X R A rrrTTjriasttCji Perfection in Confection w eidenhamers In Temple BuilJing1 Our candies are all made by us and for Purity and Flavor surpass anything on the market Remember We Sell Icing Ice Cream i and Ice Cream Bricks Etc For Parties and Dinners ilfPI TifrilCard MlWagl McCook Neb n MAINLINH a8T MtUT No 6 Conrrnl Il 11 11 e m IG Tfm A M KnrrC15pm 7l A M 14 D2 p m 10 b00 p M MAIN LINE WEST DKlAfcT No 1 MMintAinTimo 1220 P M 3 1142 p M 5iirr8riUiiin 9fc a M 13 905 A M 15 1250 A M 9urr 70nm 7fflAli IMIKIIIAL LINK No 17t5 arrives ilimntrtin Time 420 P M Vo 175 dnp in- 720 A bi SlnepitiKi Jniiuj ami reclining clmlr cnrs iHta frio on tliroudi train Ticket sold ami buKeiico olitcked to any point in the D lited or Camilla For informiition time tables maps awl tick et call on ir write D F Hnstettcr Yirf nt McCook NfljrHt H or L W Wakoloy Oonf ral PaBsnnor Yin nt Omihn Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Firebox repair were given the 1765 and the 2710 this week Work was done op the drivine brasses of the 1121 and the lfKiO this week A brofeon mail belt ypsterday after noon made tho supply of air low for a while A lathe for the Denver roundhouse en routs from Havelock was in the yard yesterday The time of work in the locomotive shops Saturdays has been increased from nine to ten hours James Kinzor and Archie Beard are new helpers under Fornninu Howell of the blacksmith shop thir wek O L Emrson night roundhouse foreman at Edgemonthts been transfer red to McCook Alliance Times - - Theodore Prowse of floldrege is a new Burlington employe here succeed ing Hilmer Johnson who has been pro moted The members of the I A M Red Willow Lodge 587 announce a dance for February 22nd with the Pythian orches tra as an attraction and a price of 8100 per J B Wade had of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen fromGalosburg Illinois came in on No 9 Tuesday morning spending a few das here and ti m going on west on brotherhood bus i i ess L Bartlett has resigned from the ser vice and accepted a position at Denver and has been succeeded as master mech anic by F C Stuby formerly road foreman on the Sheridan division Mr Stuby takes charge today Alliance Times Maurice Gntiin ciok the day off yes terday Thr of the A70 received in tention this we k Way cur 14131 U about overhauled and ready for the road Fireman L O Houo is visiting his folks in Memphis Mo Tom Hunt nd C Arm trong are new ipjirrtntic M in tho hacKbhop Firemin H Peebles and family- are vibifing in Hastings this week Pnere are five ntine in the backsbop iow and inren in ra reidy to go in The 1339 is j ieked up in the round- houo and un lernoing extensive repair Firmen W F HnCan C M Dodge A 13 Magill aro on tho sick list this veek llz Bradley helper in tho shop resigned fiom the service eatnrday Fiiomen L I Tompkins and J H Canquary are visiting in Red Cloud this week Frank Conley and family spent Sat urday -Tuesday in Hamlet up en the Imperial line Engines 299 and 13 from the Omaha division are in the backshops for an overhauling Lighted torches are forbidden in the cabs of locomotives in the roundhouse on account of smoking up the cabs and danger from fire Engineers J II Thomas Walter Stoke O G Coppom W F Niewig C D Ptiriaton and E L Traubert are laying off this week Engine 132 trops out of the backsbop today The 1459 goes in today 1091 is just in for overhauling The 1092 is ready for her wheels and will be out naxt week Joseph Kubick who has been employ ed iu the shops and roundhouse heie for the past fifteen years will retire from the companys employ March 1st and will remove to his splendid farm down in Clay county Kansas near Id ana Joe has been a hard working faitn ful employe and richly deserves the rest nnd comforts the farm will provide him More people are taking Foleys Kidney Remedy every year It is considered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medical sci ence can devise Foleys Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities builds up the system and restores lost vitality A McMillen WHITTAKER GRAY Real Estate and Loans Fire Tornado - Plate Glass Security Bond Insurance Agents for the famous IKE T PRYOR 100000 ACRE RANCH in Zavala County the Artesian Belt of Texas Excursions February 1 and 15 Round Trip from Lincoln 82750 Kansas City S2500 Lands for sale in Nebraska Kansas and Colorado Irrigated Lands near Laramie Wyoming for from 81250 to 82500 per acre No scarcity of water Only 60 miles from the famous Greeley Colorado Country where land is worth several hundred dollars per acre Come and see us Phone 283 Room 3 Masonic Temple 6 WHITTAKER GRAY Lily Patent Flour It is the best on the market It is guaranteed to please you by the mill that makes it and the man who sells it For Sale by ED HUBER EDISONS LATEST His New Street Car Requires No Trol ley Wires or Poles The storage battery motor for street cars just Invented by Thomas A is world wide intention aud experts who have watched the re