The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1910, Image 6

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Conducted by the McCook W C T U
It is everywhere admitted that the
use of alcohol is an evil Then if wo
havo this evil why ehould it stand as
does the falcon as a constant tempta
tion Why should it allure our boys
and young men into iho habit of doping
mind and body and eouI Why should
it help to destroy tbo conscience and
the character of those who are making
every effort to lend a wholefome re
spectable lifer Why should it tempt
our girls as it does into a 1 fe of shume
Why should it bo fliurted in the face
of growing boys nid yirla at a timo in
life when temptation h often too strong
for them We are upending millions of
dollars for the purpose of education
In the i ubiie schools wo go through
the process of developing our citizens
of building strength of body and mind
that is so essential to good citizenship
and in the nearby saloons wo proceed to
demolish and demobilize the very char
acteristics for whiLh we havo paid such
a great price
If You Have Scalp Or Hair Trouble
Take Advantage Of This Ofler
Wo could not afford to so strongly en
dorse Roxall 93 Hair Tonio and con
tinue to sell it as we do if we were not
certain that it would do all we claim it
will Should our enthusiasm carry us
away ana Rexall 93 Hair Tonic not
give entire satisfaction to the users
they would loose faith in us and our
statements and in consequence our bus
iness prestige would suffer
Therefore when we assure you that
if your hair ii beginning to unnaturally
fall out or if you have any scalp trouble
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic will promptly
eradicate diindrifTstimuLito hair growth
and prevent premature baldness you
may rest assured that we know what wej
are talking abut
One out of a hundred test cases Rex
all 93 Hair Touic gave entire satis
faetion in ninty three casps It has
been proved that it will grow hair even
on bald beads when of course the bald
ness had not existed for so long a lime
that follules which are the roots Oi the
hair had not become absolutely lifeless
Rexall 93 Hair Touic is vastly dif
ferent from other similar preparations
We believe it will do more than any
other human agency toward restoring
hair growth and hair health It is nut
greasy and will noc gum the scalp or
hair or cause permanent stain It is as
pleasant to uto as pu e cold water
Our faith in Rexall 93 Hair Tonic
is so stroig that we ask ou to try it on
our positive uutmuitee that jourmoney
will be ctii erfuliy iefunded without
question or quibble it it does not do as
we claim Uertainlv we vvh cui offer i o
stronger nriun ent It comps in two
PZS p ices 50 cents and 100 Re
member i mi can obtain it only at our
score The R xill Store L W Mc
Hanvi SirnT irom north of Dan
bury was in tn n bKtwpt n trains Sat
Mrs Darnell ul rhllren visited
with Mrs George Hull f Fmrview Sat
urday night and SumJ i
We experienced some fin shmvers of
rain also some very cold aud v indy diyu
last week
S H Stilgebouer is putting in a c n
Crete cave this week E Galusha don g
the work
Aaron Bates of Danbur was in town
between trains one day last week
McClain the oil man from McCook
was in town Saturday supplying our
merchants with oil
T F Gockley and family of Fair
view visited his parents Sunday
Census Enumerator Fields began
taking the census Friday
Powell Nilsson received a fine Brush
auto the first of last week which will
be used for a general purpose machine
in connection with the implement and
real estate business
County Assessor Endsley of McCook
was in town a few minutes the first of
last week
Milton Eifert of Beaver City visited
his brother W H between trains one
day last week
Oner Conductor Who Was Cured
Mr Wilford Adams is his name and
he writes about it Somo time ago I
was confined to my bed with chronic
rheumatism I used two bottles of
Foleys Kidney Remedy with good ef
fect and the third bottle put me on my
feet and I resumed work as conductor
on the Lexington Ky Street Railway
It gave me more relief than any medi
cine I had ever used and it will do all
you claim in cases of rheumatism
Foleys Kidney Remedy cures rheuma
tism by eliminating the uric aoid from
the blood A McMillen
mil u7Fnur V7unuub
A Scientific Theory Concerning
End of Our Planet
Credulous individuals who are al
ways fearful that some of the ends
of the world predicted by sensational
prophets may prove to be true will
find considerable comfort in the asser
tion of Professor Lowell that there Is
good scientific evidence for the belief
