The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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You are using pure drugs when
ever you buy any of Nyals rem
edies Satisfactory results guar- J
anteed or money refunded C R I
Woodworth druggist
Model School
The state superintendent of public
instrustion is desirous of having pu
pils represent all grades from the
first to the sixth inclusive Con
sidering the fact that the junior nor
mal session will last during some of
ihe warm weather it is well as far
as possible to have pupils in the
model school who live somewhat
aiear the high school building Those
parents who would like for their
nildren to attend the model school
-should either phone or see Miss Mc
ilillen for the fifth and sixth grades
uid Miss Kathrine Price for the
lirst to fourth grades inclusive
We Make
a specialty of the Sherwin Williams
paints beeause they represent the
best paint value on the market For
durability spreading capacity beauty
easy working qualities and for econ
omy no better paints can be made
They come in but one quality the
3est Ask for color card and prices
2Lu W McConnell druggist
An East McCook Lady
suffered a very narrow escape from heart
failure Tuesday of this week She
walked rapidly three quarters of a mile
in to Main street to secure some of the
sample lace curtains advertised for 35c
each by The Thompson D G Co and
arrived in time for a good choice A
disappointment in her tired condition
aiight have proved fatal
For Sale
My residence on 5th street E S room
Siouse furnace beat two lots Thirty
shade and fruit trees Good barn and
hen house Fine cement walks In
quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills
or at residence Phone bl3ck 405
Almost a Full Inch of Rainfall
Sunday nights rain amounted to
3S of an inch at this point Monday
morning snow prevailed in eastern
Colorado being reported as far east
as Eckley
The Bullard Lumber Co at Cul
2ertson is putting in the foundation
Xor a crib elevator occupying 2Sx28
feet and 60 feet high with twelve
bins an 22800 bushels grain capa
Seed oats for sale by Updike Grain
If you are not satisfied with the
prescription service you are get
ting let us compound them for
you Pure drugs at right prices
C R Woodworth druggist
Commencement Exercises Next Wed
nesday May 25
The twenty second annual com
mencement of the McCook high
school will occur next Wednesday
evening May 25 at 830 oclock at
the high school auditorium An ef
fort has been made by the class and
faculty to get up a program which
will please the patrons and tax pay
ers of our public schools The class
oration will be given by Dr C N
Dawson on the subject Things Are
Not Always What They Seem Dr
Dawson is eminently qualified to en
roll among the professional platform
lecturers of today He has received
repeated requests to give his lec
tures and his return engagements
are evidence that his audiences have
given their approval Possessed of a
strong personality he easily wins and
holds his hearers from the first
Of positive convictions and unques
tioned sincerity his lectures are a
scepter of power for good He has
the happy faculty of commingling hu
mor pathos arid advice in just the
proper proportion to produce a per
fect blend a factor which is so es
sential in a popular lecture of a
high order He is always in demand
on patriotic and literary occasions
The program in full is as follows
Overture K of P Orchestra
Song 6th 7th and Sth Grades
Greeting Vera Delphine Fitzgerald
Song High School Girls Glee Club
Class Oration Things Are Not Al
ways What They Seem
Dr C N Dawson
Music Selected K of P Orchestra
Diploma Presentation
Mr C W Barnes
Song High School Girls Glee club
Class Roll Vera Delphine Fitz
Class Motto Labor Omnia Vin
Class Flower English violet
Class Colors Old gold and royal
The doors will not be open until
745 oclock Every effort will be
made to have the auditorium as com
fortable as possible The boys of the
junior class will act as ushers No
admission fee will be charged All
tax payers and patrons are cordially
invited to attend
Well Played Well Staged
As the Sun Went Down was well
played well staged and the com
pany and management enjoyed the
patronage of one of the best audi
ences seen in the Temple theatre
during the season But the writer
has serious misgivings as to the util
ity of such performances before the
youth of either sex The moral was
clearly shown but amid such open
and bold circumstances and settings
as to spoil the teaching God has
placed on this earth no flower to be
so tenderly protected as womanhood
Playrights are overlooking this fact
in depicting so frequently upon the
stage the unfaithful wife or in plac
ing woman in compromising posi
tions Not the how of the play but
the what is open to criticism
