The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1910, Image 7

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waGrippo pains t nit pervade tho en
fctca system coughn tht rack
sand strain aroquickly cured by Foley V
Clancy and Tar la mildy laxativn nfe
cvod certain in results A McMillan
Thats All
But we can moot your
every need in those
linos from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
immimvmiviiviini nB
ik Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
fSgest Market Price Paid in Cash
Kw location last across fXnC rfYr
I frviat n P Wnlah 1WWUUIV
SVPPWWt W1Wil1iH W Wf Wt
r J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
rifnfTrtfrtV rtiiiii if iiniriVfi iMiM ifrtrtlf
Br Herbert J Pratt
CJfice 21255 Main av over McConneHs
Drug Store McCook Nob
Estephones Oflice 160
Residence Blach131
r 8- H Gatewood i
OfSce Room i Masonic temple
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
frrtiTirffirtiViV i i tiiir fMiV ivr
KSce over McAdams Store Phone 1 9
Dr J A Golfer
Room Postoffics Building
for Justices Court before W B Whittaker
Jastcce of the Peace
VF1 GL Churning will take notice that on the
1ft 3ay of January 1910 W B Whittaker a
ial3e of the peace of Red Willow county Ne
braska issued an order of attachment for the
03UQE af 1900 in an action pending before him
wfaereta Viersen Osborn is plaintiff and W G
Omrazng is defendant and that property of tho
vfefeadant consisting of money due and owiug
in te hands of the Chicago Burlington
QtiEiasy Railroad Company garnishee as wages
at Ltbor performed by said defendant for said
EsHcoad Company has been attached under
suit order of attachment
Sard cause has been continued for hearing to
3c 2Sih tday of February 1910 at ten oclock
aWbitiiJgujsTPMPcWBictjJfatJi TCMJBIfcrTKWBw
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
SLaraae sending a sketch and description may
CTiiSSCfcr ascertain our opinion free whether an
inwsnXrtin Is probably patentable Comnjunlen
easEcaartctlyconndentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
nl4 aw aamlHniT nntonta
scents taken throuch Munn Co receive
l nonce wniiout coarse m
Scientific Htncncaik
aTn3id90niely Illustrated Treekly J ircest dr
colaxtoo of any scienUQc Journal Terms 3 n
3irr four months L Solilbyall newsdealers
MM Go361Broad New York
aaca Office 625 F SU WashlDston D C
SXRUPcures coughs and colds
A Mere Speck Compared With Some
of the Monster Suns
The inn in facts of astronomy are
highly Interesting It is only dry text
books iliut have made us turn away
from them Read a good popular as
tronomy and you will gain a dim re
mote idea of infinity and eternity
Sometimes you think you see a big
star but you do not You merely see
the light from It which has been 2f00
years in reaching us
Almost everybody knows that our
earth is i third rate planet in our
solar system luplter would scarcely
condescend to notice us But they do
not know that our sun Itself sits be
low the salt It would not be admit
ted to a congregation of important
heavenly bodies Canopus the lar
gest star that we see is 10000 times
the size of our sun and our solar cen
ter Is hopelessly outclassed by Alde
baran RIgel SIrius Betelguese and
couitless others
Mark Twain put this fact very well
In one of his stories Captaiu Storm
fields Visit to Heaven When the
captain arrived and announced that he
was from the earth the recording an
gels could not remember ever having
heard of such a place before One
finally recalled that it was a poor lit
tle planet belonging to a poor little
solar system away down in a dark cor
ner of the heavens New York World
Unusual Sagacity That Was Lauded by
the Professor
That the proverbial absentminded
professor is sometimes ably abetted by
his wife is illustrated by a story told
of Professor Bunsen One evening
about the usual hour for retiring he
took it into his head to run over to
the club just as he and madam were
returning from an evening call
But said the lady 1 must have
the front door locked before I retire
This emergency staggered the pro
fessor and as he looked bewildered at
his wife the lady seized with an in
spiration continued
Ill go in and lock the door and
throw you the key from the window
This program was carried out and
when he reached the club the profess
or related the incident to a friend as
evidence of his wifes unusual sagac
The friend greeted the story with a
roar of laughter
And why my dear professor he
said did you not simply admit your
