The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 17, 1910, Image 3

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Business Office Station
ery is Our Specialty
Particularly Pine Line of
Writing Papers in Boxes
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Letter Files
McCook Lodfje No J35 A F A M meets
very first and third Tuesday of the month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Lon Cone V M
Chaeies Li Fahnestock Sec
b s M
Occcnozeo Council No 16 R S M meets on
the last Saturday of each mouth at 800 p m
ia Masonic hall
William E Hart T I M
Aaeon G King Sec
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month at
U00 p m in Masonic hall
Clabence B Gray H P
W B Whittakee Sec
St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of oach month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
David Magnee E C
Henry E Culbertson Bee
Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mbs C V Wilson W M
S Cobdeal Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments
at Vhit House Grocery
Julius Kdnbbt Consul
HM Finity Clerk
No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 1 m in Morris hall
Mbs Caroline Kdnert Oracle
Mbs Adgdsta Anton Uec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Temple
Maurice Gkiffin Treas MSJ endings MW
C W Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tuesdays of each month at
800 p m in Temple building
Anna E Ruby C of H
Mrs Cabeie Schlagel Rec
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets on the first and third Saturdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Husted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F fc E
Golden Rod Lodge No 2S2 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
each month at 2 oclock
Mbs Gkace Husted Mbs Lena Hill
Secretary President
railway conductobs
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
second and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris ball at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClube Sec
railway tbainmen
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of H T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eagls hall T E Hgston President
F G Kinghobn Sec
Red Willow Lodgo No 587 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pre
Fred Wasson Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Cor Sec
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
Invoice Files
McCook Views in Colors
are a Leader with Us
Stationery Department
McCook Division No 623 U of L E meets
vory second and fourth Sunday of each
ut2J0 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
Young America Loripp No 456 B R C of A
noets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
in Morris hall at7H0 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
V meets first and third Thursdays of each
month in Eaglet hall
Jno Seth Pres
Jno LeHew Cor Sec
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall
J N Gaarde C C
C A Evans K R S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at S -00 p m in Morris hall
B J Lane N G
H G Hughes Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at S oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L Walkee W Pros
C H Ricketts W Sec
Branch No 1278 meets first Monaay of each
month at 330 p m in carriers room postoflice
G F Kinghorn President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Eagles hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m
in Monto Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first anil third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mbs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
g A B
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Morris hall
Wm Long Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClaik Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the second and fourth Fridays of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mary Walker Pres
Ellen LeHew Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs J A Wilcox Pres
Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec
McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m
M J Cobdeal M E C
Edna Stewart M of R C
It is Just One Dollar the Year
Tho Novelists Remark Whsr He Saw
Himself as a Child
One of the best known guides In the
capitol at Washington used to bc
Colouel Jasper K Snow formerly a
Kansas City lawyer who always sat
In Republican conventions and voted
for Blaine as long as there was a
Blaine to vote for
Colonel Snow tised to tell this littlo
story of the late Marioii Crawford
He had met 51 r Crawford in Flor
ence Italy and when the novelist
came to Washington Colonel Snow was
the tirst person who showed him the
doors made by the novelists father
Thomas Crawford
These are the senate bronze doors
on the eastern portico They repre
sent scenes connected with tho Revo
lution and the founding of the govern
The panel representing Washingtons
reception at Trenton when on his way
to ids inauguration in New Yurie con
tains among the populace portrait fig
ures of the sculptor his wife his
three children and Randolph Rogers
the sculptor of the main doors of the