cent lests dpciu e that the Inventor has at Ist fomil the means of run ning thibe vehicles cheaply without the use of overhead wires The device makes It possible to run u car 150 miles without recharging with steep grades and slippery rails not affecti g Its progress t This car is twenty six feet long and even feet six inches wide It is rasrSizStTJi m mm ti frr y5 i A to lO i isvjr L Vf 5 m Ema yy ff r J ii f AZi WvUc ft yuji fr91 t s isv t wji - l A Zimr ESP 9 i S T 7iV v Cf32 TZ If font x wjmmmxmmmbumt EDISON TESTING HIS NEW INVENTION equipped with two seven and a half hoisepower motors and was charged at 110 volts the full capacity of tin batteries It will run 150 miles at an average speed without needing a re newal of the charge It weighs about five tons or half that of the ordinary trolley car In speaking of his invention recent ly Mr Edison said The new car is absolutely practical for commercial purposes Whereas the ordinary de preciatiou is SO per cent I have re dueed it in the new motor to 15 pei cent There is a I6t of nonsense in trolley cars as they are made now They should be made lighter instead of applying four or five tons to carry ing dne ton GOEBEL MONUMENT Handsome Memorial to Late Governor Erected at Frankfort Much interest is being manifested throughout tho south in the handsome monument erected to the memory of William Goebel in the state cemetery yza THE MONUMENT TO GOEBEti at Frankfort Ky This monument was erected from funds donated fot the purpose by the public and by spe cial friends of the late governor Money has been appropriated by Kentucky to pay for another monu ment which will be erected to his memory on the statehouse grounds FIVE CLEVER BOYS Children of Belgium Minister Remark able Linguists and Musicians No family in Washington has more interesting or clever children than those of Count de Buissert the minis ter from Belgium and they are great favorites in the national capital and known to all the prominent statesmen AH ttsrxOiv1 KSfT mA wziv V - V i5tesir tr v met 1 - - i HAUL 2i S GrJ THE DZ BUISiiT CHIIiDSEN The youngsters five in number are all boys and their education began at an early age The eldest are remarkable linguists and excellent musicians Count and Countess de Buissert aro very popuktr in Washington and iii great demand at social affairs They have given a number of unique enter tainments this winter tf1 JW HARVARD vlJiiffPt 1 rw t rj jrz r - -Hl i JrfrfjPwt Bojs Knickerbocker Suits Shortly after midnight Sunday Con ductor Charles II Nash of our city was fatally injured in an accident in the Burlington yrrds at Akron Colorado He died on the way to the hospital in Denver The Denver way car was being taken off of train 7G preparatory to attaching the McCook way car to the train before the train should continue on its way ea9t Conductor Nash acting as brakeman for Conductor Fisk wa on the east end platform of the way car In shunting the car onto track No 6 the way car track the way car struck a string of freight cars loaded with coal This string of loaded cars and the momentum and weight of the engine were too much for the light waycar Its platform collapsed catching the unfortunate man and causing injuries about the feet and legs which resulted in his death shortly after wards The three members of the Denver train crew were in the car but escaped injury The remains were taken on No 14 Tuesday evening to Endicott where burial will be made The deceased was but a few months since advanced to extra conductor The Burlington Relief was the only insurance the dead man carried at his death hav ing but quite recently dropped cut of companies or orders in which he car ried over 83000 A wife crippled son and a young daughter survive him They have the tenderest and deepest sympathy of this entire community where he is well and favorably known A brother Conductor T A Nash and Smith also residents a sister Mrs Frank are ents of our city and they and their fam ilies together with the family of the deceased accompanied the remains to Endicott Tuesday night for interment An Easy Numismatist Mrs Goodart You seem to have some education Perhaps you were once a professional man Howard Hasher Lady Im a numismatist by profession Mrs Goodart A numisma tist Howard Hasher Yes lady a collector of rare coins Any old coin is rare to me Philadelphia Press The Other Half Scott Half the people in the world dont know what the other half are doing Mott No That Is because the other half are doing them Boston Transcript 4M nnmimnrwtim rcss rarrra aEaES5nz3ffisaaM Your CJothcraft Suit Is la i fiivw rjtMx1 uy usszsssn Thvt particular style in the special color or fabric ilsti vtuj h vu b en looking for its in our spring line of Cloihcrar AJl Wool Clothes a line of clothing unsur passe i mi r tailoring and pormanency of shape It might have been made especially for you it will ht iii iMid t ur laste so perfectly Better pick itout eaily though because some other man may have the