i e mm I wElmCTr Fify Yesirs iho Standard a---x CREAM II ppiliii liPfP Hlilllilli vniiiiii g II llllffl Mmd from Brpes MSn WihMM Highest award Chicago jjH i I Alaska Refrigerators are sold in flcCook by H P Waite and Co GRANT A nice rain Wednesday and Thurs day makes tho farmers fed bettor John Weseh was at the Traer Kas market with hoge which netted 89 23 per hundred pounds Mis9 15emice Downing closed her school in district 51 last week There was no program Ed Carfield is fencing Lis new place in Grant We understand that John A Hoff man will wed a girl in Indiana in the future Mrs Jacob Wescb who has b en sick for some time is slowly recovering at this writing CITY CHDRCH ANNOUNCEP1EMS Congregational Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cor dially invited to these services Rev R T Bayne Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Com mucion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun days 743 a ra each mouth All are welcome to these services E R Eablk Rector Catholic Order of services Mass g30 am Mass and sermon 1030 am Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 Bryant Howe Pastor Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock am Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m B Y P U 645 p m Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p m A most cordial invitation is eitanded to all to worship with us Francis E Iams Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Premhii ar 1030 a m and 730 p m b7 pallor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E m 700 p m Prayer meetings evert Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev Gostav Henkelmann 505 3rd street West Christian Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in church corner of E and 6th street east every Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans cordially invited RevWm Brueggeman 607 5th st East Bread In Politics From the days of Joseph down the only well populated country which ad enough grain to satisfy its own consumers was Egypt rick beyond the record of any other efl this side of Paradise Ferreron his history of Rome shows the transcendent po litical importance of corn in all times Feed your people king or demagogue else they will overthrow you For the masses from furthest antiquity to most recent days there has never dissatisfaction rebellion been any torch of bellion and anarchy like a shortage of fcread Something Coming In If you ADVERTISE in THIS PAPER It will LOOK GOOD to you Try it out NOW r KITE buuorriin In llll I It Has an Irresistible Craving For Salt Water In the tropics where the cocoanuf Is wanted for planting the nuts are picked up when they fall from the tree where they have hung for about fourteen months in ripening It Is a fact not generally known says the Bakers Weekly that a majority of the nuts drop at night which prob ably accounts for the small loss of life by cocoanuts falling upon the heads of the natives The action of the heavy dew at night loosens the seal with which na ture has provided the nut and allows it to fall The nuts wanted for plant ing are either gathered into heaps or placed under sheds where they are allowed to sprout before planting in order that good healthy sprout nuts may be selected thus avoiding the possibility of planting blind nuts that would not sprout in which case much time would be lost in starting the cocoanut walks as the orchards are called When holes are dug about three feet deep and twenty feet apart the nut is carefully placed in the hole and covered with about one foot of soil The hole is Gilled as the sprout grows until it reaches the surface when it is left to itself requiring no further attention Should the place where the cocoanut is planted be any great distance from the seashore a quantity of salt is placed in the hole It will grow in luxuriance however but a short distauce from the shore nearness to salt water being absolute ly essential to its welfare An interesting story is told by a gentleman who resided for some years in the tropics Lie planted a cocoanut tree behind a board fence some dis tance from the sea The tree grew perfectly straight until it reached the top of the leuce when it began to grow toward the ocean leaning a foot or more Then a shed was built quite near the fence but several feet higher and the tree again grew straight until the roof of the shed was reached when it again leaned toward the sea forming a very curious and odd look ing tree The irregular growth was wholly attributed to the influence of the salt air No magnet is truer to the pole than the root of the cocoanut tree to the ocean for when the root breaks through its husk it points directly to ward the sea no matter what the po sition of the nut when placed in the ground Look to the Future What have the dinners of yesterday to do with to morrow Why spend your time turning over old straw OOC J I sSfn jS BARTLEY Edwatd filackson who came here short time ago from near Galesburg III in hope of benefiting his htalth died at the home of Mrs Beason in Bartley Friday and the remains accom anied by his