The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 05, 1910, Image 2

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m im i i u uiwrjQfla nfjV filll
Clean Your Cream
Separator nf jf ft
Iff SBmtch
Not only the quickest and
easier cleanser you can use but
also the safest because it con
tains no caustic or alkali no
danger of tainting the milk
OM Butch GEeamsea
isisygienic and Ster
ilizes as well as cleans
Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all round cleanser It
ia effl ommjyvp
and is the best cleanser to nse
in the Tntrhf and through
out the house Avoid de
structive caustic and acid clean
ers and do affff
your cleaning with
this one handy me
chanical Cleanser
fHot a washing
Sifter Can
George Younger te numbered with the
The report is that Mr Belles is bet
The family of F G Lytic have nearly
all been sick but are now on the way to
By the thicknps of the ieo found in
tank9 tbP3B mornings King Winter is
some whrri nnnr inypf
Mr and Mp Rrebe of Mirsouri an
vi sitir ititir niec Mrs Stephen Holies
and thiir granddaughter Mrs George
Harris n
One Conductor Who Was Cured
Mr WiitQni Adnmsfc b8 namn ana
he a luiut it Snie time ago 1
was cuiifiufii ii my bed with chronc
rheum ti m 1 u ed two bottles of
Foleys KidMtj R m dj with good ef
feet and Oif ilnru tiuiile put ma on mj
feet and I iein nl ae conductor
on the Lexitgfi K irict Railway
It gave ire more it lit lhan any medi
cine I had ever ubed ai d it will do nil
you claim in eases if journalism
Foleys Kidney Remedy euros rheuma
tism by eliminating the uric aeid from
the blood A McMillan
Indianola Nebr Phone 105
Phone 34
Commercial Barn
McCook Nebr
Jennings Hughes Co
Plumbing Keating
and Gas Fitting-
Estimates furnished free
Successors to
Burgess Son
Phone 33
Easement P O
DENTIST Phone 112
Office Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blfc McCook
McCook Nebraska
SfeAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wato rWoris Office in Postoffice building
CW DEWEY Auctioneer
McCook Nebraska
Will cry sales anywhere any time at
reasonable prices Dates made at the
First National Bank or phono Red 381
The Love of Sea Food Was a Mania
In the Timo of Lucullus
Many famous persons both in mod
ern and ancient times linve been
known as demoted fisb euters Gatls
queen of Syria was so fond of flsb
that she ordered all eaugut witbln tbe
limit of her kingdom to be brought
to her in order that she might be con
tinually supplied with the choicest
quality Philoxeucs of Cytherla on
learning from his physician tlw lit
must die of Indigestion frni lutiiug
eaten excpsnvHx x i w ions iMi
said Hi ii sii lint Hi fi re I m iunw
n to fim li w it ifiuii
tboiis iis i n its aud
Its cimks u iiv j Tiwdis loi their knowl
t t oiug ush The wise writ
do or the day spent much time In re
cording recipes for preserving tlsh In
salt oil or herbs There was a law tn
the city that forbade a fishmonger to
sit down until be had disposed of all
bis stock on tbe ground that a stand
ing position made bim more submissive
and inclined to sell at a reasonable
The Romans inherited from the
Greeks their love for tish Romes sol
diers were fed on Ush her geuerals ate
Qsh her senators were epicures in Ush
more desirable than tish
Lucullus caused a canal to be cut
through a mountain near Naples to
bring up the sea and its fishes to the
center of the gardens of his sumptuous
villa The love of Ush in those days was
a mania The red mullet was prized be
yond all food A sauce called garum
made from the entrails and blood of
mackerel and other fishes brought
inquired which of us had given a twen
ty mark piece to be changed at the
station in Germany I replied that I
was the Individual
Come with me monsieur be said
So I alighted and followed him Into tbe
station office
There I found that my change had
been telegraphed on and he had the
sum due me already counted out
high prices and great prizes were of- There were a lot of receipts and things
fered the mau who iould make a t0 Sjgn arHj tue tniin was
ilar sauce out of the liver ot tbe red
In more modern times kings have
been known for their likiug of fish
In the reign of Edward II iu Eugland
sturgeon could be served only on the
kings table In France fishmongers
were licensed by the king Louis XII
was so fond of fish he appointed six
fishmongers to supply his table Fran
cis 1 had twenty two and Henry the
Great twenty four
Under the reign of Louis XIV fisb
eating became as popular at tbe French
court as it had ever been iu Rome A
story is told that when fisb failed to
