The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1910, Image 7

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1 1
bu 0 Have
Insure lothes
THATS the kind we offer
you in Clothcraft With each
Clothcraft garment goes an insurance policy in
the form of a signed guarantee by the maker
And we stand back of it too
IS W r it tJfyrs
Delicious and economical
Cough Remedy
Cares Coughs Colds Croup Grip
and Whooping Cough
We are pleased to inform our readei
that Chamberlains Cough Remedy doc
sot contain narcotics of any kind Th
makes it the safest and best for children
It makes no difference when you caught
bat cold you have it and want to get rid
3 it quickly Take Chamberlains Cough
It -wont do to fool with a bad cold
So one can tell what the end will be
Pneumonia catarrh chronic bronchitis
ad consumption invariably result from
3 neglected cold As a cure for coughs
and colds nothing can compare with
-Chamberlains Congo Remedy Sola
-everywhere at 25c 50c yn 3 SI 00
a Yo opiate
The guarantee
means that your Clothcraft
Suit must hold its style
that it is strictly pure wool that
the coat front wont break that
the collar and lapel wont sag or
pucker Think what this means
to you
Yet Clothcraft Clothes cost
no more than ordinary clothes which never
could stand such backing
All Wool Clothes 10 to25
Dont decide on your spring clothes until you learn the facts about Clothcraft
C L DeGroff Co McCook
S W Nebraska Educational Assn
The meeting of the Southwestern
Nebraska Educational association in
Alma April 6 7 and 8 promises to
Se one of the best in the history of
xhe association The meeting will
snean much in the Tvay of educational
uplift and inspiration for all classes
teachers and particularly for rur
3il teachers
The following is a copy of a letter
srom the state superintendent on
Shis subject It would be well if
every school board in the county
would give two days for each teach
cr to attend this meeting
State of Nebraska Department
nf Public Instruction Lincoln March
2 1910
To Superintendents and School
Boards in Southwestern Nebraska
The annual meeting of the South-western
Nebraska Educational asso
ciation will be held this year at Al
sna April 6 7 and S In recogni
tion of its value to the schools of
Southwestern Nebraska I am pleas
ed to recommend that teachers who
re willing to bear their part of the
necessary expense be granted the
gaivllege of attending this meeting
without the loss of time or pay Sub
jects of importance to all teachers
and all schools will be discussed All
who attend will return to their
schools with a greater enthusiasm
Xor the work with a fund of new
2deas and with the ability to render
reater service Very truly yours
No Substitute
Accept no substitute for Foleys Honey
and Tar Tt is the best and safest rem
edy for coughs colds throat and lung
troubles Coutains no opiates and no
fmrmful drugs Re- ember the name
Foleys Honey and Tar and accept no
substitute A McMillen
Quaker Oats
is the worlds food
Eaten in every
country eaten by
infants athletes
young and old
Recognized as the
great strength
I am satisfied that there are 200
00000 worth of chattel mortgages
on file in the County Clerks office
which have been renewed or paid
off and the original has not been re
Now all Grantees of said mortgages
residing in Red Willow county will
please take notice that all such
mortgages remaining uncanceled on
April 1st 1910 will be added to
your Persona1 schedules according
to the laws of the state of Nebraska
County Assessor
Baking Economy
By the use of perfect baking pow
der the housewife can derive as
much economy as from any other ar
ticle used in baking and cooking In
selecting a baking powder therefore
care should be exercised to purchase
one that retains its original strength
and always remains the same thus
making the food sweet and whole
some and producing sufficient leav
ening gas to make the baking light
Very little of this leavening gas
is produced by the cheap baking pow-
1 ders making it necessary to use
double the quantity ordinarily re
quired to secure good results
You cannot experiment every time
of chemically pure ingredients of test
the strength of your baking powder
to find out how much of it you
should use yet with most baking
powders you should do this for they
are put together so carelessly they
are never uniform the quality and
strength varying with each can pur
Calumet Baking Powder is mace
of chemially pure ingredients of test
ed strength Experienced chemists
