h RED WILLOW Ben King had corn shelling dono on Wodnesday Mrs Hill Sr returned to McCook on Monday night Louis Longneckor and Lewis Elmer holpod Ben King shell corn Will Meyers moved to his now place on Thursday Mrs Louis Longneckor helpod Mrs King cook for corn shelters and on Fri day assisted Mrs Meyers with her mov ing Mr Byfield made a farowoll visit to his old settler friends Mr and Mrs John Longneckor tho first of the week h m PjWytVFVM Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333 Phone No i L It is hard to sever tho ties of a warm friendship beginning over 38 years ago and continuing through frontier experi ences and vicissitudes of time Mrs Earl Hill of McCook visited Mrs F C Smith the latter part of tho week Louis Longnecker shelled corn on Friday Send In Your Corn Tho high school pupils aro engaged in testing samples of corn as to their germinating qualities several samples aro now in process They will appre ciate it if tho farmers of Eed Willow county will send them samples for test ing Notice to Delinquents The Publisher is removing from his subscription list the names of all subscribers who are owing for a year or longer This is done for two good and sufficient reasons First we cannot afford under present exorbitant prices to carry subscribers longer than that time Second because the government prohibits sending at pound rates to subscribers who are delinquent for more than one year If you miss your paper this information will explain Our terms are 100 per year payable in advance THE PUBLISHER McCook Neb Feb 24 1910 TARTLING IS THE SUCCESS of our Pafd M STACKER which extends after it is half -way np with tho load and is oper ated with ono horse Also our Patd PUSH HAKE and Denver Mado MOWER Our Clients and Competitors Acknowledge This 225000 invested in our factory to back our goods Onr elegant illustrated printed mat ter and prices dolivered at your station sont freo for tho asking Al CERTIFICATE and SOUVENIR FREE THEPLATTNER IMPLEMENT CO DEPT 7 DENVER COLO Kindly mention this paper Trees and Seeds That Grow For the past 24 years we have sunnlied mir nnstnmprs J -11 Olt lit m r rr r m uu ouues wnii irees ana seeas tnat grow we carry a most complete line of Fruit and Orna mental Irees Berry Bushes Roses Peren nials Bulbs etc at low prices Apple oc num izc unerry loc jf each oc ail Duaaea trees Con cord GrantiSS2sn ner 100 We nav dxEBfS from DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin McCook Nebraska Com- Dlete stock of all kinds of Farm Garden and Flower Seeds to select Write for our large 112 freight on 0fsS3mR0 Pae catalog and Garden Guide 10 or- apBf e m same free of charge to anvone ders MjmKKP interested also sample package of our New joreiess lomato the imest of all Tomatoes GERMAN NURSERIES BOX 235 BEATRICE KE3 maeasBBsaxaassaBai IVVffivyWyFfrifWf I iiiiftftiliili pyi iiTilVivrvH V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr Ike Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 STANSBERRY LUHBER CO Everything in Lumber At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o McCOOK NEB D W COLSON FIRE INSURANCE AGENT I have Residence and Business Properties for Rent HIGHPRICED McCOOK Living expenses have advanced 50 percent in the past few years but you can get the BEST OF ALL KINDS OF COAL at the SAME OLD PRICE of the Bullard Lumber Co i M O Me CLURE Mgr -Hp-v- siisaWflJUSCfe33tl FREE LUNCH ON TROLLEY CAR Experiment to Be Made on an Inter urban Line In Oregon An Innovation in electric railway transportation tbat is said to be uniquo In America is about to be tried on an interurban road running out of Port land Ore to Salem the state capital and other Willamette valley points This is the serving of a free lunch on the interurban trains at mealtime The inauguration of a regular dining car service would be cumbersome and mean handling an additional heavy car but by putting on a buffet ob servation car lunch can be served with little Inconvenience Porters on the cars will serve the lunch without charge and it is be lieved the new service will prove very popular Regular charges will be made for observation car seats but this toll will include the luncheon so the pas senger will have the unique experi ence of getting something for nothing from a railroad company The trolley road has recently been completed by New York and Philadel phia capital and is already one of the best equipped interurban lines in the west Cars uniform with the best Pullman equipment will be used with smoking compartments buffet and ob servation platforms affording all the comforts of modern travel even for tin comparatively short distances covered PLAN TO SAVE AMERICAN ELK Actress Would Lead Subscription to Feed and Shelter Animals Anna Held has undertaken to head a movement for the relief of the elks in Wyoming that are unable to get food because of the deep snow To secure Immediate relief and give substantial impetus to the movement she agrees to head a list of subscriptions with 2j0 providing there will be ninety nine others giving a like sum the dis position of the money so raised to be determined along the most practicable lines for distributing fodder and pro viding shelter for the animals Miss Held addressed a communica tion to John U Sammis exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Or der of Elks at Lemars la seeking co operation of the fraternity she re gards as naturally interested from hu manitarian and sentimental reasons in the welfare of the American elk out lining her plan and suggesting that under her proposition any lodge of Elks will be regarded as an indi vidual in making contributions TAGS FOR PARTY DRESSES Chicago Storekeepers Want to Prevent Return of Goods