The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1910, Image 2

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    ttn09fyiV9MJt I IP 10
ill GRAM S
1W Its lase a protection and a ifefe
1 Kwl5lk guarantee against alum J iMiJjfTfilS
Rev Tbos L Kelley of Indianola
will take up hisresidencoin Cambridge
May 17th Ho has been appointed rec
tor of the Catholic congregations of
Cambridge Arapahoe and Oxford with
residence in Cambridge The C W
Mallory house has been rented and will
serve as a temporary rectory If crop
conditions warrant it is the intention
of the local congregation to build a
substantial parish residence this year
on their church property Cambridge
Harrison Wing of Harvard visited
lis children here part of fast week
D E Whist er of route 2 was in the
county seat M nday on business
The High Cost of Living
Increases the price of many neces
sities without improving the quality
Foleys Honey and Tar maintains its
standard of excellence and its
great curative qualities without any
increase in cost It is the best re
medy for coughs colds croup whoop
Irig cough and all ailments of the
throat chest and lungs The gen
nine is in a yellow package Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
Pouring Prosperity
Throagh a Puncture
Ever see a drunken man trying to
fill a bottle with the bottom broken
tut Its a great waste and it looks
mighty silly
But its no more foolish and no more
wasteful than for a sober man to ex
ject his town to fill up with people
and bubble over with prosperity when
ie is continually pouring his dollars
into the wide world outside THROUGH
torn of his home town
MORAL Patronize home Industries
Have you seen thd conitt
Owens Longnecker cojtnus danger
ously ill
MissRoztll left tha middle of the
week to mnle a short visit with her
niece in Vuljarais Neb than will go
to Tarrytown New Yok where she
will become Mrs George Blake and live
in Tarrytown her old home
Air Canaga lost two horses last week
by accident
Mr Joseph Hoagland i Ftaying at
Owens Longnecbfrs a few di to help
them out in their
Mrs Koscoo Korea who has been ill
for weeks is no better
Mrd Rue Hauxwell and Miss Vlra
Loomis visited Mrs John Longnecker
Friday afternoon
Mr Hauxwell went up to llaigler
Saturday on business
Miss Vim Lomi s nfter spencing
several wefks with her si ter Mrs Rue
Hauxwell left on Sturda fnr Haigler
where she expect- to spend the sum
mer with her sister Mrs Ames Haux
The Tribune has always been eo clean
and high toned it spoils us for coarser
commoner papers
Commander Julius A Pratt Post No
143 Dept III G A R
above Post Kewanee 111 writes
For a long time I was bothered with
backache and pains across my kid
neys About two months ago I start
ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and
soon saw they were doing just as
claimed I kept on taking them and
now I am free from backache and
the painful bladder misery is all gone
I like Foley Kidney Pills so well that
I have told many of my friends and
comrades about them and shall re
commend them at every opportun
ity A McMillen
Mrs Ella Temphn returned last
week to her home in Friend
George Younger is able to lide out
Mrs Clara Schlosser returned to her
home at Beaver Crossing last Monday
The ladies aid society will meet with
Mrs Dora Doyle Thursday of this
I week
The young people of the Epworth
league are preparing for a social in the
near future
What Everybody Wants
Everybody desires good health
which is impossible unless the kid
neys are sound and healthy Foleys
Kidney Remedy should be taken at
the first indication of any irregular
ity and a serious illness may be
averted Foleys Kidney Remedy will
restore your kidneys and bladder to
their normal state and activityA Mc
R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor
House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line
of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds
210 Vz Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341
Alaska Refrigerators
are sold in flcCook by
H P Waite and Co
J C Ashton and C C Hendricks
were McCook visitors Tuesday last
Monday laBt the Woodman lodge of
this place went up to Marion A lodge
whs organized there and the Marion
people gave a big supper in tho oeuing
in the school house
The graduating exercises of the pub
lic school will be held on Saturday May
R R Oman and family took dinner at
the M M Young home Thursday
M iB VVra Hess is visiting her sister
Mrs J E Roberts
Mr and Mrs Yates are visiting their
son Will and tUeir daughters Mrs Mac
Fee and Mth Stone
Mra J B Dolph who has been to
Lincoln in n hospital for the last few
weeks arrived home on Friday last
Will Henton and sons Charlie and
Reed and C Messner arrived home from
Kansas City last Thursday
Mrs Rubys children and grandchild
ren gave her a surprise party on the cc
