K ir N N Yfl UNG ITALIANS AMAZING CLAIM Asserts He Can Visualize Ob jects at a Great Distance AS FAR AS 20000 MILES Rochester N Y Inventor Has a Televisualizer With Which Ho Be lieves He Can Perform Marvels Will Reproduce Color Effects Di mensions and Movements The Invention wJch I hnve made and the apparatus which I have suc ceeded In putting together are suffi cient for me to make the assertion that I can visualize an object at a distance of thousands of miles The object can be seen with Its properties of color ef fects dimensions and movements and will be equal to the original with the exception that the object Itself cannot be felt with the fingers Such Is the remarkable claim made by William Vincent Pruscino a young Italian living at 72 South Union street Rochester N Y Pruscino Is not very communicative about Ills invention so far as going into details Is concerned At present he will deal only In generalities as to just what his device really is He fears that some one will steal his in vention He was so oppressed by the thought of such a calamity that he even destroyed his model after he had given a demonstration for his own benefit Now he says that he has re ceived financial support and he is en gaged In reconstructing the model pre paratory to having It entered and re corded at the patent office Telegraph Wires Used The actual demonstrations made by me not many weeks ago said Prus cino recently have completely satis fied me that seeing at the distance of ten or twenty thousand miles is no more an Impossibility but on the con trary it is absolutely possible I re peat that thanks to my experiments I have succeeded in demonstrating this to my complete satisfaction Televisualizer is the name thai Pruscino has given his device While he will not tell anything about its ex act nature he admits that telegrapb wires have to be used and that per sons objects and scenes can only be visualized where the necessary appa ratus is set up at both points which would correspond in telegraphy to the sending and receiving points The televisualizer however is not a sys tem b sending portraits by telegraph Pruscino claims much more for his in vention as he says he can reproduce the color movement and various di mensions of the scene Some of Its Possibilities Among the things that will be ren dered possible by this mode of seeing says Pruscino is for instance the first night in a European theater by a person sitting In a New York theater auditorium or if a Xew Yorker should like to attend a masquerade in Bue nos Aires well I could not guar antee that he could join in the fun but he would have the whole scene repro duced before him as vividly as if he were actually present Battle scenes could no doubt be re produced within a fraction of a second in the same manner unless the cannon balls happened to strike the instruc ments There is no limit to what can be reproduced All that is necessarj is to have the apparatus set up at the scene which it is desired to bring be fore the eye and the necessary appara tus at the other end to visualize it TO SNAP HALLEYS COMET Special Camera Set Up to Picture It as It Crosses the Sun A special astronomical camera has been set up at Honolulu which is ex pected to catch some interesting pic tures of Halleys comet when on May 18 it completes its 3100000000 mile trip around the sun and begins a sim ilar journey all over again Dr John H Brashear who told re cently at Pittsburg of providing the camera said that on May IS the head of the comet would cross the solar disk and the phenomenon would be plainly visible in the Pacific ocean It will take the comet but fifty eight min utes he said to cross the suns face and at that time it will be possible to determine how much solid matter is in the comets nucleus for all solid - portions over ten miles in diameter will be indicated by shadowed spots against the suns background The comet on that day will be only 15000 000 miles away from the earth and consequently will be brighter than at any other time The experiments In Honolulu are being made by the Amer ican Astronomical and Astrophysical society Biggest Y M C A Branch The west side branch of the Young Mens Christian association in New York reached the 5000 mark in mem bership the other day making it the largest branch in the world and plac ing It well ahead of the next largest branch the Central Y M C A of Chi cago Silent Pavements About Schools The proposition of laying silent pave ments in the streets around school houses is being considered by the London authorities ROOSEVELT AS PEACE LORD Colonel Namod For Ambassador to All the Courts of the World Discussing the question What Shall We Do With Colonel Roosevelt the Rev Dr Robert Stuart MacArtbur pastor of Calvary Baptist church in New York said the other morning I nominate Theodore Roosevelt for the high office of ambassador extraor dinary to all tho courts of the world in the Interest of universal and per petual peace This proposal was greeted with pro longed haudclapping by the members of the Rev Dr MacArthurs Current Events class No more exalted mission can be named for any man in the world to day he continued The