The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 17, 1910, Image 1

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i ill
You Will Be Won
y tho -excellent flavor and superior cup
qualities of our new stock of Teas and
Coffees They are of the finest growth
and will please the most particular con
noisseurs in such articles Our lady pa
trons in particular tell us that the temp
ting aroma of both Tea and Coffee while
Brewing in one of the great charms of
these two brands No fancy priceshow
ever The highest grade of Tea and
Coffee at very moderate prices
Xrook for Saturday Snaps at
I B Doyle
Phono -17
Subject for March 20 Matter
Morning subject The Historic
Evening Light Through the
Morning subject Living Waters
Evening A Young Mans Choice
High School Debate
Tbe High School debating team Ad
aJIae Koller Ray Scott and Helen
Schwab left this morning for Beaver
City to contest for the championship of
Satrth western Nebraska They were
chaperoned by Miss Cora Scott of the
Iiigb school faculty The winning team
txralght will send a representative to
Lincoln at the University High School
ITefe Day to take part in the State
Championship debate Our team is a
strucg one and has good chances of
bringing back the trophy
Sixth Sunday In Lent
Services in St Albans March 20
Hbly Commuuion at 730 a m At 11
s m prayer and sermon subject
Holy Week Services at 730 p m
every day Good Friday services At
9c30 a mf 230 p m 730 p m
Judges and Clerks City Election
First ward Judges J S LeHew
Qf J Clark C J Ryan clerks H N
Second word Judges Jacob Stein
tnetx W H Ackerman Charles Weintz
tecbs George Burgess Wesley Spen
Eggs For Sale
Eggs 3c each or S2 per 100 from f ull
Slnad Barred Plymouth Rocks Thomp
son strain Mrs J W Burtless
Phone ash 1351 or address route 3 4
White Quilts T9C
positive bargain in a good sized
fceamed crochet spread for 79c Large
lure fringed and Bcalloped The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
For Sale Cheap
A Kalamazoo Prize Range almost
rrow Call at 519 west 1st street
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Typewriter ribbons papers etc of
sale at The Tribune office
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
My Property On Lower
Main Avenue
I 3voooOnethird Cash
Balance on Easy Terms
Write For Particulars to
3322 Walrond Avenue
Kansas City Mo
Next Years Lecture Course
Notwithstanding this years course
was not a financial success McCook
cannot afford to pass by the advantages
and opportunitifs of the lecture course
The Tribune hopes that the citizens of
McCook will see this matter in its prop
er light and that arrangements will in
due time be made to take on another
course for next year
After careful and due consideration
we believe they will
Declamatory Contest
The first annual High School Declam
atory Contest will be held in the Tem
ple theatre on next Saturday evening
March 2G Two beautiful medals have
been presented by A Barnett for the
winners The judges will be out of
town people The young people are
working hard Judging from the inter
est shown there will be a big crowd
Surprised Their Instructor
A large company of high school pupils
surprised G R MacDonald Wednesday
night of last week at his home on east
3rd street before his departure for an
other field of work presenting him with
a handsome gold watch fob engraved
M H S as a token of their friend
Word to the Farmers About Seed Potatoes
There are several parties in McCook
who are selling table potatoes for first
class seed stock while the fact is up to
the present time only two cars of Red
River Minnesota seed potatoes have
been received here and they are for Bale
by C L DeGroff Co
H G PHELrs Com Co
A Mile of Hose
That is what we purchased this spring
All fresh from the factory not a piece
carried over Let us fit jou out with
your garden and lawn hose
McCook Hardware Co
are troublesome at the best Often they
lead to serious complications and there
fore should not be neglected You will
find our cough cure effective
A McMillen Druggist
For Sale
Ten room house reception hall all
modern conveniences cement walks etc
Full block in fruit and shade trees A
large barn and hen houses Easy terms
A C Ebekt
For Sale
320 acre relinguishment and lease on
school section 980 acres in all
See L E Barger room 3 over
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Buy field garden and flower seeds
from H P Waite Co
Obey that impulse and have your
portrait made at Kimmells Studio 1st
door north of Commercial Hotel
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