The novelist who had never seen
the doors before quickly identified his
mother and father
Yes said he mother used to
wear her hair just like that
Then gazing at the largest child a
Fauntleroyish figure in kilt with loug
flowing hair he added speculatively
But I wonder if I ever really did
look like that New York Sun
The Screaming Walloon Is Something
of a Diver Too
The screaming Walloon is a hard
duck to kill Its hide is very tough
and is thickly covered with feathers
and down Besides the bird is a
great diver one of the kind that used
to dive at the flash when hunted
with the old arm that flashed when
fired It is of very little value for ta
ble use being so tough The only way
to manage it at all is to skin it and
parboil it in a big pot with plenty of
water The negroes make caps of
Walloon skins
They are great ducks for diving
says a well known Tred Avon river
progger They can dive quicker go
down deeper remain under water long
er and come up farther away than
any other duck that frequents our wa
ters I remember once I succeeded in
killing a Walloon and being short of
game for the table I determined to
cook my bird I got a negro to skin it
giving him the hide for his trouble
After being cleaned we put it in a
great pot fuli of water and under it
kindled a hot fire After awhile I
wanted to see how the cooking of my
duck progressed and lifted the top off
the boiling pot but there was so much
steam escaping 1 could not see into the
pot and struck a match over it The
blamed Walloon sir dived at the flash
of the match It disappeared and has
never been seen since Baltimore Sun
To Start a Tight Screw
Lots of folks have tried to remove a
stubborn screw from a piece of wood
a screw that wont budge at all and
have in the end given it up as a bad
job Well if such a thing occurs again
dont give it up dont lose your temper
or exert yourself but try this recipe
for removing the screw Heat u poker
red hot and then hold it against the
screw head for a little while wait a
few minutes for the screw to cool
down when it will be found that the
screw can be removed quite easily
with the same screwdriver that just
previously would not perform the
work The explanation is quite sim
ple The red hot poker heats the screw
and the screw expands and makes
the hole it is in just a wee bit bigger
The screw then cools down and re
sumes its original size leaving the
hole iu the wood a size tco large and
there you are New York Sun
Interesting For the Husband
A titled lady warned her new gar
dener that her husband had an irri
tating habit of disparaging everything
he saw in the greenhouse and of or
dering in a reckless manner new plants
to be bought
But on no account humor him
she said Whatever he says throw
cold water on him or he will ruin us
with his extravagance
At this point the new gardener
turned on her a while and startled face
Maam lie said if he orders me
to pitch every plant iu the place on
the rubbish heap I shant ever have
the pluck to douse him in cold water
Wont it do as well if I get a drain of
warm water out of the boiler and let
it trickle gently down his neck
London Tit Bits
Very Thoughtful
Before we were married raid Mr
Meektou T showed ray affection for
Henrietta by serenading her
I suppose you neglect any such at
tentions now
Yes I show my affection now by
respecting her desire that I shall uot
try to sing Washington Star
The Only Vay
I wish I knew how to keep a serv
That man across the way can help
Does he conduct an intelligence of
No hes an embalmer Ilousroc
Limited Experience
Gentleman hiring valeti Thcn I un
derstand you to have some knowledge
of barbering Youve cut hair off and be
on Applicant Off sir but never on
Boston Standard
esaa mh -
Why tho Native Youngsters of New
Guinsa fUfuscd It
In certain parts of New Juinca l lie
wallaby a species of kangaroo are
very plentiful and the traveler In
search of sport Amis the pursuit of
them an exciting occupation Wallaln
steak is a refreshing change from can
ned meats and the natives are only
too glad to have the remnants of the
carcass A writer in an Knglish mag
azine tells an amusing incident con
nected with the animal
Jle had been ashore in one of the
sparsely populated regions of the coast
and secured four wallaby an ample
supply for the whole party native
guides and servants included But he
found that although wallaby is re
garded as such a delicacy that no
trouble is considered too great to ob
tain it none of the native boys in the
party would touch it
This was a mystery until one of
them explained that they had been
trained in childhood in the belief that
if they ate wallaby before reaching a
certain age it would stop their growth
These lovs all belonged to the part
of the country where wallaby are few
and one can imagine the crafty old
folks seated round the festive pot and
winking at one another as the voting
people declined the succulent dainty
An Old Legend That Tells of the Ori
gin of the Art
Lacemaking is by no means so old
an industry as most persons suppose
There is no proof that it existed pre
vious to the fifteenth century and the
oldest known painting in which it ap
pears is a portrait of a lady in the