time is com ing when the nations shall learn war no more The time is coming when spears shall be beaten Into plowshares and swords Into pruning hooks The court of arbitration at The Hague has already accomplished wonders Only those who are entirely familiar with the facts know how many Interna tional disputes have already been set tled by arbitration The nations are almost ready to enter into an agree ment to settle all disputes in this way Here we have a noble sphere for the varied talents remarkable skill and wide experience of Colonel Roose velt No one will ever charge him with being a mollycoddle a poltroon or a coward His bravery has been proved on fields of battle and in halls of de bate He is as brave morally as he Is physically he has the ear of the civi lized world In places high and low as no other man ever had To him doors of palaces and cabinets will readily open Listening ears in palaces and hovels await his slightest word If Theodore Roosevelt can be a dominant factor In the era of univer sal and perpetual peace his name will be honored aliove that of all warriors on all battlefields through all the cen turies He will prove the of Mil tons words when he said Teace uafh her victories no less renowned tnan war WOMENS BUSINESS COURSE How Julia Ward Howe Plans to Com bat High Cost of Living Mrs Julia Ward Howe has started among Boston women a movement to study applied economics relating espe cially to the increased cost of living It is her hope that this movement will become national and will be considered seriously by women throughout the United States It was launched at a aa JULIA WABD HbWE meeting of the New England Womens club of which Mrs Howe has been the head for many years Mrs Howe says her attention was directed to the agitation of the high cost of living and that she decided that f women are not able to cope with finan cial matters and cites for example women left with property to manage and no knowledge of finance or busi ness Mrs Howe believes that women should understand credit as applied to business methods since so much of the trading of today is done on credit and how far that principle is responsible for the increased cost of living She believes that if this movement is suc cessful a great amount of the reproach laid at the door of women for being unbusinesslike would be done away with New Use For Glass Eye A New Yorker says that he knows a man with a glass eye who makes it pay for itself many times over The man goes abroad several times a year and buys jewels as a side issue He puts one or two of the best stones in his eye and so smuggles them through the custom house safely When We Meet Halleys Comet When In May we meet the comet What think you will hit us from it Will the old earth bump its head and see some stars Comets so at such a rate Is it safe to have a date With a traveler so likely to leave scars When we strike the comets tail Shall we have a bargain sale On account of all the remnants floating round Will spark plugs be any cheaper Shall we find our gas bills steeper Can we get our stock of fireworks from the ground J Will its carbon diamonds send us 5 Will its iron courage lend us Will its sodium salt the sea more when it i falls Will It shower a lot of rocks Giving us magnetic shocks What will be the card it leaves us when it calls Camilla J Knight in New York Sun Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPaHT No 6 Central Timo 1133 8 15 r m Its 500 a m 2 550 A M 12 70d a m 14 9iiv M 10 5130 r m MAIN LINE WEST DEPART So 1 Mountain Timo 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5arr8iMJpin -- 18 9 W A M Id JE3 A M 9 615 A M 7 930 am imperial line No 176 arrives Mountain Time 345 p M No 175 departs 645 AM Sleeping dinintr and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets solij and baggage checked to any point in the Unitod States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets callVon or write D F Hostetter Agent McCobkf Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engineer J H Thomas has the foundation in for a new residence dver on north 6th street east Engineer Niewig is building himself a new residence on east 5th Btreet op posite the eastward brick school house Agpnt Ensstrom of Holdreee whr gave Maor McConaujihy quite a ce for the mayoralty la6t weik Tuesday was a euesfof MattLnwritsnn Sunday Knights of the Maccabees Mr L M Thomas of Lincoln state commander of the Knights of the Mac cabees is in the city looking after the interests of the tent here Mr Thomas will spend several days in organizing a new class for initiation and holding schools of instruction under the revised ritual which has recently been adopted by the supreme tent at Detroit at their last national meeting This ritual is said to be one of the most pleasing and instructive yet adopted by any similar association Crystal Lake tent No 16 is one of the oldest tents in the state organized in 1S92 and is composed of quite a number of the business and pro fessional men of our city The associa tion at large has a combined member ship of over 300000 and has accumulated funds in excess of S9000000MrThomas expects to add at least 