arrive from the seat oast in time for
a grand dinner being given by tbe
Prince of Coude to the king tbe
princes chef an illustrious purveyor
of fish was so chagrined he ran to
bis chamber took his sword and pierced
his heart Boston Globe
held up al
most fifteen minutes on my account
but I got my money and a lot of satis
faction New York Sun
Its Resemblance to the Hovering of the
Kestrel In the Air
As the kestrel is to tbe clouds so is
the trout to tbe crystal waters Both
kestrels and trout display that magical
poising as if suspended by invisible
threads only now and then when
cross currents are encountered is a
sign given to show that life itself is
not in suspense
A brief agitation of the kestrels
wings a swishing of the trouts tail
the cross current is weathered and
bird or fisb poises motionless again
And as when walking along we are
pulled up in ever fresh wonder by the
sight of tbe hovering kestrel so we
must needs pause on a bridge when
Forgetful there is a trout in the stream below
Absentminded Annette belongs to a ne looks his best noising with head
club of young women in the west end to the stream a shapely form against
of town She went to a bridal shower the background of smooth brown peb
given by the club and left her present bles and waving emerald weeds Leau
at home ing over tbe bridge with eyes on the
Im so sorry that I forgot it she trout a vision is conjured an alluring
Never miud the other girls told
her You can send it around later
fly drops on the water then a slack
line tightens there is a song from the
reel a rod bends there follows a
A few weeks later the club gave an- zling dance of vermilion spots against
other bridal shower and again An- the green of the bank
nette left her gift at home
Do you know what Ive done she
said when she discovered her mistake
Ive forgotten my present
No one felt disposed to help ber out
But then she added didnt one
Or as we come to the bridge on a
winters day we think we hear a
mighty plashing of water over the
pebbles which turns out to be the
play of thirty or forty trout the play
of the last round of some water tour-
of the girls forget ber present last ney As they come to tbe surface roll-
time and didnt we say it would be
all right if she sent it around later
Im sure that happened to somebody
Newark News
Hampered by Conventionalities
Washington was crossing the Dela
ware river at Trenton
Of course he said I dont mind
standing up in this boat and gazing
sternly in the direction of the unsus
inc and wallowing their great fat
sides look twice as big as when seen
through the clear water They almost
make a dam across the stream as they
jostle each other seeking for tbe
choicest places on tbe spawning bed
London Standard
Berlin Germany U S
Say is this letter addressed right
asked a subject of Germany holding
nootinsr foe since the artists insist on up an elaborately decorated envelope
depicting me in this absurd attitude before the eyes of a postman the other
but the blithering chumps ought to The latter surveyed the writing
i closely There were a name a street
know better than to paint these blocks
of floating ice projecting a foot above and tnen tne city and country Berlin
Germany Below were written in bold
Mio witor Auv man with an ounce
of gumption knows that the ice in this
river isnt eight feet thick
Angered by these reflections be fell
upon the Hessians shortly afterward
with extreme ferocity Chicago Trib
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said a
writer sat at dinner on his last visit
here beside a lady who asked leave to
consult bim about some thefts
My detective powers he replied
are at your service madam
Well said the lady frequent and
mysterious thefts have been occurring
at my house for a long time Thus
there disappeared last week a motor
horn a broom a box of golf balls a
left riding boot a dictionary and a
half dozen tin pie plates
Aha said the creator of Sherlock
iSoJnies the case madam Is quite
clear You keep a goat Exchange
Suffers For Her Belief
There are no martyrs these days
Oh 1 wouldnt say that
Do you think there are any people
today who would suffer tortures for
their beliefs
My wife believes that an eighteen
inch waist looks better than a twenty
two and 1 think she suffers a lot ot
genuine torture because of that be
lief Houston Post
The Usual Residue
Hampton Was anything left after
the debts of Millionaire Flammer were
paid Harler Yes his relatives were
Have a purpose in life and having
it throw such strength of mind and
muscle into your work as God has giv
en you Carlyle