academy at Venice painted by Caspac
cio who died about lV2i The legend
concerning the origin of the art is as
A young fisherman of the Adriatic
was betrothed to a young and beauti
ful girl of one of the isles of the la
goon Industrious as site was beauti
ful the girl made a new net for her
lover who took it witii him on board
his boat The first time he cast it into
the sea he dragged therefrom an exqui
site petrified wrack grass which he
hastened to present to his fiancee but
war breaking out the fisherman was
pressed into the service of the Vene
lion navy The poor girl wept at the
departure of her lover and contem
plated his last gift to her While ab
sorbed in following the intricate tra
cery of the wrack grass she began to
twist and plait the threads weighted
with small beads which hung around
her net Little by little site wrought
an imitation of the petrification aid
thus was created the bobbin lace
Too Realistic
During a performance of Captain
Lapalisse at a Valencia theater some
years aco an incident occurred which
for lifelike effect left nothing to be de
sired During the said play some of
the actors mingle with the spectators
in order to co operate from the body
of the house No sooner had Minifies
the actor taken his seat in the stalls
than a daring pickpocket robbed him
of his gold watch Minifies seized the
I man by his coat collar and called out
in a deep bass voice
Police Uelp Thieves
The audience taking this little epi
sode to be part of the performance
roared with laughter Even the police
men joined in without stirring hand or
This is no farce cried the actor
in tones of despair The fellow has
got my watch
The voice sounded so natural that
the audience broke into loud applause
at such excellent fooling Meanwhile
the thief managed to break away from
his captor and escaped
A Judicial Expert
The native with a stogie met the na
tive with a pipe
DTowdy Zeb quoth the stogie na
tive Hear bout th fuss down to
th courthouse
Nope drawled the man with the
pipe What was it about
Why Jim Simpson has been suin
Abuer Hawley for alienatin th af
fections of his wife an ledue Mus
grove told th jury to bring in a ver
dick of 0 cents damages cause he
thought that was all the damage was
worth to Jim An Jims wife got mad
an threw a chair at th jedge an he
had her arrested an put in th cooler
But didnt th jedge go a leetle too
far when lie fixed her value so low
Not at all not at all You see he
was her first husband Cleveland
Plain Dealer
Singer and Orator
If I had my way Dr Macnamara
once confessed to an interviewer I
should be singing in Carmen instead
of making speeches from th treasury
bench but unfortunately tha British
public thinks a great deal more of a
man who can make a bad speech than
a man who can sing a good song
Westmiuster Gazette
To Reform Him
Minister You say you are gointr to
marry a man to reform him Thar is
noble May I ask who it is Miss
Beauti Its young Mr Bondclipper
Minister Indeed I did not know he
had any bad habits Miss Beauti
Yes his friends say that he is becom
ing quite miserly
Doesnt it make you the least bit
envious to see what elegant furniture
Mrs Eypfly is putting into her house
next door
Not a bit My husband says it will
sold by the sheriff within six
months and Ill be there to buy It
Chicago Tribune
j tvrtWCTJgry
CW DEWEY Auctioneer
McCook Nebraska
Will cry sales iinywhoro any timo at
reasonable prices Dates mado at tho
First National Bank or phono Kod 331
O W Jones and S 11 Grissoll wore
business visitors at Cambridgo last
A L Cochran wont so Omaha rec
ently to vis it his son Floyd
Roy Wnlkington has just finished a
nice addition to his home
Otto Webber has found his grand
daughter She is near Croto going to
Mrs X A Kite returned Saturday
from Denver whore siio had lieon visit
ing her sister for sovoral weeks
Theo Faubin had the misfortune to
get badly hurt last Saturday night in
a wrestling bout with Clarence Bush
Theo is just now able to bo around but
not able to walk
Ilendley basket ball team came over
Saturday to show our boys how to play
basket ball The result was a scoro of
25 to 8 in favor of tho Hartley boys
Later in the day they essayed to win a
game with tho Hartley young ladies
team The score at the close pf tho
game was 21 to 8 in favor of the Hartley
Sherifi Higgins was down from Mc
Cook last Saturday
County Attorney Sidney Dodge was
a caller in Bartley last week
Jim Kill came in on a special Satur
day to see Agent Ketlers nice little
baby girl
Mr and Mrs F G Stilgobouer were
visitors at Marion and Danbury Sun
day and Monday
Mrs Will West returned Sunday
evening to her home in Ked Cloud
Mrs 13 E Smith accompanied by
Miss Ruth Orvis went to Denver
Tuesday morning
G W Jones is quite seriously sick at
this writting
Isle of Spice
Beautiful girls exquisite scenic envir
onment clever comedians startling el
ectrical surprises all sweet singing
graceful dancingpicturesque groupings
witty dialogue brilliant lyrics catchy
songs and tuneful music are said to be
the chief ingredients which have been
responsible for the universal praise with
which that piquant musical mixture
the Isle of Spice has been accorded