wife lock the door from the outside
and come awayV
True ejaculated the learned man
of science we never thought of that
The climax of the incident was
reached an hour later when returning
home the professor discovered that
the lady in hpr excitement had thrown
out the wrong key
How They Got Out
Uncle Ephraim had two hogs which
he kept in a pen at the rear end of his
little lot They were of the razor
back variety and although they were
fed bountifully with kitchen waste it
seemed impossible to put any fat on
their attenuated frames One morning
when he went out to feed them they
were not there They had disappear
ed leaving no clew to the manner in
which they had made their escape
Whats the matter Dncle EphV
inquired a neighbor noticing the deep
dejection with which the old man was
looking down into the empty pen
My hawgs is done gone sah he
No sah I dont see no signs dat
anybody tuck em
Did they climb out over the top
No dey couldnt a done dat
How do you think they got away
Well sah said Dncle Ephraim
my pinion is dat dem hawgs kind
o raised deirselves up on aidge an
crope through a crack Youths Com
Wonderful Memories
We are told that Pascal never for
got anything he had seen heard or
thought Avicenna could repeat by
rote the entire Koran when he was
ten years old and Francis Suarez had
the whole of St Augustine in his
memory In three weeks Scaliger the
famous scholar committed to memory
every line of the Iliad and the
Odyssey Another scholar Justus
Lipsius offered to repeat the Histo
ries of Tacitus without a mistake on
forfeit of his life
Writing For Money
Fond Father Yes my boy at the
varsity has written several articles for
the magazines
Friend But hes not a professional
writer surely
What do you mean by- profession
Why he doesnt write for money
Doesnt he You ought to see
some of his letters to me Exchange
Possibly True
Mamma to a friend who is lunch
ing with hen I dont know why it is
but I always eat more when we have
company than when were alone
Tommy helping himself to the third
piece of cake I know why it is
cause we have better things to eat
Brooklyn Life
Insult Upon Injury
And to make matters worse com
plained the employee who had just
been blown up by a premature explo
sion in a quarry when I claimed
damages the foreman called me a
blasted fool Lippincotts
Bind together your spare hours by
the cords of some definite purpose
William M Taylor
Scheme to Better the Drama
and Help Actors
Actors Fund of America to Put Up
Building In New York For Housing
Varied Co operative Charitable and
Business Stage Enterprises
Daniel Frohman president of the
Actors Fund of America announced
the other day a project involving phi
lanthropy business and an Investment
of at least 500000 which may go far
toward revolutionizing the dramatic
profession In the United States Man
agers players and to a considerable
extent the public will all be affected
to a great degree by the consummation
of the plan
The plan involves the erection of a
half million dollar structure near Cen
tral Park South in New York city
which will not only house what may
be described as the United Charities
of the three allied professions the
drama music and the line arts but
also a noncommercial theater for the
testing of new plays a general book
ing agency meeting rooms for actors
and managers and lh business offices
of an old age pension fund Of the
various branches of the great work
planned this last part of the general
plan and the national booking agency
will touch most directly upon the ac
tors for at present they have to give
anywhere from 10 per cent to 00 per
cent of their salaries to the private
To Cost Half a Million
In discussing the vast project Mr
Frohman said that while two years
ago the plan was hailed as wildly
visionary by leading members of the
profession they have now all come to
see its practicability even necessity
We hope to begin operations by
next fall he continued We expect
to clear at least 200000 at the coming
Actors fund fair to be held in the
Seventy first Regiment armory New
York during the week of May 9 A
good share of this must go to the
fund itself which is sadly in need of
repletion but the rest should be used
for this vast philanthropic scheme
from which investment an income can
be procured
it will take a very large structure
to house so many interests and it will
not cost less than 500000 We do
not believe that there will be any diffi
culty in raising this sum through the
fair benefits and donations as sev
