The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1910, Image 6

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    I A straight honest II
1 healthful cream of II
1 1 tartar baking powder 1 1
II Made from Grapes 11
II Contains not a grain l
HnB of injurious ingredient PH
5yk Fifty b MMm
The High dost of Living
Increases the price of many neces
sities without improving the quality
Foleys Honey and Tar maintains its
higl standard of excellence and its
great curative qualities without any
increase in cost It is the best re
medy for coughs colds croup whoop
iitg cough and all ailments of the
throat chest and lungs The gen
uine is in a yellow package Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
Music in the Air
Which would you prefer your wife
io do play the violin or piano Vio
lin It would be- easier to chuck out
of the window Bon Vivant
So Sore Be Swore
He Swears No More
fr f V
There was a Merchant mighty sore
In fact so sore he swore and swore
And kept on swearing more and more
The trouble was that folks instead
Of patronizing him by Ned
Were buying goods by mail he said
One day he got a little hint
0n how to make his store a mint
Tho l hope took on a rosy tint
He came and ADVERTISED his stock
His store was crowded chuck-a-
From seven until six oclock
So now this hcrchsnt swears no more
No longer is he feeling sore
Since ADVERTISING crowds his
A fine rain last week and the small
grain is doing well
F M Kennedy and John H
Foleys Kidney Pills contain in con
centrated form ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the re
lief and cure of all kidney and blad
der ailments A McMillen
R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor
House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line
of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds
2 1 0 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341
Alaska Refrigerators
are sold in flcCook by
H P Waite and Co
Edwin Carfield went to McCook
on business Wednesday
Chas A Wesch went to Beaver
City Nebr to visit Chas Towle last
of last week
and the first of this
The Rowland land was recently
sold to E E Beckworth The old
liomestead sold for 32750 per acre
and the other half section sold for
3000 per acre It looks like land
is going out of sight
Commander Julius A Pratt Post No
143 Dept III G A R
above Post Kewanee 111 writes
For a long time I was bothered with
backache and pains across my kid
I like Foley Kidney Pills so well that
I have told manjr of my friends and
comrades about them and shall re
Mme Reno Empress of Magic
Kokus pokus
chory mory
A pleasant hour spent with a
sleight-of-hand rcrformer at the Chau
tauqua wil be a gratifying change
from the heavier numbers The chil
dren v II enjoy it
Hindoo Mysteries
A Comedy of Errors
A Temperance Lesson
Our National Emblemc
Aladdins Lamp
And many other original and start
ling effects
An entertainment of the highest
class moral and educational with not
a dull moment
Three Delightful Young Lady Artists
Soprano Violiniste Pianist
Miss Clare Kvello is a pianist whose j
solo execution is noted for its strength
Wesch and brother were looking flrmness brilliancy and capacity to
over section 25 one day last week interpret the poetic conception of the
composer She is always in perfect
tr aPp iw v oPrps tipV Pnld
break with the steam plow
Geo Miner was
cattle last week
around buying
neys About two months ago I start- harmony as an accompanist and the
ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and life and vigor of the trio work is in
due to the pianist
large measure
soon saw they were doing just as
J Miss Nell Bunnell who heads the
claimed I kept on taking them and company js a recognized artist Her
now I am free from backache and soprano voice has interested the great
the painful bladder misery is all gone est music masters of the day but she
nas steaaiastiy turnea aown every
offer to go on the stage although she
possesses marked dramatic ability
Miss Minnie Annette Cedargreen is
commend them at every another member of the company and
ity A McMillen
G W Justice has been entertain
ing Mrs R A Wolff of McCook
Mrs W G Redman who was re-
cently a guest of Mrs Richards of
this place was taken quite sick upon
her return to McCook and Mrs
Lechler went over to care for her
J B Decker and wife came over
last week from McCook where Mrs
Decker has been receiving medical
treatment for several weeks past
Another fine rain Sunday night
and the grain prospects already fine
have gone up another notch
is a violiniste that will some day be
known -to fame
The Nell Bunnell Company Composed
of Three Charming Young Ladies
With a voice and a personality that
would insure her a welcome in grand
opera Miss Nell Bunnell prefers to
head her own company the Bunnell
Trio in concert recitals She has
established a reputation that warrants
the Chautauqua management in prom
ising season ticket holders an excep
tional treat
Miss Bunnell sings the old sweet
songs that we all love She calls to
mind the cradle days of long ago
She Is most generous in responding
to encores and becomes on cordial
terms with her auditors immediately
she faces them
You will enjoy hearing her at Chau
The essential element of success in
the Chautauqua business is the abil
ity to purchase 12500 programs for
2000 And this Is possible only by
handling them in large quantities
c eeae44
presto- J
Advance of
The Farmers
Of America
may come and
CONVENTIONS may go but It
will be a long time before St
Louis will forget the recent in
teresting one held there This was the
great meeting of farmers the joiut
convention of the Farmers
al and Co operative union a southern
organization with 3S0OO0O members
the American Society of Equity a
northern organization with 2230000
members and nearly -100 subsidiary
and affiliated organizations with ap
proximately lOiKUiUU members This
i nu iiu tliereture that the delegates
were I he representatives of more Mian
7000000 men
Some facts and figures were pre
sented to tho convention that will
open the city mens eyes For instance
it is estimated by members of the
union that the farmers represented are
worth 3000 each on an average in
land alone making them the joiut pos
sessors of the inconceivable sum of
21000000000 In addition to this they
own most of the live stock In the coun
try including 21000000 horses worth
S10S apiece
Statistics presented also showed that
the tillers of the soil are In many
lines The fanners of this country
own and operate sixteen big meat
packing plants the members of the
Farmers union -own and operate 5000
manufacturing plants of various kinds
while the members of the American
Society of Equity own 4300 plants
Six years ago the Farmers union
had no cotton warehouses now it has
2000 It had no fruit packing plants
It now owns HOO It had no represent
atives in the cotton market of the
world now it has a representative in
every one It had no financial stand
ing in the banks it has now twenty
strong banks of its own and a finan
cial standing in every banking center
and was without direct connections
today it has its connections and cus
tomers in the majority of the milling
centers of the world to which it ships
When there were no tobacco ware
bouses in 1904 there are now 200
There are 300 produce stations that
b hundred Million Stars Gleam In
That Silvery Scarf
The census of the starry sky Is con
cerned almost entirely with the Milky
way The number of stars not con
nected with It Is negligible But when
rou look at the Milky way the Idea of
numbering Its stars seems the dream
of a madman It stretches all round
the sky Its extent is so uuthlnkably
Immense that science has never under
taken to measure it and the imagina
tion could not grasp the figures that
such a measurement If it was possible
to make it would involve
Yet that whole enormous expanse of
space occupied by the Milky way Is so
crowded with stars that they make
upon the eye the Impression of a sil
very scarf wound round the brow of
the universe
It requires a telescope to see them as
V broad zone of glittering points in
rtead of an almost uniform band of
whiteness in the firmament
In tome places they are more thinly
scattered so that as you gaze through
the glass you almost think that witli
infinite patience you might count the
number included in a space as large
lis the face of the moon
Hut in other places they seem to be
packed together like the sands of the
seashore They stretch away over
thousands of square degrees of space
hanging in great festoons spreading
out in vast banners where billions
upon billions of cubic miles seem to
be tilled with stars thicker than the
tlakes in a driving snowstorm
There are begemmed knots in that
starry scarf so rich that the eye is daz
zled and the mind confused by the
spectacle which they present
Yet science although It shrinks from
trying to estimate the space which
they occupy has succeeded in forming
a fairly correct enumeration of the
stars of the Milky way
The most extravagant estimates do
not put the number at moro than 300
000000 and the most trustworthy and
probable make them a third less
A hundred million stars then is the
total population of the glittering uni
verse and when we see what a mar
velous effect of iHimmerableness they
produce we begin to appreciate what
a hundred millions mean Garrott V
Serviss in New York American
A Good Husband a Good Father and
a Good Neighbor
I have made a code for my own guid
ance which interest you I hold
that a mans first duty is to be a good
husband which implies of course that
he ought to marry and then make his
wife believe if he can that she has
been the most fortunate of women
It isnt easy but my how it pays
lie must be lover husband son and
even father by turns and occasionally
just nobody he must get clear off the
earth But when he comes back
A mans second duty is to be a good
father which implies of course that
he ought to have children adopted if
necessary He ought to be to them
the standard by which all other men
are measured and found wanting be
cause he is their daddy and they love
A mans third duty is to be a good
neighbor to carry his share no matter
how small or how great it may be of
the communitys worthy enterprises
to share the sorrows and the joys of
those around him to make his home
a real asset to his community
After a man has done these three
things if he has time and means and
strength he can and should think in
wider circles But the man who does
these three well is doing more than if
he contributed millions and neglected
these three The man who neglects
his wife or his children or his neigh
bors no matter what other apparently
of America and Europe It had no gleut things he may have done will
system or selling or handling cotton ipni fhHels trmunet verv faintlv if
at all on the morning of the great day
Ennan J Itidgwav in Delineator
When the Mule Kicks
No man unless he is blind should
ever be kicked by a mule There is
no excuse for it If kicked he is as
- i much to blame as the mule said a
did not exist in 100 1 There are bun-
mule raiser A mule never kicks
dreds of creameries where none ex- i
isted before The union has added 500
grain warehouses and elevators hun
dreds of flouring mills and other hun
dreds of oil mills
Among the speakers at the j
tion were men of national reputation
including President Taft Ilere are
some excerpts from the addresses
The farmer instead of profiting by
the prevalent high prices of foodstuff
which he produces is making less
money now than he did under the
regime of low prices
The most important force for the
Welfare of the nation yet to come is
the landowners of America when or