District Rebekah Meeting
The Daughters of Rebekah will
hold a district meeting in our city
Friday evening next May 20 Invita
tions have been extended to neigh
boring lodges and several responses
have been received Full instruc
tions will be given in the secret
work and a program will be given
of interest to all
Mens Suits 500 to 1650
Extra special value at 81350 Boys
suits 8175 to 8750 Boys wash suits
50c 75c SI 00 Mens skeleton serge
coats for summer 8500
The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
All sizes prices and colors that
will appeal to you For comfort
there is nothing that equals a
hammock L W McConnell drug
Daln Combination Stackers
If you are thinking of buying a com
bination Sweeprake and Stacker let us
show you the Dain the best ever
McCook Hardware Co
New Kimonos
just received in long and short in lawns
challies crepes Wide sleeves or cutis
Empire or plain 50c to 8175
The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
wshth year
Bring Your List Here
and you will get well served with
the very best qualities of Groceries
We keep a fresh stock constantly on
hand and guarantee the purity of
every article we handle We want
you to try our groceries because we
know you can not match them any
erhere in town at such positively
low prices To prove this just fa
vor us with a trial order
Look for Saturday Snaps at
O- B Doyle Phono 47
New Officers of No 135
Tuesday night the following offi
cers were elected for the ensuing
near of McCook lodge No 135 A F
A M B H Stewart W M
B J Gunn S W F L Wolff J
W George Willetts treasurer C
Fahnestock secretary Georg
AVIlletts S S Garvey and W B
Whittaker members Temple board fc
three two and one years respect
Joint installation and celebration
on St Johns Day June 24 with the
Eastern Star Program and refresh
I llfM Cln II Clllrrl l MlnVlt
Readers of Augusta J Evans fa
mous novel St Elmo and they
are legion will be interested in the
announcement that Grace Haywards
authentic dramatization is to be pre
sented at the Temple theatre Sat
urday evening May 21
The play is one of the genuine
successes of the year This is not
surprising as the book has long been
recognized as a standard of fiction
It was written many years ago but
is equally as popular as in our grand
parents time In fact book sellers
say that the sales for the past three
years have exceeded that of any re
cent work of fiction It has been
translated in a dozen languages and
although typically American in
thought and action has a tremen
dous vogue abroad
Miss Haywards dramatization ad
heres very closely to the story of
the book and to this is probably due
in large measure the instantaneous
success of the play
In point of box office receipts and
public interest St Elmo has been
a surprise to everyone It has of
fered additional proof if indeed any
was needed that American play
goers want a wholesome well told
story and will take it every time in
preference to risque importations
A company of unusual excellence
will present the play in this city
Curtain promptly at 9 oclock
The Girl from Porto Rico
A fine audience greeted the per
formance last Thursday evening by
local talent of The Girl from Porto
Rico This three act comedy had
little to recommend it but fun claim
ing no plot or moral but there was
lots of that article and it pleased
the audience to be thus amused
And best of all the box receipts were
quite satisfactory to the ladies of
the Episcopal church under whose
patronage the play was given for the
benefit of their proposed new edifice
S C Beach put the play on for the
ladies and he was assisted by Mrs
James Hatfield Mrs S C Beach
Miss Hazel Merle George Kearns
D J OBrien and B H Stewart
Has Sold and Delivered 42 Cars Al
ready This Season
C R Livingston announces the re
ceipt of another carload of auto mo
biles this week Four of them are
the 4 cylinder Reos and six are of the
model 38 Overlands
This season already Mr Livingston
has sold and delivered 42 cars of
different models
He now has in stock 14 cars
Girls to Give May Dance
The young ladies of the Fortnight
ly dancing club will on tomorrow
evening give the young gentlemen of
the club a return or May dance in
appreciation of the delightful 1909
1910 season enjoyed by them through
the Fortnightly dances Monte Cris
to hall will be the place and the mu
sic will be provided by Mrs Mills
and Mrs Vahue It will be one of
the social events of early summer
Mrs H P Waite and Mrs Leroy
Kleven will be the chaperones
Nebraska Piano Buyers Save 8100
by buying direct Write at once for
piano catalogs and special introductory
prices and terms This is the house
which has been supplying most Ne
braska pianos for nearly 40 years
Strongest guarantee Over 30 leading
piano masses to choose from Big player
piano catolog now ready for mailing
