The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1910, Image 5

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mrnm lime cara ra
McCook Neb
No ContralTiraoJ 1135 P M
8 715 i M
It 500 a a
2 5M A M
Vi I0
14 942 p M
10 w r m
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 P M
3 1142 pm
13 905 A M
ir 12 a m
9 5 a m
o 176 arrives Mbuntnln Timo p m
Nol75demrtB 045 am
Sleeping dinintr and roclinlnR chair cars
aeuts froo on through trains Tickota sold
anil buRgnco cliockod to any point in tho Unitud
8tates or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F llostottor Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakoley General
Passenger AKont Omaha Nebraska
Tho 1GG2 received her war paint this
Front end repairs were placed on tho
1232 this week
Charlie is strongly enamored of
his sweet sixteen
Fireman I i D Fortney is laying
off and visiting in Oberiin
Conductor Tom Malen has been at
headquarters part of this week
Engineers F W Deere and W F
Niewig are laying off this week
Driving brass and front end repairs
were placed on the 1758 this week
Fireman O M McClure and wife
are visiting in Franklin this week
An axlo trouble on 77 Sunday west
of herp delayed ttains for several hours
Coal Inspector Crawford is still look
ing after company coal interests hero
Engineer O G Coppom and Fire
man D M Huet are on the sick list
Agent D F Hostetter has pur
chased the handsome home of F S
A C Wiehe spent part of last
week down east on some business
Engineer F G Westland went in
to Lincoln Monday on No 2 to spend
the week
Blacksmith J E Moss has been
laid off part of the week by an in
jured foot
Arch Cox returned to Wray Colo
last week after a short service with
the company
Engineer J W Hardy is attending
the convention of engineers at De
troit this week
The company at some points is al
ready using some of its storage coal en
account of the coal strike
Drop pit repairs are being given to
the 2710 and 2S09 this week Wheels
dropped cylinder and brasses etc
Quince Kellogg agent at Eckley
spent -part of last week visiting his
parents and friends in Alma
F Carlson section foreman of the
west section at Trenton has been
transferred to Wray Colorado
Master Mechanic C M Bailey of
Wymore spent Friday in the city on
some business and other matters
Agent N B Bush was over from
Oberiin Saturday Sunday returning
home with the family Monday morn
Engineer and Mrs G W Connor
of Lincoln are attending the Detroit
convention of locomotive engineers
this week
Clell Gearhart lately employed for
the company at Arapahoe has gonej
to Denver to take a position on thej
Santa Fe as operator
The Western Union gang of line
men passed through Wilsonville last
Thursday putting an extra telegraph
wire up the branch Review
A bunch of lively young Japs ar
rived in McCook Saturday and went
to work for the company in the yards
here as common laborers Monday j
Fireman Gregory ready on his en
gine to go out on No 2 Monday
morning sprained his ankle and
Fireman Shrigley had to take his
Passengers No 16 and 2 were both
laid out some hours Monday morn
ing by a journal accident on No 77
on the west end No 2 left here at
Engineer and Mrs Eckman of Ox
ford are recent additions to our pop
ulation hehaving been lately trans
ferred from Oxford to McCook as
The new wheel lathe has arrived from
Havelock and is now being installed
here The old one has been placed on
a car to be shipped to Havelock After
an overhauling she will be sent to Den
W M Gardner clerk for C E
Emerson of the car department is
just back from Chicago were he has
been attending the meeting of the
Burlington Voluntary Relief Depart
Dispatcher T B Campbell went up
to Yuma on No 13 Sunday to see
his brother Joe who is ailing with
asthma and came down on No 14
same night going on to Beatrice for
a short stay
Exploits of Buffalo Jones With
Lasso and Firecrackers
Leopards Giraffes and Other Beasts
Also Bagged by Famous Old Timo
Cowboy Uses Lassos Made to Hold
Up a Weight of Two Tons To Bring
Back Live Trophies
Buffalo Jones C J Jones old time
cowboy and still youthful at sixty five
has gone Colonel Theodore Roosevelt
one better inthe African jungle While
the former president who delights to
be called a great faunal naturalist
has been slaying wild beasts Buffalo
Jones has been roping tho critters in