una rrajn Mtrji jh ArfwgfcttK1SSMtftAftrtSiK
Piano Talk
I will save you money on any make of
Why can I do this
I buy for cash car lots pay no rent
and do not employ expensive salesman
Sell on 1000 per month no interest
New pianos 815000 largo size fully
On pianos for which others have been
getting from 827500 to 830000 1 mako a
price of 521000
BUY AT HOME If anything gets
wrong with your piano it can be looked
after at once If I do not save you
money on any make do not buy of me
Factory agent for Chickering Bros
Mathushek Sons Price Teeple H
P Nelson Bush Lane Story Clark
Concord and many others
Call and see my stock
II P Sutton
McCook Neb
The Millinery Openings
The millinery openings at II C
Clapps and Miss Allie J Pecks last
Friday and Saturday attracted a large
crowd of ladies from cty and many
from out of town
These openings with each seasons re
turn come with increased interest
The showings this year were excep
tionally fine and complete reflecting up
on the taste nnd skill of the stores and
their artists
An Earnest Woman Speaks
Those who had the opportunity of
hearing Mrs Frances Ileald state presi
dent of the W C T U in the Method
ist church Sunday night had the
pleasure and inspiration of being under
the spell of an earnest and courageous
woman While she brought nothing
especially nw she left a feeling of
oourage and encouragement with all
SbB reported affairs in Lincoln very
satisfactory and hopeful for a continu
ance of the capital city as dry territory
next year
Mrs Heald is a singer as well as a
speaker of force and favored her audi
ence with several numbers of a simple
oharacter which were effective
Mrs Heald carries with her an atmos
phere of victory and stimulates her
hearing according She has a righteous
cause and is proud of it
Heres more power to her and to her
sister white ribboners
Easter is more and more each year
marked by exchange of tokens of friend
ship For this purpose we have in stock
an unusual assortment of Easter Cards
folders and booklets bearing suitable
sentiment We also have a variety of
Easter novelties chickens rabbits eggs
baskets candies perfumes etc
Gifts suitable for the little folks as
well as the larger ones
L W McConnell Druggist
Supt At Dlller Nebraska
George R MacDonald who resigned
his position with the city schools here
last week has been elected supt of the
Diller schools at considerably advanced
salary over what he received here His
contract covers the balance of this
school year and next year
For Sale
My residence at 1002 3rd street east
7 room house besides bath room and
pantry 2 lots Several fruit and shade
trees Barn 16x20 ft 2 ft posts Coal
and chicken bouse Shop 12x14 ft In
quire of J W Wimer at the residence
Phone red 213
l 00 Taffeta Silk For T9c
36 inches wide A superior 1 00
value for 79c The ThompsonkD G Co
Utmost service
Lot For Sale
Fine residence lot 75x140 north end
of Main avenue Shade trees and sewer
Dr C L Fahnestock
Office Rooms For Rent
Two desirable office rooms in Electric
theatre building Enquire at
McCook Hardware Co
Rooms to Rent
Furnished or unfurnished
st east Mrs S A
1200 2nd
and flower seeds
H P Waite Co
Remember up
Yours truly
C R Woodworth Druggist
The Willow Grove dairy is a new
business enterprise by D B Doyle
Using his fine herd of Jerseys in the
Linoleums are now made 6 76 and
12 feet wide Cover your kitchen and
dining room with it and save lots of
hard scrubbing 54 handsome patterns
to select from Come in and see them
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Hot Springs Blood Remedy purifies
and enriches the blood It contains
the syrup of trifolium compound potas
sium sodide sodium thiosulphate and
several other very valuable ingredients
which especially assist in restoring the
blood to a healthy condition Ask for
it if you want something good
C R Woodworth Druggist
If your children aro palo nervous
fretful If they pick their noso or cry
out in thoir sleep you have reasons to
suspect the presence of worms
There will bo no harm in any case in
giving them
because they can not do any injury and
if there aro any worms the romody will
I invariably remove them
L W McConnell Druggist
Llvy Moves Them
This week C R Livingston has closd
the bale of six different automobiles
The purchasers aro
T E McDonald of Danbury
J L Sims of Danbury
J F Cordeal of McCook
R L Hicks of Imperial
Dr Stewart of Imperial
E O Selvine of Palisade
And still Livy has some more on hand
anda coming
Romper Suits 25c to 50c
In Bolid blues in linen color in indi