After Being Used Chicago department stores have de cided to stop the buying of opera cloaks and party dresses on approv al to be worn once or twice and then returned as unsatisfactory A gen eral campaign with this end in view is to be begun it was learned recent ly following the announcement that one department store has adopted a patent device intended to reduce these abuses The device is a glaring red tag about two inches wide and four inches long On it is printed in large black letters the statement This article will not be accepted if this ticket is detached But instead of having the tag tied to the artiole it is attached in a con spicuous place by a lead seal similar to those used to close mail bags and money bags The only way to get the tag off is to cut the string New Kind of Bone Fracture The second days session of the Med ical Society of the State of New York in Albany was devoted recently to the reading of a large number of papers Dr William S Thomas of New York in a paper on The Chauffeurs Frac ture declared it an occupational dis ease caused by the slipping of the crank handle of an automobile If the handle strikes the chauffeurs arm it causes a fracture which Dr Thomas found to be of a peculiar character He told of several cases where chauffeurs with dangerous fractures from being struck by a crank handle have driven their machines for miles after the acci dent without knowing that they were badly hurt Back to the Land Back to the land is the cry today back to the dear old farm To the fields and the brook and the wind ins lane back to their sylvan charm Back to the little attic room which in boyhood days you knew Where the raindrops pattered upon a roof and sometimes pattered through Get up each morn before the sun and milk the lowing kine And carry the oats and hay and corn to the horses sheep and swine Bring in the wood and the water too enough to last all day Then breakfast eat by candlelight and ho to the fields away Follow the plow from morn till night scatter and sow the seeds Then get the hoe and hurry along and chop down all the weeds Hunt for eggs in the old hayloft and take your weekly turn A helping along the women folk by work ing the butter churn But oh for the glorious harvest time when you gather the wheat and rye With the mercury ninety in the shade and the sun in a cloudless sky Sou reap and mow and garner the crops and never mind the sun nd eat your supper by candlelight when the harvest day is done Gather the autumns golden fruit from the orchards loaded trees Husk the corn that the frost has nipped till your hands begin to freeze Off to the woodland day by day while the weather still is good Mauling the rails to mend the fence chop ping the Winter wood Then do the chores that you did at raorn and after the stock is fed Wind up the clock and put out the cat and then youre oft to bed Back to the land all ye who will but Ill go back no more For I got all that was coming to me when I was there before New 5Tork QToild 3ims -T r i V Ajje t CONSERVATION VIEWED BY BORAH Idaho Senator Would Open Up the West Now CLAIMS POSTERITY CAN WAIT Governments Policy Really Wasteful He Holds Drives Settlers to Cana da To Save Coal and Timber He Urges Development of the Water Power Sites During a short stay in New York city recently United States Senator William E Borah of Idaho who has a bill before congress authorizing the issue of 3j00l000 in government bonds to raise money for the reclama tion of arid lands of the west talked on the question of conservation as fol lows before he left for Washington Western people are just as thor oughly devoted to the principle of con servation as are people in the east But as we understand it conservation means the use and development of our natural resources Conservation that has for its basis the tjing up of these resources for an indefinite time is waste Why one third of our state is in the forest reserve When Governor Hughes went west last summer he WILLIAM E BORAH said in a speech Youd be surprised to know that we have in New York a forest reserve of 1000000 acres Some enthusiast spoke up and said Youd be surprised governor but weve got in Idaho a forest reserve into which we could put the whole of New York state and lose it There are 20000 000 acres of such laud in Idaho On that land there are thousands of dollars worth of timber that must be used every year or else go to waste but you cant get a dollars worth of lumber from a forest reservation for less than you can buy it from the lumber trust Out there we say Tie up the forests so as to prevent waste ful extravagance destruction by tires and the monopolization of timber That is all right But we want these reservations put under such regulation and control as will make them serve the needs of the living generation of men Wants Immediate Use of Power Sites With regard to the water power sites we feel practically the same way It has been demonstrated that there is enough available water in the Snake river in Idaho to furnish power for all the industries west of the Mississippi and water power is as unexhausted after you have been using it 1000 years as when it is just harnessed Everv conceivable view from a common sense standpoint suggests immediate devel opment and utilization of power sites When you do this you have done more toward preserving our coal and timber for future generations than you could by any other plan Again we would subscribe to any law however drastic which would keep the power sites out of the hands of monopolies but the plan which merely ties up resources on the ground of some absolute nonsense about fu ture generations doesnt appeal to us Urges Irrigation of Arid Lands Another phase of