The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1910, Image 7

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Non BrcakaHe Ironis
HPHE non breakable fronts alone
should win you to Clothcraft Clothes
Think of your satisfaction in having a suit with the
front lapels collar and shoulders holding their
0 snape to tne ena ier
F E Whitney
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnelFa drug
store McCook Nebraska
Walter Hosier
Prompt Services Courteous
Treatment Eeasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phones 13jmi
Black 244
will cry your
sales an
time any
Bills post
ed in the
Sappa coun
try and tin
cups fur
nished for
your free
lunch with
o u t extra
Terms 310
first 81000 or
less 1 per
cent on all
sales r u n
ning over 1000 Dater made by The
Danbury News Danbury Nebr
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
iiocncrair cost you no
more than the common
run of clothes
The makersuseanon shrinkable
damp proof material instead of com
mon canvas in the coat fronts This
prevents absolutely any tendency of the
fronts to break or sag
You can be sure that Clothcraft
Clothes are of pure wool and have
lasting style You get a signed guar
antee with each suit
Ail Wool Clothes nOiom
C L DeGroff Co McCook
Hughes Crescent
Cottage Paints
are sold in McCook by
Summer Coal
Try our Pea Coal
for summer use
Its All Coal
We carry a regu
lar stock of coal
and can meet all
your needs Phone
Tlndike Gnrin f n
r ro
e Am
There are people who apparently
see no difference between money
well spent and money criminally and
viciously spent so they get a piece
of the money But there is an in
finite distinction between money
spent in building and furnishing and
maintaining homes in churches
schools books etc and the money
dissipated in booze brothels and
gambling For considerations of
church of state of home moral and
financial for every helpful human
consideration THE TRIBUNE is
lined up against this trinity of con
suming evils
Holdrege went dry this year by
124 majority a gain of from 20 to
45 over last years majority Under
the provisions of the initiative and
referendum law adopted by them a
few weeks previously Holdrege will
be dry until another election is call
ed and their present large majority
is reversed
It is said has already placed a
candidate or two in the field for
nomination on the Republican ticket
for congress in the Fifth Nebraska
district Dr J A Andrews who
formerly represented Frontier and
Gosper counties in the state legisla
ture is one of the mentioned
Even Omahas less or more famous
mayor Jim Dahlman is -now a con
vert to the eight oclock closing law
which he and all Omaha so gener
ously and deeply damned at the time
it was passed and signed hy the
It is getting to be a longer time be
tween drinks every year in this
section of Nebraska
Mr and Mrs E S Byfield and
Miss Roxa Byfield departed Sunday
night for California where they
expect to reside in future They
carry the best wishes of many
Mrs Craig McDonald returned
home last week from visiting at the
old home in Hastings and at the
home of Mr and Mrs Frank McDon
ald in Minden
J W Dutcher and B B Duck
worth of Indianola were business
guests of the municipality last Fri
C W McCune the financial editor
of the World Herald was a McCook
visitor last Saturday
Eureka Chapter Growing
Eureka chapter O E S is among
the flourishing chapters of the state
With the four initiated on last Fri
day evening the chapter now totals
119 members After the initiation
Friday evening ensued the usual
Fire Among Telephone Poles
Saturday afternoon fire among
some telephone poles down near the
sixth street east viaduct caused the
department a run and some little
work confining the fire to the poles
Seek Relief In Work Says One Who
Has Found It to Be Successful
The famous Harvard geologist Na
thaniel Southgate Shaler who died
about four years ago was a man of
singularly wide range and vivacity of
conversation In a single hour says
a correspondent of the New York Na
tion he would discuss topics as di
verse as national politics the seeds of
the fossil Conlferae and the question
whether there might not be some eth
nological considerations bearing on
mathematical studies
Perhaps the moat striking thing
about him after his unexcelled warmth
of heart and capacity for making peo
ple free of his time and thought and
interest was his surprising Industry
On one of the earliest occasions when
I was thrown into contact with him
and obliged to ask for considerable
portions of his time I remember hav
ing asked If he were not overbusy
No he replied I have a good
