have rodded w home Rev- Allen D- Burress of the H McKinneys house and barn atMetnodist church officiating assisted Tairview uy Rev- Leslie B Cox of the Chris- Myrtle Byer of Danbury visited at tian church The body was laid to 7e Gockley home closing days ofrest m tue lndianola cemetery fhst week Herbert Wintjen and wife from toutli of Danbury visited at A Reeds And lo it was only a dressmakers the Catch-My-Pal society marched dummy that had fallen off the rear of through the city to the cathedral a delivery wagon Cleveland Plain where a united service was held Dealer HIS ONLY REGRET Bichat When He Was Dying Over a century ago died Xavier Bi chat the famous physician and anat omist author of LAnntoinie Gen- He probably dissected more Of his nerve a tale Is told When only one regret one great sorrow What is that he was asked I am distressed that after death I can not dissect my own body I could I am certain have made some beautiful scientific discoveries Then he sank back murmuring 1 must not think about it It wont bear thinking of Westminster Gazette The Pearl Hunters Superstition MEMORY Ul FISH Striking Results Shown In a Test With Gray Perch Even the fishes of the sea have pic tures on memorys wall Experiments have been made with several fishes as to their faculties for remembering but the most striking results have been obtained with the gray perch which lives chiefly on small silvery hued sardines Some of these were taken aud colored red and were then put Into the tank where the perch was with several silver colored sardines Of course the normal sardines were at once seized and eaten but it was not until hungry that the perch made a tentative meal of one of the red col ored victims On recognizing the sardine flavor however he promptly demolished the remainder Later the perch devoured the sardines irrespective of color thus showing not only traces of a memory but also the power to differentiate color Subsequently sardines colored red und blue were placed in the tank to gether with the silver ones The same scene was repeated the blue sardines not being attacked until the others were eaten and hunger compelled In vestigation of the newcomers After this introduction the perch ate the sar dines of all three types without any difficulty Some spines of the sea nettle were then fastened to the blue sardines These were at once avoided by the perch which promptly got out of the way of the newcomers This showed traces of memory as the results of contact with the sea nettle were shown and recognized Chicago Tribune THE WARM BREATH Why It Comes Out Cold Through Part ly Closed Lips When one breathes out used air from human corpses than any other man in the tu u tae wId yterian the worlds history He established a inmlMl rll IlPOirIl na tIl tnm record when he opened 025 bodies Methodist Baptist and Congregation- 1enture as tlle bodyf 0S J degreea R al all were there and frequently on a cold day we warm niir finirnrs liv lirivirliiiiir nn tliom tf he lay on his deathbed he called his bowever we blow tll0 breath vlgor colleagues to him aud said Dear I e fMm rw A summer cold if neglected is just friends I am done but what comforts of tue breath to be mucQ ow to into bronchitis me is the fact that is as apt develop or my case a re- cr tuau wbcn brMtlled gently aml wIth pneumonia as at any other season markable one I have had unusual j open moutu and is decilelly cooling Do not neglect it Take Foleys Hon- symptoms for some days which 1 have in u ffect rit s Gonlon ocden and Tar promptly It loosens the lurei u greatly in PopuIar Mechanics 1 - - aiie latter fact Is due to the well reassure him He answered that he kuown prncpIe established bv Lord was under no illusion with regard to Kelvin tbat a compressed gas upon himself 1 shall die satisfied fairly - expanding wlll absorb ueaL TUp with life and to the with my go grave hrolt nnmnrnssori iv iin fri tn pass through the small orifice made by the puckered lips immediately ex pands upon being admitted to the out er air and to do so must take up heat This Is also the identical principle involved in the manufacture of arti ficial ice Ammonia gas is first com pressed into a liquid and then liber ated into a network of tubes surround ing large sheet iron boxes filled with distilled water The liquid ammonia The pearl hunters of Borneo and tho sct free at one end of the pipe svstem adjacent islands have a peculiar 1 begins at once to evaporate and by perstition When they open shells in the time it has scampered through the search of pearls they take every ninth find whether it be Iarge or small and put it iuto a bottle which is kept corked with a dead mans finger The pearls in the vial are known as seed pearls or breeding pearls and the native Borneose firmly believes that they will reproduce their kind For every pearl put into the vial two grains of rice are thrown in for the pearls to feed upon Some whites in Borneo believe as firmly in the su perstition as the natives do and al most every hut along the coast has its dead finger bottle with from nine to fifty seed pearls and twice that number of rice grains carefully and evenly stowed away among them That no results follow does not dim the superstition The Wonderful Toad Bone All early writers attribute wonderful qualities to toads and frogs and the various parts of their bodies Pliny believed for instance that if a toad was brought into the midst of a mob or other large and unruly concourse of people silence would instantly pre vail A snrall bone found in the right side of toads of the proper age was also believed to have powers over the i various elements By throwing this bone into a vessel of boiling water says Pliny it will immediately cool it the water refusing to boil again un til the bone has been removed To find this bone expose the dead toad on an ant hill When the ants have eaten her all away except the bones take each bone separately and drop it into boiling water Thus may the wondrous toad bone be discovered An Ancient Astronomer About 500 B C Anaxagoras of Io nia was born When he grew up in wisdom he was the first to teach the course and cause of both solar and lunar eclipses and to give his followers rules whereby they could distinguish planets from fixed stars He was punished for declaring that the sun was not a god Another Way Student I want some information about the bronzes I suppose I had better write to the keeper Attend antres miss or you might see him verbally Loudon Punch The Degrees What are the degrees of a