The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1910, Image 5

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V i
Time Card cjsT
day in the city visiting the folks
and friends on his way to Lincoln
headquarters whither he continued
on Saturday morning Oscar is look
ing rugged and well from his outdoor
Conductor W Fisk went up to
Yuma Colorado Tuesday to be pre
sent at the marriage of a brother
A C Fisk which event took place
Tuesday evening
Car Distributer O E Pearson has
been transferred to the car account
ants office in Chicago He expects
to leave as soon as he can shape
his McCook affairs probably the first
of next week
J G Schobel and family are visi
ting in Washington D C and other
eastern points
Lee Jaggers was in Denver a few
days this week
Yard Checker S O Miller is in
Longmont Colorado visiting friends
Mrs C B Sentance spent Sunday
in Oxford
Mrs D E Booth and children
spent Sunday in Orleans
H E Johnson stenographer in
the road masters office Avas in Oma
ha over Sunday
Operator Floyd Stayner has been
transferred from Akron to the Mc
Cook relay office
Operator T J Cain is off on a fur
Mrs C J Strauser of Oxford
visited Monday with the family of
Conductor Brooks
McCook division has the two new
S 2 passenger engines from the Have
lock shops broken in and in service
They represent the Burlingtons lates
type of passenger power
J W Chase and wife have re
turned from their trip into New
H Phillippi boilermakers helper
has retired from the service and
contemplates going to Kansas City
Fireman H J Peterson is on the
sick list
Fireman E G Griggsby is at
Sioux City Iowa visiting the home
C M Smith is visiting in Lincoln
this week
Engineer D E Cotner is spending
a few days in Cheyenne Wyoming
Engineer G W Connors returned
the first of the week from the en
gineers convention at Detroit
Mr and Mrs A C Wiehe arrived
Monday morning on No 9 from
Lansing Iowa where they were call
ed by the death of his aged mother
The lawn east of the station has-
been renovated the trees pruned and
shaped and the grounds in general
treated to a cleaning up An inclin
ed flower bed with McCook done
in foliage plants against a green
bcakground now greets the eyes of
the traveling public Arrangements
are being made for two flower beds
in the lawn north of the station
Conductor A H Bagley is enjoy
ing a visit with his mother who is
down from Akron
No 3 arrived at 620 Thursday
morning having been delayed about
six hours on account of a wreck at
Burlington Iowa
Rats May Bring New Depot
Freight Inspector W E Painter of
the Burlington was here Wednesday
looking up conditions in Wray The
freight house was gone over and the
fact that the building is badly in
fested with rats may bring Wray a
new depot Local Agent Hudgel is
having considerable trouble of late
on that score there being a great
amount of damage done freight while
stored at the station The varments
are so numerous that their depreda
tions are committed in day as well
as at night time Wray Gazette
Paris green for potato bugs Wood
worth druggist
hill mm
McCook Neb ifJS
Central Tinm ll3ri P M
8 715 v m
W 500 a m
-5 550 A H
12 705 a M
14 ti M v M
10 5BU p M
main line west depart
No 1 Mountain Tiino 1220 p M
1142 P H
905 A M
12- A M
B1i A M
9S A M
No 176 urrivos Mountain Time 1545 p m
No 175dojarte 045 am
Sleeping diuinR and reclining chair c s
seats froo on through trains Tickots swl
end buKaun chocked to any point in the United
Statos or Cnnadn
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hontetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or Jj W Wakoloy General
PasonKer Agent Omaha Nobraska
The company will add three hun
dred feet to its side track facilities
in Benkelman yard The survey was
made last week
Oscar Green connected with the
Burlington surveying party working
in eastern Colorado spent last Fri
They Never Learn to Tie a KnoC
Properly Says a Skipper
I dont know why It la said the
captain of the tramp steamer but
you cuut teach uny of those Chinese
sailors there to tie a real knot
There Isnt much need aboard a
steamer for the rope knowledge that
used to be so much the part of a
focsle training but we do need splices
and knots now and again Just the
Those Chinese there who were
signed on as A Bs can do anything
needed In the way of splices that would
make an old tar green with envy and
theyll fix up deadeyes better than
most of the men Ive shipped
But you cant get one of em to tlu
a right knot Teach eui again and
again and they remember the lesson
for half an hour Next time theres si
straight everyday knot to be tied the