in every large city in which it has been
presented The entire production as
shown during its New York Chicago
and Boston runs will be presented at
the Temple theatre Wednesday March
23ad It is claimed that the chorus is
positively the youngest prettiest and
cleverest now before the patrons of high
class amusement and a particular feat
ure of this part of the company is the
pony oanei consisting ot twelve young
girls whose aggregate weight is not
above one thousand pounds Harry B
Watson and Harry B Williams are the
leading comedians of the organization
which induces Herbert Carter Stanley
Felch Alva E Laing Margaret Felch
Mattie Maatz CleoPerri Florence Ray
Ritta Willard and others Prices 3130
to 21 cents
Would Have Cost Him his Life
Oscar Bowman Lebanon Kentucky
writes I have used Foleys Kidney
Remedy and take great pleasure in stat
ing that it cured me permanently of kid
ney diseasewhich certainly would have
cost me my life A McMHIen
Legal Blanks Here
This oilice carries all kinds of legal
uii i Jis anc manes special riank
to r ct apty 3nd accu ateiy
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
ppas beans and tomatoes at Hubers
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
We can do your JOB
PRINTING of every
Cards Billheads Circulars Auc
tion and Show Bills Pamphlets
Law Blanks Briefs Blank Books
Labels at Reasonable Prices
irue ir ir i AiLs
Your Money Hack ir You are Not Satisfied
with the Medicine We Recommend
Wo nro so positive that our remedy
will permanently rohevo conatipHtion no
matter how chrom it may bi that we
oiler to furnish the medicine at our ex
pense should it full to produce stiti fac
tory result
it is worse thnu useless to attempt to
euro constipation with cathartic drugs
Laxutivus or cathartics do much harm
They cause u reaction irritate and weak
en the bo wold and toad to muko consti
pation more chronic Besides their use
becomosa habit that is daugorons
Constipation in caused by a weakliest
of the nerves and muscles of tho large
intestine or descending coljn To ur
peot permanent relief you mint there
fore tone up and struunthun Uieso organa
and restore them to tuiultuiur activity
The discovery of tho nutivu puncipls
of our rumed involved the labor of the
worlas greatest research clioim as At
an uutivo ayent it pojsossts tho valu
able qualities of the best known intubti
nal tonics as well as being particularly
pleasant and prompt in its ruauilt
We want you to try Ruxull Ordoiliea
on our recommendation They aro ex
ceedingly pleasant to take being eaten
like candy and aro ideal for children
delicate persona and old folks as weli as
for tho robust They act directly on the
nerves and muscles of the bowels They
apparently have n neutral action on
other associate organs or elands They
do not purge causo excessive looseuoss
nor create any inconvenience whatever
They may be taken at aiy time day or
night They will positively relieve
chronic Ailments if takon with regular
ity for rsjiwiole length of tinif Thoy
come in two sizs of 12 tab
lets 10 cens 111 ti lets 2 ciMt t Sold
in McCii only at our blrr L W
Most of tho fanners are sowiim
a heat The weather is warm aud tha
ground is in good condition
August Wesch is oing to put up a
new windmill and build a ro e Miient
milk houe
Charles A Wesch will farm the Row
land homestead this jear
Rev W Young is ouilding up on his
new place and will move onto the same
Ernest 12 Peters won th violin in the
drawing on last Friday evening
Miss Bernice Downing is on the sick
list this week
EdGarfield Rev Youn jand the Witt
boys are all farming on the Tuwir place
Charles Wpsci went to McCook oh
business Saturday
Capt botfardus Again Hits the Bulls Eyc
The world famous shot who holds
the championship record of 100 pigeons
in 100 consecutive shots is a present
living at Lincon Illinois Recently in
terviewed he stid I have sufiered s
long time with kidney and bladder trou
ble and have used several well known
kidney medicines which gave me no re
lief until I started taking Foleys Kid
ney Pills Before taking Foleyss Kid
ney Pills I was subjected to severe back
ache and pains in my kidneys with sup
pression and oftentimes coudy voiding
While upon arising in the morning I
would get dull headaches Now I have
taken three bottles cf Foleys Kidney
Pills and feel 100 percent better I am
not bothered with kidnpys or bladder
and once more feel like my old self All
this I owe solely to Foleys Kidney Pills
and I always recommend them to m
fellow sufferers
Mrs F L Barnes and children of Gul
bertson are visitirg her father C HJa
cobs for the week
Keith Jacobs went to work Monday
in the round house at McCook
C H Jacobs has been under the- wea
ther tho past week threatened with an
attack of pneumoni
A nice shower or even a little snev
would help
Mr and Mrs W S Fitch are home
from spending the winter in Florida
with their son Frank They brought
with them some sample oranges from
Franks fruit farm
Plumber and f
Steam Fitter
C Iron Lead and Sewer Ppc 3rass
K Goods Pumps an Boiler Tr mm rigs
fe estimates Fern shed Free case- a
7 ment of the Postoffice 3utding
w V 1
9 kit si uy
Pbosk 112
Office Rooms 3 and Walsh Blk McCook