The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 02, 1910, Image 2

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    Zf2 - - iv
OM Dutch
ItvTKe FanaMcheiv
is be greatest help and convenience
it Gleans Scrubs
Scours Polishes
Pots hides pans boilers
0 sinks and flat irons milk
pails and separators wood
floors etc easier quicker
and better
Some cleaners are harmful
A void caustic and acid Use
this One handy all round
cleanser for sIS your cleaning
a time and labor saver
throughout the house
Wood Linoleum or Stone
Wet sprinkle with Old
Dutch Cleanser and rub
with mop or scrubbing
brush then mop with
clean water
This will give you quick
unusual and most satis
factory results
District Court Proceedings
E C Clark vs C B Q Ry
Company damage Continued
Hiram C Rider vs William Huber
and R D Geddings suit on note
John Morris vs McCook Water
Works Company injunction Demur
rer sustained as to J E Kelley
overruled as to McCook Water Works
Company Plaintiff excepts 30 days
to answer
Lettie A Brown vs John H Gran
nis appeal Death of plaintiff sug
gests continued
Kettle Rivers Quarries Company
vs R X Liberty and A S Ennis
suit on contract Default of R N
Geo W Wyrick vs John J Strunk
et al equity Dismissed at cost of
plai itifr
Harry Morris Bailey by Weaver
Bailey his next friend and natural
guardian vs C B Q Railway Co
damage Jury waived trial to court
plaintiff given judgment for 225
Wm Jetferies vs Hubert Beach
damage Continued
Steele Weedles Co vs David Dia
mond and Mrs David Diamond his
wife equity Continued
Frank Stillman vs C B Q
Railway Company appeal Continu
Clara E Smyth vs Claude Smyth
divorce Continued
State of Nebraska ex rel Kunkel
vs Henry N Colling mandamus
R P Smith Sons Co vs David
Diamond reviver of judgment Con
Edith N Deeder vs Arthur J
Deeder divorce Dismissed
Lavonia Finch vs Albert R Weeks
damage Order to comply with or
der of court instanter or cause dis
Charles A Hotze vs John B Rozell
damage Motion to strike out part
of amended petition sustained
Plaintiff allowed 30 days to file
amended petition defendant 30 days
William B Mills et al vs Viola
Ballew appeal Erroneously on doc
Polk Bros vs Frank Carson Bella
Weidenhamer and W M Weiden
hamer equity Dismissed at plain
tiffs cost
Stansberry Lumber Co a corpor
ation vs School District of the City
of McCook et al equity Motion to
strike out overruled defendant schoo
district and officers except Sustain
ed motion to make more definite as
to 3rd and Stli counts overruled as
to others 10 days to file amended
In the matter of the adoption of
William E Connor a minor child the
court finds the issues in favor of the
petitioner and plaintiff and grants
the prayer of petitioner and plain
tiff and decrees that petitioner and
plaintiff be granted the adoption of
WTillie E Connor as prayed in his pe
tition To -which ruling and decree
the defendant and relater duly except
40 days allowed to prepare and serve
bill of exceptions Motion for a new
trial overruled Lucy M Rebman ex
cepts 40 days to prepare and serve
bill of exceptions
William Randel vs Lottie Ken
nedy appeal Erroneously on docket
William II Staples vs Rudolph
Quaduor damage Continued
Lewis B Korn vs Indianola Driv
ing Park Association Continued
Singer Sewing Machine Co vs E
F Osborn appeal Leave to file
petition instanter To answer Li ov
Susie Lxnneiy s E F Osom
appeal CO daya to answer
lewis Cranio vs Citoi Jchuj
al Cent i iicd
A Cc lj of Red Willow vs H
- Peterson et al Demurrer con
Oscar N Rector and Clifford E
Rector vs Jacob Schwartz Injunc
tion made perpetual
State of Nebraska vs George Lis
ton criminal Continued to June 27
Laura E Starr vs Viola Ballew
and Peterson Sisters appeal Spe
cial appearance sustained plaintiff
Nebraska Central B L Co vs
Ed Jeffers and May Jeffers De
fault due plaintiff 789 with 10
interest from date Decree of fore
William Buffington vs John W
Hunter et al Title quieted in plain
James S Doyle vs Stratton W
Moore et al Title quieted in plain
Laura E Starr vs Frank Cain
appeal Leave to file petition in 30
Grace D Caraway vs Thomas J
Caraway divorce Court orders de
fendant pay plaintiff 15 per month
during pendency of this action
Win M Ililler vs Laura J Hiller
dhorce Divorce granted plaintiff
Edward Curlee vs Reeves Co
damage Order made to distribute
proceeds Hall Woods Pound
700 E B Perry 341 P E Reed
cr 100
Charles F Lehn vs Margaret H
Ileade et al equity Sale confirm
ed and deed ordered
In the matter of the application of
Patrick Walsh guardian of Ida Walsh
insane for leave to sell her interest
in certain real estate it was ordered
that notice issue and be served
Continued to June 27 1910
In the matter of the application of
M E church of McCook for author
ity to mortgage real estate leave
was given to mortgage the parsonage
State of Nebraska vs Charles
Grant Alternative writ issued to
show cause why the defendant
should not be punished for contempt
for violating temporary restraining
crder returnable forthwith
ued to June 27 1910 Also the mo i
tion to discharge restraining order
on June 27
Dr W A DeMay Avas an Atwood
Kansas visitor Tuesday last
C Wise from Hastings came home