young wife were shipped to Viola 111 Sunday morniug Mrs C E Mathews and children from Riverton Neb are here on a visil to her parents Mr and Mrs W D Wil lianis and other leativrs and friends Robert George of Cambridge was a busines visitor in Bartley 1 uesday ol this week Frank Doak formerly of this place but now of Denver Colo is sutTririiig from blood poisoning from a wound in his band Mr and Mrs Ed Cox are down from Frontier county visiting friends Mr John Durbin is doing the carpen ter work and Otto Webber the stone work on the now store building of Dur oin West Word is recehed from Honolulu that Rdl j h Clark has been promoted to fore man in the engiueer service of the army and is superintending the buildiutr of forts at Honolulu Ralph is the oldest son of Mr and Mrs S W Clark of this village The freeze Saturday and Monday nights has killed nearly all of the fruit here Frank Clark has secured the position of conductor on street cars from Coun cil Bluffs and Omaha H L Brown is taking the enumera tion of East Valley and Tyrone precincts The people are responding cheerfully to the many questions asked The wrestling match pulled off at the opera house last Friday night between George Gion and Clarence Bush was a draw After a struggle Rr one hour and a quarter There was a good at tendance to witness the tussel The b ut will be on again Friday night April 28 to sottle the draws The high school will stage the play A Daughter of the Desert at the opera house Saturday night April 23 The parts have been well learned and the play will be worthy the attendance of any one who desires to witness some thing extra good RED WILLOW Potato planting has been the order of the day Mr and Mrs Sexson and Mrs Louis Longnecker were business visitors at McCook on Saturday William Meyers ia around assessing Mr and Mrs W P Elmer were Sun day visitors at Louis Longneckers Little Alice Longnecker is sick again with the prevailing epidemic which in flames the eyes greatly Every one seems to feel better since the rain John Longnecker drove to McCook on busineis Saturday D0N7 MOVE OUT Let us print you some HAND BILLS ADVERTISE And Business Will Boom a- New Plans Of Insurgents nno new and startling Insurgent THE now under way and the recent battle in the house of representatives together with the signllicant fact that Glfford Piuchot the deposed chief forester and Ambassador Straus ex secretary of commerce and labor have been summoned to Europe to confer with Colonel Roosevelt have drawn the at tention of the whole country to those members In both senate and house who some time ago declared that they were not being treated fairly in con gress and proposed to fight for their rights to the last ditch One of the IiA FOIitiETTE CUMMINS AND DOLIiIVER THREE SENATE IKSUUGKS T IiEADEKS new moves that are being widely dis cussed is the big conference of in surgents and reformers from all parts of the Union planned to be held in Washington the purpose being to launch a nation wide movement against privilege In the national capital it is hinted that the result will be the formation of a new national political party The plans include a spprmrlfirv conference in New York which will have largely to do with finance Judge Ben B Lindsey the boys judge Is slated to take a prominent part in the new movement A review of the history of the in surgent uprising in the senate and house should prove of interest at this time The exact date of its beginning is not known Some think it began in the house in the spring of 190S when the appropriations committee undertook to defeat an item of 350 000 in the sundry civil appropriation bill to pay interstate commerce ac countants to examine the books of railroads President Roosevelt threw down the gage of battle on that item Representative Townsend of Michi gan championed the appropriation which was carried against the power ful influence of the appropriations committee by something like a half dozen votes That gave President Roosevelt fresh courage and he en tered upon a contest for the enact ment of other administration bills But whether the insurgent cause sprang from that interstate commerce item or from any one of half a dozen other legislative matters in that first session of the Sixtieth congress on which the speakers program was re sisted by members of his own party It steadily gained in momentum at the south end of the capitol In the sen ate La Follette is the pioneer insur gent ne went there over four years ago with a national reputation as a Republican dissenter and lost uo time in advancing ideas about railroad reg ulation and other corporation reforms which most of his Republican col leagues frowned upon More than any other unless it be Senator A B Cum mins of Iowa he had been preaching reform ideas and creating the power ful sentiment back in the states which has stood all insurgents in such good stead One of the greatest accessions to La Follettes standard in the senate was Cummins although he has not always fought side by side with him Nelson and Clapp of Minnesota and Dolliver of Iowa all older senators in point