eral of our wealthiest philanthropists
have already promised their support
Scope of Vast Enterprise
One whole floor will be given to the
United Charities of the three profes
sions Youth is the chief asset of
most of the vaudeville players sing
ers chorus girls and especially the
hundreds of art models As a rule
when these people are deprived of
their means of livelihood the outside
charitable organizations give them a
chilly reception The Actors Fund of
America cannot cope with all our own
poverty and the other organizations
are even harder pushed With all
these charities under one roof much
more can be accomplished
Supplementing this is an old age
pension fund whereby the members
of the profession themselves can pro
vide against want in old age
A great national theatrical ex
change which will do away with in
dividual booking offices and the big
fees they exact for engagements of
only a week or a month will occupy
one more floor It will be a good thing
for the manager and also for the actor
who will no longer have to tramp from
office to office It will also protect
the actor from unscrupulous managers
and dubious questionable places of
amusement This is particularly nec
essary for the art models The Art
Workers club is doing much noble
work to protect these beautiful young
women and our national organization
would extend that work even further
To Aid Young Playwrights
Another floor will be devoted to
the development of the native drama
Failures in the last two years have
been very frequent To minimize the
risk of failure we will have a small
theater to seat about 300 persons
where new plays may be tried out
without going to the expense of col
lecting a company preparing costly
scenery and going out on the road for
a trial There will be plenty of stage
people in the building who will be glad
to give some spare time to this tryout
It will also make it easy for young
authors to get a trial for their plays
and a thorough hearing from the man
There would also be lecture rooms
on this floor where critics and pro
fessors of dramatic literature would
be invited to deliver addresses on top
ics of interest to the profession and
the public
The club features of the plan com
prise a big meeting room for the pro
fession a restaurant with reasonable
prices and a library
Pay-as-you-enter Hotel
Plans are under way for erecting on
Broadway near Times square in New
York what the promoters term a poi
ular hotel where rooms with bath
may be had for 150 a day and pa
trons will pay as they register
Speakers Frank Views of Some Public
Mens Pet Ideas
Men who ride hobbles make excel
lent servants but mighty poor mas
ters This declaration was made re
cently by Speaker Cannon at the
hobby night entertainment of the
National Press club in Washington
Among the other hobbyists who
spoke during the evening were Willis
L Moore of the weather bureau Dr
Harvey Wiley Gifford Pinchot Com
mander Robert E Peary and Con
gressman Champ Clark
Speaker Cannon declared that his
hobby was in watching other mens
hobbies The men of one Idea he
declared are all good men and he
wished them success and long life al
though he said that it makes one
uncomfortable often in watching oth
er mens hobbies
Taking up the speakers who had
preceded him he declared that Dr Wi
ley was ail rip lit but that if he had
been allowed to have his own way
entirely he would have had everybody
afraid to eat anything for fear of be
ing poisoned that conservation was a
good thing but that he was not afraid
of all the coal being consumed or all
the timber being used up and that
much had been done in the way of
conservation from a practical stand
point for many years As for Com
mander Peary he was glad a Cau
casian had reached the north pole but
while Commander Peary had the glory
Dr Cook had the money
Ex President Roosevelt he called
the greatest press agent that ever
lived He asserted that more good
legislation had been passed during his
seven years in the White nouse than
during any other similar period In the
history of the United States except
during that of the civil war But
suppose we had passed all the laws
that he recommended In his mes
sages he said The budget of the
country would be many times what
it is now
The speaker declared that he found
groat enjoyment in watching the men
who had hobbies but that it would
hardly do to let them be at the head
of things
Where Some of United States Govern
ments Property Goes
United States mail bags are used in
some foreign countries as material
