The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 05, 1910, Image 4

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Better Start
An early start and a defi
nite plan goes far toward
assuring success to tbo
young man or woman
starting out in life No
need of being btingy
neither should you bo a
spender Tho sensible
and easy method of creat
ing a fund for your future
needs is to open an ac
count with this bank de
posit whatever you can
each week or month
Stick to it and in time
your success will bo as
sured Better start now
you will never regret it
McCook Nebr
ltBMi I
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Entered at postoilice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
The presidents railroad bill is in
danger of becoming so emasculated
that even the president will not care
very much whether it becomes a law
or not
Adam Bkeede of the Hastings Tri
bune in out with a petition for appoint
ment as postmaster at Hastings And
Jacob Fisher the present incumbent
has a petition in circulation to be re
tained in office They are off
The Pharisee and Sadducee were
not exclusively Hebrew types Rather
human and universal Nor were they
confined to Palestine or those an
cient times Their universality in
cludes all times and peoples and
The Federal government is devot
ing considerable of its time and ma
chinery to eradicate the bucket shop
The sooner and more firmly Uncle
Sam is supported in this matter by
a proper and healthy public sentimen
the quicker the evil will be abated
It is a sort of gambling which lays
running the game and a few cappers
County Option League
To the People of the State of Ne
The officers of the Nebraska
County Option League deem it ad
visable to give a plain and concise
statement concerning the purposes
and plans of the League
The central purpose of this or
ganization is to secure the nomin
ation and election of a governor and
legislature favorable to the princi
ple of county option
The plan by which this can best
be accomplished is thought to be
that of organizing a local committee
in each county and precinct to be
composed of men of all parties and
creeds favorable to county option
these committees to be charged with
the duty and responsibility of secur
ing the nomination and election of
legislators pledged to the enactment
of such a law
We believe that the committees in
each county should carry on the
campaign in their own way with on
ly such guidance and assistance
from the state organization as they
may voluntarily request
We ask the local committees to
report full details including the
names and addresses of their local
officers and members to Secretary
Frank A Harrison at Lincoln
We wish this letter to be con
strued as the official request of the
Nebraska County Option League for
the immediate organization of the
county option workers in each coun
ty and precinct
It will be the purpose and aim of
the state organization to so unify
and direct the efforts of the local
committees as to best bring about
the passage by the next legislature
and the signature by the next gover
nor of Nebraska of a rational and
reasonable county option bill
One of the Few
De man dats his own worst en
emy said Uncle Eben is one o de
few people dat makes any real prog
ress toward lovin deir enemies
What Everybody Wants
Everybody desires good health
which is impossible unless the kid
neys are sound and healthy Foleys
Kidney Remedy should be taken at
the first indication of any irregular
ity and a serious illness may be
averted Foleys Kidney Remedy will
restore your kidneys and bladder to
their normal state and activity A Mc
The High Cost of Living
Increases the price of many neces
sities without improving t 3 qu Uity
Foleys Honey ana 2 incita its
high stanlarl 01 excellence an its
Seat cuathj qualti3 vLiout tiy
ircroase in cost Ic ia the
iu fo cou colds croup whoop
wugh and all ailments of the
throat chest and lungs The gen
uine is in a yellow package Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
Foleys Kidney Pills contain in con
centrated form ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the re
lief and cure of all kidaey and blad
der ailments A McMillen
Foleys Kidney Pills are antiseptic
tonic and restorative and a prompt
corrective of all urinary irregulari
ties Refuse substitutes A McMil
Uncle Billy Adjudged Insane
It is with keenest regret and sorrow
The Tribune learns that Uncle Billy
W L Black of Trenton following par
alytic strokes has been judged insane
and taken to the asylum at Hastings
Though nearly eighty years of age he
until a few weeks sincedid satisfactory
work on The Tribune for several weeks
as has been his custom for many years
past A printer of the old school a
man of large information of an accurate
and exact sort he highly marked the
passing of the old print His sad men
tal condition and fate will be deeply re
gretted by all who have had the plea
bute of his acquaintance
One week from today occurs tho anl
Ivy day exercises The day derives its
name from the planting of the Ivy by
tke senior class This observance is a
traditional one in college life both in
this country and in Europe The Ivy