true wild western style and he will
bring the animals alive to the United
Here is a cablegram datod Nairobi
Africa which was received the other
day from Jones by F T Bird a law
yer of New York city
Have roped and tied rhinos giraffes
leopards cheetahs and a variety of other
wild animals One Immense rhino bull
made trouble He charged all of our
party close to a hundred times and
smashed the tripod of the photographers
camera The or orator erayod and rl
his plates were uninjured e are gohsj
after lions and African buffaloes next
Men horses and dogs are in splendid con
Hunting Lions With irecrackers
There can be no doubt that Buffalo
Jones has been going some When
he first announced to the world tliut
ho intended to get into the jungle
with some good strong rope and some
trustworthy firecrackers and gather in
some wild animals many persons
laughed at him
Whoever heard of hunting lions
with firecrackers asked one of his
friends in derision
Nobody as yet Jones replied But
If a Hon gets into a thicket where we
cant get at him I guess a firecracker
or two will make him think its a
mighty unhealthy locality and heH
change his base of operations mighty
Just before he left the United States
Jones was a guest of the Campfiro
club of New York at a banquet given
in his honor The next day he slipped
quietly aboard his steamer It was
not until he reached London in the
middle of February that the mission
of Jones was entirely known
To a London newspaper man who
interviewed liim about roping lions he
Well the African Hon Is a difficult
problem Its got to be solved Ill
catch him all right but what will
happen after that 1 pretend to
know being a hunter and not a proph
et I am taking my branding irons
and the lions I dont want Ill brand
and turn loose to fight another day
I shall try the rhinoceros and the
buffalo too if I can get him out of
the bush My lassos are of Russian
hemp hard twisted so that they will
go through the air with the least pos
sible resistance Though no thicker
than a little finger my lasso will hold
up a weight of two tons When I
have made a capture I tie it with a
rope through which runs a steel wire
I believe in giving these wild things
a fair sporting chance and Ill make
good or know the reason why Other
men may bring trophies of the hunt
in the form of skins and skeletons
but yours truly will bring the real
live article back to the United States
of America or miss his guess entirely
Personnel of the Hunting Party
One of the most interesting features
of the trip of the Buffalo Jones
party to Africa is the personnel of the
party itself Besides Joues himself
the party is made up of four men
Arthur A Fowler the manager of the
party Is a member of a firm of iron
merchants He is a great sportsman
and had arrauged for a trip to Africa
and was prevailed upon to take the
management of the Buffalo Jones
party He accepted on condition that
he pay all his owu expenses but was
to have a full share of the sport Mr
Fowler has a country house at Pea
pack N J where he hunts regularly
with the Essex hounds
Guy H Scull is a Harvard man who
has been a newspaper correspondent
in two wars in Manchuria and South -Africa
and he also led the party of
Harvard men who went to the Baha
mas on the Mayflower a little more
than a year ago in search of hidden
treasure The other members of the
party are Marshall D Loveless of Ros
well N M and Ambrose I Means of
southern New Mexico Both are ex
pert cow punchers
Naturally the most interesting per
sonality in the party is Buffalo
Jones himself because he Is the last
of the great plainsmen in active life
Te be sure Buffalo Bill and Pawnee
Bill are still alive but they no longer
trail big game over the prairies as a
means of livelihood This Jones does
For years Jones was government
game warden of Yellowstone park
and while there he made numerous
captures of full grown mountain lions
by roping them Also his feat of man
icuring the grizzly bears of the park
made him known all over the country
One of the exciting incidents of his
eareer was the whipping of the bad
bears of the Yellowstone park to put
the fear of man Into their hearts
Features of Welcoming Gelsora
tion to Former President
Remarkable Demand For Tugboats by
Greeting Parties Who Plan to Most
the Colonel at Sea Ranchmen Rough
Riders Military and Civic Societies