25 new members to the local tent when the tents at Trenton Culbertson and Indianola will be invited to be present and take part in the class initiation The date for this will be announced later How to Spot Em I shall not wed until I can marry a hero Well you show the first man who proposes to you a schedule of the cost of living and if he still asks you to take him for your meal ticket he Is a hero We Make Portraits That are Different Styles Up-to-date Methods Modern Kimmell Studio 1st door north Commercial Hotel Phone red 428 - JE -- -- iTtfirTiinnT n IH MXSMsW I 2ihba rv - -- 5f w w FOULARD SILK in dark and medium grounds with dots rings scrolls etc per yard 90 tb 100 PONGEE SILK the silk for summer Cool light and launders like linen Abso lutely nothing like it per yd 125- 150 PSALE SILK WAISTS smartly fashioned of plain and fancy taffetas and messalines Newest cleverest designs 5 to 8 JUDGE GEORGE H WILLIAMS Career of Jurist Who Was Last Mem ber of President Grants Cabinet Judge George Henry Williams the last member of President Grants cab inet who died recently at Portland Ore was born In New Lebanon N Y on March 22 1S23 He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1844 Almost immediately Mr Williams moved to Iowa After three years of private practice he was elected judge Of the First judicial district of Iowa In which position he remained until 1S52 Mr Williams in 1S32 was named as a presidential elector In the follow ing year when President Pierce took office he appointed Mr Williams chief justice for the territory of Oregon Although President Buchanan reap pointed him to this position when lie took office Mr Williams declined to accept the reappointment Judge Williams was attorney genoral of President Grants cabinet during the latters second term After serving in that capacity for three years Judge Wil liams retired to be succeeded by Ed wards Pierrepont Upon his retire ment from the office of attorney gen eral Judge Williams was nominated by President Grant to be chief justice of tlie United States supreme court The Dffjted States senate however refused lo confirm the nomination and after a long fight President Grant withdrew Judge Williams name While servim in the capacity of attorney general Judge Williams was sometimes refer red to as Landaulet Williams be cause of his alleged improper use of government carriages After retiring from public office Judge Williams moved to the state of Washington where he practiced law before the supreme court of that state After a number of years however he again returned to Oregon and in lf02 was elected mayor of Portland Ore He served in that capacity until the end of his term in 1003 His wife was reported to have the smallest foot in Washington and cut a figure in cabi net society Recently she has been de scribed as the founder of a religious sect In Portland one of whose tenets is that the devil in the form of a ser pent resides in the vermiform appen dix Since 1903 Judge Williams had lived practically in retirement WHITE GYPSY QUEEN Head of Band Says She Gave Up So ciety For Roaming Life Camped just beyond the river Des Peres is a gypsy queen extraordinary She is the wife of King John Mitch ell head of the little Romany band that stole silently into St Louis the other night With her white skin for she is a Caucasian surmounted by a beaming red headdress Queen Jessie who is twenty four years old looks strangely out of place surrounded by the swarthv men and women for whose company she says she gave up home wealth and an enviable place in so ciety in Baltimore Queen Jessie claims to be closely re lated to some of the best families In the country Francis Scott Key she says was her maternal great-great grandfather and Justice Roger B Taney who wrote the Dred Scott de cision was her great uncle Her sister she says is now in so ciety in New York but she does not give her name She says A W Ha bersham a wealthy broker of Balti more is her father My father sent us to Brown col lege and then to a finishing school in Baltimore I was then sevehteen and just about the time I should have been entering society I ran away from home Five years ago I became ac quainted with King John Mitchell The roving life of the gypsy appealed to me and four and a half years ago we were married Revised Version A schoolboy was asked to write in his own words the story of the prodi gal Bon He wrote He w ted his substance In righteous living and when he came back his father killed for him the fat headed calf MITATIONS are put out for everything Even a good many o called silks come from the cotton patch hut hy a process of met cunning cot ton is made to look like silk until after it is cleaned That is when it shows its true color The goods we will sell you for silk will he silk nbsolutdy and guaranteed Here are some of the various silks and their prices SILK GLOVES that are stylish must lit We have all colors and dou ble tipped per pair 50 75 100 C L DeGROFF and Co PHONE 22 McCOOK NEBRASKA Advertised Letter List The following mail matter nmiins uncalled for at tbe McLJook postollic April 1 1910 letters Brjnnt Mr C S Clark Mr K M Davis Mr A H Hnry Mr D