The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1910, Image 2

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    CfeasTiAN Science 219 Main Ave
2520 Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at S p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
Sterman preaching services in church
corner of E and 6th street east every
3unday morning at 1030 All Germans
aordially invited
RevWm Brueggeman
607 5th st EaBt
Pneumonia follows a cold but never
follows the use of Foleys Honey and
2br which stops the cough heals the
lings and expels the cold from the sys
tem A McMillen
For sale by DeGrOff CO
Terms of subscription to The Mc
Cook Tribung are payable in advance
Unless otherwise arraoged for no
papers will be sent out of Red Willow
County longer than three months af
ter the subscription becomes payable
and unless otherwise provided for no
papers will be sent within the county
to subscribers who are more than one
year in arrears Within these terms
delinquent subscriptions will be discon
tinued as fast as the fact becomes
The Publisher
All wool Shower proof
tvith Knickerbocker panto
because a Hercules Suit will out
wear two suits of any make at the
same price
Hercules Suits are guaranteed
all wool and shower proof the
coats have a double lining in -the
sleeves at the armpit patent ap
plied for right where the wear is
most severe and the pants are
lined throughout with Herulone
the strongest lining for its weight
known All seams in pants rie
reinforced with tape
Made by Daube Cohn Sc Co or
Chicago in sizes for boys from 6
to 17 all patterns and shades
Price 500 and up according id
quality of material
M M g
Subscrip tion Payable in Advance
Congregational Preaching at 11
ind S oclock Sunday school at 10 a
m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock
Brayer meeting Wednesday evening
st eight oclock The public is cor
dially invited to these services
Rev R T Bayne Pastor
jStucopal Preaching services at St
Abacs church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m Com
munion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun
iss7a5a m each mouth All are
to these services
E R Eable Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
30 am Mass and sermon 103D am
3vening service at 8 oclock Sunday
Ehool 230 p in Every Sunday
Wm J Kibwin O M 1
Isxteodist Sunday school at 10 am
enKn3 by pastor at 11 and 8 OlaBs
- Junior League at 3 Epworth
i asae at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
Scday night at 745
Bryant Howe Pastor
3J3TisT Suudnv school at ten oclock
cm Preaccins at 11 a m and 745
gm B Y P V 645 p m Prayer
uieeticg and Bible study on Wednesday
st Sp- m A most cordial invitation is
to all to worship with us
Francis E Iams Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran
Sunday School at 930 a m
Jreaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
Sy pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer
oieetings every Wednesday and Satur
iay evenings at 730 All Germans
vardially invited to these services
Rev GcstayHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
What Changed the
Old Tovvs Name
Mr Brown of SLEEPYTOWff
He wouldnt advertise
Bo along came Mr Strong
And took him by surprise
Mr S as yon may guess
Was strictly np to date
Knew the game and played the same
At early hours and late
Strong is still in WAKEFUL VJLLE
The merchant of the town
He advertises and still surprises
Such chaps as Mr Brown
Ink for Monuments
An excellent permanent ink for
monuments and tombstones is made
by mixing together one pound ol
lampblack and ten pounds of pitch
with sufficient turpentine to make a
liquid of about the same consistency
as paint
Daily Thought
Happiness Is symbolical It belongs
to our appreciation
to us exactly in proportion
preciation of It People who know
what happiness Is are happy Only
those who do not understand remain
fretting like foolish children Home
By Albert Payi
Loves Sake
i Tor nunc
Horatio and Curiatius
Copyright ljy tuu Auilivr v
Horatia was the d LGhter of a noble
Roman family In the ancient days
when Rome was a small city and
ruled by a line of kings The nearby
city of Alba Longa was Romes chief
rival for the supremacy of that part
of Italy In Alba Longa lived a young
nobleman named Curiatius who had
won Il ratias love The two were be
Tho irlrl had with her own hands
the dearest possession of young Curi
The king of Rome was Tullius Hos
tilius a warlike sovereign who de
sired to make his city the strongest in
all Italy He began by declaring war
on Alba Longa A few border skir
mishes started the hostilities Then