many things to do and a score of
years ago I had nervous prostration I
went to Germany and tried all klnds
of cures for It but they did no good
so I came home and ever since Ive
been trying to work It off
Asking advice from Shaler was a
very different thing from seeking it
from ordinary sources On one occa
sion apropos of something now quite
forgotten he told the story of his be
ing asked by a graduate of the Harv
ard Divinity school how he might best
fit himself for the work of his chosen
calling The freshly graduated theo
logical student did not feel sure that
he knew as much about men as he did
about divinity
After a moments thought the pro
fessor said in substance
Go to Colorado get down into a
drift and dig for two years with the
miners Possibly youll know more
about men than you do now
The young man did so with the re
sult Chat he came back at the end of
the pentad to thank his adviser for the
good he had derived from his most un
conventional WandeFJahre
Most People WW Agree That
erous Woman Got Merely Her
Just Deserts
It seems a pity to attempt to point
out the moral of the following story
for its lesson so much depends on the
experience of the individual reader
A gentleman says a writer In the
Philadelphia Inquirer wished to make
his wife a present of a lace scarf but
had no desire to pay an extravagant
I want you to buy a new lace scarf
for Cousin Amelia he said to his
wife Choose something nice some
thing you would get for yourself
The wife however had her own
ideas as to generosity in buying pres
ents and the purchase when she
made it consisted of a very simple
Hm said the husband Is that
what you would have chosen for your
Exactly she replied
Well my dear keep it I meant it
for you he exclaimed with an amia
ble smile
A Nice Calculation
Two very dear old ladies walked up
to the window where tickets were to
be sold tor two popular concerts They
wanted tickets for both nights but
alas those for the second evening
were all gone This was the more
pouular entertainment of the two
Im so sorry my dear pattered
one of the old ladies to the other We
did want to go didnt we and we want
ed to go both nights
You couldnt give us two tickets for
each night inquired the other of the
No maam
You havent two seats anywhere for
the second night
No maam Couldnt give you nose
A great resolution beamed upon her
gentle face
Then said she firmly give me
four tickets for the first night We
will make them do
Why sister quavered the other
you going to Invite somebody
No said she but if we cant go
both nights She paused bewil
dered quite out of her calculation
Then a happy thought struck her and
she added Well go twice the first
night Youths Companion
Just Exchanged Flats
I heard an entirely new one to me
the other day said a man who hears
all kinds of queer things in his busi
ness I was standing near the tele
phone booths at the Grand Central
when a woman began to talk to a
friend apparently uptown She said
that a friend of hers was coming to
New York in a few days and didnt
want to go to a hotel
I hear you are going to Chicago
she said Well my friend has a nice
flat on the Lake Drive and just like
yours with a good servant Why dont
you two swap You take her flat
while you are in Chicago and let her
take yours And the uptown woman
seemed delighted with the arrange
ment New York Sun
Would Be More Popular
If the ladies tailors will make it the
fashion for a woman to wear dresses
she can put on without the help of her
husband the cook and a monkey
wrench they will be popular with the
fellows who pay the bills Washing
ton Times
Secretarys Familiar Little Remark
Didnt Seem as Funny as
It Used To
Senator Depew told a little story on
himself and Senator Root in hlB
speech at the dinner In Washington
to Mr Root by the New York Repub
lican congressional delegation
When Root was secretary of state
said Senator Depew I went over to
see him and asked him If he couldnt
do something for me in tho line of
consular appointments He said
Senator Im sorry I would like do
something for New York but and Mr
Root picked up a paper from his
desk I see that New Yorks quota is
now exceeded by 14 per cent
Well continued Senator Depew
I kept going to see Senator Root for
a year Every time I went to see
him he would remind me that New
Yorks quota was exceeded by 14 per
cent Finally I said Mr Secretary
I think youre a great statesman but
your mathematics are inclined to be
After Mr Knox became secretary
of state Senator Depew said when
the laughter had subsided Senator
Root went up to see him about con
sular appointments Im sorry said