put it up The proportions of the
different materials remain always the
same Sealed in air tight cans Cal
umet Baking Powder does not alter
in strength and is not affected by at
mospheric changes
In using Calumet you are bound
to have uniform bread cake or bis
cuits as Calumet does not contain
any cheap useless or adulterating
ingredients so commonly used to in
crease the weight Further it pro
duces pure wholesome food and is a
baking powder of rare merit there
fore is recommended by leading phy
sicians and It complies
with all pure food laws both STATE
and NATIONAL The goods are
moderate in price and any lady pur
chasing Calumet from her grocer if
not satisfied with it can return it
and have her money refunded
We Mean You
During the one week of March 21
to 28 The Lincoln Daily News will
r ccept 2 from mail subscribers for
a whole year to April 1 1911 This
is a cut of just one dollar from the
regular price made just this one
week by cutting out all sorts of can
vassing and collecting and letting
you do business by mail at a cost of
a stamp This is a year filled with
big things the nomination and elec
tion of a United States senator a
big row over the saloon question and
then the coming legislature to say
nothing about the scrap over Uncle
Joe Cannon and a few smaller guns
You cannot afford to be without a
live independent fearless newspa
per We let you in right by knock
ing off a dollar on the start No
booze or nasty medical ads and free
from bossism It is human through
out and is always doing things it
thinks will help Nebraskans Re
member Lincoln is your town and
here is where lots of your interests
are This is the paper you ought
to take and by sending in before
March 28 you can save this dollar
Dont pay money to strangers for any
paper but send your order direct to
the Lincoln Daily News or to your
Jocal agent
fc 4jB4iiFirfs r
jwJLari a
One of the Most Numerously Attended Caucuses of Recent
YearsLadies PresentSchool Board Main Interest
Somewhat after the appointed
hour last Friday evening Chairman
Lon Cone of the City Republican
central committee called the caucus
to order in the court room and read
the call which specifically invited
McCook to meet in caucus
J F Cordeal placed H N Rose
bush in nomination for temporary
chairman of the caucus Mr Rose
bush declined but his declination
was not accepted and he took the
A P Ely placed J G Schobel in
nomination for temporary secretary
Sylvester Cordeal seconded the nom
ination and he was chosen
On motion of Lon Cone and sec
ond by J F Cordeal the chair was
empowered to name a committee of
three on resolutions He named
Lon Cone J F Cordeal and W B
Mills Albert Barnett having de
clined the honcr
On motion ol Lon Cone and second
by J F Cordeal the temporary or
ganization was made permanent
On motion of J E Kelley the
caucus proceeded to the nomination
of candidates for the carious city of
fices according to the order of the
W B Mills placed E P Huber in
nomination Dad Smith seconded
he same and on motion of Sylvester
Cordeal the nomination1 was made
by acclamation Mr Huber made
a brief speech accepting tlie honor
Riid promising his best efforts to fill
the office well and truly
Louis Thorgrimson was named for
reasurer and Chairman Rosebush
thought the nomination so good that
he put the motion thereupon and
nominated Louis without furthe
Dr J D Hare named H W Con-
over Cordeal seconding the
same and Hervy was nominated
by acclamation for city clerk
Charles W Kelley suggested Nor
man J Campbell for city engineer
and the nomination was made by ac
R J McCar named P S Heaton
for police judge and the operation
was completed by acclamation
On motion the order of nomi
nations was changed and the caucus
was opened to nominations for mem
bers of the Loard of education
Ohas Skalla by request offered the
names of R A Green and C J Ryan
Dr C L Fahnestock named H E
Culbertson and E H Doan
R J Gunn F A Fennell Joseph
Mokko were named as tellers and
the voting proceeded for members of
the school board
While the tellers were counting
the ballots the work of the caucus
went on
J F Cordeal moved that the city
committee be empowered to fill any
vacancies on ticket or committea
It was moved by Lon Cone and
seconded by J F Cordeal that the
caucus divide by wards and the same
was done and the following nomi
nations were made by the two wards
In the first ward H P Waite was
chairman and Mathew Lawritson the
clerk C E Emerson J W Chase