characters the letters U S Oh
you dont want TJ S on there re
marked the postman Berlin Ger
many isnt in the United States I
dont mean United States by U S
remarked tbe man from Kaiser Wil
helms land 1 mean up stairs
This friend of mine lives on the sec
ond floor Buffalo Commercial
His Little Pun
An inveterate wit and punster asked
the captain of a craft loaded with
boards how he managed to get dinner
on the passage
Why replied the skipper we al
ways cook aboard
Cook a board do you rejoined the
wag Then I see you have been well
provided with provisions this trip at
ill events London Graphic
Hoot Awa Mon
An English clergyman talking one
day with a Scottish brother of the
eloth remarked facetiously Well
David I believe after all has been
said that my head could hold two of
Mon returned the other with
ready wit I never tocht before that
your head was sae empty Boston
How are you getting on as a news
paper artist
Rapidly They now allow me to
draw the crosses showing where the
tragedy occurred Cleveland Leader
Noble Effort
Cholly has brain fever
How did he get it
He met a girl who kept saying
Just think And Cholly tried to
Pearsons Weekly
I - -I I
An Experlenco on a Train Between
Metz and Paris
For scrupulous care and trouble
taken to return change I have never
heard of anything that equaled an ex
perience of mine on the railroad be
tween Metz and Paris said a national
guardsman tbe other day I had been
studying the battlefields about Metz
and when I decided to get back to
T iris I converted most of the money I
tl left Into francs
It was a hot day in August siril i
uid class compartments itc so
wded that I decided as- we stjirel
at a town near tbe Freurh imrd r to
change to a first class coach There
was a supplement to pay aud tbe only
German money I had was In twenty
mark pieces The otlicial who made
the transfer did not have the proper
change and while I was waiting for
him to come back with the 12 marks
and some pfennigs that belonged to me
the train moved off and I gave my
money up for gone
About 11 oclock that night the
train stopped at a town about halfway
to Paris There was only one other oc
cupant of my compartment a man who
had got on nt some station in France
Soon after we stopped the door of the
and her recognized no dish
emperors and
comiartmeut Was opened a man
Last Meeting of William Winter and
Richard Mansfield
The last days of Mansfield were In
expressibly afllicting and sorrowful
His condition underwent very many
changes his suffering at times was
great but slowly be gained a little
strength He bad for some time been
determined on- a journey to England
His passage was engaged for May 4
hut be was uot able to sail I saw him
on tbe morniug of Mn 11 1907 I
told them I would Me Willy he
safd even If 1 w re riy We sat
together tor siimi jin f lie did- not
speak much nui milu 1 -peak much
to bun It seemed best that we should
both pretend to believe that be would
soon be well but I knew that I should
never see him again When he did
speak it was little more than a mur
mured word or two His mind was
busy with the past Several times be
mentioned Jefferson and his paintings
Studies in green they are be said
Once be spoke aloud to himself I
have not lived a bad life Presently
I rose to go and clasped his hand and
said good by At the door I turned to
look at him once more He was sitting
huddled In bis chair His figure was
much emaciated his clothes hung
loosely about him his face was pale
and very wretched in expression and
I saw iu his eyes as he looked at me
that he knew our parting was forever
I went back aud kissed bis forehead
and pressed bis band and so came
away We never met again Since
then I have stood beside bis grave
Life seems to be chiefly made up of
farewells like that and memories like
these Life and Art of Richard Mans
field by William Winter
Its Discovery Was the Result of a
Workmans Carelessness
Blotting paper was discovered pure
ly by accident Some ordinary paper
was being made one day at a mill in
Berkshire when a careless workman
forgot to put in the sizing material
It may be imagined what angry scenes
would take place in that mill as the
whole of the paper made was regarded
as being quite useless The proprie
tor of the mill desired to write a
note shortly afterward and he took a
piece of waste paper thinking it was
good enough for the purpose To his
intense annoyance the ink spread all
over the paper All of a sudden there
flashed over his mind the thought that
this paper would do instead of sand
for drying ink and be at once adver