Chinese focsle band makes up tho
same old granny
Every child that tries to tie a knot
makes a granny This kind of a knot
Is made up by passing the ends around
each other In the reverse direction
making the ends stand out at right an
gles The ends should be wound
around each other In the same direc
tion When they come out of the knot
they should lie alongside the line on
either side of the knot Such a knot
wont slip But a Chinaman caut
learn It for keeps not he
The Lascar and Malay and Kanaka
learn the right knot easily enough In
a storm thats one of the things we
have to guard against if we have Chi
nese sailors New York Sun
Some Things That Are Said to Affect
the Sense of Vision
Many eye defects of course are due
to the bad habits of their possessors
Tobacco for Instance is generally held
to impair the vision usually injuring
the color sense so that gold and silvei
become Indistinguishable According
to some medical authorities again the
connection between eye and tooth trou
ble is more than an old wifes fable In
his book dealing with the subject Han
cock relates the story of a boy who
woke up one morning to And himself
blind On examination his teeth were
discovered to be crowded together and
a few of them were removed with the
result that by evening he could distin
guish between light and darkness
More teeth were removed and in elev
en days his sight was fully restored
Other cases which tend to show the
connection between eye and tooth trou
ble have also been noted Very fre
quently occupation has much to do
with one or other eye defect Thus
nystagmus is sometimes known as the
miners disease
Nystagmus is an involuntary oscilla
tion of the eyeball to and fro or round
in its orbit- In contradistinction to
glaucoma it is a young defect having
been noticed in infants but sometimes
it attacks miners after forty Miner
are inclined to attribute the failing tt
the bad light but it is more likely to
he caused by the continual upward
glance so often necessitated by their
occupation Strand Magazine
What the Light Revealed
A story is told of a simple and de
vout Methodist minister who was not
efficiently eloquent or businesslike to
be approved by the presiding elder
Through the influence of the elder he
felt sure he was appointed to a small
and widely scattered settlement where
there was much hard work and the
results were uecessarily meager One
day he was commenting sadly on the
narrowness of his opportunities t a
friend who said gravely that he ought
to pray for light that he might see the
hand of the Lord in his appointment
I have brother he answered
again and again But so far he
added with a whimsical smile Ive
had only light enough to see the in
terfering hand of Elder Brown
Youths Companion
Did you ever notice queried an
optician that nearly every person
who wears rimless eyeglasses when
polishing the lenses with a handker
chief holds the glasses by the nose
piece thus putting all the strain of
the rubbing upon the screws which
attach the glass to the metal Of
course this tends to loosen the glass
and wear out the thread upon the tiny
screw This in turn causes the lenses
to wabble resulting in great discom
fort to the wearer Its strange how
little intelligence intelligent people dis
play in simple matters but then it
brings us business New York Globe
Mercurys Accident
Whats the matter with your office
He hurt himself while running
when I sent him on an errand the
other day
Come off You dont mean to say
I do He never did the errand but
he found out why a horse had fallen
down in the street Cleveland Leader
A Rare Bird Indeed
I think I shall learn to like that
friend of yours
You were favorably Impressed by
him eh
Yes indeed He watched me play
ing billiards for an hour yesterday
without once suggesting how a shot
ought to be made Detroit Free
His Illustration
Papa what is faith
Well my boy they say your baby
brother sleeps but Ive neyer seen him
do it Yet If I believe be does that
foith lfe
Session of City Council
The city council met in regular
session Monday evening with all
present except Councilman Waite
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved
On motion the clerk was author
ized to correspond with some sur
veyor with reference to making sur
veys preparatory to establishing the
street grades in all the platted por
tions of the city
On motion the city attorney was
instructed to collect forthwith all un-
paid occupation tax and proceed if
necessary to prosecute in the name
of the city in some court of compe
tent jurisdiction
On motion the clerk was instruct J
ed to make arrangements for the