Address the Knight - Campbell Music
Co Denver ColoDept A 2S 4t
Exclusive Agents Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCook
for the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20 25 and 35 cents
per pound
For Sale
All or part of my alfalfa and fruit
farm Call or phone black 292 W M
Wall Paper
Just what you are looking for can
be seen in McConnells wall paper
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianoia Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Eas Em makes tired and
weary feet glad Sprinkle a lit
tle in the shoes thats all 25c at
Woodworth druggists
Remembered Faithful Tom
ftdr w
Tom Rowell who has been janitor
for the public schools of the city for
the past twenty years was hand
somely remembered last Friday for
his faithful and efficient services in
that capacity the city superintend
ent county superintendent and the
teachers of the central school build
ing uniting in a gift of a fine gold
watch chain and M W A emblem
charm Tom prizes the pretty and
valuable present the more for the
fact that it represents the genuine
appreciation of the givers for his
earnest and faithful efforts to ren
der meritorious and satisfactory ser
vice in his position in the school for
so many years
Tom has resigned his position on
account of the too great demand on
his strength to fill longer the exact
ing duties of high school janitor
and will after the close of school
assume the same position in the
Temple theatre building
It was a gracious expression fully
Closing of School
The present term of the public
schools will close Wednesday May
25 Next week will be given over to
final examinations and the correc
tion of papers by the teachers In
order to give the teachers time to
get all papers corrected report cards
made out promotion cards made out
and the semester reports in the pu
pils will be dismissed from their re
spective rooms two or three half
days during the week at the discre
tion of the teachers It is very de
sirable that all parents co operate
With the schools and see to it that
all pupils take their examinations at
the regular stated times
Returned Home Monday
Gordon Hartman and mother re
turned home Monday on No 1 from
Lincoln Gordon is gradually recov
ering from his recent illness and op
eration in a Lincoln hospital not
withstanding his recovery at the first
was regarded as dubious His
friends and they are legion will be
more than pleased to learn of his
return and of his improved condition
having only the additional hope that
his improvement may continue and
become permanent
For Sale
320 acres 14 miles from McCook
7 miles from Traer Kas This is a
fine tract of land and well worth
2500 an acre Improvements fair
Plenty of fence School only a few
rods On R F D Must be sold
quick Address for price and fur
ther information
St Francis Kans
HKSHLA W fek Mffjfcjljiffyj HB
Scene From St Elmo
Elkays Straw Hat Cleaner
To those who used it last year it
will need no recommend and to oth
ers come in and let us demonstrate
to you what it will do Save the cost
of a new hat and have one good as
new for 15c L W McConnell drug
Ahoy Petticoats
Line now complete at 50c to 500
Embroidered flounce styles at 31 25 8175
and 8350 Pure silk8399 8450 8475
Colored washable ones 50c and 65c
The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
Took Holdrege in Twice
The Holdrege high school base
ball team played Culbertson last Fri
day losing by a score of 0 to 2 On
Saturday they went against Trent
on losing again by 3 to 2
Sure We Are
headquarters for Childrens Rompers
Straw Hats Sun Shades Gauze Under
wear Sun Bonnets Brownie Overalls
and Stockings Rompers 25c
The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
Mrs W S Tomlinsoii Very 111
The Tribune is deeply pained to note
that Mrs W S Tomlinson of our city
is very ill
Several Arrests Saturday Afternoon
Officer Resisted and Trouble En
sues Considerable Excitement At
tends Efforts to Place In Jail Two
Intoxicated Offenders Against the
Dignity of the Law
Main avenue was the scene of un
usual excitement Saturday afternoon
attending the arrest of an intoxi j
cated citizen or two The difficulty i
started when Policeman Henry Trout
attempted to arrest Kent Walker a
young man employed in the McCook j
Brick Cos works and who was in
toxicated He resisted the officer
and was assisted by a sympathetic
crowd which quickly assembled Af j
ter considerable excitement Walker
was finally placed in the county jail
with the assistance of Sheriff Hlg
gins and several citizens who offered
assistance or were called upon by the
officer The officer after being
knocked down by Walker and being
relieved of his mace by sympathizers
in the crowd secured his club and
the prisoners gory condition as
he was taken to the county jail