of service joined him eventually because of the exigencies of the political situa tion at home where the insurgent sen timent had become rampant These men with Bristow and Beveridge are generally classed as the dyed in the wool insurgents in the senate while Senators Borah Brown Crawford Bourne Burkett Dixon and Gamble are called near insurgents The Insurgents are not all fighting against the rules as many believe History of ooO liie uprising There are two or three different brands of them One is sometimes called tariff insurgents Another is styled rules insurgents Still others are insurgents on such matters as cor poration legislation and conservation In a general way they conceive them selves to be more In accord with the Roosevelt ideas In those particulars than are the regulars However prac tically all the insurgents whether in the senate or the house are for a re form in the rules and that they are winning their fight In the bouse is shown by the successive defeats of Speaker Cannon The test vote that deprived him of the opportunity of the appointing of the Balllnger investlga tors marked the beginning of his downfall and then came the recent passing of the Norris resolution en larging the rules committee of which the speaker shall not be a member after one of the greatest parliamen tary struggles in the history of the American congress m Senate insurgents too want a change In the methods of appointing commit tees They would eliminate Senator Hale who is the senior senator in service and Senator Aldrich from the domination of the Republican caucus and of the committee on committees Republican leaders smiled In derision when the rumblings of discord and dissatisfaction with the house rules were heard in the Fifty ninth congress When the SIxry first congress came the speaker soon learned that the lit tle band of insurgents had grown to a force of nineteen men all determined to fight in obedience to the mandate of their constituents The insurrec tion had spread from Minnesota to Wisconsin Kansas Nebraska and throughout Iowa Sparks from the fire wafted across the continent and found fuel in California and Washing ton on the Pacific coast and in Massa chusetts on the Atlantic coast The house campaign was directed against the speaker and as is well remem bered figured in the presidential cam paign ot mas The Democratic plat form that year condemned the house organization Some western Republic ans came back to congress pledged to vote against the re election of Speaker Cannon He easily held enough of his party in line to win a re election Some days later when the adoption of the house rules was up Democrats and insurgents formed an alliance which came near to spelling Repub Mean defeat By clever politics the speaker won over a handful of Dem ocrats under the lead of Representa tive Fitzgerald of Brooklyn They voted with the Republicans tor the house rules with slight amendments including a calendar Wednesday and save the Republican regulars from an exceedingly embarrassing predica ment Prior to that time there had been speeches and votes in the bouse which indicated i considerable following ot tariff insurgeuts but the insurgency v v y v xr Z88 asm ymek AJWS bStS i - 235 mkt fS fly Bffc I -v v J NORRIS MTJRDOCK AND FOWLED THREE HOUSE INSURGENT LEADERS of that brand became prominent dur ing the extra session that dragged along through the weary summer months Some representatives who had been and still are rules insurgents were not insurgents on the tariff The more notable examples are Represent atives A P Gardner and the late W C Lovering of Massachusetts Charles N Fowler of New Jersey and Everis A Hayes of California All these were substantially high tariflmen The low tariff insurgents from the house were nearly all westerners from t Wiscon sin Iowa Kansas Minnesota and ad jacent states S baking I Wmswrt Never a rtv irnn PKRMIT McCook Nebraska April 191U Notice b hereby Riven that C B djortJ bond and fai has Hied in the city clerks ollice petition for permit to sell mal fP110 t in vinous liauors in the brick bldB 11 block IS in the Second Ward of he t ot McCook from May 11910 to April DO 19 C R Woodwortii Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 7 1910 Notice is hereby hen that I have filed in the ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition askiiiK that a license to sell malt spir tuous and vinous liquors in the buildini situat ed on lot 9 block 22 in the tirst Ward ol tno City of McCook Nebraska bo Branted mo for the coming municipal jear beginning May lv 1910 James W Latheop APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that o haie filed in the ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebras ka a petition asking dint a hcei se to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the bmkling the First Ward of situated on lots block 27 in the City of McCook Nebraska be grnnted to ns for the coming municipal jenr beginning May Hi lie McFasn Harry J Cox APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nibraska April 7 1910 Notico is hereby gi en that Albert McMilIen