of the Nebraska class of 1910 will be
planted by President Jones near the
administration building on the city
campus The planting will be preced
ed by the ivy oration by John L Rice
of McCook and the rendition of the
class poem and song In the afternoon
there will be athletic events at the state
farm the announcment of elections to
the senior society of Innocents and a
baseball game between the freshmen
and sophomore societies of Spikes and
Sphinx In the evening the drama club
will present a play
Tho Industry Carried on In One Dis
trict For Centuries
The fanmaking industry in China
was started centuries ago in the vil
lage of Pengsbow at Ampow about
three miles from Swatow It was for
merly confined to women in various
a heavier burden on the consumer households but for many years past
and is only advantageous to those every fmy hi tQe village has been
aevotea to tne worn an tne memDers
of the families being occupied in the
manufacture Only the open fan is
manufactured in this district
For the frame the split bamboo is
repeatedly rived until each piece is
sufficiently slender and flexible There
threadlike pieces of bamboo are ar
ranged in a row attached to each oth
er by a thread passed crosswise
through the middle This thread is
fastened to a semicircular strip of
bamboo giving the fan its shape The
ribs are then slightly heated and bent
at the ends The fan bas now the
peculiar and characteristic shell like
shape at the top Very flimsy silk
gauze is then pasted on the face and a
kind of tissue like paper on the back
After the bundle Is attached the bor
der of the fan is black varnished and
the gauze is coated with a chalk and
water mixture The handles are made
of bamboo various kinds of hard
wood- bone and ivory The hand paint
ing on the fans is cleverly done in
some instances being works of art
Tho Secret of His Loyalty to the Con
demned Man
A negro was executed in a prison not
many hours journey from the city not
long ago says the Philadelphia Times
For several months prior to his de
parture he had been visited by a faith
ful friend who brought him chicberf
possum sweet potatoes cigars and
other things
The bearer of these good things
seemed to be under some trouble It
was suspected that he had some Inti
mate knowledge of the crime for which
the other was to be executed The se
cret came to light on the morning of
the execution when one of the guards
overheard this conversation between
the two men
Now Jim didnt I done do every
thing I could for you
Yes Bill you has sho fufllled all
ob yo obligation an squared counts
fo dem crap games an I sho is
bilged to yo
And Jim does yo swear that yo
wont come and hant me after yos
done gone an been hanged
No Bill yo has sho acted like a
man an a brudder an I aint low
down mean nuff to hant yo now but
ef yo hadnt brung me dem things
when L told yo I sho would hav
hanted yo every night of yo life an
dont yo forget it
R E Owens of McCook visited in
this neighborhood Sunday
Mkb Debolink A Olcott has pur
chased the Hippie property in West Mc
Cook 5 and fi in block 11
Mrs Stultz departed Wednesday
on No 13 for Colorado to spend
some time with a son in that state
Mr and Mrs E S Waite arrived
home Monday night from spending
wfeeks in Iowa visiting the
ome folks
Marshall Clark of McCook spent
tnday with his parents Mr and
Irs B F Clark Burgess cor
Geneva Signal
Mies Edna Waite who has been visit
ing Miss Emma Perry a teacher in the
public schools of Bertrand returned
home last Thursday evening
A C Hipple employed on the In
dianola Roporter and a local reporter of
recent note spent Sunday and Monday
at home on some business matters
Rev and Mrs Bryant Howe left
Tuesday morning for Beaver City to at
tend the sessions of the M E Minister
ial Association of the Holdrege district
A V SHAFFER of the Alma Re
cord spent Tuesday in the city on
newspaper business figuring on buy
ing the material of the defunct Red
Willow County Standard
James Pontius of the Indianola Re
porter was in the city Monday consult
ing with Mr Moore of the American
Type Founders Co regarding printing
accessories for bis plant in Indianola
Mrs Gray and daughter Miss Grace
Rowell will occupy the Gray cottage
in our city which for some years
has been leased by Herman Pade
Mrs Gray hopes to improve her
health by a residence in her former
Mr and Mrs A R Clark their son
J Homer Clark and her sister Mrs
Hickman arrived from Denair Cali
last week The Clarks will spend the
summer on their Red Willow farm hav
ing sold their land in California before
returning east
Mrs Paxton nee Miss Florence
Johnson who has been visiting with
relatives here for a few weekb departed
on last evening for Staples Minn to
join her husband who recently entered
a new pastorate at that place in the
Congregational church work
Rev George B Hawkes of Sutton
Nebraska spent last Thursday evening
in the city on hia way east from a trip
west He met quite a number of bis
former parishioners and friends during
tho evening and departed for home on
the following morning
Mr and Mrs William Weygint
who have- been spending th8 winter in
Salt Like City Utah with their daugh
ter Mrs I J Starbuck returned home
last Saturday morning and have resum