casion of her 65th birthday
Mrs Geo Newland of Lebanon was
up Tuesday last on a visit between
Mrs Hattie Breece of Seattle Wash
is here on a visit with Joe Yarnall
There was a Christian Endeavor social
at Rev William Richardss last Friday
night with a goodly company of young
people in attendance
While working a horse on a scraper
Friday last Sam Minniear had the mis
fortun to let the scraper turn and bit
the horse just above the joint on the
hied leg cutting tho large cord in such
a manner that the animal had to be
Madeline McDonald came home Sat
urday from Beaver City returning the
same day
Dr Strain of Oberlin Kansas was in
town Friday last on business
Little Marguerite Rogers is among the
ailing ones
A B Gibbs and wife of Lobanou were
up Saturday to witness the basket ball
Lindsay and Leila Burbridge of Mc
Cook came over Saturday on a short
visit home
The basket ball game between Dan
bury and McCook Saturday resulted
in victory for the Danbury by a score of
17 to 15
R F D No 1
Henry Kisker returned from Omaha
Monday morning where he has been
looking up the lumber for a new barn
which he expects to build soon
W P Elmer with his cement ma
chine put in foundation for three new
barns last week One for M Esch
one R Podolski and one for II Kisker
Miss Pearl Rogers visited friends in
Indianola the latter part of last week
W N Rogers sold his wild hay to
Charles Dewey and is now busy baling
so as to ship
There is wheat being listed into corn
Talent of Success
The talent of success is nothing
more than doing what you can do well
without a thought of fame If it
comes at all it will come because It
is deserved not because it is sought
after It is very indiscreet and trou
blesome ambition which cares so much
about fame about what the world says
of us as to be always looking in the
faces of others for approval to be al
ways anxious about the effect of what
we do or say to be always shouting
to hear the echoes of our own voices
He Met It on the Road
He didnt wait for prosperity to
come The very minute they told him
it was on the road he said Maybe
the horsesll get stalled and the
driver all froze up so Ill Just meet
it halfway and help get the wheels
out the mire and give it a fresh
start then when it looks like smooth
sailing Ill hop on and take a seat
by the driver and well go whistling
Into town Atlanta Constitution
Tho Proper Way to Feed Cago and
Teach the Birds
As few people who own parrots real
ly know how to care for thema few
good rules may be of Interest
As to their food it should be seeds
canary hemp but uot too much mil
let boiled maize linseed rape and the
like Bread soaked in hot water is
good given twice a day and fruit in
moderation and in variety is whole
some such as grapes apples and
pears an occasional raisin and let
Gray parrots are very fond of rice
and almost all parrots appreciate rice
pudding and hve a taste too for
bread and butler Meat is bad for
them Clean fresh wood should be
given them to gnaw bits of elm birch
larch and chestnut Fresh dry gravel
must be sprinkled at the bottom of
the cage every day and fresh water
be put in the glass
It is Iiupirtiiit that parrots should
have the opportunity to stand flat foot
ed so if the cage has wires at the
bottom it is well to remove them Al
ways to have his claws claspiug a
round perch is injurious to any bird
and two perches of different size are
advisable so that he may change his
posture at will
When a parrot continues to scream
he wants water or food or feels ill
and uncomfortable or maybe is mere
ly dull Music which he loves will
cheer him up at all times
A parrot learns to talk only from
one who speaks very slowly and dis
tinctly to him and preferably when he
Is about to fall asleep Last but not
least a parrot should be carefully
covered at night London Mail
Curious Mode of Life of the Dwarfs of
Of the pygmies of northwestern Rho
desia a modern traveler writes The
Patwa stand about four feet high and
are long armed short legged and ugly
being unusually prognathous The
legs are disproportionately short the
feet large and the body is covered
witli a sort of down Both sexes af
fect a state of complete nudity They
have their own tougue but usually
know a little of the language of their
big neighbors No attempt is made to
till the open forest glades They de
pend for food on game and what they
steal from the fields and plantations
of the surrounding tribes
Though there are seven different
tribes of pygmies they appear to have
no tribal organization It is the cus
tom for a group of families to attach
themselves to a negro chief and in re
turn for food to assist him to fight his
enemies The standard of morality of
these little people is high and strange
to say they are remarkably intelli
The wild beasts living in this for