go blue with pin dots with piping with
belts with or without collars with
shore sleeves or long the nicest and
best line we have ever seen The
Thompson D G Co Utmost valuo
Wo now have a large line of wall
papor from which to select Latest de
signed and colorings Let us show you
before purchasing
A McMillen Druggist -
Anotner Production A Brewing
The members of the Mask and Wig
Dramactic Club have another produc
tion incubating for the not distant fu
ture It will depict true college life
How About That Buggy
If it is a Volie Buggy you will bo sat
isfied Call and see our largo line and
take one out and get the summers use
of it McCook Hardware Co
Dont Tie It Up
You dont have to tie up your corn if
you use Nyals corn cure It forms a
new covering for the corn and kills it in
3 to 5 days 25s at Woodworths
Hay For Sale
Loose wild and baled hay and alfalfa
hay for sale Ed Flitcraft phone ced
ar 3682
For Rent
4 room furnished house lawn and
shade Mrs J I Lee phone 43
Come to the
the one that turns
out the most refresh
ing and sparkling
drinks in the city
The Bon Ton
Phone 126
If your carpets and rugs are really at
tractive they more than half furnish
your home No carpets or rugs manu
factured can compare with Drews sup
erlative qualities for artistic design
coloring and excellent quality ew
patterns being exhibited
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Sunshine Varnish Stains are made in
eleven natural wood colors just the
thing to make old furniture look new
Put a little Sunshine in your home
For sale by Woodxvorth Druggist
Out of door days are here Have a
kodak to help you catch the beauties of
spring SI 00 up
L W McConnbll Drucgist
For March 25th the W C T U sub-
jjectwill be Sunday school Mrs
Charles Fisher will be leader Mrs J C
Moore will be hostes3
Dont delay till the Easter rush is on
Do it now Kimmell makes portraits
that are correct Kimmell Studio 1st
door north of Commercial Hotel
For sale at a sacrifice if taken soon
my residence Hot water heat modern
Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox
Garden seeds in bulk lawn and flower
seeds flour and feed Phone 25
C J Ryan
Buy field garden and flower seeds
fromH P Waite Co
A McMillen prescription druggist
McConnell fills prescriptions
Fine navel oranges from 25c to
SOc per dozen and for 10c extra on
each dozen purchased we give a
beautiful silver orange spoon
niiTJrfMMiniwMiiiiir fi iWBW J n w VjjiS5rCfeiriWffytfWWCe
When Allen Lowo and Goargo E
Stoddard wrote tho book and lyrica of
the iBle of Spice which will appbar
at tho Temple theatre McCook Wed
nesday Maroh 23rd thoy laid tho scone
of their clever story on an island in tho
Japan sea where all sorts of funny
thi gs are likely to happen Ver
shortly after the opening of the ieco
they do There is the funniest kind of
a king with a desire to reform things
which to him means simply to change
the existing laws He has a beautiful
ward Teresa who has received an
American education and desires to havo
a young lieutenant of Uncle Sams
Marines thrown in for good measure
The king who accumulates wives as
the average American boy does marbles
desires to wed his ward but thero is a
law which makes it necessary for his
betrothed to first spend seven years of
her Hfo in the tomb of silence
While his Majesty is endeavoring to de
vise ways and means of keeping his
ward from this ordeal an Irishman and
a Scotchman who have deserted from
the U S navy in a balloon are preci
pitated into the midst of his cogitations
and he gives them the choice of taking
her place in the tomb or being behead
ed They chose the former but the
scheming court treasurer who wants
Teresa out of the way liberates them
and introduces the pair to the king ns
noted magician and astrologer
A f
txiiar many mirin - creating impost
tions on the king and the court they in
troduce tho game of faro and they pro
ceed to diminish the bulk of the funds
of the state treasury and the royal wal
let with great success Then the young
lieutenant whom Teresa regards with
more than ordinary favor arrives in
search of the two deserters who are
from his ship He discovers Teresa in
stead and eventually carries her oh
while the king has to content himself
with Asbena a lady of vintage of many
moons past whom the conspiring court
treasurer had betrothed him to seven
years previously The story is set to
music of that delightfully refreshing
kind by Paul Schindler and Ben M
That clever melodious piquant musi
cal mixture of wit music brilliancy in
dialogue gracefulness and picturesque
