I t i You Skotxld Looker Thin Edges VOU will always find them on the best made clothes The ability of master bailors is judged by them The thin even edge is one of the di ictive features of Clothcraft Clothes ilt enables the cloth to lay flat between the buttons one W tSTSiSSL J iHfti vf - OFT vu ri t wi 1 tfSXSSS Good Printing s the art of putting into another xnind what is in your own IT IS A SUBTLE METHOD OF SUGGESTION 3t Is a means of making a favorable -Impression To have the best results It must be the best printing That we are prepared to give you WALK RIGHT IN Midclleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Shone 182 McCook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska E Whitney Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Walter Hosier WHITNEY HOSIER Draymen Prompt Services Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Fhoncs 13 and Black 244 KJ J JL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday result of scientific tailoring We select them from over a score of different lines to offer you because vfc know them to be the best tailored pure wool clothes and selling at a sensible price These clothes will satisfy you no matter how particular you are With each suit you get a signed guarantee that every thread is wool and the style and shape will last you until the suit is worn out r w t m m MaJgL sbsJLJL JkJL JL All Wool Clothes 10to25 Nir spring line of Clothcraft is now complete Let us show you C L DeGroff Co McCook Hughes Crescent Cottage Paints are sold in McCook by H P WAITE and CO 3S5XSXD5 Summer Coal Try our Pea Coil for summer use Its All Coal We carry a regu lar stock of coal and can meet all your needs Phone 169 Updike Grain Co - CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cor dially invited to these services Rev R T Bayne Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Com munion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun days 745 a m each mouth All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Christian Sunday - school at ten oclock Preaching 2nd and 4th Sun day mornings and evenings C E at 7 oclock Elder F D Hobson Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 30 am Mass and sermon 1030 am Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M 1 Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 Bryant Howe Pastor Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock am Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m B Y P U 645 p m Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us Francis E Iams Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West Christian Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in church corner of E and 6th street east every Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans cordially invited RevWji Brueggeman 607 5th st East Where Theres a Will He So your husband has given up smoking It requires a pretty strong will to accomplish that She Well Id have you understand that I have a strong will New Zealand Free Lance Foleys Kidney Pills are antiseptic tonic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregulari ties Refuse substitutes A McMil len CONSIDERATE Ho Spared His Guest the Unpleasant Little Detail Two friends one a prosperous look ing business man and the other at least well dressed chanced to meet not long ago and lhe second gentle man remembered that It was his turn to buy the dinner so they were soon repairing to a fashionable restaurant Their orders were generous and they lingered long over the good things not forgetting cigars at the end When they felt that they really had to leave or else pay rent the host showed a bit of fidgetiness and re quested that the other go outside and wait for him that there was an un pleasant little detail he wished to discuss with the proprietor and could not think of embarrassing his friend by having him overhear it The friend did as requested stepping out side and waiting at the nearest corner He had been waiting only about live minutes when of a sudden the door of the restaurant flew open and his erst while host shot through it as from a catapult followed by some most un complimentary terms Whats wrong was the first in quiry of the waiting friend Oh nothing much was the an swer except that the unpleasant lit tle detail I had to discuss with the proprietor was that I had no money to pay for the dinners Pittsburg Gazette Times A FAMOUS GOOSE Peter the Pet of the English Cold stream Guards Possibly the most remarkable crea ture ever attached to a regiment was Peter the ever famous goose of the Coldstream guards This curious pet was presented to the Coldstreamers when they were in Canada by the late Hon Adolphus Graves and soon it ac quired a fame which eclipsed that of all rivals In the way of pets in the army When the guard was mounted of a morning Peter always marched off with them It 4s recorded that one night the goose saved a sentrys life by flying In the face of a rebel who was just going to fire at the soldier Peters timely aid disconcerted the rebel who fired at random The sen try immediately responded by shoot ing the rebel dead When the guards came home and were quartered in London one of the sights when the regiment marched out was to see Peter strutting at the head of the battalion till they passed the barrack gate when the goose re turned Unhappily Peters fate was unheroic His end was ill in accord with his martial career for he was run over and killed by a cab and that not even a taxicab It was a poor kind of an end for a bird with such a record London Telegraph Old English Laws About Buttons Buttons have engaged the attention of legislators even more frequently than hats Five acts have been pass ed to protect the button industry of England and some of these are still unrepealed An act of George 1 in flicts a penalty of 40 shillings on any person using or selling buttons made of cloth serge drugget frieze or cam let This law says the London Daily Mail was a source of intense annoy ance to foreign visitors and the author of Le Parisieu a Londres a guide written in 17S9 is careful to explain its provisions at considerable length ne adds however that foreigners who