and J S Stansberry were named
The vote stood Stansberry 41 Emer
son 25 Chase 11 Stansberry being i
the nominee
The second ward action Dr Z
L Kay chairman Lon Cone secre
tary William Word received 51
votes James McAdams 9 and there
were a number of scattering votes
Wood was declared the nominee and
responded with a brief speech
The result of the voting for school
board members was then announced
Culbertson 134
Doan 127
Green 78
Ryan v 72
Culbertson and Doan were declar
ed the nominees
Dr C L Fahnestock and H N
Rosebush were made committeemen
for the First ward and Lon Cone
and E F Osborn for the Second
The committee on resolutions
then reported as follows
We believe that partisan politics
should not be inducted into munici
pal affairs but that individual fitness
personal integrity and a wilingness
to be guided bv the expressed wishes
of a majority of all the people
should characterize our public ser
vants and in the selection of city
officials these should be considered
in preference to their political affili
ation that the government of the
Mty is purely a business matter and
should be directed solely in the in
terest of all the people without con
cession to any special interests or
We recognize that McCook is a
rapidly growing community and the
business of the municipality is
steadily growing more difficult to
manage while the compensation for
this service is wholly inadequate
and the acceptance of city office en
tails some considerable sacrifice upon
the part of the officers selected yet
we demand on the part of the city
government an honest efficient and
economical administration such as is
consistent with the natural expansion
of the community and that the same
consideration hall be shown to its
most humble citizens as is extended
to its most powerful business and
financial interests
We demand a strict accounting of
the public funds such as would be
lequired in any business corporation
and that the people may know we
recommend that the accounts of the
city including those of the Loard of
education be examined by a compe
ent auditing committee and that
frequent reports of the citys finan
cial affairs be thereafter published
for the information of the public
We demand a strict enforcement
of the eight oclock closing law and
rigid regulation of all matters per
taining to the health and public
Believing that public service cor
porations operating under franchise
granted by the people are entitled
only to such net profits on their in
vestments as after careful and thor
ough examination may be shown to
be just and reasonable we demand
that an inquiry be made into the
matter of telephone rates charged by
the Nebraska Telephone Co in the
city with the view of securing a
reduction of the scale should the
conditions be fhown to justify it
The following resolution was pre
sented the committee but they de
clined to report the same and it
was offered before the caucus as an
As a progressive people desiring
to be in the an of the best move
ments for better and more effective
government and believing that the
people should have a more direct
voice in the policies of the munici
pal government we favor the adop
tion of the initiative and referendum
which has been so efficient and popu
lar in the many towns and cites
where it has become operative
On a vote before the caucus the
amendment was lost by a small
Rather Small in Numbers With a Sprinkling of the Gentler
Sex and the School Board the Main Interest
The Democrats i cid their city
caucus in the court room last Satur
day evening with C J Ryan in the
chair and Barney Hofer secretary
R A Green placed Frank Real in
nomination for mayor and his se
lection was made by acclamation
Dr Robert Gatewood was chosen
for city clerk by acclamation Dr E
O Vahue declining
W W McMillen was made the
choice of the caucus for city treas
urer by acclamation
For city engineer Norman J
Campbell was unanimously chosen
P S Heaton and Joseph Sullivan
were nominated for police judge and
the ballot resulted in Sullivan receiv
ing 17 votes Heaton 11 Sullivan
was declared the nominee
For members of the board of edu
cation R A Green C J Ryan and
W H Dungan were named The
ballot resulted thus
Green 34
Ryan 29
Dungan S
Green and Ryan were declared the
Samuel S Garvey was made the
unanimous choice of the caucus of
the 1st ward for the office of coun
In the second ward William Wood
received the uuanimous endorsement
of the caucus for councilman of that
G R Gale was made committee