an Alban army under King Cluilius
marched against Rome Tullus and
the Roman troops went out to meet
the invaders and the two opposing
armies drew up in battle line waiting
their leaders orders to begin the con
Then it was that the Alban king
Cluilius sent a messenger to Tullus
with the follow-
A Strange He
jng proposal
mpie uua gaid k wag use
less to sacrifice many lives in warfare
when a smaller number might serve
the purpose just as well He there
fore suggested that each side select
three champions and that these six
men fight to the death The army
whose three representatives should be
slam was to be declared defeated
without further battle
The idea appealed to Tullus He ac
cepted tho challenge and chose for
Romes champions Horatias three
brothers known as the Horatii
Cluilius selected young Curiatius and
the latters two brothers to fight for
Alba Longa Curiatius was thus forced
to contend for his life and the honor
of his native city against the brothers
of the girl he loved
The three Horatii and the three
Curiatii put on their armor and
marched out into a great open space
between the two waiting armies There
the strange triple duel began For a
long time the fight waged and the is-
in rtnnht One after an-
other at last all three of the Cunaty
were badly wounded Two of the
Horatii were slain outright To the
surprise of both armies the third of
the Horatii turned and fled He was
still unwounded As he was known
to be a brave man no one umu un
derstand his flight
But the ruse was soon explained
The three wounded Curiatii pursued
him fiercely They did not keep to
gether but strung out some dis
tance apart in the chase As soon as
that they could
they were so far apart
no longer assist eacn otner nuiauua
suddenlv turned upon the one who
was nearest to him Rushing at the
wounded tired man he killed him
with one blow of his sword Then in
attacked and slew
the same way
in succession the second and third of
the Curiatii
Dragging from the body of his sis
ters dead lover the gorgeous cloak
the girl had woven Horatius threw
the garment about his own shoulders
as a trophy and was carried back to
shields of his
Rome on the
applauding comrades He had saved
the day for his city
Horatia with the other Roman
women had been watching for the
armys return As her brother was
borne in triumph through the gates
she saw the cloak about his shoulders
and knew what had befallen her lover
Bursting through the cheering crowd
she barred the victors way Weep
ing and with ais
Killed for vovoiipn hair she
solemnly cursed
him for the death of Curiatius
Horatius the fury of battle still
upon him drew his sword that yet
reeked with Curiatus blood and
stabbed Horatia to the heart shout-
So perish all who mourn their
countrys foes
In an instant the triumphal proces
sion was changed to a throng or
soldiers and townsfolk clamoring
an ry
ing for the murderers blood Horatius
was dragged before the judges They
condemned him to be whipped to
death But in recognition of his bat
tle record it was later decided that a
heavy fine and a public humiliation
would suffice as punishment
Horatias body lay unburied where
it had fallen until passersby piled a
heap of stones above it to mark the
last resting place of the woman who
had dared to place love before patriot
Telephone to Scare Burglars
The manager of a telephone ex
change is living alone during his
wifes summering in the country and
he has little on his mind save the con
stant fear that while he is away from
the flat burglars will go through it
To alleviate in a measure his pangs
of trepidation he has given the ex
change over which he has charge
standing orders that the telephone in
his fiat shall be rung up once every
half hour from nine oclock in the
morning until six at night He be
lieves that the ringing of that bell
might some time startle a burglar at
work and drive him away New
York Sun
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska April 5 1910
The- Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment
present C B Gray P S Lofton and
Edward Sughroue County Commis
sioners and Chas Skalla County
i The minutes of the meeting held
on March 8th were read and on mo
tion approved
The appointment of Wm T Owens
as precinct assessor for Tyrone pre
cinct to fill vacancy which appoint
ment was made by County Assessor
T A Bndsley was on motion ap
On motion the Board adjourned to
meet April Cth 1910
C B GRAY County Clerk
McCook Nebraska April C 1910
The Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment
present C B Gray F fa Loiton arm
wnvor fnr hpr Invpr a rich cloak of Fdward Suchroue County Commis
