The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1910, Image 8

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I i i jv j s r9 t r 1 I V
af W S5 m Ti H ffl r Kr SSssx H m fi wk sjfev fly II Qharn 1 ra
JIJL sssM sr bMrfe m K JLJlJ feLMrK Bargains 1
r ff
Cash Sale Feb 12 to 19
mm wx
3rlTPfrTT s -
m is
LOT ONE Ladies Patent Colt
Shoes in lace and button repnlar
350 and 400 -shoes will at
per pair
t rT tt Tn t a
Fisher Perkins
To Trade For Land
Stock hardware
A city property
Twostore building
A hotol aud five lot1
80 acre9 east f here to trade for Me
A 1C0 acre faira east of bere well im
proved 60 acres in alfalfa
I also have flome fine homesteads and
Dont forgethe place to get a farm
loan L E Brgeb
Room o over McConnells
Tho Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are
paying thu highest cash price for baled
alfalfa hay on track For prices ard
particulars phone 3S1
C W Dewey Manager
The boya and girls of the Sunshine
Club had a party in their class room
Tuesday evening Progressive games
and refreshments completed the eveings
If once used you would not be with
out McMillens Cream Lotion for face
and hands
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tbibckb office
-- i
McConnell fills prescriptions
Dry Cleaning Announcement
In order to promptl and prop
erly comply with the require
ments in addition to our regular
Tailoring Business we have
bought and installed a Dry Clean
ingMachine of the latest pattern
with cleaning fluids of different
kinds quite expensive and are
now prepared to do Dry Cleaning
with neatness and dispatch
Satisfaction guaranteed
Mercnant Tailors McCook Nebraska
McConnell for drugs
McConnell fills prescriptious
A McMillen prescription drutirist
Viersen Odborn 113 west B stieot
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286
We sell tiothing but shoes and aro here
to stay
Bise ball goods at U R Wooduortba
For quick results use McMillens
Cough Care
McMillans Corn Cure needs only a
trial to satisfy you of its merits
Drink -Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
The best work and dress shoos
Viersen Osborn 113 west B street
We still sell oranges at GOc per peck
White House Grocery
Fresh and wholesome home made
minco meat at Magners market and
We sell tho best 350 and 5400 ladies
and gents shoes made Viersen Os
born 113 west B street
We sell nothing but shoes and are
here to stay
Viersen Osborii 113 W B street
If you want milk ask for Silver Cow
milk 10c per one pound can
White House Grocery
We have just received a shipment of
the beat sola leather ever tanned wears
like irou Can be seen at the store
Vlersea Osborn 113 W B street
I have for sale a Majestic Range re
versible Heater full sized Iron Bed one
childs bed two large leather rockers at
301 East C street Phone No B 321
Mrs F J Pierce
Preparatory to removal to Colorado I
wisho sell a large part of household
furniture including tile lined refrigera
tor sideboard large rollertop desk and
chair davenport etc H L Kennedy
Our new stock of wall paper has arriv
ed It will pay any one to look it over
and compare prices before buyiDg else
U R Woodworth Druggist
The vaudeville performance which will
have its initial performance in the Tem
ple theatre Friday evening may be re
peated eery two weeks if the people
give the performance sufficient encour
agement Frazee is back of this pre
mier company and the public may ex
pect something worth while The open
ing event will be a dinger
250 m r
idies Gun Metal MfMiilC
v i rl - J
iJ V
j TT 7
Shoes in lace and button regular Rjii s 9h
price 350 will go at per pair
LOT THREE Ladies Patent Tip Vici Kid Shoes blucher cut regular 3 oo and 350
shoes will go at per pair 250
a LOT FOUR Ladies Patent Tip Vici Kid Shoes in lace and blucher mostly small sizes
lor the school iris regular price 250 will go at per pair 125
Misses Shoes
ALL BROKEN LOTS in our Misses Shoes will go at cost and even Misses sizes
from 12 to 2 at per pair 135
lememDer toe
if I ii O W 1
Temple Theatre
H L GATES presents the
Ingalls - Duffield - Ingalls
The Dancing Boys Singing Girl
Kenworthy Duffy
in the screaming comedy