that mankind will have many years
warning of the great catastrophe that
is destined to put an end to all things
on this planet
According to Professor Lowells
statements there Is somewhere within
the remote con lines of space a great
mass of matter once a world but
now dead that Is hurling Itself to
ward our sun In time it is certain
to reach the goal to which It is tend
ing and when the two come together
the globe on which we live is destined
to cease to exist
Fortunately for our -peace of mind
there is at the present moment no
such dead world within dangerous
proximity and yet any day it may
appear Any day the morning papers
may announce that one of these dark
bodies has come within the reach of
the telescope that it may readily be
seen by the light of the sun reflected
upon it
While it would then be certain that
the end of the world was in sight
there would still be ample time in
which to prepare for the inevitable
If the first view of the intruder was
caught at the eleventh magnitude
it could scarcely come much nearer
without being detected it would not
he until twenty seven years later that
it would become visible to the naked
eye and three years more would
elapse before it appeared to us as
equal in size to a first magnitude star
In two years and three mouths more
it would have come as near to us as
Jupiter and by that time it would be
far the brightest star in the sky In
fact its effect upon the world would
already be felt Our seasons would
chauge and the days would grow long
ger Finally just 14a days later
those who were still alive would wit
ness the beginning of the end The
stranger would not strike the earth
but would pass so close in its dash to
the sun that the earth would turn and
follow until together they would drop
silently into the sun Brooklyn Eagle
The Phantom That Boarded the Bark
Sea Flower
The following incident is recorded
as a true short story by an English
The Sea Flower a bark of some 4o0
tons was iu the early hours of the
23d of JuuelSU4 bound for Bristol
England under the command of the
first mate tier captain John Ellis
having been left behind at Kingston
Jamaica suffering from yellow jack
It was about four bells in the middle
watch or 2 a mi when the mate who
was standing near the binnacle giving
the helmsman his course suddenly be
came aware of a mysterious presence
in the waist of the ship At the same
moment his companion clutched him
by the arm aud pointing shrieked
Dye see him sir
Before he could reply the mate be
came aware that the dark shadow he
had just before observed had so far
materialized that it bore the appear
ance of Captain Ellis The figure of
the captain advanced along the deck
and disappeared slowly down the com
Recovering himself the mate left the
helmsman and hurried down into the
cabin meeting just coming out of it
the second mate who told him he had
been awakened with a start after
dreaming that the captain had come
aboard and was calling him Both
men then made a complete search of
the saloon and the other cabins but it
is needless to say without result
Later it was fouud that Captain El
lis had died between 1 and 2 a in in
the morning of June 23
The story got about and the ship ob
tained a reputation for being haunted
consequently a difficulty was found in
obtaining crews and in the end it was
renamed and sold to a foreign firm
The Fly1 on the Ceiling
It is often a matter of wonder how
flies get on to the ceiling because to
do so they have to turn a semisomer
sault in the air said Sir Henry Hill
in the course of a lecture delivered at
the London institution A fly said
Mr Hill has a backward and forward
movement of the wings and can part
ly turn them round in addition to
the up and down motion of a birds
wings That enables it to turn in al
most qny direction At the end of
each one of a flys feet there is a
rrliitn rnrl tT tfh flHnllf 1 Oflfl linlfC fTt
Carpenter Rhoster of the mill force
t DowQ thpse haJrs ae sent smalI
had an attack of rheumatism last week
and went home to mend up
John Erwin of of Missouri Ridge was
in town on business one day last week
The Missouri Ridge team and the
home team crossed bats here Saturday
the home team winning the game
drops of gum so that the fly is really
glued to the ceiling
A Mans Pay For Her
Mrs Kelly Are ye takin much
stock in this attempt that a lot iv the
winimen are makin to get a vote for
us Mrs Rafferty Mrs Rafferty I
aint hotherin me head about such
things Im satisfied to let Dinny and
the boys do all the votin for my 3am
ily But I do think that a wdtnan
should get mans pay Mrs Kelly
Well I can assure you Mrs Rafferty