many nright colors This cloak was doners and Chas Skalla County
tlip envv of the rouch Albans ano was Clerk
The Clerk having advertised that
sealed bids for such medical services
of physicians and medicines as may
be required by the poor of Red Wil
low county would be received by the
board the board on motion proceeu
ed to open the bids on file and found
the following bids filed with the
Southeast District Dr R B Camp
bell 10000
Northeast District Dr H J Ar
bogast S000
West District Dr C L Fahne
0nMr sisnOO and mileage at 50 cts
West District Dr J A Toren
After due consideration the hoard
found the following bids tho Jowest
and best and on motion awarded con
tracts for the year beginning April
G 1910 as follows First District
G eastern precincts of 1st Commis
sioner District Dr R B Campbell
at 10000 a year
Second District 2nd Commissioner
District Dr H J Arbogast at 8000
a year
Third District eight western pre
cincts of county Dr J A Toren at
10000 a year
The resignatioa of H L Peterson
as consiauie iui vnv v-
cinct was cli motion accepted
A motion whs made by Lofton sec
ao hv snffhrous that the County
Clerk be instructed to notify C A
Rodgers Clerk of the District Court
that there were 119 00 of jury fees
due the county of said C A Rodgers
on February 14 1910 which amount
is still unpaid and which amount
if not paid within 10 days from date
of this notice will be collected by the
to law
County Attorney
Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Sughroue
seconded by Lofton that Dr C G
Minnick be apointed as County coro
ner Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Lofton
seconded by Sughroue that Robert
Johnston be appointed as overseer ol
Highways of District No 14 val
ley Grange precinct Motion car
ried unanimously
A motion was made by Sughroue
seconded by Lofton that John G
ODea be appointed as Overseer of
Highways of District No 8 Red Wil
low precinct to fill cacancy Mo
tion carried unanimously
Thn nnrrpptfid annual settlement ot
Chas Rinck Overseer of Highwajs
for District No 8 was examined and
on motion approved and ordered plac
ed on file
The quarterly reports of U a
Rodgers clerk of the district court
and of Chas
of L M Higgins
Skalla county clerk were -ordered
to the exami
file subject
placed on
En of their books and accounts
the board in Jul
to be made by
They report as follows
C A Rodgers cash received
from Jan 1 1910 to
31 1910 JJicn
rnsh disbursed 42ibui
L M Higgins fees and mile-
age consensu num -
to March 31 1910
Fees and mileage paid to
county treasurer April n
Chas Skalla Fees for record
ing and filing from Jan o
to March 31 1910 -
Fees for recording 11
lu 4
al bonds
Total 5 55870
The claim of A J Crawmer of
stolen by Trainor
9 95 for goods
and Wailv was on motion rejected
On motion the county treasurer
instructed to refund to the fol
towInS named persons the sum of
of PoU
the amount
2 00 each being
tax illegally assessed against them
and paid by them unde protest
follows A K UOiua -
2 00
of Nebraska National
David Magner io -- -
Samuel Pnckaru
of ice 200
McCook Fire Department
909 Wmber of
partment 200
The following claims for tax-refund
were on motion rejected J D
Grant 200 1909 poll tax member
of Colorado National Guard Lottoe
Kennedy 45 1909 personal er
roneouslv assessed on sewing ma
chine W R Starr 351 1904 per
sonal Henry Schneider W E Starr
13 2S 1905 personal Henry Schnei
der estate A H McElroy 397
1S9S personal refund of interest on
1 The following claims were audited
and allowed and the clerk was on
motion instructed to draw warrants
on the respective tunas as umuws
On Road Fund of Com Dist 2so 1
Road work Driftwood Prect
R W P Wood I 3400
Bert Dutcher L50
Jacob Swartz 750
On Road Fund Com Dist No 2
Road work Alliance Prect
William McDowell 1800
James K McDowell 1800
On Road Fund Com Dist No 3
Road work Coleman Prect
Barney Koetter 2o0
Willow Grove
j James I Lee
bmvt Wtft
On Road District No 1
Road work North Valley
Elmer Turpin 1350
P D Brooks 1200
F M Jennings 1400
Fred Bede 300
On Road District No 4
Road vvork Box Elder
Frank Rinck 15 00
Gus Morosic 1800
Geo Harrison 1200
Charles Mundy 3750
Charles Dedman 750
Geo Younger 2100
George Younger 600
Charles Mundy 2700
Sam Burchett ao
Bert Hockman
George Harrison 750
Bert Hockman
E E Frye
Reese Harrison 32
Reese Harrison
Nathan Tubbs
Nathan Tubbs
Geo Harrison
On Road District No C
Road work Perry
George Traphagan -
Henry -Corcoran -
G W Predmore blksmith d
James Doyle jr nn
Will Fleischman
Ed Predmore i4uu
On Road District No 9
Road work Indianola
S V Frye
Sedden 2G25
Prvp looU
Calvin Sedden