spectacle the Isle of Spice which
comes to the Temple theatre McCook
Wednesday March 23 is promised in
its entirety as presented during its suc
cessful runs in New York Chicago and
Boston Apart from its claims to popu
larity from the musical and histrionic
standpoint it is said to be one of the
most gorgeous spectacles presented As
the locale is laid amidst the oriental
splendor of an island of the scenic paint
erss art and the fairy like creations of
electrical surprises which have been
seized and developed to the utmost
Prices 150 to 25 cents
Why Nor Now
Get a Quick Meal Gasoline or Oil
Stove and do you summers cooking ec
onomically Call and see our line of
these splendid stoves
McCook Hardware Co
Stork Pants
f r babies Also bibs bootees bonnets
kid moccasins soft soled shoes cash
mere coats Rubens vests etc for babies
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Seeds Seeds Seeds
For garden field and flowers care
fully selected for this country Get
them only at McCook Hardware Cos
Household Goods For Sale
All my household goods are for sale
Phone 124 AC Ebert
For Quick Sale
5 room house S E Corner
See L E Barger
Furnished Room
to rent with bath Phone black 370 or
407 2nd street east
Try Anchor Patent if you want good
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Corn chops 135 per hundred
McCook Milling Co
field garden and flower seeds
Use McCook Flour and patronize the
home miils 91 Patent and Anchor Pat
Fob Sale First - clas3 household
goods in good condition E C Olday
123 D street Phone Red 232
Spriug coughs are often the worst
Protect their getting hold of you by use
of McConnells Balsam 25 cents
George S Myers of the Driftwood has
purchased part of the Byfield farm east
of town from A B Wood
tion 4000 J
The Man Who Starts
in Business Today
must havo inonoy or crodit
to bo successful ho should
havo both
Tho real starting point of
any business is The time at
which ono begins systematic
saving If ho begins right
ho opens a bank account and
gradually builds up both his
account and his oredit
If you begin now it will
bring your day for starting a
business of your own that
much tho nearor
OiHm an account with us today
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pros
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Death of Little John Real
Every heart goes out to Frank Real in
the death of his eldest child and only
son John who passed away early Mon
day morning at the Catholic school at
York Mr Real visited John about two
weeks ago tho little fellow was not well
then but it was thought to bo only a
cold The next day after the father re
turned homo pneumonia set in and tho
father returned to York and remained
with tho little suirerer to thoendwhich
no skill could avert The remains were
brought home Monday night and on
Wednesday morning at ten oclock Ro
quiem High Mass was held in St Pat
ricks church conducted by Rev Win
Patton and his assistants after which
interment followed in Calvary
There were many beautiful flowers
John would havo been nine years eld
in May
Important A 0 U W Meeting
There will be an important meeting of
the A O W
lodge next Monday even
The question of admitting Arizona
and New Mexico to consolidate with tho
jurisdiction of Nebraska will be up for
A good attendance is desired as this
is an important question to decide and
should be of interest to every member
C B Gray Recorder
M S Jennings M W
A Correction
The Triuune was unintentionally and
innocently in error last week in report
ing a case of the federal court held here
last Monday We refer to the boot leg
ging case against J W Barton of Bart
ley H13 case was investigated by As
sistant District Attorney Lane who did
not find evidence enough to convict and
dismissed the case We freely make this
correction in justice to Mr Barton
Princess Slips
of fine linen with Valenciennes lace 200
Combination suits of corset covers and
drawers 75c to SI 00 Large lines of
white skirts night gown corset covers
and drawers The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
while the budding Spring is reflected
on your countenance and your Easter
duds are yet unwrinkled
Our portraits are different
Phone Red 423 1st door north of Com
mercial Hotel Kimmell Studio
Wall paper paints varnishes and
house cleaning supplies at Woodworths
drug store
91 Patent 8113 per sack
McCook Milling Co
Use 91 Patent
cause it is the best
What for Be-
Try Eas em for tired feet 2oc at
Everything in drugs McConnell
Voting contest ends
next Monday Child
ren bring your num
bers to the Matinee on