are able to prove that their clothes were made in their own coun try escape the penalty when first sum moned on the understanding that they change their buttons within twenty four hours Lively Times In Billville Well sir said the Billville citi zen ef they aint a power o confu sion in the skies after awhile Ill give it up Whats the trouble he was asked Well over yander is Deacon Jones prayin fer rain an jest crost the way is Elder Brown pertitionin fer dry an the whole poperlations crowdin roun bettin whichll win An the high sheriffs done sarved notice to all of em to appear in court an answer to the charge o gamblin in futures an he says hell git enough cash out o the gang to finish the artesian well an paint the town hall Dncle Re mus Magazine Guarded His Beard As Sir Thomas More laid his head on the block he begged the executioner to wait a moment while he carefully placed his beard out of reach of the ax for he said it hath not commit ted treason which reminds one of the story of Simon Lord Lovat who the day before his execution on Tower hill bade the operator who shaved him be cautious not to cut his throat as such an accident would cause disap pointment to the gaping crowd on the morrow English Magazine Small Audience Bacon Did you say the professor al ways counts ten before he speaks Egbert No he only counted eight at yesterdays lecture Yonkers States man His Proof Mrs Youngwlfe What have you ever done to prove your love for me Mr Youngwife Darling Ive contract ed a lovely case of chronic dyspepsia Judge Remember you must die Let this not startle yeu but let it soften you while there Is yet time to do some good In the world 1 A P1NLESS HAT Comes From Paris and Is to Baffle Theater Men Too Can you beat a woman No sooner do we have agitation over stllctto llke hatpins In Chicago street cars than along comes a woman with a hat which doesnt need a pin at all And not only that but to get around those inconsiderate theater managers who Insist that the women remove their millinery creations no matter how pretty or new or costly this same wo man has a hat which wouldnt at tract the attention of the most zeal ous head usher Its the same hat too This young woman Is Miss Mary Glenn of Evanston III The hat she brought along with several others from Paris Miss Glenn recently re turned home after a six months tour of Europe not the least Important stop of which was the millinery mart of the French capital No hatpins and they just cant require me to removo it in the the ater said Miss Glenn as she donned hor treasure She placed It upon her head without the aid of a mirror and demonstrated the absurdity of nnj theater manager requiring the removal of such a minute thing Yes I purchased It In Paris It Is called a theater hat and as you see It Is made of gold cord with an algret and fits closely to the head I never thought it would cause so much comment and I never will visit Europe again If I know that my re turn will cause so much comment Before I loft the steamer In New York some photographer had taken my picture for although the hat Is to be worn at the play I just couldnt wait and had to wear it while we landed Miss Glenn related how another wo man objected to her wearing it In a New York theater She objected said the owner but I was not required to remove It PRAISE FOR MISS MORGAN HA Boss Buotor 8ay Kansas Gov ernor of Financiers Daughter She is a boss buster square dealer and Insurgent all three combined She is pretty attractive and very sensible This Is the way Governor Stubbs of Kansas characterized Miss Anne Mor gan daughter of 1 Pierpont Morgan upon his return to Topeka Kan the other day from Emporia where he met her at William Allen Whites dinner the night before That girl is sure to do a power of good in this world the governor said S - M MISS ANXE MORGAN She surprised me by her line of thought She is big enough to look clear over her fathers pile of gold and silver and see the common people She wants to do good for the people and while she did not outline her plan of work to me I am sure she will do something that will make every Amer ican swell with pride She is not look ing for one of those foreign critters with a title She wants to do some thing worth while for humanity and she will do it because of the spirit that is in her APRIL 1 IN CONGRESS Tawney Calls Up Mr Train Joke on Adamson Representative Jim Tawney of Min nesota chairman of the appropriations committee frowningly stnlked into his office on April 1 in a lull in the house proceedings He picked up a memo randum on his desk It read Call up Mr Train Main 73S0 Mr Tawnej hurried to the telephone and called the number Mr Train he asked Did you asked a voice at the oth er end Did I what asked Tawney impa tiently Who is this Union station Then a light broke on the watch dog of the treasury and he slammed the transmitter back on the hook and sat down abruptly Representative Adamson of Georgia ranking Democratic member of the railroad committee of the house re ceived an envelope on the floor Ad amson about to submit the minority report on the railroad bill opened the envelope when suddenly a trick ar rangement in which a coiled rubber band figured was sprung releasing the rubber with a buzz hoard over most of the Irill Judge Adamson jumped from his seat When recover ed from the shock he laughed and re membered it was April fool day and that congress was not exempt Richmond Gets Battle Abbey A site in the park in the west end of Richmond Va has been chosen as the place for the erection of the hand some building to hold the memorials of the Confederacy which is -to be known as Battle abbey It -will have on file every relic of Importance to the cause of the south In the civii war CALLING AT THE VATICAN Ex Diplomatists Views on the Popoa Reception of Strangers After the dispatch from Home stat ing former President Itooscvclls rea sons for uot calling on tiny jope during his recent stay at Home was read to a well known diplomat who did not wish his name to bo used he said There Is nothing surprising in the re fusal of the pope to receive Theodore Roosevelt The same thing 1ms occur red with foreign princes who have vis ited Rome