city officials to attend the Decoration
Day service of the G A R
The following bills were allowed
Nebraska Telephone Co phone
rent for May 3 00
Dr W E McDivitt medical
service 7 50
N J Campbell sewer
tion 6 00
T TTinvfrrimcnn rlnfr npc 2 1 1 1
Charles Bailey claimed 50000
as road damages allowed at S4 00
H P Bailey claimed 15000 as
road damages allowed at 32 00
Junior Normal
The indications are that the com
ing session of the Junior Normal will
be one of the most successful in
the history of the school There is
aeed for a number of places for
board and room at prices that will
compare favorably with what student
can get at such schools as Kearney
and Peru If possible boarding
places are desired for table board
from 325 to 400 per week and
rooms 75c to 100 per week occupied
by two Those who wish to accom
modate Junior Normal students for
either board or room will please
phone 33G next week at the new
high school building any questions
will be answered there
Model School
The state superintendent of public
instrustion is desirous of having pu
pils represent all grades from the
first to the sixth inclusive Con
sidering the fact that the junior nor
mal session will last during some of
dhe warm weather it is well as far
as possible to have pupils in the
model school who live somewhat
near the high school building Those
parents who would like for their
children to attend the model school
should either phone or see Miss Mc
Millen for the fifth and sixth grades
and Miss Kathrine Price for the
first to fourth grades inclusive
Painting of Rural Mail Boxes and
The postoffice department has re
cently requested that all rural mail
boxes and posts be painted a pure
white with the owners name neatly
lettered thereon and the rural ser
vice be thus invested with a uniform
distinction The first reports of
compliance with this request comes
from routes No 3 and No 4 which
it is hoped will be followed by a
general observance on all the rural
For Sale
My residence on 5th street E S room
house furnace heat two lots Thirty
shade and fruit tree3 Good barn and
hen house Fine cement walks In
quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills
or at residence Phone black 405
Exclusive Agents Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCook
for the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20 25 and 35 cents
per pound
For Sale
All or part of my alfalfa and fruit
farm Call or phone black 292 W M
Memorial Sunday May 29 and Dec
oration Day May 30 Both to be
Held in the Temple Theatre
Union Memorial services will be held
in the Temple theatre at 11 a in Sun
day May i9th All ministers and their
congregations in the city are requested
to be present and participate in these
services All members of the G A R
of the Ladies of the G A R Spanish
American and ex Confederate soldiers
are requested to meet at Morris hall on
Main avenue at 10 oclock a m to
march in organizations to the Temple
theatre Sermon will be delivered by
Comrade Rev E R Earle who will he
assisted by Revs Bryant Howe Frances
lams F D Hobson and others There
will he appropriate music
Monday morning May 80th the dec
orating committees from the G A R
and from the Ladies of the G A R
will meet at Morris hall at 930 oclock
to proceed to the cemeteries of the city
to decorate the graves of departed sold
iers etc
All persons are requested to bring
their flowers for the decoration of the
graves to Morris hall not later than 9
oclock in the morning of the 30th
Invitation is cordially extended to all
civic societies orders etc to meet with
the committees and march to the ceme
teries to engage in the decoration of the
The pro ession to the cemetery will
form on Main avenue in front of Morris
hall and march to Rherview cemetery
escorted by company M Nebraska Nat
ional Guards and drum corps
The ritualistic services of the GAR
and of Ladies of the G AR will be held
in Riverview cemeterv at 1030 in the
At 130 the old soldiers sailors mar
ines sons of veterans soldiers of the
Spanish American war Ladies of the
G A R and ex Confederate soldiers
will meet at Morris hall to inarch in a
body to the Temple theatre where the
exercises of the day will be held com
mencing at two oclock p m
All the societies and oniersof the city
and the people generally are urged to
come and participate in this service
Song Ameica Audience
Reading of Orders Adjutant Yarger
Invocation Rev Bryant Howe
Reports of Decorating Committees
Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Ad
dress by Mrs W G Dutton
Address of the Day Rev Gatley
Address to the Unknown Dead