Monday last and returned Tuesday I
The Ideal Comedy Company gave
a two nights show in the opera
house this week And there wasnt
much to it i
Everybody saw the eclipse of the
J L Sims is having the hotel re
rainted which improves the looks
Barnett Witham from Cedar Bluffs
was down on business Thursday
The ladies served dinner in S G
Bastians old store building Decora
tion Day
The Danbury and Eartley girls
will play basket ball here Friday
Mrs Addie Sewell has gone to
Concordia Kansas on an indefinite
Mr and Mrs P M Spease were
Marion visitors Friday between
P M Spease has been hired to
teach school at Laurel Nebraska
Word has been received that Mrs
Perry Johnson of Gandy Nebraska
is very sick
Madeline McDonald came up from
Beaver City on a visit between trains
Saturday Flora going back with her
the same evening
Claude Young and Griff DeMay
were Indianola visitors Sunday fori
A large crowd was in town Mon
day for Decoration
Foster Stilgebouer and family were
over from Bartley Monday
The Conservation of Natures Re
applies as well to our physical state
as to material things C J Budlong
Washington R I realized his con
dition and took warning before it was
too late He says I suffered se
verely from kidney trouble the
ease being hereditary in our family
I have taken four bottles of Foleys
Kidney Remedy and now consider
myself thoroughly cured This should
be a warning to all not to neglect
taking Foleys Kidney Remedy until
it is too late A McMillen
Anecdotes About the
ipp yzzl 1 Late King
boy of ten he
Queen Victoria
the Highlands
time the queen
L It I X G the
first tweutj
years of his
life the little
prince who was
afterward King
Edward VII
rarel forgot for
a moment that
he was in all
probability to be
a ruler of the
land He lived
in the firm belief
that a king can
do no wrong
When he was a
was with his mother
at Balmoral castle in
of Scotland At that
was quite a skillful
painter in water colors and spent
mauy days by the waterfalls and in
the glens making pictures
One day while she was sitting at her
easel young Edward was playing
arqund her The little prince sudden
ly caught sight of a Highland lad in
kilts The lad was making a sand
castle and adorning it with heather
Yell No Dae That Again
The prince advanced to him with
royal hauteur and asked for whom the
sand castle was being built
For bonnie Prince Chairlie was
the playful reply of the boy who stood
witli his hanls on his hips to see the
effect of a thistle on the top story
The lad had no idea that his inter
locutor was any different from any
oilier boy The young prince however
determined to make it clear that he
and not Prence Charlie was to be king
borne day He kicked over the castle
The Highlander glaring at him said
Yell no dae that again
It was a challenge The lad rebuilt
his sand castle very deliberately The
prince waited until the thistle was
stuck on the top story then kicked it
Yell no dae that a third time
challenged the little Scot beginning
to rebuild with even more deliberation
The queen had been noticing the af
fair She set aside her brush and pal
ette but said nothing only watched
A third time Prince Edward kicked
over the Highland lads sand castle
No sooner was it done than its kjlted
builder closed his fists and loweml his
head In another moment the two
boys were hammering one another
The queen sat there and never inter
fered by word or act The little prince
presently returned weeping bruised
and bloody noed while the rebel Gaol
stood apart To the little princes
pCii for speedy justice and vengeance
the motherly queen merely replied as
she wiped the blood from the future
kings nose
It served you right
One other boy who has
grown into a tall sturdy
told tales in former years
counter which in his
he had in Scotland
long since
of an en-
schoolboy days
with the then
youthful prince In this case too it
seems royalty was the aggressor The
Californian James Miller was living
at the time in Scotland As Jame
was enjoying a donkey ride one morn
ing near the Firth of Forth the prince
passed by and just for fun pulled
him out of his saddle Next moment
his royal highness found himself giv
ing and taking blows with a plebeian
rather bigger than himself who did
not spare him punishment In after
life the prince often referred pleasant
ly to the little mixup He never re
sented the drubbing he got and once
on learning that his former adversary
was in money difficulties went gener
ously to his assistance
It Was Bertie I7o longer
Edward VII was
his dignitv keenly
a man who felt
At heart he was
Intermarriages of
With Otlier
Princess Victoria married Emperor
Frederick of Germany
Kinj Edward VII married Princess
Alexandra of Denmark
Princess Alice married Louis Grand
Duke of Hesse
Alfred Grand Duke of Sane Coburg
and Gotha married Grand Duchess
-Marie cf Russia
Princess Helena married Prince
Christian of Schleswig Holstein
Princess Louise married the Duke of
Arthur Duke of Connaught mar
ried Princess Louise of Prussia
Leopold Duke of Albany married
Princess Helene of
Princess Beatrice married Prince
Henry of Battenberg
vw SkPiJ Jt foJxS j 3Jtwtffifeax - MkLu2EfQxM BJU