E S Dutcher J 0
Silas Vandervoort 3150
John Beck 9P
D W Bush 4 50
On Road District No 10
Road work East Valley
Geo W Wheeler 4750
Guy Ritchie 1350
Min Vorhees 300
Harry Burton T ou
E E Shoemaker 1350
Li E Harte 525
On Road District No 14
Road work Valley Grange
James I Lee
On Road District No 17
Road work Driftwood
George Dack
R Hill
Joseph Schmita 1800
On Road District No 18
Roftd work Danbury
C H Agnell 2400
a H Agnell -00
On Road District No XI
Road work Beaver
Wm Small 1500
J W Martin 1500
J W Clayton 1500
Wm Springer 1500
W Z Phillips 1500
Wayne Hethcote 1500
Wm Hindman 1500
W R Hindman 1500
On the County General Fund of 1000
as follows
George Fowler janitor 1st
half March 1910 1500
J H Yarger balance on plast
ering Court house 1000
H E Culbertson two keys
for jail
Peter Miessen carpenter work
In court house basement
F D Burgess plumbing
Middleton Ruby plumbing
fixt labor and material 17125
ATnrinn TCenternrise Ptg legal
McCook Republican printing
and stationery
Fred Schlagel fees state vs
Fred Schlagel fees Curran
Insanity case
Fred Schlagel fees State vs
C A Rodgers postage
Sidney Dodge 1st quarter
salary 1910 20000
L M Higgins salary for Men
1910 as sheriff 100U0
L M Higgins hoarding pris
oners and expenses 3340
L M Higgins expenses as
sheriff 1st pt 1910 1294
T A Endsley 1st prt salary
as county assessor 15000
Elizabeth Bettcher salary
for March 1910 10000
Elizabeth Bettcher office ex
penses 1st qtr 1910 2007
Chas Skalla 1st quarter
ry as clerk of board 7o00
Chas Skalla office expenses
Feb to April 2 1910 9o0
Commissioner Services and mileage
F S Lofton 2080
Edward Sughroue jau
C B Gray - 15-
On motion the board adjourned to
meet April S 1910
Attest C B GRAY
CHAS SKalka Chairman
County Clerk
McCook Nebraska April 8 1910
The board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment present
C B Grav F S Lofton and Edward
Sughroue county commissioners and
Chas Skalla county clerk
On motion the board adjourned to try
the new road grader to meet April 9th
C B Gray Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska April 9 1010
The board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment present
C B Gray V b Louon anu Jiuwuu
Sughroue county commissioners and
Chas Skalla county clerk
The board having mot in joint session
with the countv board of Hitchcock
countv at Trenton on April 7th 1910
and having entered into an agreement
with said countv board of Hitchcock
county for the advertising tor oias ior
bridge to be built across the Republican
river on the county line between the
two counties on motion instructed the
county clerk to advertise jointly with
the countv clerk of Hitchcock county
for sealed bids for the construction of
said bridge according to the specifica
tions on file in the clerks office in each
countv which bids are to be filed with
the county clerk of Eed Willow countv
oclock noon Central
on or before 12
time June 1st 1910 and to be accompa
nied bv a certified check of 630000 1 pay
able to the county clerk of Red lllow
countv to be forfeited to tne two coun
ties in case the bidder refuses to enter
into mn tract with the two counties if
1350 1 the same is awarded to him Said bids
j f thn county clerks office
EonrfsSerTe1 the right to reject any or
appointment of G F Bjodol
T A Ends
board by County
lov was on motion npprovea
10yUpon the request of the MoCooL Im
Co the 101
cation and Water Power
fowing resolution was on motion adopt-
edBo it resolved by tho board of coun
commissioners ofRod Willow county
ty tne
assembled that
in roeular session
pnetufon of thoMcCook Irrigation and
H Ferg
Water Power Co and William
uson and John E Kelloy for arigbt of
W not to exceed six 6 feet m width
in the public highway of Red Willow
countv in tho east lino oi iuu
Sf section twelve 12 township
two 2 range thirty 30 and crossing
the highway at the termination thereof
to the southwest corner of section six
6 township two 2 range twenty nine
provided that a lateral
29 be granted
be safely and properly constructed and
that a safe and sufficient bridge not less
than sixteen 1G feet in width shall be
constructed and maintained by said Ir
rigation and Water Power Co Ferguson
and Kelley or their assigns at tho point
where said lateral crosses the public
highway Said lateral and bridge to be
constructed under the supervision of
this board and the overseer of highways
having jurisdiction thereof
The claim of W F Gartiell for sett
ing up grader for 5330 was audited and
allowed at 275 and the clerk was in
structed to draw warrant on the road
fund of commissioner district No 3 for
A motion was made by Sughrouethat