man for the 1st ward and F L
Schwab and Barney Hofer for the
second ward
The committee was empowered to
fill any vacancies on committee or
The following resolution was read
by the chair and after some warm
and earnest debate was adopted with
out dissent
We call the voters attention to
the fact that the board of education
of this district handles upward of
52000000 a year without giving
any account of the expenditures We
believe and insist that the rublic is
entitled to know what becomes of
this money especially in view of the
fact that the district is taxed to the
limit that the law allows and we
hereby promise that our members of
the board if elected will insist that
the proceedings will he published the
same as the commissioners proceed
ings or the city council proceedings
telling the public who gets their
money and what it is paid for
Large Sums 8pent by English News
papers In Recent Electrons
Great Britains recent election cre
ated as much excitement and interest
as we see here iu Auerlen during a
presidential year and never before In
the history of that country lins so much
money been spent by the newspapera
to keep the public posted as to re
sults In this respect there was the
keenest rivalry
Of the many unique bulletin boards
erected by the publishers for this
IH SBR 99B xv Hl
pose probably the one shown here at
tracted the most attention It being
surrounded day and night toward the
end of the fight by thousands of people
anxious to know the latest election fig
ures By manipulating the ligures at
tached to the board the public could
at all times be kept Informed of the
progress of the fight
Paris Has a New Plan to Prevent
Crowding In Street Cars
Paris is far ahead of most cities In
looking out for the comfort of her citi
zens Take the strap hanging and
crowding in our street cars for In j
stance In Paris street cars and
stages are not permitted to carry more
New Ambassador and Family Learn
ing Our Customs and Language
The family of the new Chinese am
bassador Chang Yin Tang have at
tracted much attention in Washington
since their arrival While they have
gone but little into society as yet they
are said to be captivated by Ameri
cans and their ways and planning to
entertain lavishly before long
To tho roadura of tbo Christian Herald
tlio death of Dr Klopach scouih to
como as a poreonul borouvomont Truly
a good and groat man has been callod
Mr Stowart still suffers with ncuto
stomach trouble
Mrs Ruggles stoppod to hco Mrs
John Longneckor on Friday rtf tornoon
Work is progressing on Will Rnndols
house since favorable weather sot in
Peoplo como and pooplo go Mr and
Mrs A R Clark nro oxpeotod back
from California this month Mr and
Mrs Shumakor have rr turned to In
dianola from Washington finding Red
Willow a good place to live
fiooi the cough and Hoals lua
Thats All
But wo can nieot your
every need in these
lines from our largo
and completo stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone S
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across TnCrr1r
strflflfcin P Wnlah hnitillntr 1 ICUUtV
m9 1
IJ1l Dr J O Bruce
Wl i ftS 1 1 2 OSTEOPATH
SW rU Afc J 4T4 - Telephone 55 McCook Neb 3
Ti6BSHBKteJjl Z i fc Office over ElecrlcTheatre on Main Ave -
fest Dr Hcrbcrt Pratt
ipy Dentist
PJSgJ5felt Oilice 212Y2 Main av over McConuells
Drue Store McCook Neb S
fiiflHHfflsiiwltGraaral M S Telephones Oilice 1 GO
ySsQWMWKKsBBiBfcffltflHIMR 5 V Residencp Blacx131 f
ImBBfigSS R- H Gatewood 1
passengers than there are seats In
order to prevent the rush of people
trying to board the cars at the stop
ping places small metal boxes have
been affixed to lampposts
These boxes contain small metal
checks with running numbers and
everybody who wants to board a stage
or car takes one of those checks The
passengers enter the cars according to
their numbers and all crowding Is in
this way avoided
Office Room 1 Masonic temple J
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska j
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Dr J A Colier
Room Postokfich Building
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly conddentlaL HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest acency for secunnff patents
Patents taten through Munn Co receive
tptclal notice without charge In the
Scientific JiMtcricasi
A handsomely lllntrated wpekly
dilation of nnv dcientlUc lonrnuL
Tt rms 3 a
Tear four months IL Sold by all newsdealer
MUNN Co36Broad New York
Branch Office 625 F SU Washington D C