preached a rather more eloquent tem i
perance sermon than most speakers
can produce
Shortly after this arrest Marshal
Osborn and an assistant E F
born appeared on the scene and plac
ed Lacy Cotton in the city jail La
cy had been mixed up in the resist
ance given the officer in arresting
Walker and was very much the worse
for some of his experiences before
the marshal took him in charge
Both of the prisoners later in the
day appeared before Police Judge
Heaton and gave an account of them
selves Cotton was assessed 25 and
costs a total of 3195 Walker drew
45 and costs 4955 in all Cotton
paid up and was released Walker
remained in confinement until the
first of this week
The reader may if he feels so
disposed draw his own conclusions
or moral from this disgraceful affair
School Census
An effort is being made by the
school authorities to get the most
complete school census possible
Family cards have been sent out to
every family represented in the
school It is desirable that the par
ents fill out these cards and send
them back to school as soon as pos
sible A word of explanation is due
The size of the school census and
total population of the town are im
mediately essential in giving the
town influence in a commercial way
In the state at large we want to
boost for McCook The school dis
trict draws state apportionment
money for every person between ihe
ages of Jix and twenty one in the
school district Every one should
co operate with the school authori
ties by filling cut carefully all
blanks on the cards sent home
Marriage of Miss Vanderpool
Miss Maud Vanderpool formerly of
our city was united in marriage
May 7 1910 in Bartley by Rev J
Will Campbell to Mr P J McMan
us of Cambridge where they will re
Celebrating Anniversary
During the month of May the mem
bers of the Epworth League are ob
serving by special programs the
21st anniversary of the organization
of the league
Every Farmer Should Have
a good Cream Separator We sell the
Blue Bell DeLaval Sharpies Omega
Domo and can get you an Economy
Chief if you want it
McCook Hardware Co
Dutch Collars and Chemisettes
in lace in embroidery with jabots or
plain 25c to 82 50 just received at
The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
District Court Monday
The May term of distinct court will
open next Monday with 35 cases docket
ed This will be an equity term no
100 Black Silk for 9c
A very superior 8100 black taifeta silk
36 inches wide for 79c at
The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
An Invitation
Wo invito you to provide
for your future wolfaro by
starting an -account in our
bank Got a good sub
stantial sum laid by Thon
if sickness or other misfor
tune comes you will not
have to worry about whore
the next meal is coming
from Wo will show you
every courtosy and atten
tion at our bank and will
be glad to see you whether
your deposit is large or
Why not start RIGHT
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pros
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Christian Science
Morning subject Soul and Body
Congregational No preaching servi
ces next Sunday or on the Sunday fol
lowing Preaching services resumod on
first Sunday in Juno
Morning subject What Think Ye
of Christ Evening Can a Poor
Man Have a Possession
Decoration Day
The public schools are trying to do
their share in stirring up the inter
est and the proper observance of Dec
oration day Decoration day coming
just after the disorganization of the
school makes it hard for the school
to have much of a possible showing
on Decoration day itself The G A
R have kindly consented to send rep
resentatives into every room in the
school to talk to the children about
Decoration day J A Wilcox has
been sent to the high school Wm
Fitch to the west ward Judge Le
Hew to the east ward and Thomas
Moore to the south
High School Debate
In the high school debate last
week the affirmative on the navy
question won by a decision of tvo
to one One of the debaters for this
week becoming ill made it necessary
for the team to be rearranged for
the ship subsidy debate The
judges last week were H A Cul
bertson R A Green and Rev
ant Howe
The Art Tint
Babys Caps and Bonnets
of lace of embroidery of silk or straw
crocheted silk just arrived in large var
iety at The Thompson I G Co Ut
most Value
Hay and Alfalfa For Sale
by SBRankin Phone ash 3G3L 24 tf
Clean Your Old Straw Hat
Invest 10c in a package of straw
hat cleaner make your old hat
new and save from 2 to 10
C R Woodworth druggist
just one of the beau
tiful mounts in brown
and gray tones new
spring styles which
we are showing and
our portraits have
a different quality
look that commands
a second glance You
cannot afford to pass
up the opportunity
Portrait Photographer
1st Door N Commer
cial Hotel Phone
No Red 428