Edward Sughroue refund to Red Willow
county the 50 paia iihiiuuuciiiuj ju
1910 and there being no objection said
SG was thereupon refunded as aforesaid
A motion was made by Lofton that
M Mathes bo appointed as janitor The
chairman orderod the clerk to call the
roll as follows
Yea Lof on Gray - 2
Nay Sughroue - 1 giving as bis
reason that tho sheriffs jailor is offer
ing to do the janitor work free of charge
The motion to appoint was declared
carried On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet April 26 1910
C 13 Gray Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebmska April 7 1910
Notice la hereby given that C R WoodwortH
has liled in the city clorka oflico his bona and
petition for n pormit to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liuuors in the brick building on lot
11 block 16 in the Second Ward of the city of
McCook from May 11910 to April W 1911
4-7-it C R Woodwortii Applicant
McCook Nqbraska April 7 1910
Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the
ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition asking that a license to sell malt spir
tuous and vinous liquors in the building situat
ed on lot 9 block 22 in the First Ward of the
City of McCook Nebraska be granted me for
the coming municipal year beginning May 1
James W Latiirop
Notice is hereby given that we have liled in
the oflice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebras
ka h netitinn nskititr that n license to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building
situated on lot 8 block 27 in tho First Ward of
tho City of McCook Nebraska be granted to us
for the coming municipal year beginning May
1 1910
4-7-it J P McFann
Habkt J Cox
McCook Nebraska April 7 1910
Notice is hereby given that Albert McMillen
has filed in the City Clerks oilice his bond and
petition for n druggist s permit to selL malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building
on lot 7 blork 22 in the tirst Ward of the City
of McCook from May 1 1910 to April 1911
Albert McMillen Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 7 1910
Notice is herebv Kiven that I havo filed in the
ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition asking that a license to sell malt spir
ituous and vinous liquors intho building situ
ated on lot 13 block 27 117 Main Avenue in the
First Ward of the ity of McCook Nebraska
be granted me for the coming municipal year
beginuing May 1 1910
4-7-at Dan P Clouse
McCook Nebraska April 7 1910
Notice i hereby given that I have filed in the
oiiice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition asking that a license to sell malt spir
ituous and vinous liquors in the building situ
ated on lot IS block 27 113 Main Avenue in the
First Ward of the City of McCook Nebraska
be granted to me for the coming municipal year
beginning Ma 1 1910
James Steinmax
McCook Nebraska April 7 1910
Notice is hereby given that I have tiled in the
oflice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition asking that a license to sell malt spir
ituous and vinous liquors in the building situ
ated on lot 9 block 21 in the Second Ward of
the City of McCook Nebraska be granted me
for the coming municipal year beginning May
Mitchell U Clyde
McCook Nebraska April 7 1910
Notice is hereby given that we have filed in
the ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebras
ka a petition asking that a license to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building
situated on lot 1 block 21221 Main Avenue in
the Second Ward of the City of McCook Ne
braska be granted to us for the coming muni
cipal jear beginning May 1 1910
J H Mitchell
Geo E MiTcnELL
Nebraska April 7 1910
Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell
has filed in the City Clerks office his bond and
petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on
lot block 21 in the Second Ward of the City of
McCook from May 1 1910 to April 30 1911
L W McCosxell Applicant
The Sound Sleep of Good Health
The restorative power of sound sleep
can not be over estimated and any ail
ment that prevents it is a menace to
health J L Southers Eau Clair
Wis says For a long time I have
been unable to 3leep soundly nights be
cause of pains back
across my and sore
ness of my kidneys My appetite wzs
very poor and my general condition was
much run down I have been taking
Foleys Kidney Pill3 but a short time
and now sleep as sound aB a rock I eat
and enjoy my meals and my general con
dition is greatly improved I can hon
estly recommand Foloys Kidney Pilla as
I know they have cured me
A McMillen