that I get one mans pay or know the
reason why ivery Saturday night
National Monthly
Wouldnt Interfere
Its raining hard my dear
marked a man to his wife
Well let it rain responded the
lady snappishly
Certainly my dear Thats really
just what I intended to do
Shackletona Visit Renews Interest In
Project Peary3 Generous Donation
Lieutenant Shackletous visit to this
country has awakened renewed Inter
est in the proposed American antarctic
expedition his lectures with moving
pictures thrllllngly describing his jour
ney ou which he reached the farthest
south Since teaching America the
British exploror has received many
honors including the presentation of a
gold medal by President Taft In Wash
ington before an audience consisting
of ambassadors many of our leading
statesmen and noted men of science
art and literature
An act of Commander Pearys In
connection with the south pole quest
H kM i
A h IK
t j iff
r I t T
r - V ft I
that will long be remembored was his
generous donation to the fund for the
expoditiou of the 10000 check pre i
sented to him in New lork at Carne
gie hall A facsimile of the reverse
side of the check with Pearys indorse
ment is shown in the accompanying
Former Chief Forester Called to Eu
rope to Meet Roosevelt
Washington was just quieting down
after the great battle in the house
when it got another sensation the trip
to Europe of Gifford Pinchot to meet J
Colonel Roosevelt the latter it is re-
ported cabling him to come Since
emerging from the African jungles the
ex president has received many letters
regarding the tight now raging about
Pinchot and Balliuger and it is be
lieved that the colonel decided that it
should be Mr Pinchot who should tell
fcaMjffPgQEMM v WwLXKSm
him the facts as seen by the insur
gents In the last administration no
one was closer personally to President
Roosevelt than his chief forescer Mr
Pinchot was a member of the tennis
cabinet and on matters of general
policy he was in frequent consultation
with the president On the subject of
conservation the two worked hand in
Englands Progress In Building Air
ships For Her Army
Not to be behind other nations in
meeting an enemy in the air in case
of war England is now keeping up to
Tt J52fci Jy55i i5tW JSS5PVkSc3
BUILDING knglands dirigible garage
the times in experiments with and per
fection of airships
At Fanborough a dirigible garage Is
now being built It is to house the
new army dirigible which is at pres
ent in course of construction It is oi
galvanized iron
a i cNuciirucri rv rufttif
He Knew How to Play a Good Hand
When He Got It
Pat Sheedy said a sporting edi
tor used to entertain me when 1
visited his art shop with gambling
There was one tale about a sand
wich that I rather liked It seems
according to this tale that a barkeeper
in some mining town connived with
three sharpers and dear help any
tenderfoot that ever ventured to sit
in a little poker game among that
One night the tenderest tenderfoot
Imaginable after a half dozen drinks
In the saloon agreed to take a hand
in a dollar limit game
Tilings went along In the usual
way for awhile Theu an amazing
series of nods and winks began to
pass about The bartender had sig
naled that the teuderfoot held four
kings on the draw There wore more
nods and winks and betting began
In the midst of the betting a waiter
brought sandwiches and whisky in
order to distract the tenderfoot and
while the poor dupe was tossing off
his drink the sharper next him slip
ped a sixth card on to his hand thus
of course nullifying it
The unconscious tenderfoot look
up a huge sandwich bit off a large
mouthful and began to bet again
Right and left of course they raised
him He ate on and bet away calm
ly An enormous sum lay on the
Then suddenly the bartender re
sumed his nods and winks He was
terribly excited Something was
wrong The sharpers a little anxious
called the tenderfoot
The tenderfoot finished the last
bite of his sandwich took a long drink
of whisky and laid down his original
five cards Then iu silence he gath
ered in his vast pile of winnings and
with a cool nod took his leave
After his departure there was a
terrible time
What the dickens did he do with
that sixth cardV the sharper cried
Didnt you see Didnt you see
cried the bartender dancing up and
dowu with rage He ate it with his
sandwich St Louis Globe-Democrat
Peculiar Experience of a Doctor With
a Business Man
In conversation one dav about the
peculiar views that commercial meu
sometimes entertain about professional
services Dr S Weir Mitchell told the
following story
A very wealthy man came to con
sult me about an attack of vertigo He
