The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 02, 1910, Image 5

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9lV ns
Time Card
McCook Neb
Wo H Control Timo
iir p ji
715 p m
500 a M
550 A M
705 a M
9J2 P M
5SX1 P M
MAIN ltnewkht depakt
No 1 MonntainTimo 1220 p M
3 1142 pm
13 J05 a M
15 12i a m
n I5 a m
7 0S0 A M
Jo 176 arrives Mountain Time 345 P M
No 175lotartH 045 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining ciialr cars
sou In free on through trains Tickets sold
and hugKHie checked to any point in tho Unitod
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General
Passenger Apnnt Omaha Nebraska
Two additional side tracks will be
laid at Wray
W T Lyons is on a vacation for
a few days
Mrs A H Bagley returned home
Monday on No 13
Frank Amann went to work in the
backshop Tuesday noon
Supt of Telegraph H A Vaughn
of Lincoln was here Monday
Guy Tomlinson is the new train
masters clerk beginning today
A little slump in the freight bus
iness has taken Bentleys and Fisks
car out of service
Conductor George Brooks had W
S Perrys bridge special over the
division Monday and Tuesday
Henry Best succeeds to the position-
of car distributer vice O E
Pearson transferred to Chicago
Conductor George Martin laid off
and went down to Hastings Monday
evening C B Sentance took his car
Mr and Mrs T J Cain have re
turned home after a weeks visit
with Mr Cains parents in Denver
McCook Sunday morning and is vis i
iting at the F S Sovern home
Wilsonville Review
Dave Knowles has been appoint
ed extra wire chief with headquarters
at Chicago His territory will be
east of the river
Wire Chief Dave Knowles of Sterl
ing Colo was in McCook Sunday on
his way to Culbertson for a brief
visit with his parents
Mr and Mrs Wilbur Fisk of our
city attended the wedding of A C
Fisk and Miss Maud Crenshaw in
Wray Colorado May 24
O E Pearson expects to leave
Sunday for Chicago to enter upon
the duties of his new position in the
office of Mr Barnes superintendent
of transportation He has the best
wishes of a host of friends here
Tom Wilburn left Thursday even
ing for Alliance Neb where he has
a position as foreman over a large
steel laying crew which will lay new
steel rails on the Burlington lines
in western Nebraska Colorado and
Wyoming The family will remain
here and run the farm Delphic
Conductor W T Wilcott had a
lively experience with a bum at Ak
ron Sunday morning The bum
was caught stealing goods from a
merchandise car and Wilcott and
crew attempted to take him in charge
He put up a brisk fight with a pros
pect of getting away In the gun
play that ensued the bum likely owes
his well being to the fact that his
the revolver
thumb was caught between
volver hammer and the cartridge
head The bum however got away
with no more injury than a torn
At Haigler last Friday passenger
train No 9 had an accident of a
stirring sort but which fortunately
resulted in small damage and no in
jury Engineer Viersen with engine
284S was approaching that station at
the rate of about fifty miles an hour
when he was horrified to see a sec
tion hand turn the switch for the
house track He put on the emer
gency brakes and as the engine
struck the cars on the side track
threw the engine over that is in
the reverse motion While the speed
of the train had been greatly re
duced the engine went through the
first car of cinders on the side
track like a knife reducing to kind
ling wood the hand car just beyond
and then struck a box car which
mounted up onto the engines front
end and boiler stripping away much
of the furnishings but fortunately
not harming any vital part of the lo
comotive The engine was backed
out from under the wreckage and
after a delay of 31 minutes proceed
ed on her way with the train ar
riving in Akron but 14 minutes late
The weicht of the heavy engine
made the shock to the train so
slight that the passengers scarcely
realized the train had struck any
thing Fireman Hill was but very
slightly hurt in jumping Engineer
Viersen remained for the entire per
formance Burlington luck Yes
and some pluck
Weiss Eoery Company
June 7-8-9 the Dates
Not the least important part of a
successful convention is the music
and the state Sunday school conven
tion at Beatrice June 7-8-9 is to be
particularly fortunate in this respect
Prof L D Eichorn of Denver Col
orado will have charge of the mu
sic end will be ably assisted by a
large chorus choir from all the
churches of the city The local com
mittee already has this -matter in
prvparaton and rehearsals arranged
Prof Eichorn has for several years
been the leader of the music at the
Ep worth assembly in Lincoln and
will need little recommendation to a
Nebraska audience his presence as
sures everyone that the convention
music will be all that can be de
sired loOO special books have been
provided for the convention selected
by Prof Eichorn The convention
music will be one of the great
tures ot the
Mrs E W Soverns came over from program
A Double Wedding
On Wednesday June 1 at high
noon at the home of James L Camp
bell of the Osburn precinct Mr
Charles A Campbell and Miss Anna
May Peterson and Mr Raymond Pe
terson and Miss Nellie Campbell
were joined in the holy bonds of mat