est are killed for food even the ele
phant Pitfalls suares and heavily
weighted spears are used but their
favorite way of hunting an elephant
appears to be with bow and arrow
Poisoned arrows are shot into him
and the great beast is followed until
he falls when the little hunters camp
around the body and feast on the car
cass until it is finished
Catch -as-catch-can
She gave him a playful pinch on the
New suit she exclaimed And
what a beauty
Rather nice isnt it he agreed
surveying himself proudly in the glass
It was a spring suiting of the very
latest style Even the editor of the
Tailor and Cutter could have found no
And doesnt it fit well she cried
Turn round To a T Lovely It
must have been expensive
lie put his fingers on his lips
His other hand wandered affection
ately down a very pronounced crease
and his eyes filled with a look of
Hush he whispered Not so very
Five bob down and five bob every time
the collector sees me first London
Hoar and Evarts
On one of his later birthday anniver
saries Senator Hoar wrote to William
M Evarts and congratulated him upon
his length of years In his reply the
aged lawyer said it brought to mind
an old lady in New England who had
occasion to write to a friend about
some matter of trifling importance and
when she had reached the end of the
thirteenth page awakened to the fact
that she had been rather diffuse aud
added Please excuse my longevity
Out at First
The hammock was built for two
but she was occupyiug It alone
I have noticed said the man on
the porch chair that the prettiest
girls always marry the biggest fools
Say no more Mr Slowboy rejoin
ed the fair maiden I appreciate your
friendship but I can never be yonr
Wife Chicago News
Actor I have been in your company
ten years Is it not time that you do
something extra for me Manager
Yes From now on you shall play all
the parts in which there is eating
Fliegende Blatter
The Modest Man
A modest man Isnt one who has a
poor opinion of himself He merely
keeps still about his good opinion of
himself Cleveland Leader
Life Is not so short bnt that there in
always time for courtesy Emerson - J
Controlled by a Doard Known as tho
Elder Brethren
The lighthouse service of England Is
controlled by a board composed of
thirteen elder brethren When a va
cancy occurs one of the younger
brethren is selected by the elder
brethren to fill it The position Is
for life and the salary is 300 a year
Any commanding oillcer of the navy
or master of the merchant marine is
eligible for election as one of the
younger brethren by the elder
brethren There is no salary attach
ed to the position but they are eligi
ble for election as one of the elder
England is divided into seven light
house districts each in charge of a
superintendent The superintendents
are persons who enter the service as
apprentices at the age of thirteen and
have worked up to the position of
master on board of a steam tender
They are selected for the position of
superintendent by the elder breth
ren A superintendent lias control
of his district and its employees
Lightkeepers are appointed for life
They enter the service between the
ages of nineteen and twenty eight and
their salaries are regulated according
to length of service and not according
to station Lightkeepers as well as
the other employees of the lighthouse
service are pensioned when too old to
perform duty There is a regular
lightship service also for life and the
officers are selected from the men
The men enter between the ages of
nineteen and twenty eight but must
have been at sea They are then eligi
ble to work up to lamplighter mate
and master These men are pensioned
when too old to serve
Something About a Historic English
Race Course
The Goodwood race course is quite
unique It is a long way from a sta
tion and is not near any town says the
London Tntler It is on a hill the top
of which is shaped like a horseshoe
the space between the two horns being
represented by a deep ravine The
course runt round the horseshoe the
start bekig at tho end of one horn and
the finish at the end of the other The
result of this is that tha equestrians
who on other courses contrive to see
both start and finish by the simple
process of riding across while the race
is in progress cannot do so at Good
wood They must elect which they
will see and remain there On the
other hand the course is very easy to
follow with glasses
The races as an institution are com
paratively modern but there must
have been hunt races and matches on
this course since the days of William
III when we hear of the Goodwood
hunt as in existence In 1S00 how
ever the then Duke of Richmond
made a new which is practical
ly the present one In 1S01 the course
was completed and in order to cele
brate this a regular meeting was got
up by tho duke with the assistance of