Mrs Lottie Brewer
Benediction Rev F E lams
The earnst cooperation of all is hop
ed for in the proper and appropriate ob
servance of this day
By Order of the Committee
Bread in Politics
From the days of Joseph down the
only well populated countrj which
ad enough grain to satisfy its own
consumers was Egypt rich beyond
the record of any other soil this side
of Paradise Ferrero in his history
of Rome shows the transcendent po
litical importance of corn in all times
Feed your people king or demagogue
else they will overthrow you For
the masses from furthest antiquity to
most recent days there has never
been any torch of dissatisfaction re
bellion and anarchy like a shortage ol
Carrying a Cans
A man who carries a cane always
seems important to us An Atchison
man not only carries a cane but when
he stops to talk he hooks it in his
outside coat pocket in order that he
may swing his arms freely Atchison
Kan Globe
At the Bottom of It
Wha started him on the road to
success Well Via not sure but
I think his parents had something to
do with it in not bringing him up
from babyhood in the idea that ho
was one of the marvels of the age
We know it to be a positive fact that
Jcly Patent Flour is the Best High Pat
ent Flour m McCook McCook Flour
and Feed Store
jmmmslme 2m w f TVL rw 1 IT
miaiJa 1 n J in
if Wjumi
ii ir v tii - r i - TiTnlir itlfrfTrffVlTrrT1 i lrTlT i7i rifrTiTw In Mum piiViu
Main Street
FOR SALE One set doubled riving
harness and one set double work harn
ess Both in good condition Phone
black 292 W M Morrisey
FOR SALE White Pekin duok egs
by the setting Phone red 292 Mrs P
J Morrisey
For Sale All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit farm Call or inquire V M
Morrisov Phone black 292
For Sale Alfalfa hay 1st and 2nd j
cuttings Phoue ash 3852 J A
For Sale A driving horse Applj
to J F Cordeal for price and particulars
FOR RENT Five desirable rooms
with garden and lawn to a small
family 901 2nd street west 19 2t
ENQUIRER You can easily make
an old painted floor look like ex
pensive hard wood Apply first a
coat of ground Perma Lac and follow
with a coat of either light oak or
antique oak Perma Lac For sale by
Stansberry Lumber Co
FOR SALE Alfalfa seed cane
seed alfalfa hay and wild hay at
prices very reasonable Phone cedar
2352 J B Colling McCook Neb
FOR RENT The Armory hall for
dances For terms see L W Jen
nings 1 4
NOTICE I am buying cream and
am in a position to make you mono
M Walsh Phone 183
FOR SALE Two 20 acre tracts
three 40 acre tracts and one 240
acre tract of fine alfalfa and sugar
beet land all under irrigation The
last named is an ideal stock farm
See me at once H L Kennedy
FOR RENT Cottage of eight
rooms at 810 West 1st street mod
ern Enquire of Mrs H M Tyler
Orleans Nebr
Bartley Mill Changes Hands
Bartleys fine flouring mill and
electric light plant this week was
purchased by M A Watson Sons
of Wauneta Nebraska who will take
charge of the business on June 1
The mill will be in charge of a
first class miller Mr W C Blair a
former resident of McCook and the
business of book keeping will be tak
en care of by Mr H E Watson
while J M Watson will attend the
outside buying and selling Bartley
Inter Ocean
Surveying and Engineering
Lost and obliterated farm and town
lot corners re established Town sites
and additions plotted levels run irri
gation mapping done Plans specifi
cations and estimates municipal and
structual engineering
F A ROLAND C E Depty Co Surveyor
Before the Strains of Lohengrin are
heard preparation is necessary
Even thin for the Bride Bridesmaid Relatives and Friends iour Trousseau let us
assist you a semble it Table linens make exquisite wedding presents Prices leasonable
McCook Ncbr
The Art Tint
just one of the beau
tiful mounts in brown
and fjray tones new
spring styles which
we are showing and
our portraits have
a different quality
look that commands
a second glance You
cannot affoid to pass
up the opportunity
Portrait Photographer
1st Door N Commer
cial Hotel Phone
No Red 428
Farmers Attention
I will pay you cash for all
of your sweet or sour cream
at Weidenhamers Candy
Store basement Temple
Theatre building
Mgr McCook Branch Fairmont
Creamery Co
Arthur Drew
Builder and Contractor
All kind of cement ami lrick
work at riMSOnable
Figure with me bflaru build
in Wall work 1 sjifcialtj
216 W BSt PhfineBlk 271 1
Draying of All Kinds
Prompt Service
Phone Black 2n
For Fresh Groceries Salt and Fresh
Fish Choice Fruits Choice Hams and
Bacon Bring along your Poultry
and Eggs and get the highest
price in cash
McCook Neb
Come to the BM Marie
Highest Cash Price for Cream