Mr Knox but and he turned to a
document file I find that New Yorks
quota is now exceeded by 14 per
Not the Slightest Reason for Alarm
if He Looks Forward to the Life
of a Pirate
The love of adventure Is an expres
sion of boyhoods abounding vitality
there is always hope for the boy who
looks forward to being a pirate and
carrying the Jolly Roger through tho
seven seas provided that at the same
time his mind is making acquaintance
with other aspects of life which may
finally prove almost as desirable aB
piracy declares a writer in the De
A childs nonsense is his minds
ptay and safety valve which may be
developed Into a sense of humor that
will help to keep him sane or degen
erate into a mere hHt of foolish and
cruel practical joking His curiosity
may prove a key wherewith to unlock
stores of wisdom or a means of pur
veying base and even vile things to
his mind while his sentiment and we
may be sure that it is present in the
average boys strangely assorted spir
itual baggage may sink to a senti
mentality which shall sap his man
hood or be refined into an attribute
of honor and devotion
Baby Owns All Holland
It is questionable whether there is a
royal child so adored as the little
Princess Juliana of Holland whose
birth set all hearts at rest in that little
kingdom It is painful to think of the
disruption of the state had Wilhelmina
remained childless but now all from
the mother to the humblest subject
are blest indeed The little princess Is
nearly eight months old is and has
been from the first a vigorous and
promising child the queen is said to
exercise the most constant and jealous
oversight of everything that pertains
to her welfare The cutting of the first
tooth of the little princess was known
all over Holland as soon as it was
through and inquiries as to its health
and its growth in every way mentally
Las well as physically is of the greatest
importance It is noted as an instance
of the kindness of heart of the queen
that when the child was baptized all of
the queens former instructors were
present They are now white haired
men but greatly gratified to be so re
Kossuth Disciples Wealth to Poor
A few days ago at the age of S2
there died at Zombor in Hungary one
of Kossuths followers named Stefan
Komjovits who had always led an ec
centric existence and had been re
garded as a man of merely moderate
means But on his death his will
showed that he was one of the richest
men in his province and had hus
banded his wealth chiefly for the pur
pose of distributing It at his death in
benefiting his fellow citizens
His bequests include SO morgen of
land and G0000 kronen for an insti
tute for the blind 200 morgen and 400
000 kronen for a school 1200 morgen
and 30000 kronen for a cadet training
institution and 250000 kronen for a
Two hundred and fifty thousand
kronen was left to a priest his serv
ant and stewards receive 200000each
and 120 other persons 3000 kronen
each Lokal Anzeiger
A Bit of Negro Humor
Robert Edeson tells the following
story of a negro servant that is worth
One day last summer Mr Edeson
noticed that Lindy was in an un
usually good humor while doing her
work singing all the time He called
her in the room and saw she was ar
rayed in colors that would have
shamed Solomon including as they
did all the bright hues of the rain
Lindy said he why are you so
happy to day This evoked the re
ply Marse Bob I Just buried my
fourth husband yesterday You did
said Mr Edeson Well it seems to
me that it would be more befitting
you to array yourself in garments of
a somber hue
Dats alright said Lindy but Im
one of dose folks dat caries dere grief
in de heart instead of on dere
clothes TJtica Observer
Tho Taking of tho Census Will Com
mence Friday April Ifith to bo
Completed in 30 Days
Friday April 15th will mark tho
beginning of the taking of tho gov
ernment census Tho government
announces that great care will bo
taken to securo accurate enumera
tion of the people and of the facts de
sired to be covered by this census
Blanks will be at once distributed
among farmers and others setting
forth the facts wanted to he filled out
by the farmers and those effected
and preserved until the enumerators
put in their appearance and secure
the blanks
The department had a gentleman
by the name of Franklin in McCook
last week securing information along
the lines of manufacturing etc
The enumerators have been an
nounced for Red Willow county
They are as follows
Geo W Burt Indianola
Maxwell E Ralsten Lrfjbrnon
William Urelings rt 2 Indianola
Jacob A Schilz McCook
Frank Fields Marion
Clifford E Rector McCook