for clothing for saddlecloths and for
packs on mules This curious fact
was developed by an investigation into
the circumstance of a steerage passen
ger who arrived at New Orleans a few
weeks ago having her belongings care
fully tucked away in a mail bag of
the United States The woman came
from Guatemala Her belongings were
seized by the customs officers and she
was detained She explained that she
acquired the mail bag in Guatemala
where it was on sale not knowing
that she was committing any wrong
After an examination she was dis
It is shown by the records of the
postoffice department that a large num
ber of mail bags in which foreign
mail is sent disappear each year but
it is impossible to keep a definite trace
of them Diplomatic representatives
of the government have reported from
time to time that the material used in
United States mail bags frequently is
found in possession of natives of coun
tries like those of Guatemala The
loss sustained by the United States
through the disappearance of mail
bags however is comparatively small
not exceeding probably 150 a year
So Professor Jenks Predicts if Gold
Production Continues
Professor J W Jenks of Cornell uni
versity at Ithaca N Y agrees with
those economists who ascribe the in
crease in the cost of living to the in
creased production of gold To a large
number of farmers at Ithaca for farm
ers week at the State College of Agri
culture he said the other night
Money is no more fixed in value
than the articles it purchases There
is no sign of a letup in the increased
production of gold and unless some
change is made in our monetary sys
tem we may expect prices to go up
for years to come
Just U S Us
The United States is a braggart na
tion Professor Goode of Chicago univer
Great Scott
What rot
We a braggart nation
Come off Youre dishing dirt
Perhaps were somewhat gushy
But not enough to hurt
Of course weve got a country
Thats second now to none
And as a nifty people
We rather take the bun
Old Glory is a banner
That tops all other flag
And as a textile fabric
It is the first of rags
Our ships of war that circled
This big round globe have set
Some pegs of navigation
Nobodys followed yet
The steel thats in our railways
Would reach the moon and back
And weve got locomotives
To haul them down the track
Our buildings scrape the heavens
And when the stars get tired
They roost upon their ridgepoles
And shine by being wired
Our farms are so extensive
That one of them alone
Could swallow up a kingdom
And hide its king and throne
Our one and only Peary
Through arctic storm and stress
Went for the north pole trophy
And branded it U S
Our trusts but say
Why get gay
Over our natural way
By cripes
If Uncle Sam swipes
Everything in sight
Havent we got a right
To refer in a modest manner
To the star spangled banner
W J Lampton in New York Times
Fort u
Irrigated Lands
Buy now while
you have an opportunity
The Lajunta Land Co in the Otero Irrigation Distticl
where you have access to an abundance of water are selling
farms either in large or small tracts within walking distance
of La Junta Colo m the famous
Arkansas Valley
This land is only g miles from Rocky Ford Colo and
a homeseeker could not find a better locality
Irrigation rich soil with ideal climatical conditions
never extreme weather makes this a perfect agricultural ter
ritory alfalfa nets 40 per acre cantaloupes 75 to 150
and the first crop of sugar beets will pay the original cost of
your land
Markets close and transportation facilities of the best
Prices and terms exceedingly attractive
For further particulars regarding personally conducted
excursions and illustrated folder address
District Agent FicCook Nebr
Rev Richards is improving the par
socage by building a small porch on the
west side
V C Boyar went to Indipnola Mon
day last to get Miss Sylvin Romington
who will make an indefinite visit
O B Woods came Wednesday to
moke his home here for a while
J L Sims was a Mnrion business vis
itor Thursday
Those that tiro on the sick list are
Mrs J Dolph Thos Muserave J E
Nobs baby and Mrs S R Messner
Revs Richards and Miller aroat Mar
ion this week holding services
The Royal Neighbors and Band had a
crowded bouse Saturday night and the
proceeds amounted to S13767
Alice Olmstead invited o number of
her little friends to a party at her home
Monday night
Mrs Rea Oman went to McCook on
Saturday for a weeks visit
Irving Smiley came home Friday
from where he has been in Wisconsin
C W Dow of Bartley was over