tised bis waste paper as blotting
The reason the paper is of use in
drying ink is that really it is a mass
of hairlike tubes which suck up liquid
by capillary attraction If a very fine
glass tube is put into water the liquid
will rise in It owing to capillary at
traction Tbe art of manufacturing
blotting paper has been carried to such
a degree that the product has wonder
ful absorbent qualities
Tbe original blotting paper was of a
pink color due to tbe fact that red
rags were used rags which could not
be used for making the ordinary pi
per as the color could not be remov
Id Flere was a method for using the
apparently useless matter and so for
a long time pink was the predominant
color London M A P
The Arch
The consensus of opinion among the
learned is to the effect that the arch
was Invented by tbe Romans Some
claim that Archimedes of Sicily was
the inventor while there are others
who would make it to be of Etrurian
origin but there can be ho doubt about
tbe fact that the Romans were the
first to apply the principle to archi
tecture The earliest instance of its
use is in the case of the Cloaca Max
ima or Great sewer of Rome built
about 5SS B C by tbe first of tbe Tar
quin line of kings a work which is re
garded by the historians as being one
of tbe most stupendous monuments of
antiquity Built entirely without ce
ment It is still doing duty after a
service of almost twenty five centuries
New York American
The Word Slave
An interesting instance in history of
the twisted application of the names
of a people is afforded by the case of
the word slave Now the Slavi
tribes dwelling on the banks of the
Dneiper derived their appellation from
Slav meaning noble or illustrious
In the days of the later Roman em
pire vast numbers of these Slavs were
taken over by the Romans In the con
dition of captive servants and in this
way the name of the tribes came In
time to carry with it the idea of a low
state of servitude the exact antithe
sis of its original meaning and one
that has survived to this time
Where He Belonged
Sir said a little blustering man to
a religious opponent I say sir do
you know to what sect I belong
Well I dont exactly know was
the answer but to judge from your
make shape and size I should say you
belong to a class called the in sect
London Tit Bits
A Description
What kind of man is Withering
One of those fellows who depend
upon their whiskers to lend them dis
tinction Chicago Record Herald
The Problem
Howell What are you trying to fig
ure out Powell How long it takes my
wifes age to pass a given point New
York Press
What makes life dreary is want of
motive George Eliot
Gasoline Stoves
are sold in IYlcCok by
H P Waite ajrgd Co
nSSSk ft
with tho load and i OFcr
it is half way np
nted with ono horso Alo urrkS
POSH HAKE and Denver Hado MOWiU
Our Clients and Competitors
Acknowledge This
225000 invoatod in onrfactory to backour
goods Our elegant illustrated printed mat
tor and pricos delivered at yonr station
sent froo lor tho asking
ls Vtrirrr - r -
y THE KLATTNtH lJt utimci ww
ZinJl7 mention this paper
SS fe Wfe
A Broad Choice of Vacation Tours
To the Pacific Coast From June ist only 6000 round trip
direct route and on special dates in May June and July on
ly 5000 1500 additional via Shasta Route
To the East Ask nearest agent about the various special rates to
be in effect commencing May to principal eastern cities
Yellowstone Park All kinds of tourist rates to this wonderland
including diverse tours through scenic Colorado Yellowstone
and Gardiner entrances also to Cody eastern entrance in
connection with Holms personally conducted camping tours
through the Park July 29 August 10 and September 9 Ap
ply early
Mountain Tours To Denver Estes Park Salt Lake Hot
Springs S D Sheridan and Ranohester Wyo for the Big
Horn region and Thermopolis Wyo the coming wonderful
sanitarium eighteen million gallons of hot water daily at
130 degrees
Call or Write your proposed trip and let us advise you fully
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau
Room 6 Q Building Omaha Neb
150 Value
for 100
fcr f r vmTrywvyfnvYnTfnniinT h r v vv TWrvvvi
V Fkanklin Pres G II Watkijjs Vice Pres
K A Gkekx Cshr
Tne Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
Everything- in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o
Office Phone 16
Residence Black 333
I have Residencerand Business Properties for Rent
McCook Nebraska
Living expenses have advanced 50 percent in the past
few years but you can get the BEST OF ALL
Bullard Lumber Co
Phone No i M O McCLURE Mgr
M kS8eifcH
4 4