Clamor For Places In the Parade
Down on the river front at New
York city it was said the other day
that there was an unprecedented de
mand for ocean going excursion boats
for June IS when Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt former president of the
United States returns from Europe
Nearly every big organization patri
otic political and social in New York
and scores from other cities it is un
derstood have engaged or are trying
to engage steamboats for June IS
and though some of the railroads
using boats on regular runs will char
ter them for the celebration there are
far from enough to go around at any
price Some of the greeting parties
plan to go far to sea and it is expect
ed that iheve will be a race to be the
first to meet Colonel Roosevelts
Some of the organizations planning
to meet Colonel Roosevelt it was said
are negotiating for all sorts of noise
making Instruments such as foghorns
and whistles which can be heard at
great distances One organization
more ambitious than the rest it was
said was trying to get a great sawmill
whistle now in use in the northwest
forests whih can be heard twenty
Two Parades Planned
The plan of the celebration already
has been decided to the extent that
there is to be a big naval and land
parade the former as the colonels
ship comes up the bay and the latter
after he lands While it is not yet
known whether any war vessels will
go to Newv York to take part In the
naval parade there is talk of having
Forts Hancock Wadsworth and Ham
ilton salute- Colonel Roosevelt as ho
comes up the bay
Rough riders military civic and po
litical organizations from all parts of
the United States are almost begging
for places in the land parade Cap
tain Arthur F Cosby secretary of the
general reception committee displayed
recently a great batch of letters and
telegrams from many of Colonel Roose
velts old friends in the far wast some
of them declaring that if a parade
were held they would bring their owu
horses all bedecked with new western
saddles bought for the occasion and
make a showing which wouldr stir up
even New York
William A Campbell telegraphed to
William Loeb Jr one of the special
Roosevelt reception subcommittee men
from Omaha saying that 100 Omaha
business men and stockmen from South
Dakota Nebraska and Wyoming in
sisted on coming to New York to meet
Colonel Roosevelt and had determined
to bring fifty horses
These men he wired dont want
to break in too strong or annoy your
committee but want to know if they
can have any sort of recognition from
the committee in charge be permitted
to ride in any parade or have repre
sentation at any of your functions
They are nonpartisan and nonsectarian
friends of the distinguished ex-president
from the west
Colonel Zach Mulhall wrote also to
Mr Loeb from Oklahoma City Okla
that he wanted to bring a lot of fine
fellows such as the colonel would b
proud of He said
Many Ranchmen E ger to Ccrre
I would like to show my apprecia
tion love and admiration for Colonel
Roosevelt at his homecoming and have
in New York as an outfit of the wvM
ranchmen from th dlVerent state
mounted on the best hursts of onr
kind ever produi ed in the vteat strtvis
of New York Thiv men would b
big clean fellows and Colonel Roose
velt would be proud of tliei It vud
be my aim to muse New Yorkers to
tip their hats to this delegation and
would take such men from the west
as have always been admirers of Mr
Roosevelt I would have every man
purchase the best new western sad
dle used in our coantrv for the occa
He adds rbat between fifty and sixtt
men will come iiivvjiy
J Edwin Prowne of Kaltftaore n -
tional commandir of the Army nd
Navy union writes that the union is
most anxious to rake parr in the r
ception to Colonel Roosevelt and has
anions its members 150 of the finest
New York policemen who would be
proud to act as Colonel Roosevelts
guard of honor at the homecoming
Civic and military organizations in
New York city have been among the
foremost to ask places in line C S
Busse has offered the rough riders of
Company F Seventh regiment to act
as escort Herman Veiler centurion
of the New York division of the Cen
turion Road club which he says is
the largest and oldest bicycle club in
America wants to put 200 men in line
as a bicycle escort
These are only a small part of the