Wednesday looking after his business
George Miller ws a Cedar Bluffs vis
itor Monday last
The fland will give another concert in
about two months
A B Gibbs of Lebanon waB up Sat
urday doing some shopping
Mr and Mrs P M Bell of McCook
are the proud parents of a baby girl
C W Rogers and family Ray Young
and wife and Rea Oman visited Sun
day at tho M M Young home
Mrs W A Stone is visiting Mrs J
K Gordon in McCook a few days be
fore going to Kansas
J F Russell and bride arrived Mon
day from Wray Colorado and will live
on his farm north of Box Elder
Stephen Bolles Sr who had a stroke
of paialysis is reported better
The meetings ara progressing nicely
Up to Monday night there were four
conversions and four accessions to the
Mr E A Kelley Belvidere 111
writes usI am an ex engineer with 22
years active service to my credit About
three years ago my kidneys were effect
ed so that I bad to give up my engine
First I was troubled with severe aching
pain over the hips Then followed in
flammation of the bladder and specks
appeared before my eyes A sample of
Foleys Kidney Pills that I tried so
benefited me that I bought more I r on
tinued to take them until now I can safe
ly testify they have made me a sound
and well men A McMillen
A wedding party came up from
Laird Wednesday and took No 10
for McCook that afternoon The con
tracting parties were Miss Mamie
Fross daughter of Mr and Mrs
Fross of southeast of Laird and Mr
William Merritt of the same commun
ity The young bride and groom were
a companied by the parents of the
oride and Mr Jhn Fross her brother
They returned from McCook yesterday
md will go to housekeeping on the Mer
ritt Bros ranch Wray Gazette
Cutting- Expenses
The brewern ire practically all mil
lionaires How many men have cut
out beer becnuse of the price A
quarters wornh of meal will make a
good meal for four people One man
will get away with a 25 cent bottle of
beer without batting an oyo and the
other three members of the family get
nothing for that quarter spent unless
the wife is scolded because she does
nt hold down her household expenses
It is no trick for a man to smoke a
quarters worth of cigars in a day
along with drinking a bottle or two of
beer or a drink or two of whiskey
Tobacco beer and whiskey never did
a healthy man any good and make an
unhealthy man more unhealthy But
have you noticed aay agitation among
laboring men to economize on the
consumption of these thing In
East Atchison there are six or seven
institutions where liquors are sold at
wholesale and retail The big end of
the business is among Atchison men
There are a huudred easons for be
ieving these men are cleaning up
more money than the Atchison butch
ers They represeut the millionaire
brewers and distillers who make as
big a percent of profit a3 do the packers
and they do not buy as mu h from the
farmers as the packers do It will do
you good to go without meat or cut
your weekly supply in two for a month
or sixty days But when you cut down
your meat supply alto cut your tob
acco and booze supply in proportion
and see if you are not greatly benefitted
And if you want to carry this reform
business a little farther watch your ton
gue a little closer Cut out profanity
it is the sign of coarseness Cut out
gossiping and the repeating of scandal
ous storips which injures your neighbors
Atchison Globe
A Junior Normal Instructor
It iB gratifying this week for us to
be able to state that Prof C F White
has again been appointed as one of the
instructors of the Junior Normal to be
held in McCoik during the coming
summer He held a like position last
summer and evidently made good a9
the appointment this year carries with
it an increase of salary of 821 over
what he received Mr White is now
on his third term in our public schools
which shows that his work here ia ap
preciated Trenton Register
Sore Lungs And Raw Lungs
Pains in chest and sore lungs are
symptoms that quickly develop into a
dangerous illness if the cold is notcured
Foleys Honey and Tar stops the cough
heals and eases the congested parts and
brings quick relief A McMillen
Most people know the feeling and
miserable state of ill health it indicates
All people should know that Foleys
Honey and Tar the greatest throat and
lung remedy will quickly cure the sore
ness and cough and restore a normal
condition Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar A McMillen
The stork gladdened the hearts of Mr
and Mrs Percy M Bell this week A
for children safe sure No opiates