one of Ins people None ever realized
more utterly than he that in the ideal
he stood for the nation and was the
personal representative of the people
as a whole their concrete expression
How deeply he felt that in small things
was shown by simple acts When Ed
ward VII was Albert Prince of
Wales none could be more rollicking
and gay ne had no closer friend than
Lord Rothschild the great banker
Driving in Tring park Lord Roths
childs place in Hertfordshire Eng
land they would lark together like two
overgrown boys even to the extent of
mashing in one anothers hats in their
exuberance To Lord Rothschild then
the prince was Bertie But the
week that he became king he uis
heard to say Xye that was his pet
name for Baron Nathan Rothschild
it wont do now He never was
Bertie again and there was no more
knocking of hats over one anothers
eyes The friendship remained the
same but the kingship had to I iv
As King- and as Private erson
An incident at Sandringliam King
Edward estate in Vorfolkhire show
ed how keenly he felt that as king he
belonged to his people and how eloseh
he separated the kingly from the per
sonal identity He was attending the
parish church as king A newspaper
photographer tried to step out into the
pathway to obtain a snapshot A cou
ple of detectives seized the man by the
neck and flung him back into the
crowd Edward VII stopped had the
photographer called and posed for him
Later in the day Edward VII was
sauntering around his garden as a
private person enjoying a smoke after
lunch The same photographer deem
ing he was safe as a persona grata
ventured over a fence for a picture of
the king in private life The king sig
naled to his guard had the man seized
and carried to the railroad station
with word that he was never to let
himself be seen at Sandringliam again
King Edward was a good fallow A
few years ago one of his closest friends
was repeating to him something that
had been overheard as to the qualifica
tions of George the new king to take
his place King Edward smiled and
replied Oh thats all right Theyve
never heard George curse
British Royalty
Royal Houses
- iJ Jto 1
Emperor William IT Charlotte hered
itary Princess of Saxe Meiningpn
Prince Henry of Prussia Princess Adol
phus of Sehaumburs Lippe Sophia
Ducliess of Sparta Princess Frederick
Charles of Hesse
Prince Albert Victor deceased
George Prince of Wales now Kins
George V Princess Louise Duchess
of Fife Princess Victoria Queen Maud
of Norway
Victoria Princess of Battenberg
Grand Duchess Sergius of Russia Prin
cess Henry of Prussia Ernest Louis
Grand Duke of Hesse Alexandra em
press of Russia
Princess Ferdinand of Roumania ex
Grand Duchess of Hesse hereditary
Princess of Hohenlohe - Langenburg
Princess Beatrice of Saxe Coburg
Prince Albert of Schleswig Holstein
Princess Victoria of Schleswig Holstein
Princess Louise of Schleswig Holstein
Princess Gustavus Adolphus of Swe
den Prince Arthur of Connaught Prin
cess Victoria Patricia of Connaught
Princess Alice of Teck Charles Ed
ward Duke of Saxe Coburg
Prince Alexander of Battenberg Vic
toria queen of Spain Prince Leopold
of Battenberg Prince Maurice of Bat
- Jewel 1
Gasoline Stoves
are sold in McCook by
H P Waite and Co
June Bulletin
of Excursion Rates
To the East Unusually low and attractive summer tourist rates
are in effect every clay to New York Boston Atlantic Coast
and Canadian resorts Niagara Falls Detroit and vicinity Ako
for desirable Lake tours with 30 das limits and 60 day diverse
tou of the East including coastwise ocean trip These rates
afford the best chance in years to make that long desired East
ern tour
Western Iurs Very desirable totnist rates daily all summer to
the Pacific Coast for instance 6000 round trip and on
special dates only 5000 A complete scheme of tours through
Yellowstone Park for any kink of an outing journey low ex
cursion rates to Scenic Colorado Big Horn Mountains Black
Hills and Thermopolis Wyoming one of ihe greatest hot
springs sanitariums in the world
Call or Write describing your trip let me help you plan it in
cluding all ths available privileges etc
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau
Room 6 Q Building Omaha Neb
m4 If
SIONS K31 STACKER w hicli extends after
it is half way np with U10 load and is oper
ated with ono horo Also our Patd
PUSH It VKE and Doavor ilado MOWER
Our Clients and Competitors
Acknowledge This
225000 invoatod in onr factory to back onr
Roods Onr elegant illustratodprintod mat
ter and prices delivered at your station
sont f roo lor the asking
V Fi xklix Pres G II Watkins Vice Pres
K A Gkeex Cshr
sk ffik a fek mk
Kindly mention this paper
W 150 Value
1JL for
He Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000
i V Franklin
A McMillen
Surplus 25000
R A Green
G II Watkins Vernice Franklin
lo y ffl
v Tvyrm vvfivvi iWflvwvwvvwvrirmrrr rvy rrrririiirvpvmryHy
vjawkU4 turtJWJUtLAUtiwuiMbUu va it i v
ghes Crescent-
are sold in McCook by
I have Residence and Business Properties forRent
RSweBuidcFssa McCook Nebraska
Living expenses have advanced 50 percent in the past
few years but you can get the BEST OF ALL
Phone No 1 L