rimony by Rev Will J Miller of
Danbury according to the M E rit
ual The brides were both very be
comingly dressed in cream French
satin and carried shower bouquets of
After the ceremony the guests to
the- number- of about - one- hundred
sat down to a sumptuous repast
which made the table groan with its
feast of good things and it is ru
mored that some of the guests groan
ed too after dinner
The newly married couples were
the recipients of many useful pres
ents and an abundance of good
wishes from their many friends
Special D of H Meeting
Grand Chief of Honor Mrs Mamie
Cleaver will be in McCook on next
Monday and on the evening of that
day there Will be a special meeting
of the lodge the Workmen giving the
use of their hall for that evening
Live Wire Carson
Rev Carson of Hastings gave a
meaty and convincing county option
address in the Methodist church
last evening He is all the sobriquet
implies a real live wire and carries
a high voltage The Ray Jordan or
chestra provided the music
Mrs H P Waite and Miss Eva Bar
ber will leave tomorrow for Crete to
attend a musical recital by Mi s Edith
Waite Miss Barber goes to her home
York afterwards to remain her many
friends will r gret t know
The members of the Red Willow
County Medical Association held a con
ference in the city last evtning and
completed tentative arrangements for
their entertainment June 30th of the
Republican Valley Medical association
The local medics will do the matter jus
tice in fine form Besides the business
sessions there will be a banquet
toasts perhaps a theatre party etc
I Celebrated Novelist and Civic
2 Reformer
The New Holdrege Depot
The recent meeting of the Hol
drege commercial club anent their
proposed new depot was a gladsome
event for that city The Holdrege
Progress refers in following lan
guage of the participation of our
townsman in that event
Superintendent E S Koller of the
McCook division of the Burlington
system was also present and was
one of the guests of honor his re
marks concerning the commencement
of work on the project being list
ened to with much attention by the
club members
Mr Koller took advantage of the
opportunity to explain the plans for
the new depot The blue prints had
been framed and were inspected by
every club man present The plans
show a structure 152x36 feet in size
to be constructed of white brick and
covered with a tile roof Wide al
coves extended over the platforms
before and in the rear of the build
ins The main waiting room will
have a floor area of 2326 square feet
There is a mens smoking room a la
dies retiring room large baggage
and express rooms The main en
trance is to the south facing the
main line There is also an
entrance on the north where the
branch trains will arrive and depart
Mr Koller stated that the old struc
ture would be moved in about two
weeks and the work proceed rapidly
from that time
Brass Collars Large and Small
The Burlington yards at this place
were crowded with the private cars
of railroad officials Tuesday night
Mr H J Horn who has been ap
pointed as assistant general manager
to G W Holdrege is being shown
over the western division and famil
iarizing himself with the territory
The officials who met here Tuesday
were Vice President H E By ram
General Manager G W Holdrege
General Superintendent Throupe
General Superintendent of Motive
Power Roope Division Superintend
ents E S Koller L B Lyman C
D Peckenpaugh and E E Young
and Assistant General Manager Horn
The special train left yesterday morn
ing Holdrege Progress
Engineer J W Hasty is off on a short
Some flue work and paint was given
the 2S0 this week
Drap pit repairs of usual sort are be
ing placed on 1762
Switch engine 1G37 will go out to the
backshop this week
Fireman L W Campbell is visiting
in St Louis this week
Engineer George Campbell lost out on
special stunts this trip
Fireman E H Grigsby went to Sioux points
uny mis weeiv to oe marneu
Engines 1046 17Go and 1939 are re
ceivigg driving brass work this week
Firemen L J Leonard R T Riley
R E Love L Peterson and J F Downs
are laying off
The boiler department is getting out
lots of work now among the engines in
their hands is the 122
Mr and Mrs W B Mills arrived
home on No 1 Wednesday from Grand
Rapids Mich Mr Mills reports his
mother still very ill
Engineer and Mrs Walter Stokes and
Engineer and Mrs Fred Bosworth are
off on their trip west Salt Lake City
Los Angeles Portland Billings etc
Railroad Employes Picnic
Arrangements for the picnic at
Wauneta June 18 are rapidly being
completed and next week we hope
to present the full program of the
Ex Chief Morrisey of the B of L
E will deliver the address
Bands from McCook Wauneta Pal
isade Stratton and elsewhere will be
there Local band is now in practice
Present demand is for about twen
ty cars
Remember you are all invited
A committee went up to Wauneta
this mcrning to complete and make
final arrangements The local chair
men will meet here tomorrow night
Book for entries in contests will
be found at Dreberts clothing store
Under the Big Tent
The Girl and the Ranger com
pany will appear at McCcck one night
only Tuesday June 7 under a mam
moth canvas theatre equipped with
elevated stage and scenery The