Ulysses G Etherton Bartley
Allen D Burress Indianola
Arthur B Wood Indianola
Elmer Kay McCook
Claude A Evans McCook
Securing Data at First TTiind
Mr Good representing Human
Life spent a day or two in McCook
close of last week gathering data at
first hand of Congressman Norris of
our city His article for Human Life
will he illustrated photographs hav
ing been secured of the Norris home
etc Something more than the usual
may he expected from Mr Goods
visit to Mr Norris home town
McCook Represented at New Orleans
Conductor and Mrs George Wil
letts left Saturday with tne mem
bers of Sessostris shrine Lincoln in
their special train for New Orleans
to attend the great shriners meeting
in the creole city The famous Arab
patrol of Sesostris was on the special
also The patrol will Bpend bIx
hours in St Louis and parade and
Had Returned From Cuba But 24
Hours Before His Death
Word from Mrs J H McManigal
at Redlands California announces
the death of her husband and his
burial at that place Mr McManigal
had been in Cuba for some time and
was sick His brother went down to
Cuba after him bringing him home
to Redlands where he passed away
about 24 hours after his arrival
home Mr McManigal will be re
membered by many of the oldtime
railroad men at McCook where he
formerly was an engineer in the
Burlington service
Shipped Cattle Saturday
W N Rogers son took No 7G Sat
urday with the cattle included in
the big combination sale held in
South Omaha Wednesday and Thurs
day of this week W N followed
by passenger on Monday morning
There will be nearly a hundred fine
animals in the big sale They have
the stuff and The Tribune hopes the
boys will secure adequate prices
Too late for Last Week
Miss Lillian Fox is slowly improv
ing from her recent illness
A good number attended the wrest
ling match Friday night in Bartley
Alice Thomas taught in the pri
mary room during Miss Foxs illness
A home talent program was giv
en in the opera house Saturday even
ing the proceeds to be used toward
getting a tent for the County Fair
Indianola continues dry as a re
sult of the city election held Tuesday
Albert Norman day operator visit
ed a couple of days the past week
with his parents at Norman Neb
and friends at Oxford
Coal Inspector Crawford was at
McCook headquarters closing days
of last week on business of the de
partment He states that the com
pany is now storing the greatest
amount of coal ever undertaken by
the company in its history 500000
Engineer Hugh Brown of Hastings
was at headquarters Friday
Mrs F W Bosworth came down
from Denver last Thursday on No
10 and has been the guest of her
daughter Mrs R J Gunn for several
Mrs Harry Kidder is up from
Hastings to visit her parents for
several weeks
Dispatcher and Mrs H D Stew
art spent part of last week m Alma
visiting his folks
Conductor and Mrs G L Burney
visited Mr and Mrs G H Thomas
in Harvard a day or two of last
MrsTw H Dungan and children
Dorothy and Donald enjoyed a visit
close of last week with her sister
in Fowler Colorado
The family that eats
plenty of
Quaker Oats
is a healthy rugged
The most popular
food in the world be-
cause it does most
and costs least M
Thats All
But wo can moot your
every need in these
linos from our largo
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
J wvvmwvivvvivmivivqiiviv
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location Jnat across rrCrflr
street in P Walsh building l UVUUIV
jyryyVTl yM IHMMl i i l 11 IJ
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb 1
Office over ElecrlcTheatre on Alain Ave 4
g4Ll jjtkUAft iJLii tifadufaifcai
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 21214 Main av over McConnells
Drug Stores McCook Neb
Telephones Oilice ICO
Residence Blacii13l
rrrMnfJirtrriffi flwryit iwto8
R H Gatewood A
Office Room 1 Masonic temple 1
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
iViiiiiriijiyriiifiifiir i iriifiti - -
Office over McAdams Store o
Br J A Colfer
Rooy Postofkics Bcildi i
mm ml m Li JjVt g - ytTx
I w 3 jrJ 3 Css I I
fWPTi nWti a f IfiHi
rg yyaiJT
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone ending a sketch and description may
Quickly ascertain our opsrscn free whether an
Invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly conBdenttal HANDBOOK on Patents
gent free Oldest acency for secnrinfrpatents
Patents taken tbrouch Munn Co receive
treeial notice without charge to tho
ciennnc jnnencan
A handsomely Illustrated weekly J areest cir
culation tf any ccientlUc journal Terms t
year four months tl Soldbyall newsdeVLr
MUNN Hew Yori
Branch Office C5 F SU WashlnKtou I u