letters received by the committee ei
ther directly applying for places in line
for organizations or making inquiry
regarding the program with that end
in view
feJV iS
Crome fclk
Olive green and tan tho best soft and
strong work shoo i jade Tho boys say
thoy wear like iron Come and f ee
them Viersen Osborn 113 West 13
Tho Dorcas society will meot with
Mrs Ritchie May 19th
Dressmaking in tho homo Phono
rodJIOO Mrs A M Randol
If you once use McMillens Cream
Lotion you will not be without it
liuburd hhv everyUiing in uhvts
plain and stuUed from 15 cents to dl
a bottle
Foil Sale Ali ur pari of m alfalfa
and fruit farm Phonu black 292 or
call W M Morri ey
Saturday was a busy day at tho has
tile Three unfortunate inobiates
wore incarcerated during tho day
Received on account P iid o ut
Cash Credit slips Ke for pule a
tho Tribune office Per 1000 50c
An ankle pump so constructed that
it will not gap when walking will
be used this summer Sold by Viersen
We can please you not only in
price on wall paper but in design
coloring and quality A McMillen
The treasurer of the club was in
structed to pay the treasurer of the
Templo association six months rent in
If you bring your prescriptions to us
for compounding the quality and the
price will be right
L W McConnell Druggist
If you dislike to wear corns use
McMillens Sure Corn Cure
You need not be pestered with
gnats if you use McMillens Nat
WestB street wasenlivoned Monday
by a vigorous runaway participated in
by the splendid Monte Cristo dray team
No bones were broken and the damage
wag small
What room will you paper Whn
you see our superb showing of wall cov
vorinjrs you will want to paper every
room in the house
L W McConnell Druggist
The company is condemning quite
a number of freight cars and with
the aid of the wrecker they are be
ing dumped off the track in the east
endof the yard and will be burned
Ajflexible welt sole is th dope for com
foron the feet Queen Quality and
American Lady in shoes and oxfords
for women Dressy and comfortable
Viersen Osborn
Exclusive Agents
Wonder of Mechanism
A German shoemaker spent 15 years
of his leisure moments in constructing
a clock of the grandfather shape near
ly six feet high made entirely ol
straw The wheels pointers case and
every detail are exclusively of straw
The most remarkable fact is that it is
reported to keep perfect time though
the durability of this strange piece of
mechanism is a matter of doubt
Carrying a Cane
A man who carries a cane always
seems important to us An Atchison
man not only carries a cane but when
he stops to talk he hooks It in his
outside coat pocket in order that he
may swing his arms freely Atchison
Kan Globe
rizziiB i w
i yftjt
FOR SALE White Pefcin duck egts
by the setting Phone red 292 Mrs P
J Morrisey
For Sale All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit farm Call or inquire W M
M orrisey Phone black 292
For Sale Alfalfa hay 1st and 2nd
cuttings Phone ash 3S52 J A
For Sale A driving horse
to J F Cordeal for price and particulars
Wanted Two girls at once
Star Laundry
y t y jl vTjVii jL7 f
600 Silk Petticoat
Any Color -
with any
Ladys or Misss
Suit 15 or up
of this summers
Womens Ready
toWear Spring
Finest quality Wor
steds Homespun Bas
ket Weave Cloths Di
agonals Etc Coats lin
ed with Taffeta and Mes
saline silk 15 to 40
Phone 22 McCook Mr
FOR SALE One set double driving
harness and one set double work harn
ess Both in good condition Phone
black 292 V M Morrisey
Advertised Letter List
The following mail matter remainc
uncalled for et tho McUook poatotlica
May 20 1910
Byid Miss Ruth 2 Curl MrHoraceL
Churning WG Emley It K
Ilerndon H II Kress GM
Maloney Mr Tim Morton MrGeorge
Maire A F Newlon ET
Rider Mr I E Rose Mr Gcorgn
Stephens M Yates
Anderson Miss Mary Bennett MissFerc
Barnes Mr Emilw Gilleppie Graco
Gunderman Valley Green Mr E G
lalsted J II Moore Miss Hnztl
Sorey Mr Clarence Smith MrMortac
Scott Mrs P W
When calling for these please say thef
were advertised
Lox Cone Postmaster
Monday May 16th
Arthur C Aistons Co
As the Sun
Went Down
A new FourAct Comedy Drama with ESTHA WILLIAMS and a
fine supporting cast including EDWIN WALTER Stirring and Pictur
esque Full of Love Romance and Bright Comedy A Bret Harte story
with a Western flavor PRICES 75 50 and 25 cents
cj i
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