Girl and the Ranger is a western
drama in four acts thrilling roman
tic and full of clean comedy Strong
in dramatic situations and climaxes
A beautiful love stcry that pleases
everybody presented by a capable
company assisted by the Ranger Con
cert Orchestra and Cowboy Band
which will give a free street concert
on the day of the show Doors open
at 730 performance at 830 Pop
ular prices
Organizing for County Option
Delegates from all over Red Wil
week and commenced the work of
tion campaign The feel encouraged
to believe that Red Willow county
can be safely landed in the column
of no license counties
Mrs S B Rankin left today for
Sutton and from there will go to
Lincoln to witness the graduation of
Miss Clara fram the Lincoln academy
on June 9
Marriage Licenses
Daniel N Strayer 65 of Stratton
and Mrs Hester A Smith 60 of
Sedalia Mo Married by county judge
Ma y 25
George R Seitz 26 and May Mil
ler 20 both of Denver Colo Mar
ried by county judge May 26
Floyd A Miller 27 and Mabel L
Wales 26 both of Palisade Mar
ried by county judge June 1
Burris H Stewart 28 and Dora
L Oyster 20 both of McCook
D of H in Trenton
A Degree of Honor meeting was
held in Trenton Wednesday There
were delegates present from McCook
Indianola and other neighboring
Bridge Contract Let
Commissioners of Red Willow and
Hitchcock counties met in McCook
Wednesday and accepted the bid for
the county line bridge made by the
Standard Bridge Co at 174500
Looking for a Home
A fine six-month-old boy baby
awaits a home in this city Phone or
see Joe Stansberry at the lumber
yard if you are interested
Fireman and Mrs B Peebles are
in Hastings on a visit this week
Frank Moore and J W Dutcher
were up from Indianola Wednesday
More Like the Other Place
Mrs A The lecturer described
heaven as consisting of seven entirely
distinct heavens one above t ther
Mrs B Dear me I shouldnt fancy
that kind Its too suggestive of the
modern flaL
FOrTsALE OntTset double driving
harness and ono set double work harn
ess Both in good condition Phone
black 292 W M Morrisey
FOR SALE White Pekin duck egs
by the setting Phone red 292 MrsP
J Morripey
For Sale All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit farm Call or inquire W M
Morrisev Phono black 292
For Sale Alfalfa hay 1st and 2nd
cuttings Phoue ash 3832 J A
For Sale A dming horse Appl
t J F Cordeal for price and particulars
FOR SALE 5 room cottage at 211
6th st E Phone red 91 C H Mc
FOR SALE Lot 2 block 17 a
choice location See Mrs Imogene
Rowell 612 2nd street east
FOR SALE Some full blood Po-
I land China brood sows W H
ler Culbertson Neb Phone cedar
FOR RENT The Armory hall for
dances For terms see L W Jen
nings 1 4
FOR RENT Furnished rooms
with light and bath for gentlemen j
Phone red 345
Three dwelling houses in East Mc-
Cook for sale at reasonable prices
on easy terms Frank Coleman cor
ner B and 10th street east
FOR SALE Two 20 acre tracts
three 40 acre tracts and one 240 1
acre tract of fine alfalfa and sugar
beet land all under irrigation The
last named is an ideal stock farm i
See me at once H L Kennedy
FOR RENT Cottage of eight
rooms at 810 West 1st street mod
ern Enquire of Mrs H M Tyler
Orleans Nebr
WANTED To buy young calves
Phone spruce 4382 Hartman 6-2-6
F jffl I H HK FOfadflfTB UMTS HfWVFfa Sz gWxWlMWm
v- 3
IlOUSC DrCSSCS best quality percales ginghams etcl 00 Up
White Lingerie finest sheer i Wvh ftlTSQPQ made of French and
materials beautifully lace and
embroidery trimmed elegantly finished
and correct styles
Prices from 1 V 5UU
Tlilflrl Waists- thePretty Plam styles
natural linens colors P 1 UU0UU
Silk Dresses
with lace yokes and pleated skirts
this seasons most effective
models finest materials qualityP 1 5UU5lUU
Anderson riiihains
lawns bastiste in white and colors ele
gantly finished and latest designs for
street and evening
Tll DrCSSCS at tnese Prices are con
siderably cheaper than
you can make them
Pongees and new changeable silks
Skiffs ight wool including the ser
ges brilliantines and panamas
in light colors grays tans etc hand
somely finished wide variety of styles
but all this years
models 5001000
Rememher ls suminers styles can
for light wool skirts and
these are what you want
L DeGroff Co
Main Street McCook Nebr
NOTICE I am buying crvain and
am in a position to make you money
M Walsh Phone 1S3
FOUND A fur robe Owner can
have same by proving property and
paying for this notice Diamonds
113 cor F and 3rd st W
FOR TRADE I have a like clean
stock of shoes worth 200J0 at
wholesale price which I will trade
for western land free of incumbrance
J P A Black Hastings Neb 6-2-4
Farmers Attention
I will pay you cash for all
of your sweet or sour cream
at Weidenhamers Candy
Store basement Temple
Theatre building
Mgr McCook Branch Fairmont
Creamery Co
Arthur Drew
Builder and Contractor
Ah kind of cement and brick
work at reasonable prices
Figure with me before build
in t Wall work t fcjxjcialty
216 W B St Phone Blk 27 1
Draying of All Kinds
Prompt Service
Phone Black 271
For Fresh Groceries Salt and Fresh
Fish Choice Fruits Choice Hams and
Bacon Bring along your Poultry
and Eggs and get the highest
price in cash
McCook Neb
Come to toe BM Market
Highest Cash Price for Cream