same good laste W ul hold it for 3 mi until you are n ady if you do not i an in lake it now With your selection jmi get a signed guarsmUM of all wool aud good tailoring Your Clot hcraft suit at 10 to 25 cost ou le s rhau i paid for this kind of iusurtd quality An attractive showing of Hincules knickerbocker daik fncy worsteds fancy gray brown mixed cheviots and plain blue seiges 0 These suits are well made most of the cost has been put in to wearing qualities and this is an offer of exceptional values They are money saveis and you get value received- PRICES 500 to 750 Things That Happen at the Bottom of the Sea Naturalists dispute as to the quantity of light at the bottom of the sea Am mats from below 700 lathoms either have no eyes or faint indications ot them or else their eyes are very large and protruding Another strange thing is that If the creatures m the lower depths have any color it is orange or red or reddish orange Sea anemones corals shrimps and crabs have this brilliant color Sometimes it is pure red or scarlet and in many specimens it inclines to ward purple Not a green or blue fish is found The orange red is the fishs protec tion for the bluish green light iu the bottom of the ocean makes the orange or the red fish appear ot a neutral tint and hides it from its enemies Many animals are black others neutral m color Some fish are provided with boring tails so that they can burrow iu the mud The surface of the submarine moun tain is covered with shells like an or dinary seabeach showing that it is the feasting place of vast shoals of car nivorous animals A coddsb takes a whole oyster into its mouth cracks the shell digests the meat and ejects the shelL Crabs crack the shells and suck out the meat This accounts for whole mounds ot shells that are often tound Not a fishbone is ever found that is not honeycombed by the boring shellfish and falls to pieces at the touch of the hand This shows what destruction is constantly going on in these depths If a ship sinks at sea with all on board it will be eaten by fish with the exception of the metal and that will corrode aud disappear Not a bone of a human body will remain after a few days Philadelphia North American Had to Do It Champ Clark was showing a constit uent about the capitol one day when he invited attention to a solemn faced individual just entering a committee room See that chap asked Clark He reads every one of the speeches deliv ered in the house What gasped the constituent Fact said Clark Heads every word of em too Who is he queried the visitor re garding the phenomenon closely A proofreader at the government printing othce explained Champ Cincinnati Commercial Tribune Advice and a Mule Givin some men advice said Un cle Eben reminds me of tryin to dis cipline my ol mule wif a fence raiL It tires out de giver and hurts de re ceiver but dont make no real dif f unce Washington Star iZ Zi fM Til G L DeQroff Co Phone 22 2rf CONDUCTOR NASH KILLED IN AKRON The Platform on which He Is Standing Collapses and He Sustains Fatal Injuries UNDER THE OCEAN uuauj McCook Neb HHHBHHmRiBaBiMvuJ I NO 16 RUNS Oral TWO HOYS Both Are Fatally Injured and Subsequently Die of Their Injuries Beguiled by the warmth of a bed of warm cinders on a sidetrack t an early hour Sunday morning rivi boys who were humming their way p ve up their lives from injuries received under the wheels of passenger train HI The hoys were driven otr freight train 76 at ParkP earlier in the night and walked on east as far as Domm siding a fw miles wst of Beukeliwtn At this paint tLej ittta down m u bil of warm cinders and fell asleep Il proved the sleep of death No 15 and No 16 pass at this siding No 16 took the siding from the west and run over the sleeping bys Both of whom were terribly injured Tho dying bos were brought to Mc Cc ok ou the same train Ouo of them Anton Ebl of Pueblo Colo djing shortly after wards Tho other boy Frentzel byname was takn on tollold rege for hosj ital service dying there on Wednesday of this week Frentzel claim ed Chicago for his and both were bumming their way to that city The remains of Ehl Wfro buried in Calvary cemetery of this city Monday afternoon service of prajer being held in St Patricke church at 3 30 in the afternoon by the Oblate Fathers and at the cemetery Later A telegram from Holdrege this moraing states that George Frent zel of Chicago though both feet are am putated is recovering FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale No6tRemington typewrit er in good condition at a bargain WM Morrisey phone black 202 For Sale Good all around work mare Perfectly gentle excellent for farm work or heavy hauling WM Morrisey phone black 292 For Sale A wheel invalids chair Phone black 117 Wanted Two girls to strip tobacco after school hours Call at B A Griggs cigar factory 2nd doer west of the city hall Two furnished rooms to rent and board if desired Phone black 150 Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately