The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1910, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
No- ContralTimo
No 1
Jiir r m
711 1 m
i00 A ii
rw a m
705 a m
042 p M
Ti i m
Mountain Timo 1220 p m
1112 p M
90ri a M
1230 A m
I5 a m
90 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Timo J45 p m
ol75dopartu 045 A M
Sloeping dininK and roclining chajr cars
seats froo on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Paesenor Agent Omaha Nobraska
Engine 1124 is in for an overhaul
Engines 2809 and 1758 are receiv
ing drop pit repairs
A L Knowland returned from Den
ver first of the week
Nos 1910 2858 and 318 are under
going cylinder work
Engine 1232 is receiving repairs to
her flues and crown stays
The general paint gang is at work
on the foot viaduct today
Engines 1765 and 1752 are receiv
ing driving rod repairs this week
The Burlington has placed an or
der for fifty chair and eight dining
Conductor Tom Malen is now run
ning on 7 and S making his head
quarters at McCook
Mr and Mrs W T Gathercole are
in Lincoln today attending the
threshermens convention
The Burlington paint gang spread
some nice red paint over the com
pany huildings at Republican City
last week
The Burlington is planning to build
from Hudson on the main line to
Greeley a distance of about thirty
Two hundred miles of the Burling
ton main line west of the river will
loe relaid with 90 pound steel rails
this summer
Mrs H E Wagenburg of McCook
is expected soon to arrive in Alli
ance to join her husband who is em
ployed here as a fireman Alliance
Word was received Saturday of the
death of the aged mother of A C
Wiehe on that date Mr Wiehe de
parted Saturday night for her home
at Lansing- Iowa
Claude Adams succeeds J W
Rhodes as machine shop foreman
Mr Rhodes will devote himself to
the management of the McCook Ma
chine and Iron Works
The company is contemplating sub
stituting iron coal chutes for the
frame ones heretofore in vogue
Xosses this season have been very
heavy on account of fire
General Manager Holdrege an
nounces that the new Holdrege depot
will cost about 25000 The new de
pot at Grand Island will cost about
the same amount
The State Railway Commission
were in the city this week and we
understand they will take the mat
ter up at once in regard to having
a daily passenger service put on this
branch Imperial Republican
Henry J Horn formerly of the
Northern Pacific as general super
intendent at St Paul is now assist
ant general manager of the Burling
ton He will relieve General Man
ager Holdrege of much of the work
outside of headquarters
Two new locomotives of the S2
class have been received on this di
vision and are doing good service
from the start on passenger not be
ing broken in as is usual on freight
They are very like the SI but have
smaller drivers lower pressure boil
ers etc
W A Jeffries has given up his po
sition in the Palace barber shop and
taken up the life of a Burlington em
ploye He began work the first of
the week in the round house but
about the middle of the month is
expected to begin work as a fireman
on the switch engine In taking up
railroad work Big Jeff is follow
ing in the footsteps of his father
who was the engineer who with
other members of the crew was
killed when their train plunged into
a washout near Edison many years
ago Holdrege Citizen
McConnell for drugs
Kodaks and kodak supplies Mc
Connell druggist
Dressmaking in the home Phone
red 390 Mrs A M Kandel
If you once use McMillens Cream
Lotion you will not be without it
HAMMOCKS The most desirable
ones at L W McConnells druggist
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 31
a bottle
They Figured In an Amusing Case of
Mistaken Identity
H may be doubted if there ever oc
curred a more amusing instance of
mistaken Identity than that afforded
by Theodore Hook the English humor
ist of his time and it all came about
through a pair of boots Hook was
traveling along the south coast of Eng
land and arrived in the course of his
journey at Dover
Alighting at the Ship hotel he chang
ed Uis boots ordered a slight dinner
and went out for a stroll through the
town Returning at the appointed
tne he was surprised to find the
whole establishment in confusion A
crowd had collected outside the door
The master of the house was standing
at the foot of the stairs with two can
dles in his hands and on Theodores
entrance he walked backward before
him and conducted him into the prin
cipal saloon where all the waiters
were standing and a magnilicent re
past had been provided The wit was
much amused at the dignity to which
he had been promoted but being an
easy going fellow made no scruples
and sitting down did full justice to
what was set before him Next day
he signified his intention of departing
and ordered a coach when to his as
tonishment a carriage and four drove
up to convey him to his destination
He inquired with some apprehension
what he was to pay for all this gran
deur and was no less astonished than
gratified on receiving the answer
Nothing whatever your royal high
ness He was never more thoroughly
mystified but the next night on tak
ing off his boots which he had bought
ready uiadi just before he went to
Dover he found U S U the Prince
of Orange written inside them They
had been originally made for the
prince who was then in England suing
for the hand of Princess Charlotte
and notice had been given that all his
expenses while in the country should
be set down to the charge of the gov
ernmentMinneapolis News
Tho Coup That Made Persia a Finan
cial Vassal of the Bear
In 1S92 the Imperial Bank of Persia
a British institution lent the Persian
government 2000000 on the security
of the customs receipts of the gulf
ports In 1S93 Persia finding herself
again hard up desired to borrow 6
000000 more from the same source
and on the same ample security But
before the British bankers would grant
the additional loan they must needs
quibble and procrastinate and insist on
still further conditions Finally how
ever 2f0O0O of Persian bonds were
underwritten in Loudon Russia hear
ing of the affair at the eleventh hour
and fifty ninth minute promptly offer
ed Persia a much larger loan on much
better terms and she did no haggling
either Persia finding herself in the
embarrassing position of having two
parties suing for her financial hand at
the same time and not daring to of
fend either of them thought to es
cape from the predicament by not bor
rowing at all
But so persistently and skillfully did
Russia urge her suit that in 1900 Per
sia timidly yielded to the ardent woo
ing and acknowledged her submission
by accepting from Russia a loan of
nS75000 for seventy five years at
the same time agreeing that all pre-
and no more incurred until this one
was discharged without the permission
of the Russian Banque Desprets do
Perse Within less than a month
therefore 5000000 rubles 2500000
were remitted to London to pay off
the British loan of 1S92 thereby free
ing Persia from any British financial
control There has been no more au
dacious and successful stroke of diplo
macy in modern times for by it Persia
became a financial vassal of the bear
Everybodys Magazine
About Hammocks
The days for picnics have
now arrived and what is a pic
nic without hammoebs We
have the kind Built for Two
and strong enough for three or
We have them at all prices
from SI 00 up Hurry up boys
C R4Woodworth Druggist
Company M will pass its customary
dance next Saturday evening on account
of the play St Elmo in the Temple
theatre Saturday evening
The best way for you to secure a
steady reliable income from your
savings is to secure a pass book from
the First National Bank Come in
Will Commence July 13
McCooks Chautauqua will begin
this summer on the 13th of July
which is considerably earlier than
last years date
The Unemployed
The legislation of the thirteenth
fourteenth and fifteenth ceaturiea
abounds in bills conserning the unem
ployed In the reign of Edward VI
several laws were passed against
idlers most of them such because
they could get nothing to io In the
reign of Henry VIII the kingdom waa
Infested with rogues vagabonds
and idle persons and it Is sf Id that
during Henrys reign more than 70000
of this unfortunate class were hanged
- Tfr inn
jamZjm nm M
KMSi2HkrS JrrVfeE TO Ml Hi SkT
w gjw
Arranging for the Picnic
Messrs C E Emerson and A R
Mehaffey of the committee on ar
rangements went up the Imperial line
Monday in the interests of the rail
road mens picnic to be held June IS
At Palisade the boys found about
three hundred people would attend
the picnic Quite a number of peo
ple from Imperial will be there any
how a hundred Add these to the
thousand expected frdln McCook and
you will have the nucleus tor some
thing of a picnic
McCook merchants have indicated
their willingness to donate goods for
this event
Indications now point to the great
est picnic event ever pulled off in
this part of the state
The railroad boys are showing by the
generous giving that they feel this is
Junior Normal
Tiie institute week this year of
of the Junior Normal promises to be
of unusual interest to all teachers
Besides the regular faculty two ex
tra instructors have been provided
Mr E G Weaver head of the de
partment of penmanship and draw
ing of the Perry Normal College will
give two weeks instruction in these
subjects beginning June 6 In addi
tion to this he will give one illus
trated evening lecture Prof N A
Banks of the University of Nebraska
will give one week of special work
on the subject of geography Two
of his special lines of work will be
illustrated by use of the stereopti
con These two lines of work are a
study of the geography of Nebraska
and industrial geography Besides
these two lines he will also have a
class in elementary physical geog
Change of Train Routing
Orleans Neb May 14 A large
vious loans should be paid off at once lcrew of men are here putting in au
other new side track for the B
M southeast of the depot This is
the second long side track that the
company has put in this spring It
is generally understood here that the
K C O trains which now run
from Stromsburg to Alma will soon
be run on to Orleans instead of
stopping at Alma to connect with
the trains on the St Francis line
and that the division will be moved
A jf Ii 1
Before the Strains of Lohengrin are
heard preparation is necessary
Everything for the Bride Bridesmaid Relatives and friends Your Trousseau let
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska May 17th lUO
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present C B Gray F S
Lofton and Edward SiiKhroue county commis
sioners and Charles Skalla county clerk
Tho minutes of the meeting held April 20th
were read and on motion approved
The petition of G O- Lonenecker S O Hoiik
laud and others asking for the establishment
of a public road in Fritsch and Red Willow
known as Itoad No 4H was present
ed to the board together with tho viewers and
appraisers reports claims for damage and re-
monstrances and wns considered by the board
and a hearing given to all parties intere ted in
the matter Fiual decision in the matter was
postponed until the next meeting
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and the clerk was instructed to draw war
rants on the respective funds as follows
Commissioner District No 1
Joshua Rowland road work Grant prec
inct 00
Commissioner District No 2
Setli McCain road workNorth Valley pre
cinct 9 00
Main Street
McCook Nebr
issist you assemble it Table linens make exquisite wedding presents Prices reasonable
the loves picnic The rip track j Fred Wilson road work North Valley pre-
boys -e already subscribed 103 cinct is 7
rroni Alma to Orleans Journal spe
We can please you not only in
price on wall paper but in design
coloring and quality A McMillen
This is a good town make it still
better by improving your property
with long wearing Bradley
man Pure Paint You cant beat it
Sold by Stansberry Lumber Co
A husband recently surprised his
wife by applying Perma Lac on some
old tables and chairs His friends
are now inquiring where he got his
new furniture Sold by Stansberry
Lumber Co
Nest Sunday will be Eev
mans last sermon in McCook
The administrator and the
at ten oclock He will go to Osmond
Nebraska Eev L Grotheer of Oxford
will supply here until a regular pastor
is chosen andon the field
ian the trustee and the treasurer
will find the First National Bank a
very acceptable place to deposit their
funds Such funds are absolutely se
cure and are earning interest con
On Wednesday of last week Miss
Winifred Browne was the object of
a happy surprise when a number of
her friends gathered at her home
and reminded her that the occasion
was her birthday Light refresh
ments were served and the evening
quickly passed in games and music
Mr C C Brown presidisg at the
luhuai iiiuai til luau ituii iifiui iuu
precinct il 00
Elmer Turpin road work North Valley
precinct 9 00
F M Jennings road work North Valley
precinct 29 7a
A E Jennings road work North Valley
precinct ISO
Elmer Elliott road work North Valley
precinct 00
Joe Wilson road work North Valley pre
cinct 5 00
Robert Webber road work North Valley
precinct 5 00
Harry Webber road work North Valley
precinct 2 00
Jack King road work North Valley pre
cinct IS 00
L J Shippee road work North Valley
precinct 18 75
William Vedder rod work Alliance pre
cinct COO
Charles Allbee road work Fritsch pre
cinct -ISO
William Allbee road work Fritch pre
cinct ISO
Ben Coburn road work Fritsch precinct 3 10
Fred Kircher road work Fritsch precinct 8 00
Martin Bergin road work Fritsch precinct 3 00
Otis Coburn road work Fritsch precinct 00
Clarence Hill road work Fritsch precinct 1 SO
Frank Hill road work Fritsch precinct 2 SO
Frank Brahler road work Fritsch prec
cinct UK
F G Wilson road work Red Willow pre
cinct 22 75
Seth McCain road work Bed Willow pre
cinct 7
W P Elmer culvert work including sand
and labor 61 00
Mathias Colling road work Red Willow
precinct 11 0
Charles Suiter load work Red Willow
precinct 6 00
Bert Masters road work Red Willow pre
cinct 6 75
J G ODea road work Red Willow prec
inct 14 00
John Reiners road work Red Willow pre
cinct uo
Commissioner District No I
W T Clark road work Willow Grove
precinct 2310 allowed at 21 00
H Ploussard one day with engine run
ning road grader 20 allowed at 12 00
Road Di trict No 2 Alliance precinct
James h McDowell roaa work i
George Teeter road work 33 00
Bert Moore road work 6 00
Road District No 3 Fritsch precinct
Frank Hill road work 35 00
Clarence Hill road work IS
Charles Allbee road work 4S 00
Bianam Taylor road work 6 75
Jesse Taylor road work 10 SO
Otis Coburn road work 3 00
Frank Brabler road work 1 SO
Frank McNeill road work 12 00
James Bergin road work 3 00
Fred Hoagland road work 4 SO
Charles Taylor road work 6 00
Herbert Critchfield road work 24 00
C K Critchiield road work 3 00
Martin Bergin road work 13 00
William Allbee road work 4 50
Fred Kircher road work 4 50
Ben Coburn road work 10 50
Road District No 13 Bondville precinct
Herman Reiners road work 10 00
William Baumbach road work 20 50
Henry Schamel road work 18 00
Charles Weintz road work 7 00
Fred Unger road work 3 00
Road District No S Red Willow- precinct
Mathias Colling road work 12 00
Charles Suiter road work 24 00
John Crocker road work 36 00
Leroy Jones road work 30 00
John Smith road work 3 00
John ODea road work 29 00
Elias Canaga road work 3 00
Road District No 14 Valley Grange precinct
Robert Johnston road work 12 CO
John Hammell road work 3 00
A B Fraser road work 3 00
A H Wagy road work 3 00
Christ Troester road work 3 00
C J Troester road work 3 35
Road District No 15 Driftwood precinct
C A Deloy blacksmithing 1 25
W S Fitch road work 4 00
Joe Dack road work 1 50
Road District No 16 Grant precinct
W SMcBrien road work 13 50
A C Harris road work 1 50
Roy Albrecht road work i 00
Joshua Rowland road work 15 00
August Wesch road work j 00
Road District No 17 Gervor precinct
Frank Schamel road work SCO
Road District No 18 Danbury precinct
Wayne Rozelle road work C 00
Harry Korb road work 12 0
RoyShorey road work j
S W Stilgebouor road work 00
Jake Wishon road work 1 50
C H Angell road work 00
On motion tho board adjourned to meet May
31st 1910 C B Gray Chairman
Attet Chas Skalla County Clerk
Day and night auto livery
sons Livery Barn Phone 34
Buy your wall paper of McConnell
and assure yourself of style quality
and the right price
If you dislike to wear corns
McMillens Sure Corn Cure
Do you recall the Startling Narration told
bj Augusta J Evans in the book
Dramatized by Grace Hayward
Most unusual and interesting production
ever made in this ctiy
Story of the Triumph over a Blackened Soul
Prices 100 75c 50c 25c
There will be no Matinee Saturday afternoon on
count of the late arrival of the Company
Ask to see the
Curlee 250 500 Pants
we have a complete line in light colors
also the
Nufangl which can be worn
without belt or suspen
Pers from 400
to 750
Exclusive Clothiers
Phone 280
Furnishers for MeruBoys
115 West B St
imtn r -
Foil Sale or part of my nlfnlfa
and fruit farm Phone black 292 or
call W M Morrisey
Received on account
Cash Credit slips etc
the Tribune office Per
Piid out4
for sale at
000 fiOc
Surveying and Engineering
Lost and obliterated farm and town
lot corners re cdtablhihet Town sites
and additions plotted IuveN run irri
gation mapping done Plans specifi
cations and estimates municipal and
structual engineering
F A ROLAND C E Depty 0 Surveyor