The Pajama Girl
Sensational Wizard
Adelbert Mills
The Man with a Hundred Laughs
A Midnight Episode
Vaudevilles Best Company
Dramatic Treat
Every Act a Premier of its Kind
Prices - 25c 35c 50c
Mksp sizes from 8 to 2 at ner nair Rl OO 1 BABIES SOFT
- -- - - -
nllJlVJiJ4J aiii
201 Main Avenue
r rpwrLT
OVI v See
Lr 1 Window 1
Ending Feb 19
Display I i
iwwBwf ujB
In order to make room for our Spring Goods we sre going to give the people a chance to buy shoes at less than wholesale prices These shoes are all
up-to-date but in broken lots A chance to save money on shoes
r rofti2s
8 Pi v t
t e
Ladies Shoes
inetr lzrr iwKsxxTtsumixzziuxzZMiiiiTzrL
Mens Shoes
LOT ONE Mens Patent Colt Shoes in broken lot
regular 4 00 and 5 CO shoes will go at one price per
LOT TWO Mens Gun Metal Vici Kid and Calfskin
Shoes in brolcm lots regular 350 and 400 will
at per pair 250
Boys Shoes
Ve have some odds and ends in our Boys Shoes that
good Box Calf and Vici Kid Boys Shoes sizes 2 to
5A worth up to 2 50 will go at per pair 150
Smaller sizes in Boys Shoes from 8 to 2 will go at per
Pair 125
l ia
SOLE SHOES in broken lots at per pair Q cents
The debate between Trenton and Mc
Cook high schools on the question
Resolved That labor Unions are on tho
whole beneficial will b held in Tren
ton Friday evening February Siith
McCook will take the negative and
Trenton the jffirmative Trenton Reg
The handsome Kennedy residence on
North 1st street 1 as been purchased by
Louis Supss who will occupy the same
parly in March about which time Mr
Kennedy expects to go to Colorado
Step in and seo that display Kimmell
has on his walls Youve never seen Buch
a collection of high grade work before
in McCook Kimmell studio first door
north of Commercial hotel Phone red
4 2S
Our line of breakfast stuffs is com
plete Breakfast foods and pancake
flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old
Manse the best maple syrup on the
market Huber
Tomorrow afternoon Friday thelltb
Mrs N Rosebush will be leader ard
Mrs W B Whittaker hostess at the
W C T U meeting Medical Temper
ance will be the subject
We have just received a shipment of
the best sole leather that ever was
tanned Can be seen at the store Wears
like iron Viersen Osborn 113 west
B street
We have the best line of Stock and
Poultry Foods in this region Now is
the time to use these goods with profit
L W McConnell Druggist
Wanthd A few good steady sober men
witb teams to work on Fruit Farms in
Utbh For particulars call on
H I Peterson
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
We soil the best S350 and 100 ladi s
and gents shoes made Viersen Os
born 113 west B street
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of other
The best work and dress shoes
Viersen Osborn 113 west B street
Heinzs pickles are at the
White House Grocery
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cent3 to 81
a bottle
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
One Week OnlyFeb 12 to 19
McCook Nebraska
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Feb 8 1910
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present t B Gray F
S Lofton and Edward Sughroue county com
missioners and Chas Skalla county clerk
The minuter of the meeting held on Fel 1
2 3aud 4 were read and on motion approved
The quarterly reports of H I Peterson sher
iff for the 3rd and 1th quarters of 1109 were
placed before the board and it appearing from
the county treasurers receipt No -102 that said
II I Peterson has paid the full amount due the
county for fees excluding mile ige for 1908 and
190 to wit 9Xist The board ordered said
report to be placed on file
The following reports were placed before the
board and on motion ordered filed
E F Osborn deputy sheriff October 1 1903
to October 1 1909
E F Osbnrn deputy sheriff Octcber 1 1909to
January 6 1910
C A Rodfiers clerk of district court for year
ending December 31 1909
C A Rodgers clerk of district court for 2nd
half 1909
C A Rodpers statement of sheriffs fees for
1903 and 1909 in district cmnt
J M Urown justice of the peace East Valley
precinct for 1909
Ed Hethcote justice of the peace Heaver pre