the situation is that we have in the west 23000000 acres of arid lands uutaken Vast tracts of this have been withdrawn from entry waiting for the govern nient to put water on it Tho most effective results of conservation poli cies would be obtained by the gover ment putting water on this without delay But the fact is that while dis tinguished leaders of conservation aro discussing before the public this great question the poor settlers are being driven into bankruptcy by the govern ments delay Why in the lands withdrawn by the government are lSOOOOO acres cf cur school land and it is a question whether the state will not lose that entirely Then look how rapidly we are losing possible settlers It is estimated thai 70000 Americans will ero s the border into Canada this year looking for homes They will take with them an average of 1000 apiece Besides the loss of such good thrifty farmers that means that 970000000 of good Amer ican money goes out of the country this year and all because the Cana dians have framed their land laws on a liberal plan Back to the Farm Tho greatest advertisement over given to western farm lands is containod in the present discussion regarding tho high cost of living Our population ana its demands has increased boyond the ratio of increased soil products man who owns a farm is surer today than over boforo of its future value- ana worth to him Nearly a million immigrants como annually to this wun7 Tho west is increasing in population at tho rato of half a million a year Tho man who owns a 30 or JO acro worn out farm in Europe is considered mdopond ant yet The West Offers You 320 acre Tracts of Mondell Land Or 80 acre Tracts of Government Irrigated Land At a Price That Comes Near Being a Gift With tho absolute certainty that these lands will bo boyond tho reach of tho homesteader in a few ears It Will Pay You to Get Hold of a Western Farm for yourself or your son boforo it is to lato Got in touch with mB finHJffPTPP IllilUiMllllI D CLEM BEAVER General Agent LandSeekers Information Bureau Room 6 Q Building Omaha Neb BOX ELDER Mrs Austin Dixon who has been visit ing her sister Mrs F G Lytle returned to her home at Alma Tuesdny Mr and Mrs Charles Masters came up from Indianola Saturday to visit F G Lytle and family and attend ser vice at the church Spring Creek was well represented at Box Elder Sunday they came in tho morning and remained until after the evening services Rev Burress of Indianola filled the pulpit at this place Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings of last week S D McClain and wife and Miss Sweeney and Rev Howe came out from McCook Friday evening and Rev Howe filled the pulpit tbat evening Rev Tyler organized a class for the young people at the parsonage last Monday evening The sisters of Mr and Mrs N II Tubbs who were visiting them Lave returned to their homes J C Ball and family from near Mc Cook and Mrs J K Gordon and daughters of McCook were among those who came from a distance to the closing services of the special meetings which hava bren held the past three weeks During the meetings there were eight een conversions and fourteen accessions to the church The revival meeting at Box Eider closed last Sunday night after three weeks btrenous work with 18 conver sions and Id accessions to th church The churiIi was ivil tw utmost all day Sunday Folks b ought their din nor and ate with each other Truly old time love seemed to hover over the meetings In the afternoon an old time love feast was held and the old time power seem to fall on the congregation at night the pastor spoke on Con science to a crowded house The church has been awakened A ladies id Gociety organized tho Epworth Lnane reorganized and a c ass for in struction formed of the new converts A Night Alarm Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the mfltHllic of croup Careful mothers keep Foleys Honey aDd Tar in the house and rivi it at the first sign of danger Folejs Honey and Tar has saved many little lives McMillen No opiates A Wafebly and Weak Versus Solid and Strong mmi 35 rj0i T ctJi Water cant rise above Its level Nor can a community rise above the level of its citizenship If the citizens are lukewarm limp and lazy the town will be wishy washy wabbly and weak If the citizens have VERTEBRA VIM AND VIGOR the town will bs substantial solid and strong Lets all brace up and make this town of ours a place of energy ambi tion and enterprise -- Oilico over Electric Theutro Rooms 6 7 Dr W B Ely M D Practice Limited Specialty Diseases of tho Rectum Piles Fissure Ulcer etc Ollice Hours 9 am to 4 p m Phone I26 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTS McCook Nebraska J3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postofflce baildlnff Micklleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drag store McCook Nebraska F E Whitney Walter Hosier WHITNEY HOSIER Draymen Prompt Services Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Pi mm 1 t r S0 X ftssmmsmm f svjrz v to 1 ggaaaai Phones I3n4 Black 244 FRED WIGGINS AUCTIONEER will cry your sales any time any where Bills pool ed in the Sappa coun try and tin cups f u r nished for your free lunch with o u t extra charge Terms 10 first S1000 or less 1 per cent on all sales run ning over 1000 Dater made by The Danbury News Danbury Nebr The Updike Grain Co sells the following coals Nigger Head Maitland Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Baldwin Lump Iowa Lump Pea Coal Wier City Lump Wier City Nut Sheridan Egg Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal S S Garvey Manager Phone 169 - -4 4 4 -4 -4 -4 4 4 4 -4 -4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 4 -4 -4 -4 4 -4 -4 4 4 - - m ff i 1 1