and Is the reason why the emperor of Austria and the king of Spain never go there Troubles how ever generally arise over the conflict between the Quirlnal and the Vatican If the king of England went to Rome and called first at the Qulrlnal palace to see the king the pope would refuse to receive him AH kinds of devices have been tried to get around this obstacle Two years ago an cx presldent of Brazil went tc Rome and called at the Qulrlnal and then left Rome for a trip Into the coun try which lasted a week On his re turn he went direct to the Vatican and was received as It was regarded as a second visit to the city One of the Hohenzollern princes went to Rome a year ago and had an audience with the king Then he went away for a month and came back to see the pope and was received through the subterfuge of the second visit What is the procedure for an Amer ican citizeu to pursue In getting an au dience with the pope he was asked The usual way replied the diplo mat Is to call on Bishop Kennedy at the American college in Rome and he arranges the audience The United States embassy has no relations with the Vatican Numbers of prominent Catholics from the United Stntcs take over letters of introduction from Car dinal Gibbons or Archbishop Farley which they present to Mgr BIsletl at the Vatican and get an audience with the pope direct Personally he Is very well disposed toward Americans and likes them very much On an average the pope re ceives from 2500 to 3000 Americans a year Protestants as well as Catho lics are included in this number but naturally the latter are largely In the majority The audiences are given In the royal suit In the Vatican and are of two kinds private and in groups In a private audience the head of the Catholic church shakes hands and con verses with the Individual to whom It has been accorded In the groups of pilgrims or other large bodies not ex ceeding 200 the pope passes down the line and bestows a general blessing and holds out his hand for the par ticipants In the audience to kiss the ring BOOTS FOR MINISTER GAGE Scorns Shiny Pumps and Lord Faun tleroy Pants For Court Functions With eighteen new pairs of long leg ged boots Henry T Gage ex governor of California left Los Angeles the oth er day for King Manuels court in Lis bon to be American envoy extraordi nary and minister plenipotentiary to Portugal Governor Gage and his boots are an institution in California but when his appointment was an nounced he received from a Loudon tailor who makes a specialty of diplo matic outfitting a circular sternly in forming him that he must provide him self with smalls silk stockings and shiny pumps According to the best information from the firing line the newly appoint ed diplomat threw the diagrams of what he called Lord Fauntleroy pants in the waste paper basket and sent out for those eighteen pails of huge boots Im going to go dressed as an Amer ican said he and In full length trousers not to mention boots Since his youth Mr Gage has stuck to real boots When he was elected governor his friends chuckled and said that they had him for they said They dont make patent leather boots But when the Inaugural took place the gov ernor elect triumphantly led the grand march in a pair of patent leather dress boots PREVENTION OF DIVORCE Massachusetts Bishop Lays Rules to Avoid It Down That there should be purity before and after the marriage ceremony That young couples who are to mar ry should have a sense of solidarity when joined In wedlock Nancy Hanks In Marble Nancy Hanks the famous trotting mare although still living Is to be perpetuated In marble Nancy In her day wa3 one of the finest and fleetest horses living I 3- A big bowl of Quaker Oats is the best dish you can serve Delicious and nourishing Good for all ages and all conditions Economical and strengthening 53 j Lumber and oa 1 Thats All But wo can meet your every need in theso lines from our largo and comploto stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 Jttttt t yr t t m Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location jnst across PI nCfr lr street in PWalsh building l UUK av 1 1 rp fvjrn n fw if vi n tr r w wm Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 McCook Neb Office over GlecrlcTheatre on Alain Ave MAiJLjtltMllatilliflitJiMa Dr Herbert J Pratt REGISTERED GRADUATE Dentist Oilico 212S4 Main av over McCouiiells Drun Store McCook Neb Telephones OfHce 1C0 Itesidence Ulac 131 Be vvvrvii t rww vv wril mfVq R H Gatewood i DENTIST Office Room 1 Masonic temple Phone 163 McCook Nebraska tJjiiLiJiiIiitAtttlilttfxttt6tlaB DR EARL 0 VAHUE Bishop William Lawrence head of Phone 378 the Episcopal diocese in eastern sachusetts declared from the pulpit of St Pauls church in Boston the other afternoon that divorce and unhappy marriage could be prevented by home training and the education of children by their parents Bishop Lawrence declared that out of every twelve marriages there was one divorce The bishop gave five sug gestions which he declared would aid I in solving the divorce problem FJere are the suggestions That children should stay at home more In the evening with their par ents and that parents should quit attending theaters and clubs nightly and remain home with their children That young people contemplating marriage should know each other in timately and have each others con fidence long before the marriage cere mony is performed That children should be educated for DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 Dr J A Golfer DENTIST Room Postofkice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA HRsBO liTLfjL JLivSimiJ tMMriv OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone tending a sketch and descrlpt n may quickly ascertain our opinion free whcier an Invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly conadentlaL HANDBOOK on Patents ecnt free Oldest aeency for securing patents Patents taken throuch Mann Co receive rptcial notice without charge In the Scientific Hmerican A handsomely illntrated weekly I nrcest cir culation of any scientitlc Journal Terms 13 a year four months L Sold by all newsdealer MUNN Go3618 New York Branch OOce 625 F SU Washlu ton V C