cinct for 1909
J S LeHew justice of the peace Willow
Grove precinct for 1909
J C Moore county judge report 1909
The oflicial bonds of Mitchell Young a con
stable for Beaver precinct and of W F Miller
as overseer of district Xo 19 were examined
and on motion approved and ordered recorded
and placed on file
A motion was made by Lofton that the hold
over bond of J S LeHew filed on January 11
1910 as justice of the peace for Willow Groe
precinct be rejected for the reason that there
are two qualified and acting justices of the
peace in said precinct Roll call resulted as
follows Yay Lofton Sughroue Gray Mo
tion carried unanimously
The annual of the following named
road overseers were examined and on motion
approved and ordered placed on tile
J L Hoagland overseer district No 2 Alli
ance precinct
Henry Corcoran overseer district No C Perry
Herman Reiners overseer district No 13
Bondville precinct
W P Wood overseer district 13 Driftwood
Samuel Ellis overseer district No 17 Gerver
C R Newberry overseer district No 13
Daubury precinct
F W McCashland overseer district No 20
Lebanon precent
Geo E Carr overseer district No 10 East
Valley precinct
A motion was made by Sughroue seconded
by Lofton that the clerk be instructed to call
to the attention of the following named over
seers of highways for 1909 to wit
Frank Hill overseer district No 3 Fritsch
Chas Rinck overseer district No b Red
Willow precinct
S V Frye overseer district No 9 Indianola
John Ernest overseer district No 11 Tyrone
Harvey Springer overseer district No 12
Missouri Ridge precinct
The fact that the amount of the orders issued
on their road district funds in 1909 and the
claims filed with the county board by them are
- Jtxzb
in excess of the amounts given on their time
books and that the board asks them to show
causo for such discrepancy Motion carried
On motion tho county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to Albert Armstrong tho sum of
S200 being tho amount of 1909 poll tax assessed
against him in McCook and puid by him under
protest for the reason that he is a member of
the Nebraska National Guard
On motion the county treasurer was instruct-
ed to refund to J A Shepherd the sum of MJ0
being the amount of 1909 poll tns assessed
against him in McCook and paid by him tinder
protest for tho rea on that he has been a
member of the fire department for 7 years
The claim for poll tax refund of W G Jones
of McCook for 2 00 of 1907 tax paid under pro
test for the reason that he was 30 years of age
in 1907 was on motion rejected as the county
attorney held that he was subject to poll tax
for that year unless he was 30 years old before
April M
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and the clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the 1909 levy commissioner district
No 3 as follows
J J Scott road work Coleman precinct 4 SO
And on the road fund district II as follows
George Traphagan road work Perry pre-
ciact 700
And on the county general fund levy of 1909
as follows
II N Ro ebush bailiff February term of
district court 1910 j2 00
Pado Furniture Carpet Co funeral ex
penses of IJ Eth 23 00
Pade Furniture Carpet Co table and
book case yj g
Mrs Dora IJ Higgins 17 days acting mat
ron of jail and washing 18 10
McCook Electric Co January light and
wiring r
On motion the board adjourned to meet
February 9 1910
C B Ghat Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
If not we hope you will continue to
part with those you hvae
The present week would be a good
time to get rid of them and the remedy
you can depend upon to take them out
promptly without pain or soreness is
Lightning Corn Remedy Price 10 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Married a Couple from Stratton
Last Saturday evening February 5th
Dr C C Fall of Trenton and Miss
Florence Bole of Stratton were united
in marriage in St Albans chapel Rev
E R Earle officiating
Gets Irourth Term
This week Postmaster Mrrvi t
dianola received his fourth appointment
t3 postmaster at indianola Congratu
We have plenty of hard
coal nut stove and egg
sizes New supply just