said that he had just returned from a
trip to Europe where he had consult
ed eminent specialists but that they
had failed to afford him any perma
nent relief A physician iu Loudon
lie said asked me why I did not make
an attempt to be cured nearer home
I thought on my way out west 1 would
stop over to see you
Has any physician you have visit
ed looked into your ears I asked
No was his reply
I made an examination of his ears
removed some wax aud a substance
that appeared to be hardened reuiuauts
of cotton wool 1 sent him away then
and told him to come again in a day
or two He did so
Well he exclaimed I am cured
How mush do I owe you
About r0 1 replied
As he drew a check he asked Did
you know wheu you tirst examined my
ears that you could euro me
When 1 told him that I had a ver
fair conviction that 1 could he said
Well you are a blanked fool You
should have said to me I think I can
cure you and I will do so for 10000
no cure no pay You would have
got your money without a murmur
Oh I said if you feel that way
about it there are several little chari
ties in which I am interested and
No no he interrupted That i
not business I have my cure and you
have the price you asked The trans
action is closed
An Instrument of Torture
In the Isle of Man the wedding ring
was formerly used as au instrument
of torture Mr Cyril Davenport in
his book ou jewelry remarks that
there once existed a custom in that
island according to which an un
married girl who had been offended
by a man could bring him to trial anu
if he were found guilty she would be
presented with a sword a rope and f
ring With the sword she might cut
off his head with the rope she might
hang him or with the ring she might
marry him It is said that the lattei
punishment was that Invariably in
Aided London Standard
Humoring Him
Oh I forgot to tell you to bring
down my scissors too said the spoil
ed wife Theyre on the table in the
bedroom Wont you get them foi
See here complained the indul
gent husband Im tired of waiting or
you in this way
Are you dear Well just be pa
tient and Ill let you wait on me ir
some other way Catholic Standard
and Times
Mrs McManus youre a lady and
your husband is a gentleman but thoi
son Moike of yours be hivius he come
from a family of robbers so he does
Boston Transcript
Defer not till tomorrow to be wise
------ Jewell
Gasoline Stoves
are sold in McCook by
H P Waite and Co
Pit Ml WW
t 2
nnmrn TW A
it is half
nted wit
posn r
Our Clients and Competitors
Acknowledge This
225000 inves tod in our factory to back onr
Goods Onr elegant illustratodprintod mat-
tor ana pricos aonvotou at jk -
sontfreoior tho asking
k TOw Sk Sk
way up wuu uio iouu uu j -
h ono horso AIo our Pat
UCE and Denver Mado
Eladl7 mention thlo paper ffe
X s
I V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G II Watkins Vernice Franklin
1 B jgjjg
Plan Early For
Your Summer Tour
Pacific Coast Froi June 1st low iound trip excursion rates to the Pacific
Coast and on special dates April to July still lower Coast Excursion rates
Yellowstone Park All indications point to a larger number of Park Tourists
luring the summer of 1910 than ever before The tour rates are very low and
include attractive diverse routes through Colorado and Salt Lake City
To the East Special rates wili be in effect to eastern cities and resorts De
finite announcements should be made within the next thirty days
Rocky Mountain Tours Tourist rates during the summer to Denver Eses
Park and Colorado resorts JTot Springs S D Sheridan and Ranchester TVjtx
or the Big Horn region Cody gateway for Holms personally conducted camp-
ng parties through the park Tbermopolis Wyo the coming wonderful Hot
Springs resort railway completed July 1st
Homeseekers Rates First and third Tuesdays for investors and landseelc
ers through the newly developing sections of the west Get in touch with ihe
rearest ticket agent or with me and let us tell you what you want to know
D CLEM BEAVER General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau
Room 6 Q Building Omaha Neb
s ra7Hrerg
150 Value
for 100
KWwiW rwrriHynvirrfiri vrrtrTnmrrirr iny 170 pr9frfW
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
S The Citizens National Bank
I of McCook Nebraska
i Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
i -4
LiLttLLklltLtlll fjii lilil1iLLlitiiUiltliiiii
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o
I have ResidenceTand Business Properties for Rent
Office Phone 16
pcCook Nebraska
Living expenses have advanced 50 percent in the past
Phone No i L
butyoucanfget the BEST OF
rr fewryears ALL r -3
Bullard Lumber Co