has filed in the City Clerks oihco his bond and petition for n druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 7 blork 22 in the First Ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1910 to April 1911 Albert McMillen Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebra ka April 7 1910 Notico is hereby given that I have tiled in tho ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spir ituous and vinous liquors in tho building situ ated on lot 10 block 27 117 Main Aenue m tho First Wiird of tho ity of McCook Nebraska be granted me for the coining municipal jear beginning May 1 1UH 47JU Dan P Clouse APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 7 1910 Notico N hereby given that I have liled in the ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spir ituous and inous liquors in the building situ ated on lot 13 block 27 Wl Main Avenuo in the First Ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted to me for the coining municipal jear beginning May 1 1910 Jamks Steinman APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 7 1910 Notice is hereby given that I have tiled in the ollice of tho City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spir ituous and vinous liquors in the building situ ated ou lot 9 block 21 in the Second Ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming municipal jear beginning May J 191-4-7-it Mitchell U Clyde APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 7 1910 Notico is hereby given that we have filed in the ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebras ka a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 1 block 21 221 Main Avenue in the Second Ward of the City of McCook Ne braska be granted to us for the coming muni cipal jear beginning May 1 1910 J U Mitchell Qto E Mitchell APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nebraska April 7 1910 Notico is hereby given that L W McConncll has filed in the City Clerks ollice his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 7 block 21 iu the Second Ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1910 to April U0 1911 L W McConnell Applicant LEGAL NOTICE Ed and May Jeflers defendants will take notice that the Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association plaintiff Jias filed its pe tition against -aid defendants in the District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska the ob ject and prajer of which are to foreclose a mortgage given bj said defendants to the plain tilt upon the following described premises situ ated in Red Willow County State of Nebraska to wit That part of the southeast and northeast of section numbered twenty nine 29 township three 3 north Range twenty nine 29 west described as follows Commencing at a point in the east line of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty nine Town ship three range twenty nine thirty three 33 feet north of the outheast corner of said tract from thence running north in the east line of said tract three hundred 300 feet thence west parallel with the south line of said tract two hundred sixty five 26 feet thence south to a point thirty three north of the south line of said tract thence east parallel with said south line two hundred sixty live 263 feet to the place of beginning according to the recorded plat there of Which mortgage was filed for record April 3rd 1909 and duly recorded in book IS page GJ3 of the mortgage records of said County Said mortgage was given to secure the pay ment of their one certain bond for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars i0000 due in monthly pav ments failure to make which promptly w hen due makes the entire amount due and pay able w ithout notice Default has been made in the pajments falling due on the 20th days of Nov and Dec 1909 and Jan Feb and March ltUO respectively and there is now due on aid bond and mortgage the sum of seven hundred seventy nine and 73 100 S77a7il Dollars with in terest thereon at the rate of ten percent per an num Trom this date and tho plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendant be required to pay the sum or that said premises be sold to satisfy said amount ou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 23rd day of May 1910 Nebraska Central anrl Tnrtn iJ nhnn TlinfIT By John E - T E Kellet Its Attorney The Sound Sleep of Good Heaith The restorative power of sound sleep can not be over estimated and any ail ment that prevents it is a menace to health J L Southers Eau Clair Wis says For a long time I have been unable to sleep soundly nights be cause of pains across my back and sore ness of my kidneys My appetite was very poor and my general condition waB much run down I have been taking Foleys Kidney Pills but a short time and now sleep as 6ound as a rock I eat and enjoy meals and my my general con dition is greatly improved I can hon estly recommand Foleys Kidney Pills as I know they have cured me A McMilIen There is no cough medicine so popular as Folevs Honey and Tar It never fails to cure coughs colds croup and bronchitis A McMilIen S J i i