ganized Their organization is not
only important to themselves but im
portant to the consumers whose cost
of living is too high It is not the
prices the farmers receive that make
living expenses so high The high cost
of living is largely chargeable to the
dealers profits made between the
farmers and the consumers
1 B F Yoakum came to hear what
you have to say and to state my views
If we are to help each other it must
be by working together as practical
men The most important step for
the farmer and the railroad to take
Is toward closer co operation
Among the most important matters
discussed were the need of a parcels
post law the members being emphatic
In their indorsement of such a law
and the establishment of a 10000000
agricultural university to be erected
and maintained by small assessments
from the members
uiuiuiu iiri uiKgiiig ins ems uiiu
switching his tail said the breeder
All you have to do is to keep your
eyes on his ears and tail And when
he begins to wag his ears or switch his
tail then it is time to dodge And if
you dodge quickly you will never be
touched Kansas City Journal
A Cold Bite
You were twenty miles from the
north pole and starving exclaimed
the credulous housewife And how
did you save yourself
Why mum responded Frigid
Fred as he wiped away a tear in me
starving moments I remembered de
Eskimo dogs Pushing out through
the snow I twisted one of der tails
an den an den
And then what my poor man
I got a cold bite Chicago News
Actor I have been in your company
now for two years and I think its
time I had an increase in salary Man
agerAll right you can have the parts
in which there is eating Fliegende
Vill Issue a Sequel
A book which has just been pub
lished says that oratory is a neglected
Walt until the man who wrote the
book gets married Houston Post
The secret of Euccess is constancy
of purpose Disraeli
W R Burbrldgo and wife loft Fri
day for their homo at Inavalo
Have you seen the comet
C W Powell and wife are going
to make their home at Topoka Kaa
Married Emll Holfrock and Ella
Tjarks by the county judge at Mc
Cook Thursday May 12
The basket ball game betwoen
Danbury and McCook Wednesday re
sulted in a victory for Danbury
Score 8 to D
Prof Morris will locate hero soon
W A DeMay sold his lumber yard
at Marion to E G Caino Co of
A number of people from here took
in the basket ball game at McCook
Lebanon and Indianola girls play
ed two games of basket ball at Leb
anon Friday and tho first base ball
team played Wilsonville
L Cann has written a very inter
esting story in the Sunday scjiool
paper It is about old Danbury
Tiie eighth grade county examina
tions were hold in the high room
Thursday and Friday
There was a large crowd out to
the school program Saturday night
The May pole and tableaux were
highly spoken of
A large crowd was out to greet the
Oberlin high sehool orchestra Wed
nesday night
B N Leisure will have a sale
Saturday the 21st
D C Boyer was an Indianola vis
itor Thursday night
This is the last week of school
A crowd went to Orleans on a fish
ing trip Saturday night
Lester Lord and J A Clouse were
McCook visitors Friday
Mrs Louie Osburn Nichols of
Lebanon died Tuesday and was bur
ied Wednesday in the Lebanon cem
LOST Between McCook and Dan
bury a parcel of embroidery work
belonging to Mrs M M Young
Any one finding this parcel will
please leave same at P M Bells
barber shop at McCook or the post
office at Danbury and greatly oblige
Claud Young
Beatrice June 7-S-9 1910
Probably thousands of Sunday
school workers in Nebraska are now
looking forward to the state conven
tion not that thousands can be there
but because of the general interest
in what promises to be the greatest
state convention yet held The pro
gram commands the attention of ev
ery Sunday school teacher and offi
cer both in the strength of its
speakers and the comprehensiveness
of the work taken up
The general state secretary met
recently with the chairmen of the lo
cal committees at Beatrice who will
have charge of the work of handling
this great meeting and they are fully
alive to the magnitude of the task
before tlienj The entertainment
committee purposes finding places
for 1500 delegates Three of the
largest churches centrally located
will be open to the conventions
needs for regular and overflow meet
ings The Y M C A will tlirow
open their building to all the men
attending the convention with priv
ilege of baths reading and writing
rooms etc The assignment com
mittee is working out plans whereby
arriving delegations however large
can be handled very quickly and
with accuracy and precision
There should not be a Sunday
school in the state which is not rep
resented at this convention which
will mark a distinct epoch in Sunday
school work in the state
Will Commence July 13
McCooks Chautauqua will begin
this summer on the 13th of July
which is considerably earlier than
last years date
Supt Taylor of our city has been
placed in charge of the preliminary
work of the Chautauqua
Mr Teagarden of Broken Bow was
in the city Monday making some
arrangements for the coming event
which he states will exceed that of
last year The amount of musical
talent has especially been increased
What Everybody Wants
Everybody desires good health
which is impossible unless the kid
neys are sound and healthy Foleys
Kidney Remedy should be taken at
the first indication of any irregular
ity and a serious illness may be
averted Foleys Kidney Remedy will
restore your kidneys and bladder to
their normal state and activityA Mc
Pure Iron Is only a laboratory prepa
ration Cast iron the most generally
useful variety contains about five per
cent of impurities and the curious
thing is that It owes its special value
to the presence of these Pure iron
can be shaved with a pocket knife
impure iron can be made almost as
hard as steel