ed housekeeping in their cottuge in our
city A host of old friends will welcome
them back to McCook and Red Willow
county their friends for more than
thirty years
One of Nebraskas Best
The E M V garage of D G Divine
is now rapidly approavhing completion
It is one of the finest building3 for that
purpose in the state The second story
will be utilized as an annex to the
Monte Cristo cafe for rooming purposes
Company M Announces A Dance
Dodgers are out announcing a dance in
Armory hall by the members of comp
any M Nebraska national guard of our
Seed oats for sale by Upkike Grain Co
Lily Patent Flour when once used
none other will satisfy you
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Corn chops 135 per hundred at the
McCook Flour and Feed Store Phone
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers
We never hesitate to guarantee Lily
Patent Flour at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
We have the Wedding Breakfast
yrup to go with the coffee at
Miss Frances Hughes of McCook
commenced teaching school in District
No 61 last Monday Imperial Repub
Get a small can of KEYSTONE and
use it as directed and if not satisfactory
as recommended your money back
A McMillen Druggist
If you intend painting this spring it
will pay you to get our prices on mixed
paints or white lead and oil
A McMillen Druggist
The C W Way Co Hastings Ne
braska will furniBh you with plans and
specifications for any class of buildings
you wish to erect Ask them for in
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
Happiness means to be with nature
to see it to commune with it Tolstoi
About an inch of rainfall Sunday
night and Monday morning Slight
snowfall Monday morning
Garden seeds in bulk lawn and flower
seeds flour and feed Phone 25
C J Ryan
The Frank Everist residence has
been purchased by Cond actor P F
McKenna The price is stated at
Pasture for cows and horses in Burn
ett pasture north of city Well fenced
and plenty of water Phone red 306
W G Jones
We know it to be a positivo fact that
Lily Patent Flour is the Best High Pat
ent Flour in McCook McCook Flour
and Feed Store
The Episcopal rectory has been moved
away and they will soon be ready to
commence work on the new building
which will be modern and more fitting
the purpose
The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are
paying the highest cash price for baled
alfalfa hay on track For prices and
particulars phone 3S1
C W Dewev Manager
Our line of breakfast stuffs is com
plete Breakfast foods and pancake
flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old
Manse the best maple syrup on the
market Hcber
Miss Martha Abel and Miss Ada
Skjelver have been re elected as teach
ers in the McCook schools They have
served several terms there and it is a de
serving honor to be retained year after
year Red Cloud Advertiser
3SSS --
L rrTffljffiff --
With Big Reduction Prices on
wIe lililTlff 1 1
Look at these prices Buy
your suit during this sale
and save money
Sale is on now but will abso
lutcly close SAIURDAYMayU
All 4000 Suits go for 3100
35 00 2750
3000 v-
25OO I90O
2000 5
1S00 1250
1500 IOOO
Call at once before our stock is broken
Just Received
a large assortment of
Gingham Dresses Lingerie Dresses Linen and
Repp Dresses
For 200 300 500 and 600 each
See our large line of
in Linen Repp and Ramie Suiting We show the
largest assortment at the lowest prices
Exclusive Dry Goods Milli
nery - Ladies Furnishings
L LlSpp
A McMillen prescription druggist
Mary Harrisonnurso Phone hlnck 286
Buy field garden and flower seeds
from H P Waite Co
A dozen or more new residences are
now under way within tho city limits
Buy field garden and flower seeds
from HPWaiteCo
We sell wall paper paints oils and
varnish A McMillen Druggist
Buy field garden and flower Feeds
from H P Waite Co
Lily Patent Flour 8145 a sack Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store Phone 20
Huber handles the Cnrbartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of other
Dr James Hart Veterinary Surgeon
is now located at the Commercial Barn
Phone 34 28 4t
Ho used earring Time
is the time to freshen up the appearance
of your house with a New Pair of Lace
Curtains or a few Nice Pieces of Furni
ture Stop in and see our display
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Phone Black 271
Leaders in Low Prices
214 West B St
ANY PEOPLE KILLED more injured and money
thrown away in useless expense all caused by the
faulty construction and repair work on your auto
mobiles engines and machinery of all kinds
Help Comes at Last
We are just starting at 206 East 1st St an up-to-date
machine repair and blacksmith shop where all this risk of
loss of life and useless expense will be eliminated We fix
everything including automobiles gas or steam engines of any
description lawn mowers stoves and all kinds of household
J and farm machinery We will pay the best market price for
junk Open for business sometime between May 5th and
May 15th All work first class and guaranteed We will
invite you now we cant keep you away next time
Remember the old Electric Light Building
McCook Machinery Iron Works
J W RHODES Manager
w J
4 t