the hunt and some officers of the Sus
sex militia and yeomanry and prizes
to the value of about 1000 were put
up This meant a good sum in those
days This was the first Goodwood
meeting of importance sud from that
year it became an annual event
Microscopic Measurement
The measurement of microscopic ob
jects is done by rulings on glass
which are produced by wonderfully
delicate machines These rulings are
constructed so as to accurately divide
an inch or any other unit of measure
ment into any desired number of
parts as for instance one one-hundredth
of an inch or one one-thousandth
of an inch or even one ten
thousandth of an inch The finest rul
ings thus far produced by any of the
machines are at the rate of something
like 200000 to the inch Some idea of
the closeness of the ruled lines can be
obtained from considering that a thou
sand such lines would occupy only the
space included m the thickness of a
sheet of ordinary writing paper New
York American
An Old Family
Sir Watkiu Williams Wynn talking
to a friend about the antiquity of his
family was told roughly that he was
a mere mushroom
How is that he asked indignant
Why said the other when I was
in Wales a pedigree of a particular
family was shown to me which filled
more than five large parchment skins
and near the middle of it was a note
in the margin About this time the
world was created
The King In Wrong
The king can do no wrong quoted
the wise guy
Oh thats all rot retorted the sim
ple mug who had been up late the
night before Suppose you were
drawing to a straight and wanted
either a deuce or a seven spot Phil
adelphia Record
He Knew
Say pa
Well what Is it
Pa what is alfalfa
Its a slang term for whiskers son
replied the city man as he resumed
his novel Washington Herald
What He Remembered
Who was the man In the iron
I dont remember the catchers
name but 1 can tell you who pitched
New York Press
By refusing to listen to secrets ona
Is saved unlimited troable
Pure in
the can-
Try it
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county clerks
Theodore M Phillippi et ux
to Carl M Matson w d to
525 00-
pt sw sw 20-3-29
B F Olcott et ux to Al
byn C Hippie w d to lot
8 block 11 West McCook 1200 00
Albert G Bump et ux to
Elizabeth Matz w d to lot
5 block 25 Second McCook 500 GO
Sarah A Rowell to Joseph
R Stansberry w d to lot
5 block 5 Second McCook 450 00
Lydia A Beeson to Arthur
M Sherman w d to lot 15
block 55 Bartley 1 00
Katie E Wilcox et cons to D
F and Eunice C Hostetter
w d to lot 6 and pt lot 5
block 23 First McCook 5000 00
R O Neitzel et al to Robert
D Mann w d to e e
2000 00
United States to John R
Harvey pat to ne 24-4-27
Edward E Smith et al to Ira
J Ritchie w d to 1 3 int in
lots 1 to 24 incl block 69
Bartley 5000 00
Sutton Jewelry Co to The
Public certificate of part
nership -
Lincoln Land Co to Rosa
Reiter q c d to pt ne se
12-3-28 120 00
Rosa Reiter et cons to C S
Thompson q c d to pt ne
se 12-3-28 45 00
Thomas A Chambers et ux
to Charles Howard w dto
s nw 9 se e ne 4-1-30 1 00
Arley L Macy et ux to Lin
us E Southwick w d to se
34-1-29 4000 00
R B Simmons et ux to The
odore M Phillippi w d to
pt sw sw 20-3-29 100
Harvey H Harmon et al to
E E Beckwith w d to s
27 s sw 2G e nw 35-1-30 14000 00
Clarence B Gray et ux to
William F Gartrell w d to
pt block 19 McCook 400 00
Rose Meeks to A L Macy q
c d to e se 34-1-29 2000 00
As Many a McCook Reader Knows
Too Well
When the kidneys are sick
Nature tells you about it
The urine is natures calendar
Infrequent or too frequent action
Any urinary trouble tells of kidney
Doans Kidney Pills cure all kid
ney ills
Mrs T L Haworth living in the
northwestern part of Arapahoe Neb
says I used Doans Kidney Pills
and have every reason to believe
highly of them For several years I
suffered from kidney trouble the se
cretion from my kidneys being irreg
ualr in action and quite unnatural
in color I had pains across my
loins and at times when I made a
sudden movement I would experi
ence a crick in my back Finally
being advised to try Doans Kidney
Pills I procured a box and in two
weeks this remedy restored me to
good health
Plenty more proof like this from
McCook people Call at McConnells
drug store and ask what customers
For sale by all dealers Price 50c
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
sole agents for the United States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Cough Remedy
Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip
and Whooping Cough
fwnif6 PJeased to orm our reader
that Chamberlains ConRh Remedl E
EVKS narcotics of aiv kSf 7 Thl
makes lt the
safest and best for childre
f w5 no erence when you canchf
Remedy Artamoerlains Cough
x rt r 1 IOQ1 TOth a bad rnM
aDdcoMumpriorfinM1C brnchitis
a neglected onTrl lnvanablF result from
Chamberlains CougS siS
everywhere at 25c Soc and T0 W
r V