J Hay J A HnjesMrTA Hare Mr Charles Hood Mr CharlusWCO Hill Mrt Libbio McAdmns it owe KiRbt Mrs Mary Hiuse Mr V E CARDS iriBKS Mrs Sadio H Hojolds Mrs Peart Advertised April 8 1910 LRTTKHS Emerson Mr II E Hays Earl W Miller Mrs Elizabeth Mattinj Crist IJ au Mr John ItoKcrs Mrs N J SirnBue Mr J E Submit Mr Geo 2 Waterwortb Mr C F CARDS Buckett Mr G L Hays Mr T A Latropo Miss Ruth Litonbee Mr II W McCaskill Mr G C Olday Miss Mary Peterson Miss Ethel Hoop Mr J C Komelin Mr M C White is Miss S E Wilkins MrMrsGeo Wiudlaud Miss Martha Advertised April 15 1910 LETTER Hill Miss Annise Herndon n H Nevin Mr J E Itussel Mr J Scherff F C CAKD3 Itremer Miss Christine Hrehm Miss Emma Calhoon Hert Fox Mrs Leta Keen Mr Fred Melius L O McGrath Mr Ed Mahouey Mr George Starkey Mr Guy Stafford William N Smith Archie Volker Mr Mart Whitker Mr George When CHlling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone Po tmaster Relic of the Past The modern housewife if she now sees an old clothes der in the collection is apt to bat is that for It was us pounding clothes in a barrel on washing day in the everlasting fight with dirt It Is far removed from the modern laun dry or the washing machine of tho present day Appertaining to the Knocker Sometimes de knocker is mo fool ish dan malicious said Uncle Eben Hes liable to be sacrificin friendship an resppct foh de sake of intertainin a mighty ongrateful audience Therefore Forget Them The troubles of to morrow disqualify is for the duties of to day R F D NO 1 Last Sunday a class of sixteen nine girls and seven boys were confirmed at the merman Lutheran church Frank Dudek ami family visited vcL Wauneta over Sunday Leon Kurisel of Indianola came to Mo Cook Tuesday with a commercial mac and after hitching up their team to re turn drove to Kast McCook whe ihoy discovered the outside cheek was un buckled Tho team ran away and Leon Riisbt 1 jumped spraining his ankle Tho travelings man took tins lines and succeeded in driving the team back to the east livery barn where they had advance notice by phone that tho team was coming The liveryman succeeded in stopping tho team after they had gone under some clothes lines and broken thw double trees throwing the traveling man out and bruising him up BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood I LEGAL NOTICE Ed JelTer and May Jailers defendants will take notice that the Nebraska Central and Loan Association plaintiff lias tiled its pe tition against s id defendants in the District Court of Red Willow Count Nebraska the ob ject aud prajer of which arc to foreclose t iiitiriRtiKe Kien by said defendant to the plain tiff upon the follow ii k described premises situ ated 111 Red Willow County Statu of Nebraska to vvit That part of the southeast and nortnast ff section twenty nine township three 181 north bailee twcntj iiine west dfs ribed as follows Commencing at - point in the east line of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section tventy nine Town ship three rane thirty three Eir feet north of the outhtast corner of aid tract from thence ruiiiiiut north in the east line of said tract three hundred CM feet thence west parallel with tin south line of said tract twe liiiiidr d sjxty lue riii feet thence outh to a point thirt -three north of the line of said tract thence east parallel with said uth lino two hundred ixty lie 2fi5i feet to the placo ti bemninriK according to the recorded plat there of Which niortciiKu was filed for record April ird llHJll and duly recorded in book C patce CS of the mortKafje records or said County Said mortgage was ill ven to secure the pay ment of their one certain bond for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars tjwyMiO due in monthlF payment failure to make which prompt when due makes theentire amouutduc and pay able without notice Default has been made it the payments falling due on tho itii dns ol Nov and Dec llui and Jan Feb and March Ul respectively and there is now tlui on aid bood and iiicrtKace the -um of seven hundred seventy nine and 75 1 1 HI 77175 Dollars with in terest thereon at the rate of ten percent iK r an num from this date nud the plaintiff pravs for a decree that the defendant be required to par the sum or that said premises be sold to aatisfr I said amount I You are required to answer said petition oc I or before Monday the llrd day of Maj ISIIW Nebraska Central Iiuildinir and Loan Associ ation Plaintiff Hy John E Kkiiky Its Attorney t Copjricht 1909 by C E Zimmerman Co No 60 Barefoot Sandals IVE your childrens feet a chance to grow make lB r them comfortable in this hot weather and you go a jj long ways toward promoting their health And not only is a sandal comfortable but they are stylish as well When you and I were boys and girls we went barefoot and nobody cared but today that is considered not quite the proper thing but a pair of these sandals permit them to en joy barefoot days and at the same time be dressed up Be sides as well as being comfortable sandals are quite inex pensive We have them in all sizes SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY The Model Shoe Store FISHER PERKINS 201 Main avenue