stingy mans married life I suppose they are matrimony par simony testimony and alimony Baltimore American A crowd is not company and faces are but a gallery of pictures and talk but a tinkling cymbal where there Is I no love Bacon long iron tubes it has become gas As we have learned to change a liquid to a gas requires heat This heat is taken from the iron piping an excel lent conductor which in turn robs the water of its heat thus freezing it The Mexican Mosquero The finest fiy traps are not in it with a little Mexican spider named mosquero Natives gather from oak trees a branch covered with this spi ders nests and hang it up in the house The spiders begin on the fiies by whole sale Mosquero nests are very tidy pretty and old maidish A lot of tiny beetles make their home therein with the spiders The beetles live on fly legs the crumbs and scraps from the mosqueros table and pay for their bed and board by keeping the web house perfectly clean and refined eating everything and dropping no litter In the Mexican professional gentlemans house Mrs Mosquero is a very quiet orderly lady who never wanders from her own fireside or strays from her own back yard but when a fly calls round she gets very busy with her spider knives and saws New York Press Lovers of Sports The Anglo Saxons love sport No matter in what part of the world they are found the spirit is strong among them Wherever the restless Anglo Saxon dominates the love of sport is dominant The Americans are at feast the most of them descendants of this virile race and nowhere is the love of sport so much exhibited as in this country Our people are patrons of horse racing of baseball of golf of football of all out of door sports as no other people The English are great sportsmen but not to the extent that Americans are for the reason that the opportunities are greater here Nash ville American Bad Advice Friend Whats worrying you Man agerThe prima donna of my compa ny refuses to sing oftener than twice a week I am making only hundreds where I ought to be making thousands Friend Id settle that If I were yon Id marry her A year passes Friend My gracious you look seedy Whats happened Manager I took your ad vice and married the prima donna and now she wont sing at all Reciprocity There Is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for ones life That word is reciprocity What you do not wish doue to yourself do not do to others Friendship One soul In two bodies Pythagoras Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made In tho county clerks office Solomon W Stilgebouer to Virginia F Thiessen w d to pt se qr sw qr 22-1-28 50 00 William II Ferguson et ux to John E Kelley w d to 0 7 and s hf se qr 31-3-29 ne qr G-2-29 and pt 3 In 1 00 John E Kelley et ux to Wil liam H Ferguson w d to se qr and s hf nw qr 5-2-29 1 00 Win A Dolan et ux to Jo seph F Carmichaol w d to e hf 12S0O 00 Ann E Ruby et cons to Geo W Perkins w d to lot 4 block 2 Sixth McCook 335 00 Clarence F Dann et ux to Wilber Fisk et ux w d to lot 5 block 3 Seventh Mc Cook 1800 00 Linus E Southwick to S II Stilgebouer agree to se qr 34-1-29 3S00 00 Katherine I Morisey et cons to Edgar E Crabtree w d to pt nw qr nw qr and lot 1 33-3-29 1 00 S W Thompson et al to Wal ter L Rhea w d to s hf neqr and w hf se qr 22-2-29 3000 00 Walter L Rhea et ux to Nels H Kronquest w d to s hf ne qr and w hf se qr 22-2-29 3000 00 I M Smith to C R Parks agree to e hf 27-2-30 8000 00 William M Nicholson et ux to Edgar T Armstrong w d to ne qr 7000 00 Reuben J Branscom to Jas J Laughlin w d to lot 12 block 14 First McCook 700 00 John W Burtless et ox to Sarah E Wasson w d to lots 11 12 and s hf 10 block 8 McCook 2300 00 Dewitt C Marsh et ux to Edwin Hardy w d to pt se qr ne qr 2500 00 Foleys Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable re sults It does away with bed wet ting and is also recommended for use after measles and scarlet fever A McMillen All Through Trains to be Electric Lighted In the history of American railroad ing no such extensive and costly im provement of coach lighting has ever been attempted up to this time as that which will be made effective by the Burlington route the first of June On that date all of its through trains will be electric lighted from locomotive headlight to observation platform The most efficient electric lighting system yet devised has been adopted namely the dynamo system With this system there is installed in the baggage car of each train a high power dynamo which supplies the current for the entire train Or dinarily when the dynamo car is de tached there is a distinct dimming of the lights but under the dynamo sys tem not only is enough current gen erated to light the train when it is in motion or standing still but enough surplus current is stored in each individual car to brilliantly light it for several hours without any di rect current from the dynamo This in itself is a big improvement over other systems of car lighting To inaugurate this service it has been necessary to entirely re equip electrically seventy two complete trains for the Burlingtons through trains not only reach all the cities of the middle west but also the Pa cific coast In addition practically the entire passenger equipment of the railroad including locomotives bag gage cars mail cars coaches chair cars dining cars sleeping cars and observation cars has had to be en tirely re equipped for electric light ing and at very large expense Another very important feature and one not found on any other rail road is the exclusive train electri cian which each one of these elec trically lighted tli rough trains carries The train electrician is an electri cal expert who travels with the train from start to destination and whose duty it is to see that the electric lighting system is kent in nerffpr working operation all the time It is also his duty to look after the proper ventilation of the train and to see that it is properly heated that it does not become too cold by night or two warm by day The Burlington is also the only railroad in the country which has a completely electric lighted suburban passenger train service af any size all of its suburban trains of which there are sixty odd being dynamo electric lighted With this great improvement the Burlington route which already is unexcelled in its equipment dining car service regularity with which its trains run on time and complete block signal equipment will have pas senger service as nearly perfect in all details as it is possible to make It 1 y SJ